Change menus and menu items programmatically in Eclipse E4 - eclipse-rcp

I am having trouble removing existing menus from the model, in a running app.
For example:
MMenu menu = modelService.findElements(app, "idMenuFoo", MMenu.class,
Collections.<String>emptyList(), EModelService.IN_MAIN_MENU).get(0);
After this code gets executed:
The label has been changed to 'X'
But the menu entry is still visible/rendered
If I start the app without clearPersistedState, then restart it, the menu has disappeared. This leads me to be believe the the visibility and rendering attributes were set in the first place, but not applied to the model (unlike the label attribute).
How can I programmatically trigger a main menu bar "refresh" after such changes?

As a Greg in the comment above posted, there is an open bug filed to address this issue. An easy to implement a workaround involves manually refreshing the underlying SWT menu. See for details. In a gist:
// retrieve the main menu, containing the top-level menu element that needs to be refreshed
MMenu mainMenu = ...
// org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerRenderer
MenuManagerRender renderer = (MenuManagerRenderer)mainMenu.getRenderer();


How do you get the Eclipse menubar to update on demand?

I'm working on a plugin aiming to hide a swathe of menu contributions, then slowly reintroduce them to the UI according to how confident/experienced the user is, with help and introductory information given to the user at each step. So far I can happily hide menu contributions using activities. Getting them back has proved to be slightly more difficult, however.
I have menu contributions being hidden and shown via activities, but the problem I've run in to is that the menu isn't instantly updating to reflect the activites. When my provided variable is changed, the activities are being started/stopped appropriately, but the menu doesn't immediately change. That is, until you change view or perspective- actions which cause the menu to be refreshed.
I've tried calling refresh() on the MenuManager, as per this question, to no avail.
Obviously my expression is being evaluated immediately, but how can I get the menu itself to update/refresh immediately?
It turns out there were issues with fireSourceChanged().
Calling: fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, Map sourceValuesByName) doesn't work for me.
But calling fireSourceChanged(int sourcePriority, String sourceName, Object sourceValue) does work.
I really don't know why that is - could be an Eclipse bug??

Update Eclipse menu item enabled state

I created the menu item in the "File" menu as a command. For this command there is a handler implementing the IHandler interface. This handler contains the isEnabled method. I am trying to use this method to enable/disable my menu item, but that method is called only once when I click on the "File" menu. When clicked for the second, third etc. times, the isEnabled method is not called again even if I changed the state of page (open/close editors) before.
What should I do? Maybe this method is not intended for control menu items?
Are you subclassing org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler? You should use setBaseEnabled(boolean) to update the state of your handler (which would update your command).
It's only valid to change enabled state in your handler as long as you also fire the HandlerEvent. It's usually easier to call setBaseEnabled(boolean) which will fire the event for you.
If you're trying to enable/disable the menu, than you should use core expressions.
I've already explained how to do that in this answer:
Eclipse RCP menus & actions: Configure or code?
The part that you're interested in starts with:
For activating/deactivating a menu[...]
I hope this is what you're looking for.

How to enable save action in Eclipse toolbar?

I am working under Eclipse plug-in development. I have implemented two view parts to view and change some objects. Each view part implements ISaveablePart to save modified objects and enable save button on toolbar.
The problem is: when I select my objects in Project Explorer, Save button isn't enabled, only Save All is enabled.
So I'd like to know is there any ability to enable Save button in this case?
You must first implement ISaveablePart, as you have mentioned above.
You have to fire an event (see IWorkbenchPartConstants.PROP_DIRTY), which will in turn ask your editor whether it's dirty (ISaveablePart#isDirty()). If the answer is true, then the save button will be enabled.
See FormEditor#editorDirtyStateChanged() for an example.

Fast views in eclipse rcp application

How to add a fast view to my eclipse rcp applicatio?
You can add the right button, as in this thread:
that can be done by adding a button to fast view bar and by opening a standard view in button event
Button button =
new Button ((Composite)((WorkbenchWindow) window).getFastViewBar ().getControl (), SWT.PUSH);
to avoid overlapping in button event first create folder layout for this view with reference to initial view and then call the action to add view.
IFolderLayout ViewLayout1 = layout.createFolder ( "ViewLayout1",
0.50f, initalView.ID);
OpenViewAction ov = new OpenViewAction (window, "label", secondview.ID); ();
Showing and minimizing a fast view programmatically should be done through command "org.eclipse.ui.views.showView" with the parameter "org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.makeFast".
See Eclipse RCP: open a view via standard command org.eclipse.ui.handlers.ShowViewHandler:
Eclipse provides the standard command org.eclipse.ui.views.showView to open an arbitrary view.
The default handler is org.eclipse.ui.handlers.ShowViewHandler. This handler is a nice example how you could add your own command with arguments. It takes two parameters:
The first has the ID org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId and identifies the view ID which should be opened,
the next one has the ID org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.makeFast and determines if the view should be open as a fast view.
Without parameters the command will let the user choose which view to open.
See Parameter for commands for some examples
Lets see the real world example: "Show View" command. The command is generic and can show any view. The view id is given to the command as a parameter:
values="org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.ViewParameterValues" />
The list of all possible values of the parameter is given by the class ViewParameterValues. The class would iterate through the view registry and return it.
Note: just to be complete, in theory (this thread)
RCP apps can disable fast views by calling WorkbenchWindowConfigurer.setShowFastViewBar(false) from their
WorkbenchAdvisor's preWindowOpen() method.
This not only hides the fast view bar, but also hides the Fast View menu item on views.
The simple way to add a fast view to an Eclipse RCP or RAP application begins with creating a normal view. In the plugins xml, add a new extension for the view (I'll call it fast.view), with the correct attributes.
relationship="fast" <--- This attribute tells the view to be a fast view.
After adding this extension, we must also show the fast view bar in the workspace. To do this, edit the ApplicationWorkbenhWindowAdvisor (or other advisor that launches your workbench window), and add the following lines to your preWindowOpen() method:
IWorkbenchWindowConfigurer configurer = getWindowConfigurer();
If you already have an IWorkbenchWindowsConfigurer, you don't need to make a new one. This method tells the workbench to display the fast bar, and your new fast view perspective extension should be there when it starts.
I got this information from an Eclipse Papercuts article written by Lars Vogel:

Eclipse Plug-in / View Question

I have a plugin which contains class A that brings up a view defined in class B via the following line of code:
(VideoLogView) PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage().showView("Videolog.VideoLogView");
What I need to do in the createPartControl() method of the view (class B object) is access a method in the class A object.
How can this be done?
Look like you are facing the classic issue of "how do I pass arguments to my view" ?
This thread illustrates it best:
I was facing the same problem at the beggining of my RCP project. I was getting weird about the fact that there was no way to pass an argument to a view as the viewed model.
Why? Because (emphasis mine):
You are on an opened, pluggable platform.
You contribute to existing developments, others should be able to contribute to yours.
Therefore you will not "pass" arguments to a view, this would lock the whole thing into a non-opened design.
Instead, your view will ask the platform (or will listen to the platform) to determine which information to manage.
Other views (from other plugins that don't yet exist) might also want to manage the same information on the same event.
What you should do then is to ask the workbench for the current selection. I guess your view is opening on a double click action or simple selection so the object you want to manage in your view will be currently selected.
This is how you could retrieve the workbench selection from your view :
ISelection s = this.getSite().getWorkbenchWindow().getSelectionService().getSelection();
where "this" is a ViewPart.
Then you have to make your initial view (the one initiating the view creation from a given event like DoubleClick) a selection provider. A JFace viewer is a selection provider, so you can use it if you're using jface, or you can implement the ISelectionProvider interface when you're using custom SWT controls (that was my case).
The article "Eclipse Workbench: Using the Selection Service" can also give you some pointers.