scala method implicit convertion not working - scala

I have a Play 2.3 project with custom headers coming from AJAX that need to be passed to every service call (to be passed further to the web services). I thought about making it an implicit parameter, like in this dumbed down example :
case class CriteriaHeaders(license: String)
case class Criteria(criteriaHeaders: CriteriaHeaders, id: Int)
class ProjectController(service: Service) {
implicit def criteriaToCiteriaHeaders(criteria: Criteria): CriteriaHeaders = criteria.criteriaHeaders
def findName(criteria: Criteria) = {
// implicit val criteriaHeaders: CriteriaHeaders = criteria.criteriaHeaders
error => error,
name => name
class Service {
def findName(id: Int)
(implicit criteriaHeaders: CriteriaHeaders): Either[String, String] = ??? // TODO
(Of course in the real project there is an ActionBuilder, a Json parser etc.)
Usage :
val controller = new ProjectController(new Service())
val name = controller.findName(Criteria(CriteriaHeaders("abc"), 123))
It doesn't compile, giving an error :
Error:(21, 17) could not find implicit value for parameter licenseHeaders: A$A172.this.CriteriaHeaders.findName(
However, if I uncomment the implicit val, it works. Why it doesn't work with the implicit method?
In case anyone find this useful, I took second suggestion from #till-rohrmann and I put the implicit in the companion object of the CriteriaHeaders, so it is available in every controller using it.
object CriteriaHeaders {
implicit def criteriaToCiteriaHeaders(implicit criteria: Criteria) = criteria.criteriaHeaders

The problem is that an implicit conversion which takes an explicit parameter won't be called to obtain the implicit argument for the Service.findName method. There are two solutions to your problem.
Call the findName method with an explicit second parameter list and the Criteria argument. Then the compiler knows that it has to convert the criteria value into a CriteriaHeaders.
class ProjectController(service: Service) {
implicit def criteriaToCriteriaHeaders(criteria: Criteria): CriteriaHeaders = criteria.criteriaHeaders
def findName(criteria: Criteria) = {
error => error,
name => name
Make the parameter criteria of ProjectController.criteriaToCriteriaHeaders and ProjectController.findName implicit. Then the implicit conversion will be used.
class ProjectController(service: Service) {
implicit def criteriaToCiteriaHeaders(implicit criteria: Criteria): CriteriaHeaders = criteria.criteriaHeaders
def findName(implicit criteria: Criteria) = {
error => error,
name => name


Left to right arguments type inference

I have a case where I wish to apply modifications to an object based on the presence of (a few, say, 5 to 10) optionals. So basically, if I were to do it imperatively, what I'm aiming for is :
var myObject = ...
if (option.isDefined) {
myObject = myObject.modify(option.get)
if (option2.isDefined) {
myObject = myObject.someOtherModification(option2.get)
(Please note : maybe my object is mutable, maybe not, that is not the point here.)
I thought it'd look nicer if I tried to implement a fluent way of writing this, such as (pseudo code...) :
myObject.optionally(option, _.modify(_))
.optionally(option2, _.someOtherModification(_))
So I started with a sample code, which intelliJ does not highlight as an error, but that actually does not build.
class MyObject(content: String) {
/** Apply a transformation if the optional is present */
def optionally[A](optional: Option[A], operation: (A, MyObject) => MyObject): MyObject =, this)).getOrElse(this)
/** Some possible transformation */
def resized(length : Int): MyObject = new MyObject(content.substring(0, length))
object Test {
val my = new MyObject("test")
val option = Option(2)
my.optionally(option, (size, value) => value.resized(size))
Now, in my case, the MyObject type is of some external API, so I created an implicit conversion to help, so what it really does look like :
// Out of my control
class MyObject(content: String) {
def resized(length : Int): MyObject = new MyObject(content.substring(0, length))
// What I did : create a rich type over MyObject
class MyRichObject(myObject: MyObject) {
def optionally[A](optional: Option[A], operation: (A, MyObject) => MyObject): MyObject =, myObject)).getOrElse(myObject)
// And an implicit conversion
object MyRichObject {
implicit def apply(myObject: MyObject): MyRichObject = new MyRichObject(myObject)
And then, I use it this way :
object Test {
val my = new MyObject("test")
val option = Option(2)
import MyRichObject._
my.optionally(option, (size, value) => value.resized(size))
And this time, it fails in IntelliJ and while compiling because the type of the Option is unknown :
Error:(8, 26) missing parameter type
my.optionally(option, (size, value) => value.resized(size))
To make it work, I can :
Actively specify a type of the size argument : my.optionally(option, (size: Int, value) => value.resized(size))
Rewrite the optionally to a curried-version
None of them is really bad, but if I may ask :
Is there a reason that a curried version works, but a multi argument version seems to fail to infer the parametrized type,
Could it be written in a way that works without specifying the actual types
and as a bonus (although this might be opinion based), how would you write it (some sort of foldLeft on a sequence of optionals come to my mind...) ?
One option for your consideration:
// Out of my control
class MyObject(content: String) {
def resized(length : Int): MyObject = new MyObject(content.substring(0, length))
object MyObjectImplicits {
implicit class OptionalUpdate[A](val optional: Option[A]) extends AnyVal {
def update(operation: (A, MyObject) => MyObject): MyObject => MyObject =
(obj: MyObject) => => operation(a, obj)).getOrElse(obj)
object Test {
val my = new MyObject("test")
val option = Option(2)
import MyObjectImplicits._
option.update((size, value) => value.resized(size)),
// more options...
Might as well just use a curried-version of your optionally, like you said.
A nicer way to think about the need to add the type there is write it this way:
object Test {
val my = new MyObject("test")
val option = Some(2)
my.optionally[Int](option, (size, value) => value.resized(size))
Another way, if you only will manage one type since the object creation, is to move the generic to the class creation, but be careful, with this option you only can have one type per instance:
class MyObject[A](content: String) {
def optionally(optional: Option[A], operation: (A, MyObject[A]) => MyObject[A]): MyObject[A] =, this)).getOrElse(this)
def resized(length : Int): MyObject[A] = new MyObject[A](content.substring(0, length))
object Test {
val my = new MyObject[Int]("test")
val option = Some(2)
my.optionally(option, (size, value) => value.resized(size))
As you can see, now all the places where the generics was is taken by the Int type, because that is what you wanted in the first place, here is a pretty answer telling why:
(just the part that I think applies here:)
4)When the inferred return type would be more general than you intended, e.g., Any.
Source: In Scala, why does a type annotation must follow for the function parameters ? Why does the compiler not infer the function parameter types?

JPA query in Play for Scala throws compilation error

I'm trying to implement a JPA query in Play for Scala. I took the information from here, but since the examples are in Java I'm probably mistaken. This is the code:
class ManageBanks #Inject() (jpaApi: JPAApi) extends Controller {
def readMany = {
val em = jpaApi.em
jpaApi.withTransaction( (em: EntityManager) => { // <-- error in this line
val query = em.createQuery("from BankHib order by name")
val list =[BankHib])
I get the following error when I compile:
overloaded method value withTransaction with alternatives: [T](x$1:
String, x$2: Boolean, x$3: java.util.function.Supplier[T])T
(x$1: Runnable)Unit [T](x$1: java.util.function.Supplier[T])T
[T](x$1: String, x$2: Boolean, x$3:
[T](x$1: String, x$2:
cannot be applied to (javax.persistence.EntityManager ⇒
What's wrong with this code? How to make the query work?
This is because play.db.jpa.JPAApi.withTransaction has the following signatures:
withTransaction(java.lang.String, java.util.function.Function<javax.persistence.EntityManager,T>)
withTransaction(java.lang.String, boolean, java.util.function.Function<javax.persistence.EntityManager,T>)
And finally withTransaction(java.lang.String, boolean, java.util.function.Supplier<T>).
But you are instead passing a Scala function of type (javax.persistence.EntityManager ⇒ List[admin.manage.BankHib]). So, wrong type and the compiler complains saying that it was not able to find an alternative.
The correct way then is to use a java.util.function.Function[EntityManager, List]:
class ManageBanks #Inject()(jpaApi: JPAApi) extends Controller {
def readMany = {
jpaApi.withTransaction(new java.util.function.Function[EntityManager, List[BankHib]] {
override def apply(em: EntityManager): List[BankHib] = {
val query = em.createQuery("from BankHib order by name")[BankHib]).toList
Also, notice that you don't need to mix JPAApi and JPA to get an EntityManager since JPAApi has methods that already provides it to the given function.
See if this works
class ManageBanks #Inject() (jpaApi: JPAApi) extends Controller {
def readMany = {
jpaApi.withTransaction( () => { // <-- error in this line
val em = JPA.em() // or jpaApi.em
val query = em.createQuery("from BankHib order by name")
val list =[BankHib])

Handling loads of different message-types at runtime in an elegant way

In order to be able to handle large amounts of different request types I created a .proto file like this:
message Message
string typeId = 1;
bytes message = 2;
I added the typeId so that one knows what actual protobuf bytes represents. (Self-describing)
Now my problem is handling that different "concrete types" in an elegant way. (Note: All works fine if I simple use a switch-case-like approach!)
I thought about a solution like this:
1) Have a trait the different handlers have to implement, e.g.:
trait Handler[T]
def handle(req: T): Any
object TestHandler extends Handler[Test]
override def handle(req: Test): String =
s"A success, $req has been handled by TestHandler
object OtherHandler extends Handler[Other]
override def handle(req: Other): String =
s"A success, $req has been handled by OtherHandler
2) provide some kind of registry to query the right handler for a given message:
val handlers = Map(
Test -> TestHandler,
Other -> OtherHandler
3) If a request comes in it identifies itself, so we need another Mapper:
val reqMapper = Map(
"Test" -> Test
"Other" -> Other
4) If a request comes in, handle it:
val request ...
// Determine the requestType
val requestType = reqMapper(request.type)
// Find the correct handler for the requestType
val handler = handlers(requestType)
// Parse the actual request
val actualRequest = requestType.parse(...) // type of actualRequest can only be Test or Other in our little example
Now, until here everything looks fine and dandy, but then this line breaks my whole world:
It leads to:
type mismatch; found : com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with Product with com.trueaccord.scalapb.Message[_ >: tld.test.proto.Message.Test with tld.test.proto.Message.Other <: com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with Product] with com.trueaccord.lenses.Updatable[_ >: tld.test.proto.Message.Other with tld.test.proto.Message.Test <: com.trueaccord.scalapb.GeneratedMessage with Product]{def companion: Serializable} required: _1
As far as I understand - PLEASE CORRECT ME HERE IF AM WRONG - the compiler cannot be sure here, that actualRequest is "handable" by a handler. That means it lacks the knowledge that the actualRequest is definitely somewhere in that mapper AND ALSO that there is a handler for it.
It's basically implicit knowledge a human would get, but the compiler cannot infer.
So, that being said, how can I overcome that situation elegantly?
your types are lost when you use a normal Map. for eg
object Test{}
object Other{}
val reqMapper = Map("Test" -> Test,"Other" -> Other)
res0: Object = Test$#5bf0fe62 // the type is lost here and is set to java.lang.Object
the most idomatic way to approach this is to use pattern matching
request match {
case x: Test => TestHandler(x)
case x: Other => OtherHandler(x)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("not supported")
if you still want to use Maps to store your type to handler relation consider HMap provided by Shapeless here
Heterogenous maps
Shapeless provides a heterogenous map which supports an arbitrary
relation between the key type and the corresponding value type,
I settled for this solution for now (basically thesamet's, a bit adapted for my particular use-case)
trait Handler[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T], R]
implicit val cmp: GeneratedMessageCompanion[T]
def handle(bytes: ByteString): R = {
val msg: T = cmp.parseFrom(bytes.newInput())
def apply(t: T): R
object Test extends Handler[Test, String]
override def apply(t: Test): String = s"$t received and handled"
override implicit val cmp: GeneratedMessageCompanion[Test] = Test.messageCompanion
One trick you can use is to capture the companion object as an implicit, and combine the parsing and handling in a single function where the type is available to the compiler:
case class Handler[T <: GeneratedMessage with Message[T]](handler: T => Unit)(implicit cmp: GeneratedMessageCompanion[T]) {
def handle(bytes: ByteString): Unit = {
val msg: T = cmp.parseFrom(bytes.newInputStream)
val handlers: Map[String, Handler[_]] = Map(
"X" -> Handler((x: X) => Unit),
"Y" -> Handler((x: Y) => Unit)
// To handle the request:
Also, take a look at any.proto which defines a structure very similar to your Message. It wouldn't solve your problem, but you can take advantage of it's pack and unpack methods.

Explanation on the error with for comprehension and co-variance

Would like to get assistance to understand the cause of the error. The original is from Coursera Scala Design Functional Random Generators.
With the factories for random int and random boolean, trying to implement a random tree factory.
trait Factory[+T] {
self => // alias of 'this'
def generate: T
def map[S](f: T => S): Factory[S] = new Factory[S] {
def generate = f(self.generate)
def flatMap[S](f: T => Factory[S]): Factory[S] = new Factory[S] {
def generate = f(self.generate).generate
val intFactory = new Factory[Int] {
val rand = new java.util.Random
def generate = rand.nextInt()
val boolFactory = => i > 0)
The implementation in the 1st block causes the error but if it changed into the 2nd block, it does not. I believe Factory[+T] meant that Factory[Inner] and Factory[Leaf] could be both treated as Factory[Tree].
I have no idea why the same if expression in for block is OK but it is not OK in yield block. I appreciate explanations.
trait Tree
case class Inner(left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
case class Leaf(x: Int) extends Tree
def leafFactory: Factory[Leaf] = => new Leaf(i))
def innerFactory: Factory[Inner] = new Factory[Inner] {
def generate = new Inner(treeFactory.generate, treeFactory.generate)
def treeFactory: Factory[Tree] = for {
isLeaf <- boolFactory
} yield if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactory
^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
type mismatch; found : Factory[Inner] required: Tree
type mismatch; found : Factory[Leaf] required: Tree
However, below works.
def treeFactory: Factory[Tree] = for {
isLeaf <- boolFactory
tree <- if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactory
} yield tree
I have no idea why the same if expression in for block is OK but it is
not OK in yield block
Because they are translated differently by the compiler. The former example is translated into:
boolFactory.flatMap((isLeaf: Boolean) => if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactor)
Which yields the expected Factory[Tree], while the latter is being translated to: Boolean) => if (isLeaf) leafFactory else innerFactory)
Which yields a Factory[Factory[Tree]], not a Factory[Tree], thus not conforming to your method signature. This isn't about covariance, but rather how for comprehension translates these statements differently.

Scala Data Modeling and Generics

I'm using the Play Framework and Squeryl to make a fairly basic front end for a database, but I know I'm rewriting too much code. I have different models to represent data in my db, and they all do the same six functions
object ModelType{
def add(model:ModelType):Option[ModelType] = Option(AppDB.tablename.insert(model))
def remove(id: Long) = AppDB.tablename.delete(id)
def getAll():List[ModelType] = from(AppDB.tablename)(model => select(model) orderBy(model.aDifferentFieldForEachModel)) toList
def toJson(model:ModelType):JsValue ={
Map("field" -> Json.toJson(model.field))
def allToJson() = {
val json:List[JsValue] ={toJson(_)}
def validate(different values for each model) = // is fairly different for each one. Validates the submitted fields from a user
So I'm using case classes for each of the models, and using an accompanying object for these commands. How can I use generics or traits in scala to make my life easier and not type all of these methods out every time?
EDIT: Mostly solved with gzm0's answer, but the problem is now how would I implement getAll in the trait? I want to be able to save some variable for each model that resembles the model.aDifferentFieldForEachModel as above.
You could try the following:
trait ModelOps[T] {
def table: AppDB.Table // not sure about type
def order: AppDB.OrderByPredicate // not sure about type
def toJson(model: T): JsValue
def add(model: T): Option[T] = Option(AppDB.categories.insert(model))
def remove(id: Long) = AppDB.categories.delete(id)
def getAll(): List[T] = from(table)(model => select(model) orderBy(order)) toList
def allToJson() = {
val json:List[JsValue] ={toJson(_)}
Then you can for each model type:
object ModelType extends ModelOps[ModelType] {
def table = AppDB.examples
def order = yourPredicate
def toJson(model:ModelType):JsValue = {
Json.toJson(Map("field" -> Json.toJson(model.field)))
def validate(different values for each model) = // is fairly different for each one. Validates the submitted fields from a user
UPDATE About the true type of AppDB.OrderByPredicate:
Calling select on PrimitiveTypeMode returns a SelectState. On this SelectState, you will call orderBy which takes a List[BaseQueryYield#O] (or multiple of those in the same argument list). Hence you should define:
def order(model: T): List[BaseQueryYield#O]
def getAll() = from(table)(model => select(model) orderBy(order(model))) toList
By the way, BaseQueryYield#O resolves to ExpressionNode.