Nested conditional MongoDB query - mongodb

Im having a hard time trying to run some nested queries with a conditional statement of an item inside an array.
this is how my documents looks like.
I would like to get a summary such as sum and average and alarmedCount (count every time Channels.AlarmStatus == "alarmed") of each "Channel" based on Channels.Id. I got sum and average to work but cant get the right query for alarmedCount
"_id" : "55df8e4cd8afa4ccer1915ee"
"location" : "1",
"Channels" : [{
"_id" : "55df8e4cdsafa4cc0d1915r1",
"ChannelId" : 1,
"Value" : 14,
"AlarmStatus" : "normal"
"_id" : "55df8e4cdsafa4cc0d1915r9",
"ChannelId" : 2,
"Value" : 20,
"AlarmStatus" : "alarmed"
"_id" : "55df8e4cdsafa4cc0d1915re",
"ChannelId" : 3,
"Value" : 10,
"AlarmStatus" : "alarmed"},
"_id" : "55df8e4cd8afa4ccer1915e0"
"location" : "1",
"Channels" : [{
"_id" : "55df8e4cdsafa4cc0d19159",
"ChannelId" : 1,
"Value" : 50,
"AlarmStatus" : "normal"
"_id" : "55df8e4cdsafa4cc0d1915re",
"ChannelId" : 2,
"Value" : 16,
"AlarmStatus" : "normal"
"_id" : "55df8e4cdsafa4cc0d1915g7",
"ChannelId" : 3,
"Value" : 9,
"AlarmStatus" : "alarmed"},
I got it to work to group them and show some calculations
using this aggregate
db.records.aggregate( [
"$unwind" : "$Channels"
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$Channels.Id",
"documentSum" : { "$sum" : "$Channels.Value" },
"documentAvg" : { "$avg" : "$Channels.Value" }
] )
the result looks like this:
"result" : [
"_id" : 1,
"documentSum" : 64,
"documentAvg" : 32
"_id" : 2,
"documentSum" : 36,
"documentAvg" : 18
"_id" : 3,
"documentSum" : 19,
"documentAvg" : 9.5
"ok" : 1.0000000000000000
I would like to get this type of result
"result" : [
"_id" : 1,
"documentSum" : 64,
"documentAvg" : 32,
"AlarmedCount" : 0
"_id" : 2,
"documentSum" : 36,
"documentAvg" : 18,
"AlarmedCount" : 1
"_id" : 3,
"documentSum" : 19,
"documentAvg" : 9.5,
"AlarmedCount" : 2
"ok" : 1.0000000000000000

Use a project-step before your group-step to convert the field AlarmedStatus to 1 or 0 depending on its value:
$project: {
"Channels.AlarmCount":{ $cond: {
if: { $eq: ["$Channels.AlarmedStatus", "alarmed"] },
then: 1,
else: 0 }
Then sum the newly created field to get the aggregated count:
$group : {
"_id" : "$Channels.Id",
"documentSum" : { "$sum" : "$Channels.Value" },
"documentAvg" : { "$avg" : "$Channels.Value" },
"AlarmCount" : { "$sum" : "$Channels.AlarmCount" }


MongoDB - Having difficulty further sorting the query results

This is an example of the collection I am working with
> db.grades.find().limit(5).forEach(printjson)
"_id" : ObjectId("50b59cd75bed76f46522c353"),
"student_id" : 0,
"class_id" : 30,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 14.34345947841966
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 47.65945482174327
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 83.42772189120254
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 49.86812935368258
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 39.85525554437086
"_id" : ObjectId("50b59cd75bed76f46522c356"),
"student_id" : 0,
"class_id" : 27,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 60.19473636151568
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 64.15966210014162
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 82.80835343023551
"_id" : ObjectId("50b59cd75bed76f46522c350"),
"student_id" : 0,
"class_id" : 5,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 88.22950674232497
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 79.28962650427184
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 18.66254946562674
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 40.28154176513361
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 1.23735944117882
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 88.96101200683958
"_id" : ObjectId("50b59cd75bed76f46522c357"),
"student_id" : 0,
"class_id" : 11,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 58.83297411100884
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 49.66835710930263
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 18.05861540807023
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 80.04086698967356
"_id" : ObjectId("50b59cd75bed76f46522c358"),
"student_id" : 0,
"class_id" : 10,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 30.93065784731665
"type" : "quiz",
"score" : 55.98003281528393
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 55.6752702814148
"type" : "homework",
"score" : 63.15391302252755
What I'm trying to achieve, is to get the highest score of the exam, where the student id is 5. I've been stuck on this for quite a while, and the furthest I've managed to come is to retrieve all of the student's exam scores, however I haven't managed to make it so only the highest scoring one displays. This is another aspect I'm stuck on.
This is the code for this output:
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 18,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 73.04238861317688
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 8,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 22.38732080941065
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 0,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 43.64758440439862
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 16,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 33.39752665396672
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 30,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 73.48459944869943
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 19,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 15.36563152024366
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 23,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 21.58296008740177
The code that gets me this is as follows:
var pipeline = [
{ $match: {student_id: 5} },
{ $unwind: "$scores" },
{ $group: {
_id: "$_id",
"student_id": { "$first": "$student_id" },
"class_id": { "$first": "$class_id" },
scores: { $push: "$scores" } } },
{ $project: { _id: 0,
student_id: 1,
class_id: 1,
scores: { $slice: [ "$scores", 1] } } } ];
var results = db.grades.aggregate ( pipeline );
(Sorry for the poor structuring, I did my best but I'm not used too it on stackoverflow)
I've been coding with MongoDB for about 2 days now, and I'm knowledgeable in it. Even less so with aggregates, but looking at posts and other code this seemed like the way to do it. From my point of view, because I'm already slicing through it, and attempting to sort the score will only result in getting the highest score out of exams, quiz and homeworks, so it's not a guarantee to give me the exam. Unless there's a different way to sort through these individually
Ideally, I'd want the end result to return only one document, where the exam score is the highest:
"student_id" : 5,
"class_id" : 30,
"scores" : [
"type" : "exam",
"score" : 73.48459944869943
$match student_id condition
$unwind deconstruct scores array
$match type: exam condition
$sort documents by score in descending order
$group by student_id and get first root document
$replaceRoot to replace doc to root
var pipeline = [
{ $match: { student_id: 5 } },
{ $unwind: "$scores" },
{ $match: { "scores.type": "exam" } },
{ $sort: { "scores.score": -1 } },
$group: {
_id: "$student_id",
doc: { $first: "$$ROOT" }
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: "$doc" } }

Mongo aggregation - Sorting using a field value from previous pipeline as the sort field

I have produced the below output using mongodb aggregation (including $group pipeline inside levelsCount field) :
"_id" : "1",
"name" : "First",
"levelsCount" : [
{ "_id" : "level_One", "levelNum" : 1, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Three", "levelNum" : 3, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Four", "levelNum" : 4, "count" : 8 }
"_id" : "2",
"name" : "Second",
"levelsCount" : [
{ "_id" : "level_One", "levelNum" : 1, "count" : 5 },
{ "_id" : "level_Two", "levelNum" : 2, "count" : 2 },
{ "_id" : "level_Three", "levelNum" : 3, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Four", "levelNum" : 4, "count" : 3 }
"_id" : "3",
"name" : "Third",
"levelsCount" : [
{ "_id" : "level_One", "levelNum" : 1, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Two", "levelNum" : 2, "count" : 3 },
{ "_id" : "level_Three", "levelNum" : 3, "count" : 2 },
{ "_id" : "level_Four", "levelNum" : 4, "count" : 3 }
Now, I need to sort these documents based on the levelNum and count fields of levelsCount array elements. I.e. If two documents both had the count 5 forlevelNum: 1 (level_One), then the sort goes to compare the count of levelNum: 2 (level_Two) field and so on.
I see how $sort pipeline would work on multiple fields (Something like { $sort : { level_One : 1, level_Two: 1 } }), But the problem is how to access those values of levelNum of each array element and set that value as a field name to do sorting on that. (I couldn't handle it even after $unwinding the levelsCount array).
P.s: The initial order of levelsCount array's elements may differ on each document and is not important.
The expected output of the above structure would be:
// Sorted result:
"_id" : "2",
"name" : "Second",
"levelsCount" : [
{ "_id" : "level_One", "levelNum" : 1, "count" : 5 }, // "level_One's count: 5" is greater than "level_One's count: 1" in two other documents, regardless of other level_* fields. Therefore this whole document with "name: Second" is ordered first.
{ "_id" : "level_Two", "levelNum" : 2, "count" : 2 },
{ "_id" : "level_Three", "levelNum" : 3, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Four", "levelNum" : 4, "count" : 3 }
"_id" : "3",
"name" : "Third",
"levelsCount" : [
{ "_id" : "level_One", "levelNum" : 1, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Two", "levelNum" : 2, "count" : 3 }, // "level_Two's count" in this document exists with value (3) while the "level_Two" doesn't exist in the below document which mean (0) value for count. So this document with "name: Third" is ordered higher than the below document.
{ "_id" : "level_Three", "levelNum" : 3, "count" : 2 },
{ "_id" : "level_Four", "levelNum" : 4, "count" : 3 }
"_id" : "1",
"name" : "First",
"levelsCount" : [
{ "_id" : "level_One", "levelNum" : 1, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Three", "levelNum" : 3, "count" : 1 },
{ "_id" : "level_Four", "levelNum" : 4, "count" : 8 }
Of course, I'd prefer to have an output document in the below format, But the first problem is to sort all docs:
"_id" : "1",
"name" : "First",
"levelsCount" : [
{ "level_One" : 1 },
{ "level_Three" : 1 },
{ "level_Four" : 8 }
You can sort by levelNum as descending order and count as ascending order,
$sort: {
"levelsCount.levelNum": -1,
"levelsCount.count": 1
For key-value format result of levelsCount array,
$map to iterate loop of levelsCount array
prepare key-value pair array and convert to object using $arrayToObject
$addFields: {
levelsCount: {
$map: {
input: "$levelsCount",
in: {
$arrayToObject: [
[{ k: "$$this._id", v: "$$this.levelNum" }]

How to return all documents using $group in mongo aggregation

I have a mongodb pipleline that i'm building up. It's working fine, except that I have an issue in my group stage.
I'm only getting documents that match the first value, when they're are multiple values. Any ideas?
Since you have used $first, it will only return the first document, You can use $push to get all the records.
An Example:
For the database entry :
{ "_id" : 1, "item" : "abc", "price" : 10, "quantity" : 2, "date" : ISODate("2014-01-01T08:00:00Z") }
{ "_id" : 2, "item" : "jkl", "price" : 20, "quantity" : 1, "date" : ISODate("2014-02-03T09:00:00Z") }
{ "_id" : 3, "item" : "xyz", "price" : 5, "quantity" : 5, "date" : ISODate("2014-02-03T09:05:00Z") }
{ "_id" : 4, "item" : "abc", "price" : 10, "quantity" : 10, "date" : ISODate("2014-02-15T08:00:00Z") }
{ "_id" : 5, "item" : "xyz", "price" : 5, "quantity" : 10, "date" : ISODate("2014-02-15T09:05:00Z") }
{ "_id" : 6, "item" : "xyz", "price" : 5, "quantity" : 5, "date" : ISODate("2014-02-15T12:05:10Z") }
{ "_id" : 7, "item" : "xyz", "price" : 5, "quantity" : 10, "date" : ISODate("2014-02-15T14:12:12Z") }
You can use this aggregation query which uses push
_id: { day: { $dayOfYear: "$date"}, year: { $year: "$date" } },
itemsSold: { $push: { item: "$item", quantity: "$quantity" } }
And the result is a list of items in itemSold
"_id" : { "day" : 46, "year" : 2014 },
"itemsSold" : [
{ "item" : "abc", "quantity" : 10 },
{ "item" : "xyz", "quantity" : 10 },
{ "item" : "xyz", "quantity" : 5 },
{ "item" : "xyz", "quantity" : 10 }
"_id" : { "day" : 34, "year" : 2014 },
"itemsSold" : [
{ "item" : "jkl", "quantity" : 1 },
{ "item" : "xyz", "quantity" : 5 }
"_id" : { "day" : 1, "year" : 2014 },
"itemsSold" : [ { "item" : "abc", "quantity" : 2 } ]
Reference: $push

Aggregate $group returns wrong values

I have a collection named donation
"_id" : 1,
"reqAmt" : 20,
"filled" : [
userId : 1,
depAmt : 5
"_id" : 2,
"reqAmt" : 20,
"filled" : []
Expected result
"_id" : 1,
"reqAmt" : 20,
"filledAmt" : 5
"_id" : 2,
"reqAmt" : 20,
"filledAmt" : 0
I tried with $unwind .but no luck. It always returns
{ "_id" : null, "filledAmt" : 0 }
Below are the codes
db.donation.aggregate([{$unwind:"$filled"},{$project:{"reqAmt":1,"filledAmt":1} },{$group:{"_id":null,"filledAmt":{"$sum":"$filled.depAmt"}}}])

Mongo aggregation $subtract between dynamic document value

Need to find the difference between two values of attendance,group by ward_id, based on patient id for two dates. The result has dynamic values based on the array. The difference is between two dates. Key would be ward_id, the difference will be between counts of patient's visit to the ward.
Example sample data
"_id" : {
"type" : "patient_attendence",
"ts" : ISODate("2015-02-03T21:31:29.902Z"),
"ward_id" : 2561
"count" : 4112,
"values" : [
"count" : 9,
"patient" : ObjectId("54766f973f35473ffc644618")
"count" : 19,
"patient" : ObjectId("546680e2d660e2dc5ebfea39")
"count" : 47,
"patient" : ObjectId("546680e3d660e2dc5ebfea72")
"count" : 1,
"patient" : ObjectId("546a137bdab5f21e612ea7ef")
"count" : 93,
"patient" : ObjectId("546680e3d660e2dc5ebfea89")
"_id" : {
"type" : "patient_attendence",
"ts" : ISODate("2015-02-03T21:31:29.902Z"),
"ward_id" : 3720
"count" : 1,
"values" : [
"count" : 1,
"patient" : ObjectId("546a136ddab5f21e612ea6a6")
"_id" : {
"type" : "patient_attendence",
"ts" : ISODate("2015-02-04T21:31:29.902Z"),
"ward_id" : 2561
"count" : 4112,
"values" : [
"count" : 10,
"patient" : ObjectId("54766f973f35473ffc644618")
"count" : 10,
"patient" : ObjectId("546680e2d660e2dc5ebfea39")
"count" : 6,
"patient" : ObjectId("5474e9e46606f32570fa48ff")
"count" : 1,
"patient" : ObjectId("5474e9e36606f32570fa48f2")
"count" : 1,
"patient" : ObjectId("546680e3d660e2dc5ebfea77")
"count" : 543,
"patient" : ObjectId("546680e2d660e2dc5ebfea43")
"count" : 1,
"patient" : ObjectId("5485fdc8d27a9122956b1c66")
"_id" : {
"type" : "patient_attendence",
"ts" : ISODate("2015-02-04T21:31:29.902Z"),
"ward_id" : 3720
"count" : 1,
"values" : [
"count" : 7,
"patient" : ObjectId("546a136ddab5f21e612ea6a6")
"result" : [{"person": ObjectId("54766f973f35473ffc644618"),
"count_1": 9,
"count_1": 10,
"difference":1 },{"person": ObjectId("546680e2d660e2dc5ebfea39"),
"count_1": 19,
"count_1": 10,
"difference":-9 } ....]
"result" : [{"person": ObjectId("546a136ddab5f21e612ea6a6"),
"count_1": 9,
"count_1": 10,
"difference":1 },{"person": ObjectId("546680e2d660e2dc5ebfea39"),
"count_1": 1,
"count_1": 7,
"difference":-6 }]
you can use the aggregation framework's $subtract operator outlined here:
$match: {id: {$elemMatch: {ward_id: my_ward_id, ts: my_desired_ts}}},
$limit: 2
$project: {values: 1}
$unwind: '$values'
$match: {patient: my_patient_id}
$group: {
_id: null,
'count1': {$first: '$values.count'},
'count2': {$last: '$values.count'}
$subtract: ['$count1', '$count2']
i haven't tested this but it would probably look like something above