Disable an AutoPlugin from the sbt command line - scala

I'm using a Scalariform AutoPlugin and would like to disable it when running tests on the CI server. Is there a sbt option to do so?

One way to achieve this is via an environment variable. Please note in my example Code below I use the sbt-release plugin but it should be easily adoptable to scalariform.
lazy val isJenkins = sys.props.get("JENKINS").isDefined
lazy val disPlugins = if(isJenkins) Seq(ReleasePlugin) else Seq.empty
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).disablePlugins(disPlugins:_*)
The first val checks if we the system property JENKINS is set. Depending on this value we add the ReleasePlugin to the Sequence of Plugins that need to be disabled. And finally during our project definition we actually disable those.
If you start sbt with the jenkins property set (sbt -DJENKINS=true) the ReleasePlugin is disabled


SBT: add command-line parsing to modify settings for existing tasks

When running tasks (e.g., test, jmh:run), I often want to specify javaOptions which are tedious to type by hand (e.g., to dump program data).
This is my current approach:
// build.sbt
lazy val myProject = project
Test / javaOptions ++= if (sys.props.get("dump").nonEmpty) Seq("-X...", ...) else Nil
I can set system properties on sbt launch (e.g., sbt -Ddump) and then check them with sys.props, but changing these properties requires me to reload sbt. I would like to parse some arguments when the task is invoked, such that I can write test -dump and modify the Test / javaOptions setting accordingly.
Is this possible? Someone recommended I override the default task but I'm having trouble figuring out what that would look like. I have a suspicion I need an InputTask for this, but also don't know what that'd look like.
You don’t need to reload sbt, if you are running sbt in a shell, you will need to programtically call‚ sys.props.set

How to make an sbt task run on under multiple scopes

I have written an sbt plugin that generates some sources and resources. It is hard coded to work in the Compile scope.
How can I make it work in the Test scope too, so I can use the plugin when running tests and it will look in and output to the correct folder?
For example, in various points in the code I refer to resourceManaged in Compile which relates to src/main/resourcesbut when test is run, I would like it to be resourceManaged in Test when relates to src/test/resources.
How do I abstract away the scope?
This is a topic discussed in Plugins Best Practices, specifically in the Configuration advices section.
Provide raw settings and configured settings
If your plugin is ObfuscatePlugin, provide baseObfuscateSettings that's not scoped in any configuration:
lazy val baseObfuscateSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
obfuscate := Obfuscate((sources in obfuscate).value),
sources in obfuscate := sources.value
As you can see in the above it's accessing sources key, but it's not specified which configuration's source.
override lazy val projectSettings = inConfig(Compile)(baseObfuscateSettings)
inConfig scopes the passed in sequence of settings into a particular configuration. If you want to support both Compile and Test out of the box, you can say:
override lazy val projectSettings =
inConfig(Compile)(baseObfuscateSettings) ++

Custom sbt configuration with Intellij auto import

I can't get the embedded sbt plugin (with auto import enabled) in Intellij (13.1) to recognize custom sbt configurations. I have the follow setup in my sbt build file:
lazy val EndToEndTest = config("e2e") extend (Test)
private lazy val e2eSettings =
lazy val root: Project = Project(
id = "root",
base = file(".")
The code works according to expectations in the sbt console. E.g I can write:
sbt e2e:test (and it will execute tests located in /src/e2e/scala)
The issue is that the directory /src/e2e/scala won't get registered as a source directory in Intellij. This makes it hard to use intellij to manage the tests. I can manually mark the directory as source but it gets reverted every time
I update my sbt files (auto import).
Do a manual update through the sbt tool window
Using the preconfigured configuration IntegrationTest works as expected but custom once don't.
According to sbt-idea documentation this can be done in your case by adding
ideaExtraTestConfigurations := Seq(EndToEndTest)
to your project settings.

How to define custom configuration to filter ScalaTest tests in build.sbt?

I already know (and have working) the ability to
for project/Build.scala style sbt projects.
However, I do not know how (or if it is possible) to do this in a simple build.sbt project: the problem is when configs is called on the Project.
If it is possible to apply Tag filters to scalatest, how does one do it in a build.sbt?
Note: I don't want the filter in Test, I want it in a custom Configuration. The workaround is to use test-only * -- -l SlowTest (which is kinda clunky).
It looks like one can now define a root in a build.sbt, so the above sytax is allowed
lazy val root = project in file(".") settings (
) configs ( MY CONFIG GOES HERE)

How do I set a system property for my project in sbt?

I'm sure I'm missing something really simple... I want to set the system property java.awt.headless to true for my sbt project. Reading the page on properties I think that I need to use system or systemOptional. In my project file I've tried things like:
lazy val javaAwtHeadless = system[Boolean]("java.awt.headless")
Setting it as a user property (e.g. lazy val javaAwtHeadless = property[Boolean]) and setting the accompanying value in build.properties made the property visible in the sbt console but not within sbt's Scala console (via System.getProperty("java.awt.headless")).
set java.awt.headless true from the sbt console works, including being set in the Scala console, but it doesn't persist to the next time I launch sbt.
A straightforward method would be to edit the batch file or shell script that you use to run sbt and add -Dprop=val
If I needed this option for all sbt tasks, I'd set it as follows in build.sbt
javaOptions += "-Djava.awt.headless=true"
If it was just for one task, eg: run, you can scope that:
javaOptions in Runtime += "-Djava.awt.headless=true"
If you're trying to set SBT properties, like plugin settings, then the following worked for me with 0.13+. The following however did work, when trying to pass in Liquibase settings, like password, from our CI frameworks.
In your build.sbt
Ugly, but supplies defaults, and optionally grabs from System.properties. This way you've got your default and override cases covered.
def sysPropOrDefault(propName:String,default:String):String = Option(System.getProperty(propName)).getOrElse(default)
liquibaseUsername := sysPropOrDefault("liquibase.username","change_me")
liquibasePassword := sysPropOrDefault("liquibase.password","chuck(\)orris")
From the commandline
Now just override via -Dprop=value like you would with Maven or other JVM programs. Note props appear before SBT task.
sbt -Dliquibase.password="shh" -Dliquibase.username="bob" liquibase:liquibase-update