JsViews/JsRender temporary/contextual helper variable in for loop - view-helpers

I'm trying to store a temporary/contextual variable in a for loop for later use inside another for loop. I used http://borismoore.github.io/jsrender/demos/step-by-step/11_accessing-parent-data.html as a reference.
{^{for instances ~templateId=templateId}}
<select data-link="templateId" class="selected-visible" name="select-template">
{^{for ~root.templates}}
<option data-link="{:name} value{:id} selected{:id == ~templateId}"></option>
Each data object in the instances array has a templateId property that is set to a certain value and each object in the templates array has an id property.
The first problem is that my debug {{:~templateId}} is not showing up. It seems the variable is not assigned.
After only using the ~helper set within the template markup, I have tried explicitly defining the helper in my "viewmodel" with
$.views.helpers({templateId: 0});
Now the value gets printed when I do not set it in the for loop, but when I set it in the for loop it disappears again.
The next problem might be that the ~templateId helper is not available in a ~root-scoped for loop, because the helper should only be available in child views of the instances loop?
The ultimate goal is to select the correct value in the select, so if other solutions are available, please do tell.

You need to remove ~templateId=templateId from your template...
The syntax ~helper is used to access helpers/contextual parameters, which can be either be passed in/registered externally, as shown here http://www.jsviews.com/#helpers, or can be created/set within a template, as in the example you linked to {{for movies ~theater=theater}} , or in this one: ~frstNm=firstName: http://www.jsviews.com/#samples/jsr/paths.
So generally you will either pass a helper in, or create it within the template - not both.
In your example above you are first passing ~templateId in - as 0 - and then you are redefining it as a contextual parameter, using ~templateId=templateId (which is actually setting its value to undefined, since ...=templateId sets it to the value of the templateId property of the current data - undefined, in your case).


SAPUI5 No dynamic way to get form data without data binding. And no Form submit event.

I have a simple form that's in a dialog fragment used to submitting two fields for log-in auth.
For simplicity I was hoping to not have to use data binding, but rather use some method to gather all data inside my sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm.
I added a name property to each input element which says in the docs it is " Defines the name of the control for the purposes of form submission."
However hard as I try to find there doesn't seem to be any getFormData methods.
All SO questions and guides either use data binding to a model, or hard-code references to the individual input controls with .getValue() methods.
And looking further into the form API, there doesn't seem to be a Submit event either.
Given an arbitrary form, what would be the best way to gather all submission values without hard-coded references or data-binding?
Would a method that walks though all the children elements of a form looking for all submission values work? I think it might, but there are more submission input types then just the input component.
You can get the value of the fields by directly using;
var oField = sap.ui.getCore().byId('IdOfTheFieldAtTheDialog');
var sValue = oField.getValue();
But it's always better and convenient to use data binding which keep things neat.
And If I assume that you have the id of parent form container, you can iterate over the items and get the sap.m.Input elements in it without knowing the IDs of the individual inputs, and you may check the name property of the fields if you want. Check this snippet;

Get current index of for tag in jsrender

Is there any way to get the current index of for tag in the tag.
Need an solution
{{for ~ID=#index}}
It will not work because #index is accessible only within the for loop.
Working Code:
And is there any way to access the Jsonobject key and value in for tag instead of prop tag.
{{for arrayOfObj}}
{{:#data.key}} //In here data is a jsonobject.
//I need an key and value of this object.
Thanks in advance.
Your question isn't very clear. You have an array of objects - OK so what do you want to do?
If you want to iterate over the array you can write {{for arrayOfObj}}...{{/for}}.
Now, inside that block you can get the index and the object. If you want to get a specific known key (if you know the object has a name property for example) you can write {{:name}}.
But if you want to iterate over all of the properties of each object, you can use {{props}} (for each object, within the {{for}} block):
{{for arrayOfObj}} - iterate over array
{{:#index}} - this is the index in the array
{{props}} - iterate over props of this object
{{:#getIndex()}} - this is the index in the array

How can I pull data in a controller and form for one model that is in a different model with out a foreign key relationship?

I am new to rails and haven't really done to much with data outside of the model.
I have a form that references a table controller for files. I want to add an dropdown that will display a list of projects from a project table for the user to assign a the file to a project if they want too. Assigning a project is not a requirement. The file can be unassigned to a project. I do have a project_id column in the file table for those projects assigned but it is allowed to be null and I did not build a relationship because I need to have cases where there are none.
Can someone please tell me how to do this?
When they evaluate the file, the screen posts back with a save or update button depending if it has already been saved in the database.
At the same time as the save and update pop up on the right I want to display a list box of the projects with an assign project button. If new just a list, if update either just a list because not assigned or display the selected value in the list if already assigned, while allowing them to change it from the list if desired.
In the file controller method that posts back to the UI I have this code:
#file_alias_filedata = FileAliasFiledata.all
#projects = Project.all
for update
#projects = Project.find(params[:id])
In the form I have this code:
<p> <label> Select Project to Assign:</label> <br />
<%= select_tag 'projects', (#projects.present? ? options_for_select(#projects, #selected_project) : []) %> </p>
The form runs but I get this in the dropdown box:
Can someone please help me figure out how to accomplish my task and why I see the strange box value?
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for your help!
Assigning a project is not a requirement. The file can be unassigned
to a project. I do have a project_id column in the file table for
those projects assigned but it is allowed to be null
From the docs:
belongs_to(name, scope = nil, options = {}) public
Specifies a
one-to-one association with another class. This method should only be
used if this class contains the foreign key. If the other class
contains the foreign key, then you should use has_one instead. See
also ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods’s overview on when to
use has_one and when to use belongs_to.
Methods will be added for retrieval and query for a single associated
object, for which this object holds an id:
association(force_reload = false)
Returns the associated object. nil is returned if none is found.
has_many(name, scope = nil, options = {}, &extension) public
a one-to-many association. The following methods for retrieval and
query of collections of associated objects will be added:
collection(force_reload = false) Returns an array of all the
associated objects. An empty array is returned if none are found.
But belongs_to() and has_many() are supposed to make things more convenient for you. You certainly do not have to use them.
and why I see the strange box value? What am I doing wrong?
You see the strange value for the same reason the following two loops display different things:
class Dog
attr_reader :name
def initialize(name)
#name = name
#dogs = [
#dogs.each {|dog| puts dog}
#dog_names = #dogs.map {|dog| dog.name }
#dog_names.each {|dog_name| puts dog_name}
You will see the same result if you do something like the following in a view:
<%= select_tag "dog", options_for_select(#dogs) %>
<%= select_tag "dog_name", options_for_select(#dog_names) %>
If you read the docs here:
...you will see several examples, which should make it clear that options_for_select() takes an argument that is:
An array of Strings.
A Hash where both the keys and values are Strings.
An enumerable that iterates over some Strings.
Do you see a pattern? It's Strings! options_for_select() needs an argument that consists of Strings. If the argument is not a collection of Strings, e.g. an array of project objects, then options_for_select() tries to convert the objects to strings by calling to_s() on the objects. And the default to_s() method is Object#to_s() which is inherited by all objects and produces a string containing the class name and the object_id.
I am also new to rails, but I think you can try using the options_from_collection_for_select method.
<%= select_tag :search_state, options_from_collection_for_select(State.find(:all, :select => :name), :name, :name) %>
Hope this help. Cause it certainly helped me.

jquery .each produces 'undefined' whenever .data is used on the elements returned

I'm trying to process all select elements with a specific data- attribute set.
I've got the loop working to pick up the element, but whenever I try to find the value of its other data- attributes I get undefined error messages.
Here is the loop:
$('select[data-hm-observed="1"]').each(function(idx, sel) {
In the loop the first alert works, but the second produces:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating
If I use the Safari console I can get the select object, put it in a variable, and interrogate its data- attributes without issue.
It seems that the .each() is having an effect on the sel variable contents - but I can't understand what.
Using JQuery 1.7.1
Just discovered that if I change the loop so that it explicitly gets the element again, it all works:
$('select[data-hm-observed="1"]').each(function(idx, sel) {
xx = $(sel);
Is this the correct solution?
Can I infer from this that the element passed into the loop by .each hasn't been 'processed' by jquery, and that I have to pull it myself via $(...) so that jquery does its stuff to it - this doesn't feel right - but its working.
sel is a DOM Object here, not equipped with the abilities of a jQuery Object. First, you should turn this DOM Object into a jQuery Object like this:
alert( $(sel).data('hmUrl') );
Alternatively, you can also use $(this).data('hmUrl'), because this will refer to sel (the current DOM element in the iteration).
See also .each() 2nd Example

jQuery: Select all 'select' elements with certain val()

Does anyone know of an easy way, using jQuery, to select all <select> elements whose val() attribute yields a certain value?
I'm trying to do some validation logic and would like to just select all those elements with a single selector, then apply a warning class to each of their parents. This I know how to do once I select all the elements, but I didn't see a selector that handles this case.
Am I going to have to select all of the <select> elements into a selector, then iterate through them and check each of their values? I was hoping there would be a simpler way.
Why doesn't select[value=x] work? Well firstly because <select> doesn't actually have a value attribute. There is not a single value of a select box: there may be no selected options (there shouldn't normally be, but there can be in at least IE), and, in a <select multiple>, there can be any number of selected options.
Even input[value=x] doesn't work, even though <input> does have a value attribute. Well, it does work, it just doesn't do what you think. It fetches the value of the value="..." attribute in the HTML, not the current value you have entered into the form. The value="..." attribute actually corresponds to the defaultValue property and not value.
Similarly, option[value=x][selected] doesn't work because it is checking the <option selected> attribute from the HTML source (selected attribute -> defaultSelected property) and not the current selectedness of the option (selected property not attribute) - which might have changed since the page was loaded.
Except in IE, which gets the value, selected etc form attributes wrong.
Except (again): Tesserex's example may seem to work, and the reason for that is that that it's using a non-standard jQuery-specific selector, :has. This causes the native querySelectorAll methods of modern browsers to fail, and consequently jQuery falls back to its own (native JavaScript, slow) selector engine instead. This selector engine has a bug where it confuses properties for attributes, allowing [value=x] to do what you expected, and not fail like it should! (Update: this is probably no longer the case in newer jQuery versions.)
Summary: form field state checking and selectors don't mix. Apart from these issues, you also have to worry about escaping issues - for example, what if the value you want to test against contains quotes or square brackets?
So instead, yes, you should check it manually. For example using a filter:
$('select').filter(function() {
return $(this).val()==='the target value';
(There is a value property in HTML5 and supported by modern browsers, that when you read it gives you the value of the first selected <option>. jQuery's val() is safe to use here because it provides the same method of getting the first selected option even on browsers that don't support this.)
The existing answers don't work on select tags, but I found something that does. Ask for a select that has a selected option.
You can use :
where X is the value against which you want to check the select's value.
Attribute selectors Is what you're looking for I believe.
Something like $+('element[attribute="value"]')
See also:
*= anywhere
^= starts with
$= ends with
~= contains word
You can create a change event that puts the value in a custom attribute on the select element whenever the value changes. You can then use a simple selector to find all of the select elements that have that value. For example:
$("select").on("change", function (e) {
var $select = $(e.currentTarget);
$select.attr("select-value", $select.val());
And then you can do this:
var $matches = $("select[select-value='" + searchVal + "']");
$matches will have all of your matching selects.
This is a lot easier than having to iterate through elements. Remember to set select-value to the initial value when rendering the page so you don't need to trigger a change event for each select so the select-value is set.