Is there any IDE available for old tool SCM? - version-control

Is there any IDE available to handle check-in, check-out and code review for old SCM tool CMVC ?
Ex: Eclipse is a famous IDE where in plugins can be installed to work with SCM tools (eg GIT), likewise is there any IDE available for CMVC or any modern tools which supports CMVC?

There are CMVC Plug-Ins available for Eclipse 4.2 and 4.3
However, in order to download the plug ins from IBM you need to contact the IBM Support Desk


Install Eclipse without any Features

The standard/class edition of eclipse still includes JDT, CVS, GIT and various other features.
Is there a way to install it with only 'resource' management/project tools.
Essentially a version of eclipse built without any language or environment in mind.
A lot like an operating system without any programs installed other than what it needs to run itself and provide the means to install programs entirely at the user's discretion.
Post Answer:
The eclipse-platform section contains no-frills, just raw eclipse.
try this link ( It should contain what is called a Eclipse Platform Runtime Binaries which is the most minimalist package available.
Same answer I wrote in: Eclipse without plugins for windows
You can download it from here: There you can find 'clean' builds of Eclipse, which do not ship with common development tools.
You still can uninstall the plugins you don't want this way :
Menu > Help > About eclipse SDK > Installation details
Install software tab
Select the plugin you don't want
Uninstall button
Choose a release
e.g. "Latest Release : 4.10" -->
On this new page choose "Platform Runtime Binary"
It contains the Eclipse Rich Client Platform base bundles and do not contain source or programmer documentation.

source code for eclipse plugin dependencies

I am trying to learn about eclipse plugin development.I downloaded Eclipse IDE for Java EE developers in Helios distribution. I am able to create plugin development project using plugin development wizard. Now the problem is am not able to view the source code of eclipse plugin dependencies.I searched the internet for source attachments, but didn't find it.Any help is appreciated..
If you just want to play around with plug-in development, then you really don't need to integrate the different IDE capabilities, and can probably live with separate Eclipse installations and workspaces.
Actually, the more capabilities/Eclipse editions, you try to integrate, the more limits you set up for other plug-ins/features/capabilities. At some point, it can get impossible to integrate 3rd party capabilities such as those from TaskTop and Atlassian...
If you don't need the Java EE capabilities, consider using either the classic
Eclipse edition or the RCP edition.
For Eclipse plugin development download Eclipse Classic distribution which includes SDK from here.
Eclipse IDE for Java EE description:
Tools for Java developers creating Java EE and Web applications, including a Java IDE, tools for Java EE, JPA, JSF, Mylyn and others.
Eclipse Classic description:
The classic Eclipse download: the Eclipse Platform, Java Development Tools, and Plug-in Development Environment, including source and both user and programmer documentation.
Also, if you want to see the sourcecode of any plugin dependency, you can check it out from CVS at
Be careful to get the right version, though.

Difference between eclipse pulsar, mtj, me

what is difference between eclipse pulsar, eclipse mtj, and eclipse me ?
Eclipse ME is an external project started in 2003. As its page says:
EclipseME has graduated to become the new Eclipse Mobile Tools for Java (MTJ) project.
The MTJ project provides all of the functionality from EclipseME 1.7.9 plus many new features and lots of bug fixes. The EclipseME project will remain open indefinitely**, but there will be no new releases of EclipseME**.
Eclipse MTJ is part of the larger DSDP (Device Software Development Platform) set of projects, which addresses a broad range of needs in the device software development space using the Eclipse platform.
MTJ is a project which "will develop frameworks that can be extended by tool vendors and tools that can be used by third-party developers."
Eclipse Pulsar takes advantage of the MTJ framework and provides a "tools integration platform" (as opposed to "an Eclipse with a plugin for mobile development".
It is a package (an Eclipse distribution).
As Chris Aniszczyk says in his blog post:
The other new package is Pulsar which was built specifically for the Mobile Java community.
Pulsar is essentially a mashup of the Eclipse SDK and the Eclipse MTJ projects with the ability of downloading more tools from different handset manufacturers.
You can compare the Pulsar package with other Eclipse packages here.
External Plugin (ME) => official Eclipse project (MTJ) => Full Eclipse distribution (package, with Pulsar)

Prepared eclipse with famous plugins / known good configurations

I've just set up my machine from scratch and was wondering if there are any open available ready to use Eclipse versions (3.5 preferred) which have already installed famous (most used) plugins like subversion support, maven, pmd, checkstyle, findbugs etc. This would save me time setting it up myself.
Never really tried it myself, but this may ease it up for you: yoxos
And then there's myeclipseide but I think you pay for it.
For making sure everyone on our team works with the same set of plugins, we are using the notion of "group of plugins" in a Nexus Pro (so non-free) repository
Nexus Professional has support for Eclipse P2 repositories, and it can serve Eclipse plugin artifacts to tools that know how to interact with the Eclipse P2 repository format including Eclipse 3.4 Ganymede.
If you use the Eclipse IDE, you probably have a set of plugins which every single developer needs to install to get productive.
Using Nexus Professional, you can combine multiple Eclipse update sites into a single URL which your developers can use when they are configuring a development environment.
Using Nexus Professional as a single point-of-access between your developers and the Eclipse update sites they depend on allows you to manage and define a set of common Eclipse plugins in your organization's Eclipse development environment.

Eclipse PDT

i downloaded eclipse pdt, seem it only support php project ??, can made it support php and java either? i dont want install 2 separate version
You can install Eclipse for Java Developers version (Mac OS Version) and then use "Software Install..." option inside Eclipse to install PDT using these three locations (again, for Mac OS). Choose your platform by going to the base site.
Help | Software Updates | Available Software tab
Select Ganymede Update Site or Eclipse Project Updates site (you can add others)
All sorts of available plugins and addons will be listed to support all manner of programming projects