Binding Popup to an Easy Button in Leaflet - leaflet

I have added an easy button to my map.
var info = L.easyButton('glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign')
Now I have to bind a popup to this button. I am trying this but it doesn't work.
Please suggest something. Thanks in advance.

Straight from the README in the Github repository:
var helloPopup = L.popup().setContent('Hello World!');
L.easyButton('fa-globe', function(btn, map){

I understand where you are coming from. You want a description to 'pop up' next to the button on hover. The developers for easy-button call this a Title. Here ya go:
L.easyButton('fa-thumbs-up', function(btn, map){
// button actions
}, 'title for the button');


valueHelpRequest method not get fired in sap.m.input by enabling showValueHelp="true"

I want to show password by clicking help indicator in control sap.m.input.
As per code valueHelpRequest method must fired but not fired when clicking help indicator.
Its working fine for me. Share some code.
jsbin sample
js view code
createContent: function(oController) {
// button text is bound to Model, "press" action is bound to Controller's event handler
return new sap.m.Input({text:'{/actionName}',press:oController.doSomething,showSuggestion:true,showValueHelp:true,valueHelpRequest:oController.onVHR});
I got solution :
var oInput = this.getView().byId("idName"); oInput.attachValueHelpRequest(function(){
console.log("You click on value helper.")

Press, hide button in ChartContainerContent in UI5 fiori

Hi all SAP UI5 and FIORI positive,
I have ChartContainer with button for graph and button for table. It is defined in xml file as:
<suite:ChartContainerContent id="idButtonChart"
icon = "sap-icon://bar-chart"
title = "Chart"
<suite:ChartContainerContent id="idButtonTable"
icon = "sap-icon://table-view"
title = "{i18n>table}">
Let's say I want to hide some of these buttons which are placed inside ChartContainer. I have tried (in controller.js part):
But this code, hided graph but not button. Please, do you have any idea how to hide button? Or to trigger click event on button idButtonTable?
Thanks for any advices.
Have you found any good solution for this issue? I've been checking the SDK and I can't find a way to get those buttons in an straight way.
Anyway, you could do it using the following code -
var chartContainerContent = this.getView().byId('your chart id');
var chartContainer = chartContainerContent.getParent();
var aToolbarButtons = chartContainer._oToolBar.getContent();
var segmentedButton;
for(var i=0; i<aToolbarButtons.length; i++){
var button = aToolbarButtons[i];
if(button.getMetadata()._sClassName === "sap.m.SegmentedButton"){
segmentedButton = button;
Once you get the buttons you can setVisible(false) to the one you want.
Of course this is not the best, but the chartContainer doesn't provide any public function to get the buttons of the chart.
I try to understand the issue. You define 2 charts in your example.
The buttons are usually used to switch the display to the corresponding chart.
How are you going to switch between the 2 charts if you hide the corresponding button?
A little late but I guess an .updateChartContainer() after the .setVisible should do the trick:
this.getView().byId("<NAME OF THE CONTENT CONTAINER>").updateChartContainer();

How to add a custom control to the TinyMce 4 toolbar

I want to introduce a new Control to TinyMce that I can use in the toolbar. In my case I want to add an icon control that can be placed at the start of the toolbar to differentiate between editors.
However there is almost no information about how to properly do this.
Finally I managed to come up with a way to properly do this.
First I introduce a new plugin icon (in icon/plugin.js) that registers a new control Icon. It uses a setting iconClass.
tinymce.PluginManager.add('icon', function() {
tinymce.ui.Icon = tinymce.ui.Widget.extend({
renderHtml: function () {
return '<span class="icon icon-' + this.settings.iconClass + '"> </span>';
Next I add a button facebook to the toolbar in the following way:
editor.addButton('facebook', {
type: 'icon',
iconClass: 'facebook-share'
Now I can add it to the toolbar specification:
toolbar: "facebook"
That's it! The new custom control should not render. The plugin code is only ran once; even if used multiple times.

Summernote WYSIWYG : set code view as default view

I can't find anything about this on the web. Is there a way to set the default view of Summernote (WYSIWYG jQuery text editor) to be the code/html view. I want to see directly the HTML code when landing on the form page.
Thank you
You can simulate a click on the codeview button (after summernote initialization), it works for me :
oninit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button[data-event='codeview']").click();
From Summernote documentation:
After v0.7.0, every callbacks should be wrapped by callbacks object.
So, in order to work, the js should be like this:
callbacks: {
onInit: function() {
$("div.note-editor button.btn-codeview").click();
Not very elegant and I don't know if there is a proper way to do it but give this a try if you like:
From what I can tell, and I didn't look very hard, the codeview button does this:
adds a 'codeview' class to div.note-editor
disables all the buttons
adds an 'active' class to the codeview button elemment.
You may discover that it does other things as well but this should put you on a workable path.
$('div.note-editor.codeview button').addClass('disabled');
$("div.note-editor.codeview button[data-event='codeview']").removeClass('disabled').addClass('active');
Well, you can use the init callback.
$('.summernote').on('summernote.init', function () {
height: 300,
placeholder: 'Paste content here...',
codemirror: {
theme: 'monokai'

ui.tabs add callback not able to set tab

I am trying to get jQuery tabs to behave like IE and Firefox. I have a few tabs with an "addtab" at the end. When this tab is clicked a new tab is added, this is fine. But i want to select the second last tab. This is proving to be quite difficult.
my init code is
$tabs =$("#tabs").tabs({
add: function(event, ui) {
$tabs.tabs('select', $tabs.tabs( 'length' ) -2);
alert ("after setting tab");
my add tab code is
// The first thing to do is to deselect all the other selections
$("#tabs .ui-corner-top").each (function () {
$(this).removeClass ("ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active").addClass ("ui-state-default");
$tabs.tabs('add','#extra','Generate Report', ($tabs.tabs('length')-1));
however in the add callback the following line is resetting the selected tab
self._trigger('select', null, self._ui(this, $show[0])) === false)
If anyone has any solution or reason why this is done, can you let me know
I was pointed to the answer at the following web page
thanks tsukasa1989