Apache Wicket event on Page "page was mouted on ..." - wicket

I have mount Page in this form (with one predefined parameter):
mountPage("/lista/${variant}", StronaEntityV2.class);
when parameter "variant" is given all is OK. But when parameter is absent (is OK too from application point of view) URL is build in form
It is ok too, but I will know that situation. In simple situation (with one predefined parameter) checking parameter is good, but in more complicated isn't so simple (and must maintain code in distinct places).
My ideal imaged solution is event
page.OnPageIsMountedOn(URL to_me)
I will accept wide range of solutions.
FORMAL: please integrate synonyms on tags wicket-1.6 & wicket-6, and create new wicket-7

Your page is configured to listen to /lista/${variant}.
When you do: setResponsePage(StronaEntityV2.class, paramsWithVariant) then Wicket will use the mount point and produce: /lista/variantValue.
But if you do: setResponsePage(StronaEntityV2.class), i.e. no PageParameters provided, then Wicket will ignore /lista/${variant} (because it doesn't match) and will produce a "default" page url, i.e. /wicket/bookmarkable/com.example.StronaEntityV2.
So the application controls which url should be used.
You can use optional parameter placeholder: /lista/#{variant}. Note that I use # instead of $ now. This way Wicket will produce /lista/ when there is no variant parameter provided. In the page constructor you will know that the url is always "/lista" but the parameter may be null, so better use: pageParameters.get("variant").toXyz(defaultValue) or .toOptionalXyz().


Actions Builder checked list value for intent parameter returns no original value for match

I'm running into an issue with the Actions Builder that I think is a bug at Google's side of the Actions Builder platform, but not I'm not a hundred percent sure.
I'm building some sort of a shopping list app (that integrates with backend services). I have an intent to add one or more "generic names" (= product names) to a list.
When I configure the Intent with an InputType like this (notice the List being false),
The input I send to the intent gets parsed correctly, like this:
You see, "kokosolie" is resolved when my query was "add 'kokosnootolie' to the list". In this case, I get both the resolved and the original value of the InputType.
But in my use case, I want to receive multiple values for a "Generic name", so I turn on the "is list" checkbox.
The same query/voice command now results in this:
Only the resolved input type is returned here. While I need this one later in the app's logic, I also need the original values, but Google doesn't return them to me.
Is this a bug or a missing feature at Google's side of things or rather me, missing some configuration?

How to generate and resolve custom URLs with TYPO3 9.5

Am using $GLOBALS['TSFE']->cObj->typoLink to generate a link and I've an additional parameter like this: ext__pluginname[d64]=31511 and would like to return something like a/b/c. I would then want TYPO3 to give me back the link so I can resolve it when clicked. I've already tried PersistedAliasMapper but won't allow to return anything with a slash in it. I've even tried a custom aspect mapper. I get the error:
Parameter "tx_ext__pluginname__d64" for route "enhancer_tx_ext__pluginname000000003e62d21a000000000514759a" must match "[^/]++" ("a/c" given) to generate a corresponding URL.
Am able to generate and resolve the slugs(urls). I can store them in db and retrieve them for that matter. No problem.
Am generating them from root page (uid 1).
How can i get this to work?
I assume you already have created the desired path in a database table or view already, making use of the slug feature in the TYPO3 backend or creating it yourself.
You could then use the PersistedAliasMapper in your site config (config/sites/default/config.yaml).
If you need multiple values in a single path divided by slashes (not a combined slug field), take a look at the route configuration for the news extension. You just have to use database mappers instead of static ones, but keep in mind this may impact the performance of the routing!
As you did not provide much detail about your use case, I don't really understand why you need such a path structure with slashes.

Xpath starting retuning None on Scrapy

I'm trying to crawl a site and to do so, I'm using Scrapy. So, when doing requests to nested pages, the procedure usually gets the the information correctly on the first trials, but, on later requests the nodes starts to return None. I'm using xpath's functionality. Below I'm pasting some lines of the parse function:
(I tried this one with the approach of explicitly comparing the class value)
title = response.xpath('//span[#class="inlineFree"]/text()').extract_first()
(With this one I used the contains function)
view = response.xpath('//span[contains(#class,"count")]/text()').extract_first()
(I've also used this one when I found more suitable)
comments = response.css('div.commentMessage > span::text').extract()
Am I doing something wrong on paths?
Is there any reason for the crawler to stop reading the nodes correctly?
Cannot say what the problem is without the log messages or the spider code but..
What happens most of the time is that websites fo not follow a strict html structure .For some properties the 'title' may be inside the span
but for the next iteration it may be
span[#class="inlineFree"]/h1/text() or or any other tag
so you should check the html for those returning None

How to map urls?

I would like to map pages such domain/content/myProject/home.html to domain/home.html. /content/myProject/ is not needed. I have the following code:
String newpath = getResourceResolver().map(page.getPath());
this does not change anything. newpath is stay page.getPath()
how to solve this issue?
Answering as this question as it remains unanswered. Here is an example of how the etc mappings should look like:
Trick is you add 2 entries to sling:internalRedirect as / and /content/example/
AEM first tries to resolve resources with first entry '/'. So non page URLs like /etc/designs, /content/dam etc will be addressed by the first entry. If it is unable to resolve using the first one, it uses the second entry to resolve the page.
This is also the adobe recommended way for URL shortening compared to other techniques like apache redirect.
You need to create map in etc.Then Resource Resolver will take care of trimming the path .
In a standard installation of AEM you can find the folder:
This is the structure used when defining mappings for the HTTP protocol. Other folders (sling:Folder) can be created under /etc/map for any other protocols that you want to map.
Configuring an Internal Redirect to /content
To create the mapping that prefixes any request to http://localhost:4503/ with /content:
Using CRXDE navigate to /etc/map/http.
Create a new node:
Type sling:Mapping
This node type is intended for such mappings, though its use is not mandatory.
Name localhost_any
Click Save All.
Add the following properties to this node:
Name sling:match
Type String
Value localhost.4503/
Name sling:internalRedirect
Type String
Value /content/
Click Save All.
This will handle a request such as:
as if:
had been requested.
You can refer here for further documentation http://docs.adobe.com/docs/en/cq/5-6-1/deploying/resource_mapping.html

What may be an efficient way to judge whether a user stays on the same domain while browsing (using a Firefox extension)?

While browsing a website, say www.example.com, it is possible that the user enters some subdomain say www.sub.example.com
But the base webdomain remains the same.
In my firefox extension, I need to develop a "session" which remains active until a user remains on the same domain.
A simple solution would be to extract the domain from the url first. Then split the string with "." as token. Thus, we get sub and example for the second case and just example for the second case. I can then compare both. If any are equal, I deduce that the domains are same.
Though this might work, this seems more like a hack and might be prone to false positives/negatives.
Is there a more efficient / cleaner solution to the same problem?
Info: I am using GWT to build the extension
You should use nsIEffectiveTLDService, it will handle things like sub.example.co.uk correctly. You can pass an nsIURI instance to nsIEffectiveTLDService.getBaseDomain(), aAdditionalParts parameter should be zero. For http://sub.example.co.uk/foo you will get example.co.uk back - the actual "domain" part. Then you can simply compare the domain names for two URLs.