How to access Model from Controller in OpenUI5 Tutorial Step 7: JSON Model? - sapui5

In the OpenUI5 Tutorial Step 7:JSON Model, I want to extend the tutorial. If the button is pressed, it should say Hello followed by the name entered in the text box. Could anybody help?

The code in question (provided by the OpenUI5 team) is:
], function (Controller, MessageToast, JSONModel) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("sap.ui.demo.wt.controller.App", {
onInit : function () {
// set data model on view
var oData = {
recipient : {
name : "World"
var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);
onShowHello : function () {"Hello World");
In order to access the model from the controller, you would simply do:
onShowHello : function () {
var oModel = this.getView().getModel(),
sName = oModel.getProperty("/recipient/name");"Hello, " + sName);
#SVM, in the future, please include code in your question so that others with the same problem (or those looking to help) do not have to follow a link that may or may not exist in the future. This may explain your question downvotes.


The flexible column layout arrow does not work properly

I have created a flexible column layout and unfortunately it does not work properly.
When I want to expand the left part, I have to click on arrow twice instead once:
I am trying to figure out, but unfortunately could not find the error.
The view of Flexible Column Layout:
<mvc:View xmlns="sap.f" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" xmlns:m="sap.m" displayBlock="true" controllerName="io.example.fclpoc.controller.App"
<FlexibleColumnLayout id="fcl" stateChange="onStateChanged" layout="{/layout}" backgroundDesign="Solid"></FlexibleColumnLayout>
and the controller:
], function (JSONModel, ResizeHandler, Controller, FlexibleColumnLayout) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("io.example.fclpoc.controller.App", {
onInit: function () {
this.oRouter = this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter();
this.oRouter.attachRouteMatched(this.onRouteMatched, this);
this.oRouter.attachBeforeRouteMatched(this.onBeforeRouteMatched, this);
onBeforeRouteMatched: function (oEvent) {
var oModel = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel();
var sLayout = oEvent.getParameters().arguments.layout;
// If there is no layout parameter, query for the default level 0 layout (normally OneColumn)
if (!sLayout) {
var oNextUIState = this.getOwnerComponent().getHelper().getNextUIState(0);
sLayout = oNextUIState.layout;
// Update the layout of the FlexibleColumnLayout
if (sLayout) {
oModel.setProperty("/layout", sLayout);
_updateLayout: function (sLayout) {
var oModel = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel();
// If there is no layout parameter, query for the default level 0 layout (normally OneColumn)
if (!sLayout) {
var oNextUIState = this.getOwnerComponent().getHelper().getNextUIState(0);
sLayout = oNextUIState.layout;
// Update the layout of the FlexibleColumnLayout
if (sLayout) {
oModel.setProperty("/layout", sLayout);
onRouteMatched: function (oEvent) {
var sRouteName = oEvent.getParameter("name"),
oArguments = oEvent.getParameter("arguments");
// Save the current route name
this.currentRouteName = sRouteName;
onStateChanged: function (oEvent) {
var bIsNavigationArrow = oEvent.getParameter("isNavigationArrow"),
sLayout = oEvent.getParameter("layout");
// Replace the URL with the new layout if a navigation arrow was used
if (bIsNavigationArrow) {
this.oRouter.navTo(this.currentRouteName, {
layout: sLayout
}, true);
// Update the close/fullscreen buttons visibility
_updateUIElements: function () {
var oModel = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel();
var oUIState = this.getOwnerComponent().getHelper().getCurrentUIState();
onExit: function () {
this.oRouter.detachRouteMatched(this.onRouteMatched, this);
this.oRouter.detachBeforeRouteMatched(this.onBeforeRouteMatched, this);
I looked also in the debug console:
However no errors occur. I have also compare my code with and could not find differences.
What am I doing wrong?
The app can be found here
I have run the app in my edge browser and it does not have any extension installed. The behavior is the same.
Here is the console output of edge:
This is less a direct answer to the question "why does my app do that". It's more of a help to self-help.
Basically, if you put a break point in each of the methods in your App controller, you will see that the layout is moving in the correct position first, then it is moving back in the incorrect position (it happens so fast that you dont see without debugger).
The layout is being set several times in the whole process. sometimes changing nothing, sometimes not. In the end, one of your methods sets the wrong layout.
PS: you have a semantic error, not a syntactic one (the app does what you asked it to do), so there are no errors in the console.

How to display NotFound when invalid hash is matched in SAPUI5

I did the steps to catch and handle invalid hashes with SAPUI5 but my application is not working.
When i try to navigate to NotFound view changing the Hash i only gets an Info message:
But the view isn't displayed.
Adding source code files:
Here i added the bypassed section
I've created the target in Targets section of the manifest:
This is the NotFound.controller.js
], function (BaseController) {
"use strict";
return BaseController.extend("my.path.controller.NotFound", {
onInit: function () {
var oRouter, oTarget;
oRouter = this.getRouter();
oTarget = oRouter.getTarget("NotFound");
oTarget.attachDisplay(function (oEvent) {
this._oData = oEvent.getParameter("data"); // store the data
}, this);
// override the parent's onNavBack (inherited from BaseController)
onNavBack : function (oEvent){
// in some cases we could display a certain target when the back button is pressed
if (this._oData && this._oData.fromTarget) {
delete this._oData.fromTarget;
// call the parent's onNavBack
BaseController.prototype.onNavBack.apply(this, arguments);
Here the NotFound.view.xml:
And here the onInit method at the App controller:
onInit: function(){;
var oRouter = this.getRouter();
oRouter.attachBypassed(function (oEvent) {
var sHash = oEvent.getParameter("hash");
// do something here, i.e. send logging data to the backend for analysis
// telling what resource the user tried to access..."Sorry, but the hash '" + sHash + "' is invalid.", "The resource was not found.");
oRouter.attachRouteMatched(function (oEvent){
var sRouteName = oEvent.getParameter("name");
// do something, i.e. send usage statistics to backend
// in order to improve our app and the user experience (Build-Measure-Learn cycle)"User accessed route " + sRouteName + ", timestamp = " + new Date().getTime());
Any can help me?
Check this plunker:
The key config is this on manifest.json:
"targets": {
"tgHome": {
"viewPath": "sapui5Example",
"viewName": "home"
"notFound": {
"viewPath": "sapui5Example",
"viewName": "NotFound",
"transition": "show"
To fire the 'not found' route, download the plunker and in the URL, after the hash just type anything and you will the the not Found Page (if you do it directly on plunker it won't work). Here is a pic:

this._helloDialog in OpenUI5 walkthrough

I am new to JavaScript and OpenUI5.
I was going through the walkthrough demo on the openUi5 website OpenUI5 walkthrough demo
I came through the below code:
], function(UIComponent, JSONModel, HelloDialog) {
"use strict";
return UIComponent.extend("sap.ui.demo.wt.Component", {
metadata: {
manifest: "json"
init: function() {
// call the init function of the parent
UIComponent.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments);
// set data model
var oData = {
recipient: {
name: "World"
var oModel = new JSONModel(oData);
// set dialog
this._helloDialog = new HelloDialog(this.getRootControl());
openHelloDialog: function() {;
I have doubt in the line this._helloDialog = new HelloDialog(this.getRootControl());
If _helloDialog is not defined and we are using strict mode, then why does the system not throw message that _helloDialog is undefined?
_helloDialog is a property of this (the controller), and properties do not need to be initialized when creating an object.
"use strict"
var example = {};
example.newProperty = "i am a new property"; //This is absolutely correct
undefinedVariable = 1; // This is going to throw an error
Strict mode prevents you from implicitly creating global variables (as undefinedVariable = 1; would do). But it is not going to prevent adding a property to an object.
If you are interested on preventing the creation of properties, I suggest reading Freeze vs Seal

How to perform mathematical functions like addition or subtraction on values received from OData?

my odata is returning me this values from CDS view:
investmentDone = 18 AND
totalRevenue = 10
I want to calculate profit from these values and store it in variable (profit = investmentDone - totalRevenue), so that I can use it in my view to display that value. Any help how can I perform this calculations in controller?
Tx in advance!
The ideal approach to do this if you are calculating profit on the UI layer is to use a custom formatter as it is the recommended approach.
You can do this adding the below code.
For the XML View
<Label text="{
formatter: '.formatter.calcProfit'
Controller JS
], function (Controller, JSONModel, formatter) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("sap.ui.demo.wt.controller.InvoiceList", {
formatter: formatter,
onInit : function () {
For the Formatter code, create a new file model/formatter.js
sap.ui.define([], function () {
"use strict";
return {
calcProfit: function (iInvestmentDone, iTotalRevenue) {
return (iInvestmentDone - iTotalRevenue);
I will suggest better to do calculation in back end.
No problem if you have to do it front end.
Check below code :
var fnSuccess = function(oData,oResponse){
var TabData = {
Data : []
var DataArr;
DataArr = {
profit : oData.results[i].investmentDone - oData.results[i].totalRevenue,
investmentDone : oData.results[i].investmentDone,
totalRevenue : oData.results[i].totalRevenue
After this code just bind this data to JSON model and set model to table.

How to get the data of a view

I´m using SAPUI5, I have a MasterPage and a DetailPage, in the MasterPage I have a List and when I select de Item in the List the information is displayed in the DetailPage.
In the DetailPage I have a PositiveAction, When I press the PositiveAction I need to get the Data of the DetailPage but I don't know how to do this.
My code of the Item Press
onPoSelect : function(oEvent) {
var oListItem = oEvent.getParameter('listItem');
var oRouter = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
oRouter.navTo("DetailPanel", {
invoicePath: oListItem.getBindingContext("solped").getPath().substr(1)
My code in the DetailPanel
onInit: function (){
var oRouter = sap.ui.core.UIComponent.getRouterFor(this);
oRouter.getRoute("DetailPanel").attachPatternMatched(this._onObjectMatched, this);
_onObjectMatched: function (oEvent) {
path: "/" + oEvent.getParameter("arguments").invoicePath,
model: "solped"
The line "oEvent.getParameter("arguments").invoicePath,"
returns this.
Invoices(CustomerName='Alfreds Futterkiste',Discount=0f,OrderID=10702,ProductID=3,ProductName='Aniseed Syrup',Quantity=6,Salesperson='Margaret Peacock',ShipperName='Speedy Express',UnitPrice=10.0000M)
I have the information but it is a String, How can I convert this String in an Object? Or, how else can I access the information in the view?
The image of the View
enter image description here
I assume you can already see the data of the detail in your Detail view.
You binded the data to the view by bindElement function and to retrieve them back in the code you are looking for "getBindingContext" function.
Create following function in your Detail controller:
// this must be connected to Button -> <Button press="onPositivePress">
onPositivePress: function(oEvent) {
var oBindingContext = this.getView().getBindingContext("solped");
// this is the path you can use to call odata service
var sPath = oBindingContext.getPath();
// this is data you are looking for
var oReqData = oBindingContext.getObject();
You can get all the properties as an object by passing the binding path as an argument to the getProperty function of the underlying Data model.
var oModel = this.getView().getModel("solped");
var oProps = oModel.getProperty(oListItem.getBindingContext("solped").getPath());
You can then access these properties as
for converting string to object see below example.
var a = "how r u";
var b = [a];
you will get object of a in b.