Rundeck winrm configuration - powershell

I have been trying to use Rundeck to send powershell commands to windows boxes.
I am using "rundeck-winrm-plugin"
It says to configure it in either or file.
Here is how my /var/rundeck/projects/SecureCloud/etc/ file looks like.
I can't figure out how to define username and password according to this document:
I already have winrm-user already defined so I don't know if I still have to define rundeck-user#Domain if yes, then how (I am using kerberos) ?
project.username=rundeck-user#Domain ?
How to define hostname here ?
project.hostname=machine-name ?
Should I even use /var/rundeck/projects/SecureCloud/etc/ file when I already declared there:
and this doc says to put this line there:
If no, then where should I put my configuration ?

Username and password
There are two ways you can define authentication
You can use a Secure option in the rundeck job and an option name that matches your node definition name for that option. You can set the username in the node definition as well
This is how you define the username (Make sure you use Caps for the domain as defined in the krb5.conf file)
Hostname is defined in the node definition. To define a node you can do it under /var/rundeck/projects/SecureCloud/etc/resources.xml For example:
node name="YOURSERVER" connectionType="WINRM_NATIVE" node-executor="overthere-winrm" winrm-password-option="winrmPassword" winrm-protocol="https" winrm-auth-type="basic" username="YOURUSER" winrmPassword="winrmPassword" hostname="YOURHOSTNAME:PORT"
You don't need to define the node executor in your node definition if overthere-winrm is already set as the default node executor in the Configuration/Plugins/NodeExecutor section of the project in the Rundeck GUI

you can follow Rundeck Windows Nodes Configuration for the steps to follow for overthere winrm configurations.


Rename bosh deployment name

I would just like to rename the bosh deployment name.
Is there a easy and safe way to change the name?
Do I need to edit the bosh director database?
There is no supported way to change the name of a deployment which is considered the unique key for across all deployments managed by the same director.
The documents suggest that a future enhancement to CLI's edit action might address that:
Currently name provided via --deployment (-d) flag must match name
specified in the manifest.
And echoed in a open feature I suggest you add your vote and comments there.

EUCALYPTUS Set machine name using euca-run-instances

I have read the Eucalyptus documentation ( ) as well as searched on Google as well as in this site to following question and could not find a solution.
Is there a way to set a human readable server name when setting up a new server (currently a lengthy UID is arbitrarily set as the server name)?
Situation: I am setting up a specific server and the name of the instance in our IAAS cloud, The assigned server name is a generic UID.
I would like to be able to specify the instance name for a number of valid reasons but am unable to find a way to do this.
Via Command Line (will convert to script for rollout to prod):
euca-run-instances -n 1 -g <nameofSecurityGroup> -k <NameofValidKey> -t <instanceType i.e. c1.medium> $<VariableHolding_InstanceID>
This runs successfully but the UID set as the Server Name is unhelpful for the users/clients/admins.
RESTATED: Is there any way to set a name for this new instance that is human friendly?
Please advise any reasonable thoughts or suggestions.
Thank you.
After creating an instance you can use euca-create-tags instance_id --tag Name=Server to change the name of the instance.

Two Configuration files in Scala-Spray framework

I have REST API, that is developed using Scala and Spray framework. I am able to execute and launch my Api from localhost. The API is connected to the database. The IP Address(localhost) and port of Database is read from the "application.conf" file under the resources.
Everything works fine till I start using Docker. In Docker I have :
1. One Docker container of Rest API
2. One Docker container of Database.
The IP address of Database changes for each docker instance, therefore I need to update my "application.conf" file. Although I can use the hostname of Db instance that remains the same.
My issue is : Can I have two "application.conf" files , one for localhost and one for Docker instance? IS there a way to change the "application.conf" file at the run time.
P.s I am using "sbt run" to run the application and as per documentation it does not support java system properties or environment variables
Yes, you can choose the config at runtime. spray & akka use the typesafe config library which allows setting single settings or the whole configuration using JVM properties.
From the documentation of config:
For applications using application.{conf,json,properties}, system
properties can be used to force a different config source:
config.resource specifies a resource name - not a basename, i.e. application.conf not application
config.file specifies a filesystem path, again it should include the extension, not be a basename
config.url specifies a URL
These system properties specify a replacement for
application.{conf,json,properties}, not an addition. They only
affect apps using the default ConfigFactory.load() configuration. In
the replacement config file, you can use include "application" to
include the original default config file; after the include statement
you could go on to override certain settings.

Configuring FQDN for GCE instance on startup

I am trying to start a google compute engine (GCE) instance with a pre-configured FQDN. We are intending to run an application that is licensed based on the contents of /etc/hosts.
I am starting the instances using the Google Cloud SDK utility - gcloud.
I have tried setting the "hostname" key using the metadata option like so:
gcloud compute instances create mynode (standard opts) --metadata
Whenever I log into the developer console, under computer, instances, I can see hostname under "Custom metadata". This appears to be a new, custome key - it has no impact on what:
I have also tried setting "instance/hostname" like the below, which causes a parsing error when using gcloud.
--metadata instance/
I have successfully used the startup scripts functionality of the metadata server to run a startup script that parses the new, internal IP address of the newly created instance, updated /etc/hosts. This appears to work but doesn't feel "like the google way".
Can I configure the FQDN (specifically, a domain name, as the instance name is always the hostname) of an instance, during instance creation, using the metaserver functionality?
try this:
Go to your GCE >> VM instances panel.
stop your gce instance.
clic on the instance name.
Edit your instance, adding this values on Custom metadata fields:
Key field: hostname / Value field: your.server.hostname
Key field: startup-script / Value field: sudo -s hostnamectl set-hostname your.server.hostname
Finally, start your instance and test with a hostnamectl command.
According to this article 'hostname' is part of the default metadata entries that provide information about your instance and it is NOT possible to manually edit any of the default metadata pairs. You can also take a look at this video from the Google Team. Within the first few minutes it is mentioned that you cannot modify default metadata pairs. As such, it does not seem like you can specify the hostname upon instance creation other than through the use of a start-up script like you've done already. It is also worth mentioning that the hostname you've specified will get deleted and auto-synced by the metadata server upon reboot unless you're using a start-up script or something that would modify it every time.
If what you're currently doing works for what you're trying to accomplish, it might be the only workaround to your scenario.
Here is a patch for /usr/share/google/set-hostname to set FQDN to GCE instance.
Before you use this patch, you must set your desired FQDN in your instance's metadata by specifying hostname key.
Hostname is set each time instance's IP address is renewed by dhclient. set-hostname is just a hook script which dhclient executes and serves new IP address and internal hostame to, and modifies /etc/hosts. This patch changes the source of hostname by querying instance's metadata from metadata server.
The original set-hostname script is here:
Use this patch at your own risk.
When creating a VM, you can specify a custom FQDN hostname as an optional parameter. This feature is currently in Beta.
$ gcloud beta compute instances create INSTANCE_NAME --hostname example.hostname
This should work across OSes, and eliminate the need for workaround scripts.
More info in the docs.
-- Sirui (Product Manager, Google Compute Engine)
I've looked throughout this site to find answered questions and found a few things that work but with a couple solutions combined. This thread seems the place to answer.
1) echo > /etc/hostname
2) add -- in /etc/hosts
3) add -- hostnamectl set-hostname -- command to /etc/rc.local script
4) uncomment /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf line:
supersede domain-name "";
5) profit.... Seems to stick after each reboot
(Note is your domain name: -
Also note this is for Ubuntu or Debian. Other Unix May slightly vary. I've tested this on Ubuntu 16.04
Always on the wording NOT possible to manually edit any of the default metadata pairs, how about the instant level default metadata "/scheduling"? we could set them manually as mentioned in this article

JBoss 7.1.1 changing JNDI binding in runtime

In JBoss 7.1.1 in standalone mode all JNDI bindings are configured in standalone.xml file in jboss:domain:naming:1.1 subsystem. According to documentation standalone.xml cannot be modified when server is running. I've tried to use JBoss CLI but I don't know how to write/modify resource.
How to change value in JNDI without restarting jboss?
Should help you:
Topic - Binding entries to JNDI:
An example standalone.xml might look like:
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:1.1" >
<simple name="java:global/a" value="100" type="int" />
<object-factory name="java:global/b" module="com.acme" class="org.acme.MyObjectFactory" />
<lookup name="java:global/c" lookup="java:global/b" />
To add these entries via the CLI:
/subsystem=naming/binding=java\:global\/mybinding:add(binding-type=simple, type=long, value=1000)
To see all all options that are taken by the add command (this can
actually be used to get the description of any CLI command):
Have not tried, but i hope this helps!
UPDATE - with tested examples:
Add JDNI name binding java:global/a:
Read existing JDNI name binding java:global/a:
Modify JDNI name binding value java:global/a:
/subsystem=naming/binding=java\:global\/a:write-attribute(name=value, value=20)
Remove JDNI name binding java:global/a:
Executing command directly from shell:
./ --connect --command="/subsystem=naming/binding=java\:global\/a:read-resource(include-defaults=true)"
The question has a lot of views so I'll answer to it. Inspired by #mik response I've figured out that to change value of some JNDI key e.g. java:jboss/api/key to newApiKey run JBoss CLI and execute:
The change will be immediately visible on server and also stored (updated) in standalone.xmlso it won't get lost after server restart.
I was looking exactly for how to add or modify a JNDI binding at runtime, but I needed to to do this in a Wildfly 9 domain (cluster) configuration (not standalone), which is pretty much the same configuration as JBoss 7. However, I couldn't figure out a way to effectively apply changes without restarting all servers.
To start with, enter the JBoss command line interface and connect to your server domain controller:
First, you need to find which profile is active on the server group, so as, on the server root /, enter the following commands:
cd server-group=
Afterwards, you should enter the only server group shown in the listing command (ls) by typing cd {{your_server_group_name}}, then type ls again and look for an entry named profile to check which one is active. Let's consider full-ha as an active profile for our example.
Next, go back to the root configuration folder / by typing cd .. and enter the following commands to navigate and view all JNDI bindings available with their current values:
cd profile=full-ha/subsystem=naming/binding=
By doing this, you'll be able to see all available JNDI bindings and their attributes, if you want to list only binding names, type ls instead of the last command.
In order to modify a binding, type cd and the name of the binding listed in the previous command. Let's suppose you want to change the value of a binding named java:/webservice.url, then you should enter
cd java\:\/webservice.url
Notice that is necessary to quote some characters in your binding name such as : (colon) and / (slash) with a backslash (\).
To modify an attribute within this binding you should use the :write-attribute command. In this example, let's suppose you want to modify (or add) an attribute named "value" with its content as "this is a value":
:write-attribute(name=value,value="this is a value")
So as to apply this change, you'll need to restart all servers in the cluster by typing the following command:
If you want to know more commands to add or remove JNDI bindings check this jboss-cli snippets page
This configuration has been tested successfully in Wildfly 9.0.1