Powershell command -replace with multi-line value - powershell

I'm struggling to use powershell to replace a string with multi-line value.
The value is from Jenkins input text parameter. So this value is a multi-line string.
I use powershell to replace {{BUILD_INFO_CHANGES}} with %BUILD_INFO_CHANGES%.
-bug 2
Here is the script:
powershell -Command "(gc %JOB_BUILD_DIR%\ThisBuildInfo.md) -replace '{{BUILD_INFO_CHANGES}}', '%BUILD_INFO_CHANGES%' | Out-File %JOB_BUILD_DIR%\ThisBuildInfo.md"
However, I got the error response from Jenkins.
'{{BUILD_INFO_FIXED_BUGS}}', <<<< '- bug1 is missing the terminator: '. ... + FullyQualifiedErrorId : TerminatorExpectedAtEndOfString
And I change the script and use # to wrap the value. Here is the changed script.
powershell -Command "(gc %JOB_BUILD_DIR%\ThisBuildInfo.md) -replace '{{BUILD_INFO_CHANGES}}', #'%BUILD_INFO_CHANGES%'# | Out-File %JOB_BUILD_DIR%\ThisBuildInfo.md"
I got another error.
FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnrecognizedToken
Does anyone have a solution for this?

The problem is using the -Command parameter for anything other than a simple script you will run into issues where characters such as curly braces and quotes will be misinterpreted by the command prompt before the are they are passed to PowerShell. You could could tie yourself in knots by adding several layers of escaping or there is a simpler way - use the -EncodedCommand parameter instead.
For the -EncodedCommand you just need to Base64 encode your command which you can do with the following PowerShell script:
$command = #'
# Enter your commands containg curly braces and quotes here
# As long as you like
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($command)
$encodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) | clip.exe
This will copy the encoded command to the clipboard, then all you need to do to use your command is type:
powershell.exe -EncodedCommand
.. and then paste in your command so that you end up with something like the following:
You now have something that is command prompt safe.

Thanks Dave! Your solution give me an idea.
Here is the easiest solution to work on Jenkins.
I put the following scripts on a Powershell build step in my Jenkins build job.
(gc $thisBuildInfoPath) -replace "{{BUILD_INFO_FIXED_BUGS}}", $fixedBugs | sc $thisBuildInfoPath


Escape double quotes and single quotes in Jenkins pipeline script

I have one powershell command inside that both Double quotes and single quotes are present and it's needed for sure in order to make the command execute successfully in dos prompt. I am not sure how to make it escape in pipeline script.
bat "powershell -Command "(Get-Content "${Physical_FolderLoc}\\${Stord_Process_Name}.txt") | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace [RegEx]::Escape('E:\\config'), 'I:\\config' } | Set-Content "${Physical_FolderLoc}\\${Stord_Process_Name}.txt" " "
In the above command you can see the second last " is ending quote for Get Content and last one is for bat command.
I tried the above command with triple slash but getting groovy error.
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: _ for class: groovy.lang.Binding
at groovy.lang.Binding.getVariable(Binding.java:63)
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.scriptsecurity.sandbox.groovy.SandboxInterceptor.onGetProperty
Please help me to resolve this.
Change each internal double quoted string, eg:
('{0}\\{1}.txt' -f $Physical_FolderLoc, $Stord_Process_Name)
I got the exact issue why the command was not escaping. There is a stand alone $ symbol in the powershell command which is also a system character for groovy, so that need to be escaped as well.(The $ character which is after ForEach-Object {). It's now prefixed with \, so escaped.
Now the complete command is :
bat "powershell -Command \"(Get-Content ${Physical_FolderLoc}\\${Stord_Process_Name}.txt) | ForEach-Object { \$_ -replace [RegEx]::Escape('E:\\config'), 'I:\\config' } | Set-Content ${Physical_FolderLoc}\\${Stord_Process_Name}.txt\" "
Though no one had tried to help much, but still thanks a lot for the suggestion.

Multiline powershell function inside batch script

I want to run .bat-script which calls some powershell function inside it. Function is not so small, so I want to split it. But I cannot do it, escape symbols doesn`t help ( ` ,^).
Script example:
set file=%1
set function="$file=$Env:file; ^
$hash = CertUtil -hashfile $file SHA256 | Select -Index 1"
powershell -command %function%
You can leave the quote at the end of each line like so:
set file=%1
set function="$file=$Env:file; "^
"$hash = CertUtil -hashfile $file SHA256 | Select -Index 1; "^
"example break line further...."
powershell -command %function%
The ^ works as multiline character but it also escapes the first character, so also a quote would be escaped.
Do not mix batchfile syntax with PowerShell. As #Stephan mentioned $function= won't work in batch file. You need to use set function= instead. Let's say I want to execute the following:
Then the code should look like this:
set function=Get-Process; ^
And you start PowerShell with:
powershell -noexit -command %function%
-noexit added so that you can verify that the code was successfully executed.
Also keep in mind that what you pass to PowerShell is batch multiline and in PowerShell it's visible as one line so you have to remember about semicolon (which you actually do but I'm leaving this comment here for future readers).
There's also another option how to pass variable from batch script to PowerShell. You can do it like this:
set name=explorer
set function=get-process $args[0]; ^
powershell -noexit -command "& {%function% }" %name%
$args[0] represents first argument passed to the scriptblock. To pass that argument, add %name% after the scriptblock while starting powershell. Also, as pointed out in this answer (credits to #Aacini for pointing this out in comments), you have to add & operator and keep your scriptblock inside curly brackets { }.
Sidenote: to be honest, I'd avoid running scripts like this. Much simpler way would be to just save the file as .ps1 and run this in your batch file:
powershell -noexit -file .\script.ps1

Passing newline character to PowerShell via Cmd

I'm trying to run a PowerShell script from Windows cmd.exe. The input to the PowerShell script is a string, which contains newline characters using PowerShell backtick escaping - i.e:
For demonstration purposes, the input string is then written to the console, and also dumped to a file.
The issue I have is that when the script is run from cmd.exe using the syntax
powershell.exe script.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST"
The newline characters in the string are not treated as newline, and are included literally in both the console output and the output text file.
However, if I run this from a PowerShell environment, I get the expected result (i.e. the newline characters are parsed correctly, and a newline is inserted in the appropriate location).
Similarly, if I pass in \r\n instead of the escaped newline characters through Windows cmd.exe, and do a .replace in the PowerShell script
$date = $data.replace("\r\n","`r`n")
I get the expected output:
Is anyone able to shed some light on why this happens?
The test script is as follows:
param([string]$data) # data to send
Write-Host $data
[IO.File]::WriteAllText('d:\temp.txt', $data)
return 0
And the file is called from the command line as:
powershell.exe script.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST"
The script is running on Windows Server 2012 R2, using PowerShell v4.0
Use -Command and pass the entire PowerShell command as a single string; e.g.:
C:\> powershell -NoProfile -Command "script.ps1 \"TEST`r`nTEST\""
Note how the internal " instances are escaped as \", which PowerShell requires when called from the outside (alternatively, for full robustness, use "^"" (sic) in Windows PowerShell and "" in PowerShell (Core) v6+).
In your specific case,
powershell -NoProfile -Command script.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST" would have worked too, but generally that only works as intended if the string has no embedded spaces.
Given that -Command is the default up to PSv5.1, your command - as currently posted - should work as-is.
As of PowerShell v5.1, arguments passed to powershell.exe from the outside:
ARE subject to interpretation by PowerShell, including string interpolation, by default and when you use -Command (i.e., specifying neither -File nor -Command currently defaults to -Command).
Caveat: The default behavior will change in v6: -File will be the default then - see the relevant change on GitHub.
are NOT subject to interpretation if you use -File to invoke a script - (after potential interpretation by cmd.exe) PowerShell treats all arguments as literal strings.
Caveat: This behavior is currently being discussed with respect to v6, given that it is overtly problematic in at least one case: trying to pass Boolean values.
Optional reading: Why you should pass the entire PowerShell command as a single argument when using -Command:
When you use -Command with multiple arguments, PowerShell essentially assembles them into a single command line behind the scenes before executing it.
Any "..."-quoting around the individual arguments is lost in the process, which can have unexpected results; e.g.:
C:\> powershell -NoProfile -Command "& { $args.count }" "line 1`r`nline 2"
3 # !! "line 1`r`nline 2" was broken into 3 arguments
Given that the outer "..." quoting was removed in the process of parsing the command line, the actual command line that PowerShell ended up executing was:
C:\ PS> & { $args.Count } line 1`r`nline 2
To illustrate why, let's look at an equivalent command that uses explicit quoting:
C:\ PS> & { $args.Count } "line" "1`r`nline" "2"
In other words: After the enclosing " were removed, the resulting token was broken into multiple arguments by spaces, as usual.
The parameter will need to be reinterpreted as a PowerShell string. Will this get you down the road?
The reason your -replace did not work is that the original string actually contains a backtick. It needs to be escaped in the search string.
C:\src\t>type p1.ps1
Write-Host $s
$p = Invoke-Expression `"$s`"
Write-Host $p
$p2 = $s -replace "``r``n","`r`n"
Write-Host $p2
C:\src\t>powershell -noprofile -file .\p1.ps1 "TEST`r`nTEST"
Carriage return and Linefeed are bytes with values 13 and 10, you can't write them, you can't see them.
As a convenience, when writing PowerShell code, the language will let you write:
in a double quoted string, and when processing PowerShell source code (and at no other time), it will read those and replace them with bytes value 13 and 10.
It is this line of code in the PowerShell tokenizer which does it.
There is nothing special about backtick-n to the cmd.exe interpreter, and nothing special about having it in a string - you can put it there in a single quoted string
or replacing it in a string - except that you have to note when the replacement happens. e.g. in your comment:
For example, if you pass in 'r'n and then replace 'r'n with 'r'n, the 'r'n is still output literally
Because your code
-replace "`r`n"
-replace "[char]13[char]10"
and your string passed in from outside contains
and they don't match. Backtick-n in a string isn't magic, strings are not all interpreted by the PowerShell engine as PowerShell code, nor are parameters, or anything. And it's only in that context - when you write your -replace code, that is when the swap for actual newline characters happens.

How to use a variable in powershell replace command (from Windows CMD)

I'm currently using the following command to do a find and replace in a file (I googled the code and just added the -encoding UTF8 because otherwise Apache refused to read the file as a php file):
powershell -Command "(gc app.php) -replace '/../', '/../new_project_name/' | Out-File -encoding UTF8 app.php"
The code is working as long as the folder is "new_project_name". new_project_name should actually be a variable name though. E.g. if SET new_project_name=example then the powershell would be as follows:
powershell -Command "(gc app.php) -replace '/../', '/../example/' | Out-File -encoding UTF8 app.php"
I've tried passing a variable to the powershell command but either get errors or no changes are made.
Variables defined in your batch script are available in the env: scope in PowerShell commands started from the batch script (as it inherits the parent script's environment):
Set "new_name=example"
powershell -Command "(gc app.php) -replace '/../', \"/../$env:new_name/\" | ..."
Note that if you use the variable inside a (PowerShell) string you must put that string in double quotes. Single quotes will not work. Escape the nested double quotes with backslashes for CMD.

Use double quote then curly brace in powershell -Command

There are a couple questions related to this on here but they specifically address Write-Host. I want to run something like
powershell.exe -Command "'example.exe' /f`"`{GUID`}`""
Only it fails with the error
Missing closing '}' in statement block.
At line:1 char:396
+ $mypid=(get-process EXEName*).id;wait-process -id $mypid;
& `C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}\Target.exe`
/s /ig``{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX`}` /instance=1 /f3`C:\Recordings`
/f4`uninstall-log.txt` /f1`C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\`{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX`}\setup.iss`
/f2`C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\`{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX`}\setup.log` /removeonly <<<<
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (CloseBraceToken:TokenId) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MissingEndCurlyBrace
I have other strings starting with " and containing {} (like /f"C:\Folder\{GUID}\program.exe" and these don't cause any trouble. It's only my argument where the curly braces are adjacent to the double quotes:
In the error message, it may or may not be noteworthy that all the double quotes are gone so my /ig argument is left with two backticks. I believe my version is 2.0. Here is my actual (modified) command:
powershell -Command "$mypid=(get-process EXEName*).id;wait-process -id
$mypid;& 'C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-
XXXXXXXXXXXX`}`" /instance=1 /f3`"C:\Recordings`" /f4`"uninstall-log.txt`"
XXXXXXXXXXXX`}\setup.log`" /removeonly"
Can anyone shed some light on this? I don't know why it would be invalid. Thank you!
The problem is using the -Command parameter for anything other than a simple script you will run into issues where characters such as curly braces and quotes will be misinterpritted by the command prompt before the are they are passed to Powershell. You could could tie yourself in knots by adding several layers of escaping or there is a simplier way - use the -EncodedCommand parametter instead.
For the EncodedCommand you just need to Base64 encode your command which you can do with the following Powershell script:
$command = #'
# Enter your commands containg curly braces and quotes here
# As long as you like
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($command)
$encodedCommand = [Convert]::ToBase64String($bytes) | clip.exe
This will copy the encoded command to the clipboard, then all you need to do to use your command is type:
powershell.exe -EncodedCommand
.. and then paste in your command so that you end up with something like the following:
You now have something that is command prompt safe.