Send advanced push notification in with Rest API - rest

Im trying to send push with two criteria in where.
I make this so:
curl -X POST
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: myappId" \
-H "X-Parse-REST-API-Key: myRESTApiId" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"where": {“$and”:[{“deviceType": "winphone”},{”channels":{"$all":[“string1”],"$nin":[“string2”]}}]},
"data": {"alert": “String1 is comming”}
}' \
Something like:, but I getting error message: error code 107 - invalid JSON Parse
How can I send push notification for given device and for given channel with condition $all and $nin.
Thanks for your help!

This error is likely being returned because your where value does not match the REST API spec. You will also want to make sure you are consistent in your use of double quotes as these can also lead to malformed JSON errors (e.g. do not use “ and ”, use ").
After fixing that, we end up with the following, which is still not valid per the REST API Parse docs:
"where": {
"$and": [
{"deviceType": "winphone”},
{"channels": {
"$all": ["string1"],
There's a couple of problems with your query:
$and is not a valid Parse REST API operator, and does not appear in the REST API docs. All constraints in a where query are implicitly ANDed, so this is unnecessary, anyway.
Your $all and $nin constraints over channels conflict with each other as there cannot be more than one such query per key. You may want to instead create a unique channel for those installations that should receive messages aimed at the string1 channel but not the string2 channel.


Get ALL worklog from Jira REST API

is there a working REST curl to get all worklog of every issue there is,
I ve tried POST /rest/api/2/worklog/list , but I dont have a list of worklog ids !!
and I don't wanna go through issues either
you can try this POST API : /rest/tempo-timesheets/4/worklogs/search which required few request body params as : {"from":"2018-11-01","to":"2018-11-30","epicKey":["epic-key1"],"projectKey":["project-key1"]}.
If you do not want to go through all the issues, you can get the worklog IDs via Get ids of worklogs modified since REST API. The response body will contain the IDs you can use for /rest/api/2/worklog/list.
You will have to go through issues. The fastest way is to execute a search with JQL query: worklogDate > 0 that will return all the issues that have any worklogs. Then you will have to ask for worklogs of each returned issue.
Both resources, search results and worklogs of issue are paginated resources so you will have to iterate to get all the worklogs of all the issues (unless you have a small instance).
IDS=$(echo {1001..2000} | tr ' ' ',') && curl \
-u username:password \
--data '{"ids":['$IDS']}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

How to use postman to send a request to timekit api

I don't know much about how to use an API, and I am just trying to get a basic understanding so I can use the API in a JS app I am going to build, so to start I though I should try and use postman to learn how to send a request. In the Timekit documentation for finding a time from a resource ie: a persons calendar they say to use this curl command.
curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--user :live_api_key_7nzvc7wsBQQISLeFSVhROys9V1bUJ1z7 \
--data '{
"resource_ids": ["78a4d873-2a68-41c6-bdd4-c0ca5b35efd3"],
"filters": { "or": [
{"specific_day_and_time":{"day":"Wednesday","start":10,"end": 16}}
"future": "2 days",
"length": "30 minutes"
I am trying to figure out what I put into postman itself so I get the correct Json values. So far I have selected a POST request with the url and a header with the key Content-Type and value application/json I have no idea where to put the user,data,rsource_ids,filters,future & length Here is a screenshot of my post man setup.
--user sets the authentication. If an authentication type is not specified, then it will default to Basic Authentication. In Postman, click the "Authentication" tab and from the "Type" dropdown, select "Basic Auth". You can then input the username and password into the appropriate fields. With the --user flag, the value should be <username>:<password>. So your case, there is no username specified, so I guess you don't need to input it, just use the api key for the password.
--data is the JSON request body. You can input this entire value (within the single quotes ') into the "Body" tab. Select the "Body" tab, and within the tab, select the "raw" radio button, and from the dropdown to the right, select "JSON (application/json)". Now just put the entire JSON into the text area.
"resource_ids": ["78a4d873-2a68-41c6-bdd4-c0ca5b35efd3"],
"filters": {
"or": [
{ "specific_day_and_time":{ "day":"Monday", "start":9, "end":13 } },
{ "specific_day_and_time":{ "day":"Wednesday", "start":10, "end": 16 } }
"future": "2 days",
"length": "30 minutes"
You could just drop the curl request straight into Postman via the Import feature, this would populate the whole request in the application for you.
In the top left of the application UI, select the Import button and then select the 'raw' text option (it’s the last one) - paste the curl request text into the text box. Once imported, that should do the rest for you, if it’s a valid format.

How to correlate two text messages in facebook messenger API

I'm implementing a chat bot using messenger API. In a scenario like this, how to match answers with the question when both of them are in text message format. I can't use pattern matching here.
bot q1: How much is it?
user: 250
bot q2: How many?
user: 5
Is there a way to send meta data with a text message and get it as a post back. Is it required to store the last message.?
In the message field, in the same level of text field, you can define a field metadata, like defined in the doc (which has a 1000 character limit):
Custom string that will be re-delivered to webhook listeners
So it could be sth like that:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"text":"hello, world!",
"metadata": "my meta data"
}' ""

Difference between XPOST and XPUT

I'm just starting to use ElasticSearch. And I tried to know how to insert documents. I only found examples using the PUT method : $ curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/...'
But it also seems to work using POST. Is there any difference between these two methods?
Thank you.
Generally when using a REST API:
- POST is used to create a resource, where the server will pick an ID.
- PUT is used to update OR PLACE a resource at a known ID.
Doc creation examples in the ES documentation show the caller picking an ID.
Like so:
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/1' -d '{
"user" : "kimchy",
"post_date" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
"message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"
Since the caller is picking the ID a PUT seems appropriate here.
using POST Elasticsearch can also generate an ID for you.
$ curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/twitter/tweet/' -d '{
"user" : "kimchy",
"post_date" : "2009-11-15T14:12:12",
"message" : "trying out Elasticsearch"
Somehow they have the same functionality with small different
PUT verb (“store this document at this URL”)
POST verb (“store this document under this URL”)
in the put you must indicate the exact URL but in the post you can set document by just type
for example:
PUT /website/blog/123 says put this document at exact this URL but POST /website/blog will insert the document in blog and auto increment the id of the last document.

Send a push to people who don't subscribe to a channel using Parse?

I'm able to send push notifications to mobile clients that subscribe to channels (let's say channel_1 and channel_2 using Parse REST API by POSTing a JSON to
"channels": ["channel_1", "channel2"],
"data": { "alert": "Test" }
However, I'd like to send the notifications to people who subscribe to channel_1 and channel_2 but also don't subscribe to another specific channel (channel_3).
Is there a way to do that with Parse REST API? I know I can do that via Parse's admin panel.
I think advanced targeting is a better fit for what you're trying to achieve
It is easier to understand the concept looking at the Javascript documentation and then replicate for REST.
I posted my question on Parse forum, and someone from Parse responded:
In this case, you'll want to use Advanced Targeting. Basically, construct a query over the Installation class that targets objects subscribed to both channels, and don't have the third in the "channels" key.
curl -X POST \
-H "X-Parse-Application-Id: YOUR_APP_ID" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"where": {
"channels": {"$all": ["channel_1", "channel_2"], "$nin": ["channel_3"]}
"data": {
"alert": "Hello world!"
}' \