How can I suppress this superflous debugger output in Eclipse/EPIC? - eclipse

I have a strange problem with the Perl Debugger in EPIC. When I started using it, all worked fine as expected. I would set breakpoints, run a program in debug mode, step through it ... Then, something must have changed but I have no idea what. Now, the debugger or EPIC or Eclipse, I don't know who, sends tons of output to the console window that have nothing to do with my program but with the - seemingly to me - internals of EPIC or the Perl debugger. Here's a little cutout from this output, there is an endless amount of this and the things my program wants to output just get lost.
What is the problem here? I did not find any setting I could change in the preferences, I don't know what to search for, I couldn't find anything in the EPIC docs.
Edit: one thing I remember is I used "use diagnostics;" in another program that belongs to the project, but that is not run or used by the program that is producing this debug output. Maybe it has something to do with that? Can it "get stuck" and be remembered by the debugger later? I know it sounds silly, but that's all I got.
DB<396> ;{
do '' unless defined &dumpvar_epic::dump_lexical_vars;
my $offset = 0;
my $savout = CORE::select($DB::OUT);
DB<397> ;{
do '' unless defined &dumpvar_epic::dump_lexical_vars;
my $offset = 0;
my $varexpr = <<'EOT';
my $subref = \&dumpvar_epic::dump_hash_expr;
my $savout = CORE::select($DB::OUT);
my $savbuf = $|;
$| = 0;
$subref->($offset, $varexpr);
$| = $savbuf;
print "";

Never mind. There is indeed a setting for that under Preferences/Perl EPIC/Enable Debugger Console. I enabled that setting previously because of another weird problem with the debugger (threads wouldn't terminate any more and hang there until Eclipse was restarted), which seemed to work. Disabling it stops the unwanted output. Maybe there's something really weird going on with Perl/EPIC on my computer...


gem5 cache statistics - reset and dump

I am trying to get familiar with gem5 simulator.
To start, I wrote a simple program with
int main()
m5_reset_stats(0, 0);
m5_dump_stats(0, 0);
return 0;
I compiled it with util/m5/m5op_x86.S and ran it using...
./build/X86/gem5.opt configs/example/ --caches -c ~/tmp/hello
The m5out/stats.txt shows (among other things)...
system.cpu.dcache.ReadReq_hits::total 881
system.cpu.dcache.WriteReq_hits::total 917
system.cpu.dcache.ReadReq_misses::total 54
system.cpu.dcache.WriteReq_misses::total 42
Why is an empty function showing so much hits and misses? Are the hits and misses caused by libc? If so, then what is the purpose of m5_reset_stats() and m5_dump_stats()?
I would check in the stats.txt file if there are two chunks of
because as you explained it, the simulator is supposed to dump the stats at dump_stats(0,0) and at the end of the run. So, it seems like you either are looking at one of those intervals (and I would expect the other interval to have 0 for all stats); or there was a bug in the simulation and the dump_stats() (or reset_stats())didn't actually do anything. That actually happened to me plenty of times, but I am not really sure as to the source of this bug.
If you want to troubleshoot further, you could do the following:
Look at the disassembly of your code and find the reset_stats.w and dump_stats.w
Dump a trace from gem5 and see if it ends up executing the dump and reset instructions and also what instructions (and how many) are executed before/after.
Hope this helps!

Notification window with buttons in Linux

I have a Perl script which listens to a port and filters messages, and, based on them, proposes to take action or ignore event.
I'd like to make it show a notification window (not a dialogue window) with buttons 'take action' and 'ignore', which would go after a certain timeout.
So far I have something like this:
my #react = ("somecommand", "someoptions); # based on what regex a message matched
my $cmd = "xmessage";
my $cmd_args = "-print -timeout 7 -buttons React,Dismiss $message"; # raw message from port
open XMSG, "$cmd $cmd_args |";
while (<XMSG>) {
if ($_ eq "React\n") {
do something...
But it would handle only one notification at once, and the next message would not appear until the previous one is dismissed, reacted to or timed out, so it's quite a bad decision. I cannot do anything until I get return code from xmessage, and I can't get xmessage run a command. Well I probably can if I introduce event IDs and listen to a socket where xmessage prints, but it would make things too complicated, I guess.
So I wonder is there a library or an utility for Linux to draw notify-like windows with buttons which would each trigger a command?
I'm sorry I didn't see this one when it first was posted. There are several gui toolkits which could do something along these lines. Prima is a toolkit built especially for Perl and has no external library dependencies.
For when you just need a popup dialog, there is the Ask module which delegates the task of popping up windows to any available library.
In case anyone's interested, I've ended up writing a small Tcl/Tk program for that, the full code (all 48 lines) can be found here:, and you can ignore the text in Russian around it.

Perl uninitialized value in numeric gt?

I'm a beginner in Perl and I get this message when I execute my code:
Use of uninitialized value $triggerCheck in numeric gt (>) at
./ line 101.
This is the only error/warning I get when executing my code. The code, itself, works without any problems but I'm wondering what's the problem in that variable?
To reproduce the problem you can use this code:
my $triggerCheck = "10";
if($triggerCheck < 10)
print "This var is < 10";
$triggerCheck = 9;
sleep 1;
Edit: I solved my problem. Sorry for bothering you all :)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with that code that you initially posted. Nor the code that you replaced it with (other than the annoying infinite loop).
It gets no errors or warnings and, when I change the initialisation to "9", it outputs the string.
In fact, given that your error message is complaining about > and there's no such symbol anywhere in your code, you have a serious mismatch between reality and your presentation of it.
Seriously, put together the minimal complete code sample that generates the error and post that. Helping people over the net is hard enough without being hobbled by fiction :-)

Mechanize::Firefox gets stuck

I'm using WWW::Mechanize::Firefox to crawl pages that load some JavaScript after they have been loaded.
My code regarding this problem:
my ($firemech) = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new(tab => 'current', );
die "Cannot connect to $url\n" if !$firemech->success();
print "I'm connected!\n";
my ($retries) = 10;
while ($retries-- and ! $firemech->is_visible( xpath => '//*[#class="areaMapC"]' )) {
sleep 1;
die "Timeout" unless $retries;
my ($content) = $firemech->content();
Everything goes fine for the first page, it loads the page and recognizes the class that loads later. Then, it changes to the second page correctly (I see Firefox changing it), but it never gets to the "I'm connected!" print.
I checked the URL and that the wanted class is there, the code it's the same for both the pages (except some IDs which I want to extract). I really have no clue what's going wrong.
A page of this kind is HERE.
I solved this one by simply using
my ($firemech) = WWW::Mechanize::Firefox->new();
Instead of what I used before. It still keeps the content in one tab so it works perfectly with my needs.

Why are my shared variables getting cleared out between PerlChildInitHandler and PerlResponseHandler in mod_perl?

I am trying to load a configuration file into a hash during my PerlChildInitHandler and then access the values from PerlResponseHandler. However, even though the process number is the same, it seems that variables changed during the child_init() call revert back to their default values when handler() gets called.
The basic scenario is:
package StartupLog;
# the variable I'm testing
my $sticky = 0;
sub child_init {
$sticky = 1;
return 0;
sub handler {
warn __PACKAGE__ . " sticky = $sticky\n"; ### always says "0" but should say "1"
return 0;
This was never answered, so eventually I moved on to using the PerlPostConfigHandler, which seemed to work acceptably. I can only assume it's something about the forking that happens in the PerlChildInitiHandler but, sorry to say, I gave up. Hope this helps someone in the future.
Generally, if you want to load something at childinit time, and access it in the response phase, you'd stuff it into a package global (like $My::variable = 'lols'). I've never tried to do it the way you are here. Did you try using our instead of my maybe?.