Process JWT token using JWKs Endpoint - jwt

I receive two JWTs: an OpenID Connect ID token (id_token) and an Access Token (access_token). The situation with OpenID is more or less clear - I can validate it using a JWKS Endpoint:
as in example (
HttpsJwks httpsJkws = new HttpsJwks("");
HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver httpsJwksKeyResolver = new HttpsJwksVerificationKeyResolver(httpsJkws);
jwtConsumer = new JwtConsumerBuilder()
The question is how to proceed with the Access Token. I can extract from it the userId and userDetails, but I guess I need also to validate it?
If I try to validate the Access Token the same as for the ID Token, I am getting this error:
UnresolvableKeyException: Unable to find a suitable verification key for JWS w/ header {"alg" : "RS256", "kid":"1"}
And indeed there is no key for "kid" : "1", Also this value "1" seems kind of strange?
Am I doing something totally wrong?

It sounds like you are implementing the role of OpenID Connect client or Relying Party. The two tokens, ID token and access token, serve different purposes and should be handled differently by the client. The ID token is intended for the client and enables authentication of the end-user at the client. The client must validate the ID token (verify the signature and validate claims like exp and aud, etc.) before allowing the end-user in. The access token, however, is for the client to use to access resources or APIs but is not directly intended for the client to consume or validate. The access token is opaque to the client and the client shouldn't care or know about its details. In fact, access tokens aren't always JWTs. In OpenID Connect, the access token is used to call the user info endpoint (with the HTTP header, Authorization: Bearer [access token]) to get more claims/info about the end-user.
The value of "1" for the kid is totally legal but it is referring to a key that the AS/OP and the user info endpoint know about somehow. It is not a key at the OpenID Connect JWKS endpoint. "1" isn't a key that the client needs to know about because the client isn't supposed to directly verify the access token.


How can a resource server validate an access token without the authorization server

I'm learning about access tokens and refresh tokens. I understand...
An access token is an artifact that proves the user has been authorized to access a resource and allows a client application to perform specific actions on behalf of the user.
A refresh token is an artifact that lets a client application get new access tokens without having to ask the user to log in again.
I don't understand the following paragraph from this JWT book:
The key aspect of the separation between access and refresh tokens lies in the possibility of making access tokens easy to validate. An access token that carries a signature (such as a signed JWT) may be validated by the resource server on its own. There is no need to contact the authorization server for this purpose. Refresh tokens, on the other hand, require access to the authorization server.
The text is referring to the following image:
What exactly does "validate" mean here? How can the resource server validate the access token on its own? If the authorization server generates the access token, which it does in this case, isn't the authorization server required to validate the access token?
The only thing I can think of is that the resource server has a copy of the key used to sign the access token (see here). If so, doesn't that render the authorization server redundant?
JSON Web Tokens can be validated because, as you guess correctly, the resource server will have beforehand the public key of the private key that was used to sign that token. It means, that if someone in the middle tried to tamper the JWT, the validation will fail and the JWT should not be processed.
Also, the JWT contains fields as the expiration time that can be checked by the resource to understand if the token is still valid or not.

How to get the Username with OpenID Connect on ADFS Server

I just realized that the userinfoendpoint doesn't give any useful info about the logged in user.
Now, I saw that you can get an id_token from ADFS tokenendpoint. This id_token is actually a JWT which contains the unique_name.
Now my question is, if it is safe to use this info without signature validation (since we don't have the private key of the HS256 algorithm and validation is as far as I understood, a thing for the issuer not for the client).
• There are two scenarios to your question of whether it is safe to use this info from an ID_token. First, your client, i.e., the application or authorization server will validate the token just like it validates the access token for any tampering. Also, it can validate the issuer to ensure that the correct issuer has sent back the token. Since there are many libraries to validate an ID token, you should use them for ID token validation purposes.
• Also, only confidential client applications should validate an ID token as their token holds a secret while public applications don’t benefit from validating an ID token as there is always a risk of a malicious user who can intercept and edit the keys used for validation of the token.
• As you are speaking of the case when you don’t have the private key to the algorithm used for encrypting the ID token, it must be a confidential client application. Thus, validating the ID token on the lines of access token and confirming the below claims are validated by your token validation library, you can then use the information retrieved from these claims for your purpose. The claims that need to be validated are as follows: -
Timestamps: the iat, nbf, and exp timestamps should all fall before or after the current time, as appropriate.
Audience: the aud claim should match the app ID for your application.
Nonce: the nonce claim in the payload must match the nonce parameter passed into the /authorize endpoint during the initial request.
Please find the below documentation link for more in-depth details on validating the tokens and the inherent process involved in it: -
No, sadly the userinfo endpoint only gives you a "sub".
You can validate the JWT yourself.
You should always check the signature.

OIDC - What's to stop someone from spoofing a JWT access_token?

When you authenticate with an OIDC provider you get back an id token and if you specified scopes for an API you get back an access token so that client applications can make requests to protected resources on the end user's behalf. Typically the access token is also a JWT.
But what is to stop someone from spoofing one of these access tokens, and creating one and passing it to an API? I understand there are safeguards to prevent modification because the signature will be different than what any validation logic is expecting, but what if a malicious user created a brand new one manually? Especially because these tokens can be validated 'in place' by any API that requires an access token (not all API's use the introspection endpoint... especially with a JWT). I do understand there is metadata around the signing keys for JWT's from OpenID Connect providers and that it is available in the OIDC discovery document. For example, here is Google's JWK metadata. Given that you have signing information publicly available, and JWT access token's can be validated without any requests to the OIDC provider, how are JWT's secure? What is preventing a person from creating one and passing it as a bearer token to an API that requires an access token?
But what is to stop someone from spoofing one of these access tokens, and creating one and passing it to an API?
Spoofing and reconstruction of signature is nearly impossible without the private key (assuming you are using asymmetric signing algorithm like RS256) that used for signing the original JWT.
The JWK information available via OIDC discovery document only contains the public key.
Also Use HTTPS for authorization / token exchange to avoid token sniffing.

Authorizing access to resource in a REST API

I am new to building API's and I am having trouble understanding how to perform the following task reasonably.
There is an endpoint:
which retrieves the details of the user.
The frontend code will request this endpoint to get details about the user to display on the dashboard.
I have to protect this endpoint so that a user who doesn't represent this user_id, emulates the request to get information about other users.
Since REST based API's are sessionless, I cannot store session keys. So how do I make sure that the server sends the user information only if the owner of the user id has requested it?
You are right. HTTP is a stateless protocol, therefore REST inherits that quality too.
Here is the deal in simple words.
[REST client] -------> [API endpoint]
You have many REST clients, and you need to make sure that only authorized users will grant the access to your API endpoint. One solution as #James suggested is use a token mechanism such as JWT
If you consider JWT authentication, the process flow will be as follows.
[REST client] -------> [AA service]-------> [API endpoint]
You will need an AA(Authorization, Authentication) service in the middle. For example in a microservices approach, this can be performed from a API gateway which is a gateway to all of your services.
Client will give AA service their username and password. In exchange AA service will give the client a JSON token signed only by the server so that the confidentiality is protected. This token contains 3 things.
Header which specifies the type of token and algorithms used to sign it
Payload which includes claims like to whom the token is issued, when should the token expire, what is issued user's role should be etc. (see
Signature which a product of unsigned token signed by the server key
Then you encode each header, payload, signature with base64 and concatanate with a ".". You now have a JWT.
AA service returns this JWT in exchange for credentials.
Client should store this token securely (ex: local storage) and the communication medium should be encrypted(ex: TLS). See ,
After that for every subsequent REST call, client should include the received token, preferably in the Authorization header although it is technically possible to send the token in the message payload as well.
Then it is AA service's responsibility to decrypt the token using its signing key evaluate claims in the JWT and act upon whether to authorize the API call send him HTTP 401,403 responses.

What is the purpose of the --oidc-client-id parameter when setting Kubernetes up to use OpenID Connect?

The Kubernetes documentation related to OpenID Connect mentions that as part of setting things up you need to supply some parameters to the API server:
--oidc-client-id: A client id that all tokens must be issued for.
There is no other explanation about how this would map to, say, something returned by the OpenID Connect-conformant Google identity provider.
I don't know what this parameter value will be used for. Will it match against something in the decoded JWT token?
It looks like the id_token returned by the Google identity provider might contain something, once decoded, in its aud field (aud is apparently short for "audience"). Is this what the --oidc-client-id should match? Am I way off?
This can be explained from the kubernetes documentation on id tokens.
As you can see, identity provider is a separate system. For example this can be MS Azure AD or Google as you have shown.
When you register for a identity provider, you get important things in return. client id is one such important parameter. if you are aware of the openid connect flow, you need to provide this client id when you follow the flow. If the flow is complete, you will return an id token. An id token has one must have claim, aud which is the audience that token was issued for.
When you validate an id token you MUST verify you are in the audience list. More can be found from the spec.
Quoting from specification,
The Client MUST validate that the aud (audience) Claim contains its client_id value registered at the Issuer identified by the iss (issuer) Claim as an audience
Now, kubernetes uses bearer tokens. Here the tokens used are id tokens. To validate the token it should know specifically the audience. This enables the API server to validate the token is issued for the particular client who made the call. Thus authorising the call to to success.