How to combine filter and map in Scala? - scala

I have List[Int] in Scala. The List is List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). I want to filter the list so that it only has even numbers. And I want to multiply the numbers with 2.
Is it possible?

As I state in my comment, collect should do what you want:
case x if x % 2 == 0 => x*2
The collect method allows you to both specify a criteria on the matching elements (filter) and modify the values that match (map)
And as #TravisBrown suggested, you can use flatMap as well, especially in situations where the condition is more complex and not suitable as a guard condition. Something like this for your example:
case x if x % 2 == 0 => Some(x*2)
case x => None

A for comprehension (which internally unfolds into a combination of map and withFilter) as follows,
for (x <- xs if x % 2 == 0) yield x*2
xs.withFilter(x => x % 2 == 0).map(x => x*2)

As #cmbaxter said, collect suits your need perfectly. The other nice thing about collect is that it figures out resulting type in case you're filtering by class:
scala> trait X
// defined trait X
scala> class Foo extends X
// defined class Foo
scala> class Bar extends X
// defined class Bar
scala> val xs = List(new Foo, new Bar, new Foo, new Bar)
// xs: List[X] = List(Foo#4cfa8227, Bar#78226c36, Foo#3f685162, Bar#11f406f8)
scala> xs.collect { case x: Foo => x }
// res1: List[Foo] = List(Foo#4cfa8227, Foo#3f685162)
On par, filter can't be that smart (see List[Foo] vs List[X]):
scala> xs.filter { case x: Foo => true; case _ => false }
// res3: List[X] = List(Foo#4cfa8227, Foo#3f685162)

This should do the work for you:
Filter first when the condition is p % 2 == 0 (for getting only even numbers).
And then use map to multiply those even numbers by 2.
var myList = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10).filter(p => p % 2 == 0).map(p => {p*2})

I tend to like the filter approach.
val list1 = List(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
list1.filter(x => x%2 == 0).map(_*2)

How about a good old fashioned fold?
xs.foldLeft(List[Y]()) { (ys, x) =>
val z = calculateSomethingOnX(x)
if (someConditionOnZ(z))
Y(x, z) :: ys


scala: How to convert an anonymous function to val

I'm a beginner learning scala and looking into anon functions and vals.
I'm not able to convert {case e if e % 2 == 0 => e} to a Val. I've tried different syntax (sample shown below) to no avail. There is no real purpose for converting to val; just trying to get a deeper understanding.
package exercises.functions
object CollectVal extends App {
println(List(1,2,3,4,5).collect{case e if e % 2 == 0 => e})
// val onlyEvens: Int = e:Int => Int = e if (e % 2 == 0 ) => e
// val onlyEvens = e:Int = {case e if e % 2 == 0 => e}
Any help is appreciated
What you need to express is a function. So the type of the variable in this case is:
val onlyEvens: Int => Int
In particular, collect accept a PartialFunction (i.e. a function that is not defined for some input value). So it is more correct to write:
val onlyEvens: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case e if e % 2 == 0 => e }
Finally, you can pass this val in the collect method:
Syntax to assign an anonymous function to a val would be something like this (note parentheses around e):
val x: Int => Int = (e) => if (e % 2 == 0) e else ???
or equivalently, but a bit shorter: val x = (e: Int) => if (e % 2 == 0) e else ???
But it looks like what you are looking for is a partial function rather than just a function. PartialFunction is like a regular function, but it is only defined for some of the possible values of its parameter. In your case, you want it only defined for even numbers:
val x = PartialFunction[Int, Int] { case e if e % 2 == 0 => e }
The { case foo => bar } shorthand works for partial functions but not regular functions, that's why you were having problems trying to define a function that way. This creates a PartialFunction that is defined for all integer values that match one of the case clauses, and not for any others.

Scala - access collection members within map or flatMap

Suppose that I use a sequence of various maps and/or flatMaps to generate a sequence of collections. Is it possible to access information about the "current" collection from within any of those methods? For example, without knowing anything specific about the functions used in the previous maps or flatMaps, and without using any intermediate declarations, how can I get the maximum value (or length, or first element, etc.) of the collection upon which the last map acts?
List(1, 2, 3)
.flatMap(x => f(x) /* some unknown function */)
.map(x => x + ??? /* what is the max element of the collection? */)
Edit for clarification:
In the example, I'm not looking for the max (or whatever) of the initial List. I'm looking for the max of the collection after the flatMap has been applied.
By "without using any intermediate declarations" I mean that I do not want to use any temporary collections en route to the final result. So, the example by Steve Waldman below, while giving the desired result, is not what I am seeking. (I include this condition is mostly for aesthetic reasons.)
Edit for clarification, part 2:
The ideal solution would be some magic keyword or syntactic sugar that lets me reference the current collection:
List(1, 2, 3)
.flatMap(x => f(x))
.map(x => x + theCurrentList.max)
I'm prepared to accept the fact, however, that this simply is not possible.
Maybe just define the list as a val, so you can name it? I don't know of any facility built into map(...) or flatMap(...) that would help.
val myList = List(1, 2, 3)
.flatMap(x => f(x) /* some unknown function */)
.map(x => x + myList.max /* what is the max element of the List? */)
Update: By this approach at least, if you have multiple transformations and want to see the transformed version, you'd have to name that. You could get away with
val myList = List(1, 2, 3).flatMap(x => f(x) /* some unknown function */) => x + myList.max /* what is the max element of the List? */)
Or, if there will be multiple transformations, get in the habit of naming the stages.
val rawList = List(1, 2, 3)
val smordified = rawList.flatMap(x => f(x) /* some unknown function */)
val maxified = => x + smordified.max /* what is the max element of the List? */)
Update 2: Watch it work in the REPL even with heterogenous types:
scala> def f( x : Int ) : Vector[Double] = Vector(x * math.random, x * math.random )
f: (x: Int)Vector[Double]
scala> val rawList = List(1, 2, 3)
rawList: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> val smordified = rawList.flatMap(x => f(x) /* some unknown function */)
smordified: List[Double] = List(0.40730853571901315, 0.15151641399798665, 1.5305929709857609, 0.35211231420067435, 0.644241939254793, 0.15530230501048903)
scala> val maxified = => x + smordified.max /* what is the max element of the List? */)
maxified: List[Double] = List(1.937901506704774, 1.6821093849837476, 3.0611859419715217, 1.8827052851864352, 2.1748349102405538, 1.6858952759962498)
scala> maxified
res3: List[Double] = List(1.937901506704774, 1.6821093849837476, 3.0611859419715217, 1.8827052851864352, 2.1748349102405538, 1.6858952759962498)
It is possible, but not pretty, and not likely something you want if you are doing it for "aesthetic reasons."
import scala.math.max
def f(x: Int): Seq[Int] = ???
List(1, 2, 3).
flatMap(x => f(x) /* some unknown function */).
foldRight((List[Int](),List[Int]())) {
case (x, (xs, Nil)) => ((x :: xs), List.fill(xs.size + 1)(x))
case (x, (xs, xMax :: _)) => ((x :: xs), List.fill(xs.size + 1)(max(x, xMax)))
map {
case (x, xMax) => x + xMax
// Or alternately, a slightly more efficient version using Streams.
List(1, 2, 3).
flatMap(x => f(x) /* some unknown function */).
foldRight((List[Int](),Stream[Int]())) {
case (x, (xs, Stream())) =>
((x :: xs), Stream.continually(x))
case (x, (xs, curXMax #:: _)) =>
val newXMax = max(x, curXMax)
((x :: xs), Stream.continually(newXMax))
map {
case (x, xMax) => x + xMax
Seriously though, I just took this on to see if I could do it. While the code didn't turn out as bad as I expected, I still don't think it's particularly readable. I'd discourage using this over something similar to Steve Waldman's answer. Sometimes, it's simply better to just introduce a val, rather than being dogmatic about it.
You could define a mapWithSelf (resp. flatMapWithSelf) operation along these lines and add it as an implicit enrichment to the collection. For List it might look like:
// Scala 2.13 APIs
object Enrichments {
implicit class WithSelfOps[A](val lst: List[A]) extends AnyVal {
def mapWithSelf[B](f: (A, List[A]) => B): List[B] =, lst))
def flatMapWithSelf[B](f: (A, List[A]) => IterableOnce[B]): List[B] =
lst.flatMap(f(_, lst))
The enrichment basically fixes the value of the collection before the operation and threads it through. It should be possible to generify this (at least for the strict collections), though it would look a little different in 2.12 vs. 2.13+.
Usage would look like
import Enrichments._
val someF: Int => IterableOnce[Int] = ???
List(1, 2, 3)
.mapWithSelf { (x, lst) =>
x + lst.max
So at the usage site, it's aesthetically pleasant. Note that if you're computing something which traverses the list, you'll be traversing the list every time (leading to a quadratic runtime). You can get around that with some mutability or by just saving the intermediate list after the flatMap.
One somewhat-simple way of referencing prior output within the current map/collect operation is to use a named reference outside the map, then reference it from within the map block:
var prevOutput = ... // starting value of whatever is referenced within the map {
prevOutput = ... // expression that references prior `prevOutput`
prevOutput // return above computed value for the map to collect
This draws attention to the fact that we're referencing prior elements while building the new sequence.
This would be more messy, though, if you wanted to reference arbitrarily previous values, not just the previous one.

How to optionally return value from map function

map function on collections requires to return some value for each iteration. But I'm trying to find a way to return value not for each iteration, but only for initial values which matches some predicate .
What I want looks something like this:
(1 to 10).map { x =>
val res: Option[Int] = service.getById(x)
if (res.isDefined) Pair(x, res.get )// no else part
I think something like .collect function could do it, but seems with collect function I need to write many code in guards blocks (case x if {...// too much code here})
If you are returning an Option you can flatMap it and get only the values that are present (that is, are not None).
(1 to 10).flatMap { x =>
val res: Option[Int] = service.getById(x){y => Pair(x, y) }
As you suggest, an alternative way to combine map and filter is to use collect and a partially applied function. Here is a simplified example:
(1 to 10).collect{ case x if x > 5 => x*2 }
res0: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(12, 14, 16, 18, 20)
You can use the collect function (see here) to do exactly what you want. Your example would then look like:
(1 to 10) map (x => (x, service.getById(x))) collect {
case (x, Some(res)) => Pair(x, res)
Using a for comprehension, like this,
for ( x <- 1 to 10; res <- service.getById(x) ) yield Pair(x, res.get)
This yields pairs where res does not evaluate to None.
Getting the first element:
(1 to 10).flatMap { x =>
val res: Option[Int] = service.getById(x){y => Pair(x, y) }

Refactoring a small Scala function

I have this function to compute the distance between two n-dimensional points using Pythagoras' theorem.
def computeDistance(neighbour: Point) = math.sqrt( {
case (c1: Int, c2: Int) => math.pow(c1 - c2, 2)
The Point class (simplified) looks like:
class Point(val coordinates: List[Int])
I'm struggling to refactor the method so it's a little easier to read, can anybody help please?
Here's another way that makes the following three assumptions:
The length of the list is the number of dimensions for the point
Each List is correctly ordered, i.e. List(x, y) or List(x, y, z). We do not know how to handle List(x, z, y)
All lists are of equal length
def computeDistance(other: Point): Double = sqrt(
.flatMap(i => List(pow(i._2 - i._1, 2)))
.fold(0.0)(_ + _)
The obvious disadvantage here is that we don't have any safety around list length. The quick fix for this is to simply have the function return an Option[Double] like so:
def computeDistance(other: Point): Option[Double] = {
if(other.coordinates.length != coordinates.length) {
return None
return Some(sqrt(
.flatMap(i => List(pow(i._2 - i._1, 2)))
.fold(0.0)(_ + _)
I'd be curious if there is a type safe way to ensure equal list length.
It was politely pointed out to me that flatMap(x => List(foo(x))) is equivalent to map(foo) , which I forgot to refactor when I was originally playing w/ this. Slightly cleaner version w/ Map instead of flatMap :
def computeDistance(other: Point): Double = sqrt(
.map(i => pow(i._2 - i._1, 2))
.fold(0.0)(_ + _)
Most of your problem is that you're trying to do math with really long variable names. It's almost always painful. There's a reason why mathematicians use single letters. And assign temporary variables.
Try this:
class Point(val coordinates: List[Int]) { def c = coordinates }
import math._
def d(p: Point) = {
val delta = for ((a,b) <- (c zip p.c)) yield pow(a-b, dims)
Consider type aliases and case classes, like this,
type Coord = List[Int]
case class Point(val c: Coord) {
def distTo(p: Point) = {
val z = (c zip p.c).par
val pw = z.aggregate(0.0) ( (a,v) => a + math.pow( v._1-v._2, 2 ), _ + _ )
so that for any two points, for instance,
val p = Point( (1 to 5).toList )
val q = Point( (2 to 6).toList )
we have that
p distTo q
res: Double = 2.23606797749979
Note method distTo uses aggregate on a parallelised collection of tuples, and combines the partial results by the last argument (summation). For high dimensional points this may prove more efficient than the sequential counterpart.
For simplicity of use, consider also implicit classes, as suggested in a comment above,
implicit class RichPoint(val c: Coord) extends AnyVal {
def distTo(d: Coord) = Point(c) distTo Point(d)
List(1,2,3,4,5) distTo List(2,3,4,5,6)
res: Double = 2.23606797749979

Converting a sequence of map operations to a for-comprehension

I read in Programming in Scala section 23.5 that map, flatMap and filter operations can always be converted into for-comprehensions and vice-versa.
We're given the following equivalence:
def map[A, B](xs: List[A], f: A => B): List[B] =
for (x <- xs) yield f(x)
I have a value calculated from a series of map operations:
val r = (1 to 100).map{ i => (1 to 100).map{i % _ == 0} }
.map{ _.foldLeft(false)(_^_) }
.map{ case true => "open"; case _ => "closed" }
I'm wondering what this would look like as a for-comprehension. How do I translate it?
(If it's helpful, in words this is:
take integers from 1 to 100
for each, create a list of 100 boolean values
fold each list with an XOR operator, back into a boolean
yield a list of 100 Strings "open" or "closed" depending on the boolean
I imagine there is a standard way to translate map operations and the details of the actual functions in them is not important. I could be wrong though.)
Is this the kind of translation you're looking for?
for (i <- 1 to 100;
val x = (1 to 100).map(i % _ == 0);
val y = x.foldLeft(false)(_^_);
val z = y match { case true => "open"; case _ => "closed" })
yield z
If desired, the map in the definition of x could also be translated to an "inner" for-comprehension.
In retrospect, a series of chained map calls is sort of trivial, in that you could equivalently call map once with composed functions: == andThen g andThen h)
I find for-comprehensions to be a bigger win when flatMap and filter are involved. Consider
for (i <- 1 to 3;
j <- 1 to 3 if (i + j) % 2 == 0;
k <- 1 to 3) yield i ^ j ^ k
(1 to 3).flatMap { i =>
(1 to 3).filter(j => (i + j) % 2 == 0).flatMap { j =>
(1 to 3).map { k => i ^ j ^ k }