Run processing PApplet in Scala - scala

Here is the code:
import processing.core._
import PConstants._
import PApplet._
class PApp extends PApplet{
args = Array("PApp")
var x: Float = 0.0f
var y: Float = 0.0f
var z: Float = 0.0f
override def setup(): Unit = {
size(200, 200, "P3D")
x = width/2
y = height/2
z = 0
override def draw(): Unit = {
translate(x, y, z)
rect(0, 0, 10, 10)
z += 1
If I try to run this (ctrl-shift-R in intellij), I get this message:
Usage: PApplet [options] <class name> [sketch args]
See the Javadoc for PApplet for an explanation.
And no graphics appear. How can I solve this?

You should fill up the "Program arguments:" option inside the Run Configuration.
This is like this option is set up in my case:

As stated in the error message:
Usage: PApplet [options] <class name> [sketch args]
This means that when PApplet runs, it needs at least one argument - <class name> - the full class-path of your sketch. The options and Sketch Args are optional, as indicated by the square braces.
So, if you have a sketch like this:
package com.something.nice;
public class MySketch extends PApplet
Then, you'll need to pass com.something.nice.MySketch as an argument to your application.
In IntelliJ IDEA, you do this in your build configuration (via the menu: Run -> Edit Configurations...), in the "Program arguments" field.
This requirement was a result of the changes from Processing v2 to v3.
Applet is gone — Java's java.awt.Applet is no longer the base class
used by PApplet, so any sketches that make use of Applet-specific
methods (or assume that a PApplet is a Java AWT Component object) will
need to be rewritten.
You may also want to take note of this (same doc):
A new settings() method that is called behind the scenes. Most users
will never notice this, but if you're using Processing without its
preprocessor (i.e. from Eclipse or a similar development environment),
then put any calls to size(), fullScreen(), smooth(), noSmooth(), and
pixelDensity() into that method. More information can be found in the
reference. Only users who are in other development environments should
use settings(). It shouldn't be used for any other purpose.


#JSGlobalScope in scala.js 1.0 (JavaScriptException, ReferenceError, var is not defined)

After migrating from scala.js 0.6.x to 1.0, I've got some code related to #JSGlobalScope broken.
My use case is like this:
there's a 3rd-party library that expects some global var to be set to a function
when loaded and ready, it calls this function (by name)
I set this function in global scope from scala.js
The code looks like this:
object Globals extends js.Object {
var callbackFunctionFor3rdPartyLib: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native
then I set this var like this:
Globals.callbackFunctionFor3rdPartyLib = () => {
// do things
and then I add the script into the DOM.
This was working with scala.js 0.6.x, but with 1.0 I'm getting an exception like the following:
scala.scalajs.js.JavaScriptException: ReferenceError: callbackFunctionFor3rdPartyLib is not defined
In the changelog for 1.0.0 there's a "Breaking changes" section that mentions this:
Accessing a member that is not declared causes a ReferenceError to be thrown
... = 42
would previously create said global variable. In Scala.js 1.x, it also throws a ReferenceError.
My question is:
what is the right way to do something like this (create a new global var) in scala.js 1.0?
If you know you'll always be in a browser context, you can use #JSGlobal("window") instead of #JSGlobalScope on your Globals, which will then be equivalent to doing window.myGlobalVarFor3rdPartyLib in JS. So that will work.
object Globals extends js.Object {
var callbackFunctionFor3rdPartyLib: js.Function0[Unit] = js.native
If not, but you are using a script (so not a CommonJS nor an ES module), the best thing is actually to use
object Globals {
var foo: js.Function[Unit] = ...
Note that Globals is a normal Scala object now, not a JS one.
The #JSExportTopLevel creates a top-level var myGlobalVarFor3rdPartyLib at the top of the script, and then assigning will also assign that top-level var.
If you're not using a script nor know that you're going to always be in a browser, then you need to figure out the global object yourself. Scala.js 0.6.x tried to do that for you, but could fail, so we don't do that anymore. You can at least follow the "instructions" on the documentation of js.special.fileLevelThis to reproduce what Scala.js 0.6.x was doing. I repeat the instructions here:
Using this value should be rare, and mostly limited to writing code
detecting what the global object is. For example, a typical detection
code--in case we do not need to worry of ES modules--looks like:
val globalObject = {
import js.Dynamic.{global => g}
if (js.typeOf( != "undefined" && ( eq g.Object)) {
// Node.js environment detected
} else {
// In all other well-known environment, we can use the global `this`
Note that the above code is not comprehensive, as there can be JavaScript
environments where the global object cannot be fetched neither through
global nor this. If your code needs to run in such an environment, it
is up to you to use an appropriate detection procedure.

Why can't Whole Module Optimalization infer final on public non-overridden module classes/methods in the same module?

From this article, I quote the following sentence:
Use Whole Module Optimization to infer final on internal declarations.
Declarations with internal access (the default if nothing is declared)
are only visible within the module where they are declared. Because
Swift normally compiles the files that make up a module separately,
the compiler cannot ascertain whether or not an internal declaration
is overridden in a different file. However, if Whole Module
Optimization is enabled, all of the module is compiled together at the
same time. This allows the compiler to make inferences about the
entire module together and infer final on declarations with internal
if there are no visible overrides.
Let’s go back to the original code snippet, this time adding some extra public keywords to ParticleModel.
public class ParticleModel {
var point = ( x: 0.0, y: 0.0 )
var velocity = 100.0
func updatePoint(newPoint: (Double, Double), newVelocity: Double) {
point = newPoint
velocity = newVelocity
public func update(newP: (Double, Double), newV: Double) {
updatePoint(newP, newVelocity: newV)
var p = ParticleModel()
for i in stride(from: 0.0, through: times, by: 1.0) {
p.update((i * sin(i), i), newV:i*1000)
When compiling this snippet with Whole Module Optimization the
compiler can infer final on the properties point, velocity, and the
method call updatePoint(). In contrast, it can not be inferred that
update() is final since update() has public access.
Why can't WMO static dispatch a call to update() if ParticalModel isn't overridden in the current module? It is not allowed to override ParicleModel in other modules (since it's access modifier is public, not open). I would expect that every method and property in the class can have final inferred because it isn't overridden in the current module, but the documentation explicitly mentions that it can not infer final.
The linked article was written for Swift 2, which predates the introduction of the open access level in Swift 3 (SE-0117). Therefore what it refers to as public is now semantically what the open access level is. You're indeed correct that a call to a public member will now be statically dispatched with whole module optimisation enabled if the compiler can prove it is not overriden within the same module.

find variable Declaration reference Abstract syntax tree eclipse cdt C code

I have a c code like this
int x;
x = 5;
I used eclipse cdt to generate the AST, and traverse on it, so this is the code of the traversed class
public class RuleChk extends AbstractRule {
public RuleChk(IASTTranslationUnit ast) {
super("RuleChk", false, ast);
shouldVisitDeclarations = true;
shouldVisitParameterDeclarations = true;
public int visit(IASTSimpleDeclaration simpleDecl) {
//if this node has init, e.g: x = 5, do business
if(VisitorUtil.containNode(simpleDecl, CASTExpressionStatement){
// Now I have the x = 5 node,
// I want to get the reference node of it's declaration
// I mean (int x;) node
IASTNode declNode = ?????
return super.visit(parameterDeclaration);
what I want to visit the node that only has assignation(Initialization) and get the reference of declaration node for that varaiable.
I'm not sure how VisitorUtil works (it's not from the CDT code), but I assume it gives you a way to access the the found node. So:
Given the IASTExpressionStatement node that was found, use IASTExpression.getExpression() to get the contained expression.
See if it's an IASTBinaryExpression, and that is getOperator() is IASTBinaryExpression.op_assign.
Use IASTBinaryExpression.getOperand1() to get the assignment expression's left subexpression. Check that it's an IASTIdExpression, and get the variable it names via IASTIdExpression.getName().
Now that you have the name, use IASTName.resolveBinding() to get the variable's binding. This is the variable's representation in the semantic program model.
To find the variable's definition, use IASTTranslationUnit.getDefinitionsInAST(IBinding) if you only want it to look in the current file, or IASTTranslationUnit.getDefinitions(IBinding) if you want it to look in included header files as well (the latter requires the project to be indexed). The IASTTranslationUnit can be obtained from any IASTNode via IASTNode.getTranslationUnit().

Using std::bind to capture a parameter pack "by move"

I'm attempting to implement std::async from scratch, and have run into a hiccup with arguments of move-only type. The gist of it is, C++14 init-captures allow us to capture single variables "by move" or "by perfect forwarding", but they do not appear to let us capture parameter packs "by move" nor "by perfect forwarding", because you can't capture a parameter pack by init-capture — only by named capture.
I've found what appears to be a workaround, by using std::bind to capture the parameter pack "by move", and then using a wrapper to move the parameters out of the bind object's storage into the parameter slots of the function I really want to call. It even looks elegant, if you don't think too much about it. But I can't help thinking that there must be a better way — ideally one that doesn't rely on std::bind at all.
(Worst case, I'd like to know how much of std::bind I'd have to reimplement on my own in order to get away from it. Part of the point of this exercise is to show how things are implemented all the way down to the bottom, so having a dependency as complicated as std::bind really sucks.)
My questions are:
How do I make my code work, without using std::bind? (I.e., using only core language features. Generic lambdas are fair game.)
Is my std::bind workaround bulletproof? That is, can anybody show an example where the STL's std::async works and my Async fails?
Pointers to discussion and/or proposals to support parameter-pack capture in C++1z will be gratefully accepted.
Here's my code:
template<typename UniqueFunctionVoidVoid>
auto FireAndForget(UniqueFunctionVoidVoid&& uf)
template<typename Func, typename... Args>
auto Async(Func func, Args... args)
-> std::future<decltype(func(std::move(args)...))>
using R = decltype(func(std::move(args)...));
std::packaged_task<R(Args...)> task(std::move(func));
std::future<R> result = task.get_future();
#ifdef FAIL
// sadly this syntax is not supported
auto bound = [task = std::move(task), args = std::move(args)...]() { task(std::move(args)...) };
// this appears to work
auto wrapper = [](std::packaged_task<R(Args...)>& task, Args&... args) { task(std::move(args)...); };
auto bound = std::bind(wrapper, std::move(task), std::move(args)...);
return result;
int main()
auto f3 = [x = std::unique_ptr<int>{}](std::unique_ptr<int> y) -> bool { sleep(2); return x == y; };
std::future<bool> r3 = Async(std::move(f3), std::unique_ptr<int>{});
std::future<bool> r4 = Async(std::move(f3), std::unique_ptr<int>(new int));
assert(r3.get() == true);
assert(r4.get() == false);
It was suggested to me offline that another approach would be to capture the args pack in a std::tuple, and then re-expand that tuple into the argument list of task using something like std::experimental::apply (coming soon to a C++17 standard library near you!).
auto bound = [task = std::move(task), args = std::make_tuple(std::move(args)...)]() {
std::experimental::apply(task, args);
This is much cleaner. We've reduced the amount of library code involved, down from bind to "merely" tuple. But that's still a big dependency that I'd love to be able to get rid of!

How can I export an interface that I have imported?

I am creating a library in typescript, which is spread across multiple files. I take all the classes and constants I have defines and import them into one module, which exports them all under one namespace. I have just defines an interface, and I wish to include it in the same namespace/module as all the other parts of my library. But apparently I can't.
Here's a simplified example:
/app.ts is the entry point of the application, all I do in it at the moment is include my library MyLib:
import myLib = require("lib/MyLib/MyLib"); // this works fine
/lib/MyLib/MyLib.ts is the file in which I import all of the things defined by MyLib, and export them together:
// lib/MyLib/MyLib.ts
import VehiclesImport = require("./transport/vehicles");
// error under VehiclesImport.IAutomobile, saying that VehiclesImport has no property IAutomobile
export var IAutomobile = VehiclesImport.IAutomobile;
export var Car = VehiclesImport.Car;
In /lib/MyLib/transport/vehicles.ts, I define several classes and interfaces of vehicles, here, I'll just show IAutomobile and Car:
// lib/MyLib/transport/vehicles.ts
export interface IAutomobile {
weight: number
export class Car implements IAutomobile {
weight = 3000
I have tried creating a class truck in MyLib.ts, which properly implements IAutomobile, and that works fine, without any error messages. The problem only seems to arise when I want to access IAutomobile outside of an 'implements' statement.
I apologize if this seems like a 'code dump', but in my opinion, this is a serious problem that I cannot access my interfaces except in a class declaration. I have searched Google for the past two hours and found nothing on the subject. Thanks for any help you can give me!
Edit: I understand that typescript interfaces are not part of the compiled javascript code, but that should not stop me from manipulating them within typescript.
Use the import keyword to bring in something into the type declaration space (as opposed to var which brings it into the variable declaration space).
This is demonstrated below. a.ts:
export interface A {
val: number;
To re-export this from another file b.ts:
import a = require('./a');
export import B = a.A; // Important use of import
Sample usage in some other file c.ts:
import b = require('./b');
var foo: b.B;
foo.val = 123;
interface C extends b.B {
var bar: C;
bar.val2 = 456;
The example rewritten following TS language specification:
export interface A {
val: number;
To re-export this from another file b.ts:
export {A} from './a'
Usage in some other file c.ts:
import {A} from './b'
var foo: A = {val: 2};
foo.val = 123;
interface C extends A {
var bar: C = {val: 1, val2: 3};
bar.val2 = 456;
Types can't be assigned to variables, they exist in different "declaration spaces". Classes can be assigned to variables, because they contribute their names to the type declaration space as well as defining the class objects. Interfaces only contribute to the types declaration space, so can't be referenced as values.
The language is a bit verbose, but this is spelt out in detail in section 2.3 of the language spec
export interface ITest {
import * as foo from "./foo";
export type ITest = foo.ITest;
This works to re-export types/interfaces
import type { MyInterface, MyType } from './randomModule';
export { MyInterface, MyType }
The key is the surrounding braces in the export statement. Works in TypeScript 4.7.4. Reference.
In TypeScript 3.9.6, this worked for me:
import { Foo as FooType } from './some-path';
export type Foo = FooType;