Samsung Gear VR - Publish Gear VR Application - unity3d

What I need to publish my first game on Gear VR store
I read this documentation but I was wondering if there more information
Oculus Signature File (required during development, remove for submission)
Android Application Signature (required for submission)
My Questions ?
1- when I create APK , I should create signed APK only .
2- How long they take to publish my application .
3- Is there other stores or just that one.

There is some more information on the Oculus Developer site:
It covers some general stuff, like comfort requirements.
Verify that all of your app’s UI elements are rendered stereoscopically and are clear and legible.
Make sure your app avoids using a shaky camera and avoids acceleration not directed by the user.
Make sure your app maintains or exceeds the minimum 60fps frame rate.
Make sure your app does not lock the camera to the user's head.
With regard to your specific questions:
This is covered in the documentation you linked:
All developers must create their own unique digital signature and sign their applications before submitting them
to Oculus for approval. For more information and instructions, please see Android's "Signing your Applications"
Make sure to save the certificate file you use to sign your application. Every subsequent update to your
application must be signed with the same certificate file, or it will fail.
Note: Your application must be signed by an Android certificate before you submit it.
Not sure but if it's anything like Apple's process it could vary between as little as an hour to as much as a fortnight.
You can probably publish to the Android play store as a Google Cardboard app and let users use it by flipping the Gear-VR USB connecter out of the way.
This is how I use it for Google Cardboard apps.

About the question 3, it seemed that there is no other markets/stores for gear vr. But inface you can publish your app to google play or amazon store.
And notice the user that this is for gear vr. Maybe add a small vr picture on your icon is better for users to get it.


Google play detects android advertising ID in my Unity game. Where?

Google Play removed my Unity game from their market, because, as they say, it uses Android advertising ID. The problem is, the game doesn't contain any ads. It doesn't even have any packages that might use this advertising ID. (There is only Text mesh pro.) So, what can possibly be the source of the damned "android advertising ID"? It already sounds to me like a scary ghost, because it's the 3rd time when this game has been removed from google play because of this advertising ID, and I am really pissed off, because I don't know how to appease them at last, besides inserting the privacy policy notice (for which I have no real reason).
What might be a deeper problem is that the game is derived by copying from my another project that actually did contain ads. And the derivation ("save project as") didn't go smoothly. Maybe, this Android ID somehow jumped over from the original project, which contained adds, to the new one, which doesn't contain them? :)
And the last point: The Analytics service is turned on in this game. I suppose this doesn't have anything to do with the Android ad ID specifically. But I now imagine it could be another problem for google play, and they would deactivate it again if I don't turn it off. Or do they?

GameAnalytics, validating in app purchases on Unity

I'm setting up for the first time GameAnalytics in my Unity3D project.
I'm try to figure out if there is a way to validate in app purchases for both android and iOS from it.
In the docs I found I understood that you need to work with native sdks to get this feature, am I right?
Could it be an option to configure from the dashboard an android and an iOS game and then changing the keys in unity with precompilator instructions? (like #if UNITY_ANDROID)?
I am an SDK developer # GameAnalytics.
There is a way to make the GA servers validate Android and iOS IAP purchases in business events. From Unity.
Short story
You need to send the receipt in the business event after the purchase.
You can read our complete Unity tech guide in the Github Repository.
Regarding IAP validation you should read this section.
About the keys
You should create a game for Android and iOS in our tool at
Inside the Unity Editor you can add platforms (Android / iOS) and then add specific keys to each.
You can read more about the in-editor settings in the wiki docs as well. Including how to login and select games directly in the editor.
Let me know if you have any issues. You could also file a support case with our friendly support staff.
When you install the Game Analytics unity package, you are essentially installing the native libraries for each platform (Android, iOS, ...) located in the Plugins folder.
If you want to target multiple platforms in your code with an API like Game Analytics, I recommend you use the preprocessor tags as you mentioned since the functions from Game Analytics are platform specific.

Create Samsung Smart TV Offline Application

I've been asked to create a Samsung Smart TV offline App but I really don't know what it means to Offline Application.
The client said me
The app has no GUI. It's not like a regular app. The TV will be
pointed to a URL. That URL has specific Samsung TV instructions to
download the files and when the TV has it, it will open the zip and
display the content as required.
I've setup the development environment and have studied about Samsung AppsFramework and learned how to start an application but really confusing about the offline Application.
Could anybody please make me understand that what the client does exactly want?
What the client wants in my opinion is an app that can work on the smart TV without having to connect to the internet.
It would obviously need to connect to obtain the download files, but once the app is installed it will have offline functionality and not need to connect to the internet to run.
Have a look at to build cross platform applications like this.
It is really difficult to say what they mean by offline as we dont have a brief. But offline generally refers to an app that has everything in the initial download. Example, a dictionary app will have all of the words and definitions in the download so they are always available even if the device is not connected.
Hope this helps
Samsung API provides interface for reading and writing files so you can download and store something for later offline use.
Alternatively you can use localStorage API.
The app has no GUI
This part is strange. Launched app occupy whole screen. You need some use-case description from client. Find out what problem is your client want to solve with this app.

Vuforia apps & licensing

Before to write to Vuforia sales team I would like to know if there is someone who already purchased license with Vuforia.
In my mid-term projects I'll develop a few Unity/Vuforia apps to publish on Android/Apple stores. These apps will be freely downloadable but my customers (and customers of my customers) only can access to AR contents via cloud db.
These apps, in according with Vuforia agreement, are considered Internal Use or not? The right licence is Cloud or Custom?
Many thanks.
You have 3 options if you want it for commercial purpose:
Starter - Access to the full Vuforia platform so you can build, demo
and deploy your app at no charge with a watermark.
Classic - Unlimited device-based recognition for a single, flat fee
per app.
Cloud - Cloud Recognition Service is for apps that use many targets
or targets that need to be updated frequently.
and if cloud is your first priority then it is bit costly.
Read more :
How Can You Add A License Key From Vuforia
When you want to develop an AR project in Unity, you need to get a development key from Vuforia. Then, you need to add it to AR camera license key.
Firstly, you should log in to Vuforia Developer and click on Develop menu. (You can find the related image on the link.)
Then, click on “Get Development Key”. Write your project name to remember later and check the box below which includes Vuforia Developer Agreement. Finally, click on “Confirm” and your key will be ready.
Then, open the key under License Manager menu bar, copy the key to paste on Unity.
In Unity, click on AR camera. If you cannot find license key part on your inspector, you should enable AR configuration. Click on Edit on the top, go to Project Settings and open Player part.
You will find a box says “Vuforia Augmented Reality”. Check that box and you can continue to prepare your project.

Augmented Reality in Vuforia

I am making a augmented reality games and i used the vuforia sdk.
Here is my problem:
Can I use the augmented reality of vuforia and upload it in App Store and playstore?
The vuforia developer website has a section on publishing applications for both the app store and google play:
You should carefully read and conform to the legal considerations and logo guidelines (see subsections). If you are still not sure about some specific elements for publishing your app, there is also an active forum where you can ask more precise questions:
You can see some of example of published apps with Vuforia here:
Yeah it is possible because with unity you can publish to Android, iOS, uwp.......If you want to publish to iOS make sure you are using Mac with XCode and in Unity->Player settings ->Other settings you will be required to add a message that user will see requesting the permission to use his device camera.