I'm working on this app that uses parse.com, and I have to make a Query and make the objects into arrays. I made that into a method and put it in viewWillAppear method, but I still see nothing!
I don't know where else to put it, nor how can I make it call the method getObjects() whenever the viewWillAppear is called, and then apply it to the tableview.
You can always check that out by putting a println("we are in xxx") in those methods to checkout which one loads the first.
But do you reload your tableView data :
after you loaded your parse data ?
This is a very common scenario and will be a breeze to accomplish with the right tools. You can build out your own functionality for Parse within a TableViewController or you can use Parse's own PFQueryTableViewController to accomplish exactly what you want very easily.
Check out a tutorial to help get you started
Here's another just in case
The gist of it is, you must query Parse for data to fill the TableViewController's data source and then reload the table's data once it is fetched. With PFQueryTableViewController, all you have to do is specify a query in the function queryForTable(). PFQueryTableViewController is included in the ParseUI framework (along with a bunch of other great tools) which you will want to import.
I have found this sqlite tutorial on google and it worked great for my requirement.
In this tutorial both adding and retrieving data are done on the same viewcontroller. but i want that 'save' method in the tutorial in one viewcontroller and 'find' method in the other.
And also someone tell me whether this tutorial is an effective way to save data or not.because this is the easiest tutorial I found so far.
You might also create a new class ,or use inheritance (upper class) call it for example "SqliteClass"
that have both the 'Save' and 'Find' method
then you can use any method in SqliteClass from any other class ,,
in case you don't want to use inheritance make sure that the methods in SqliteClass are "class" methods the one begins with "+" not"-"
I used both ways and they work just fine ..
Hope that helps :)
Yes, you can to that. you can have n number of view and can save data from any view controller.
check this tutorial.
I have a basic RSS Reader I made from three20 tutorials using TTLauncherView as a menu to different feeds and TTTableViewController to show the feed list.
However, I am stuck at the point where from the feed list I click to view the feed item details. I use TTTableImageItem to display my feed items and I'm clueless as to how I am to use the URL variable in said TTTableImageItem to pass objects to the view controller showing the feed item.
I did some searching and I am lead to think that this cannot be done except via TTURLRequest, which leaves me even more confused.
Most of my code is adapted from IOSGuys tutorial, which uses a custom data source, data model and parser. I have tried making the data source and data model a singleton but to no avail and I'm unsure if that's even the best way to proceed for something as (presumably) simple as this.
Ideally I intend to pass the entire array of feed items with another argument for the index so that I can make use of UIPageControl to swipe between feeds when I'm at a more in-depth view.
Much help is appreciated! I have been spending too long looming around already!
The usual way of doing this is to have some sort of global singleton Data Manager class that manages the data models through Core Data, In-Memory Stores or other ways. Each model would have some sort of unique identifier. Doing it this way lends itself to a URL only stack needed to recover your navigation history without having to write state out to file in order to restore. You also can bring up any page in the app at any place with only a single URL. Using a URL scheme only then becomes trivial as you can do something like:
and have the blog view controller's init method contact the Data Manager for the blog with the unique identifier of jd82kd9
In your navigator's mappings, you would have something like this:
[map from:#"yourapp://blogs/(initWithBlogID:)") toViewController:[MyBlogViewController class]];
and then the initWithBlogID method would have the signature:
- (id)initWithBlogID:(NSString *)blogID;
see also Three20 : how to pass a class of objects between 2 views
Any code examples for using a UITableView to implement in-app settings?
That is where to get the iPhone settings app look and feel one custom builds the settings into a UITableView. So you you would custom set the sections and cells that get returned with switch type statements.
In particular interested in reviewing the coding approach for how to:
best configure the cellForRowAtIndexPath and didSelectRowAtIndexPath
how to handle those cells for which you want in cell editing (e.g. text)
those cells where you need to launch off into another screen to set a date/time for example
how to collect up parameters and pass back to calling rootViewController (in my case need to persist data out to Core Data persistence)
Note: using Core Data so not interested in using libraries such as InAppSettings [any feedback re whether such libraries might be ok appreciated at this SO question I created].
I am not sure if you can use the inappsettingskit for your needs. It is open source so you are free to modify the code as you wish, but it doesn't look as an out of the box solution.
If you want to make these settings available in the settings app you will have to live with some workarounds for example saving NSDate AND getting a nice UI control to modify it: Use a textfield, there is no control specified which let's you pick a date. Have a look at Apple's documentation.
So the last option will be coding. First of all, determine what kind of types you want to support. Then create custom TableViewCells which reflect those kinds. If some kinds do need some special way of editing, for example a color picker, you'll have to write those controllers as well. You set a cell into editing mode with the delegate method tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath and present the custom controller or get into editing directly for example a UITextField. A Slider is handled directly without any coding.
The cells will need some kind of identifier so you can identify those in your model. A TableView and Core Data can interact with each other pretty well by using the NSFetchedResultsController. Create a simple window based app with a template and check the Use Core Data for Storage. The rootViewController illustrates how a tableView works together with Core Data. For your case it will be getting a bit more complicated as inserting a row will have to determine what kind of cell it should add.
I think you should look into this and get back with some more specific questions.
HI all,
I have made my custom Data Model, custom Data Source and a TTTableViewController which uses my data source, now in data model there we are mentaining the array, if something changes in the datamodel, ui should auto reflect those change, how this thing can be implemented?
You can send the -reloadData message to the UITableView. Also, there are methods in UITableView to insert/delete particular rows. This also can give you nice animations. Please take a look at the "Table view programming guide" for details.
Got a conceptual question: If I got a tableview with about 100 items and the user can check as many as he wants from that list, how and where do I save the checked status of each individual item for later reuse?
In your own internal structures. UITableView isn't a database. It merely is an interface to your data. Any selection, deletion, addition, etc. will have to be handled by your code and stored. Typically you have some sort of a database or structure associated with the UITableView elements. When you get a check action, you can update a variable in that structure.
For an example of an SQL database backed UITableView app, see here.
For storing the checked elements of tableview, you have to maintain your code in didselectRow mthos of tableview. So, whenever you check the tableview row you can save it in an array. And save that array in the "NSUSerDefaul". So, that whenever you close the application, you can get back your selected tableview row array from "NSUserDefault". Or you can use sqlite database but it is better to use NSUserDefault as there is simple thing to do.
Please give your response if you find any problem.
You can use NSUSerDefault in your application from the following link: click here