Twitter Rest API: 404 No user matches for specified terms - rest

Twitter allows up to 100 user ids at a time to query for user profile information. But if there is an invalid ID among those, it returns:
404 (Not Found), No user matches for specified terms
without specifying which is the bad ID and no data is returned for the rest of the users in the list. This happens if a user in the list closes their account.
Is there a way to identify the invalid ID without going through the list once again one by one (and possibly hitting the rate limit)?
If a requested user is unknown, suspended, or deleted, then that user will not be returned in the results list.
If none of your lookup criteria can be satisfied by returning a user object, a HTTP 404 will be thrown.
From my understanding this means:
If you request 10 userIds and 1 of them is suspended, the request should still return 9 results
If you request 2 userIds and all of them are suspended, the request will return that error
I did a quick test and it seems to work as described.
Could it be that all of the IDs in your request are invalid?

You can use puts command for printing user id on first loop and you can see your log file or console to get the user id which is invalid.


Determine the proper REST API method

I have the following functionalities in my API:
Getting a user by their name
Getting a user by their ID
Getting a user, or if it doesn't exist create one
Getting multiple users by their ID
Currently I'm handling the two first functionalities with a GET request, and the third with a POST request. I could use a GET request for getting multiple users, but sending potentially hundreds of IDs through a query parameter seems like the wrong approach, as I would get a very long URL. I could also use a POST request to send the long list of IDs through its body, but I doubt a POST request is meant for this purpose.
What method would be appropriate to use for the last one?
I see 2 possible ways here:
Get all users and do your filtering post response.
Get a range of IDs, which resumes to only 2 parameters, the lower and the upper limits of the interval. (If this satisfy your needs)
Behaving the way you described and avoiding long URLs in the same time will not work together.

Which http status code should be returned when the identifier in the payload does not exist?

I've the endpoint POST /permission-period which should create a permission period for a specific user.
The payload:
"userId": 10,
"permissionPeriodDateFrom": "2017-12-01",
"permissionPeriodDateTo": "2017-12-10"
If any property from the payload is invalid, i usually return 422 Unprocessable Entity, which means the syntax of the request payload is valid but it cannot be processed due to invalid data.
What status should I return if the user does not exist and I do not want to provide the client with this security related information? Should i expose the message that the user does not exist or not?
I think HTTP status code wise I would choose a 400 - Bad request. Regarding the returned error message I would give the user a helpful information while keeping security-related information secret.
You could return something like The given userId is either malformed, does not exist or cannot be linked to the posted resource. This would allow the user to identify the spot where in the body the error comes up (property userId) but does not tell him the exact error to prevent user enumeration.
The good news is that you obviously have a protected endpoint when creating a permission-period so the API user is identifiable and you can take other actions for preventing user enumeration and related brute force attacks such as consumer-based throttling or locking the API consumer after x attempts.
I hope my notes help you with your API design.

Retrieve all of a user's playlist from SoundCloud limited to 50?

I'm trying to retrieve all the playlists from my account via, as the API reference shows.
However, I can only retrieve recent 50 playlists instead of all of my playlists. I've been looking for this but it seems like no one has had this issue before. Is there a way to get all of them?
Check out the section of their API on pagination.
Most results from our API are returned as a collection. The number of items in the collection returned is limited to 50 by default with a maximum value of 200. Most endpoints support a linked_partitioning parameter that will allow you to page through collections. When this parameter is passed, the response will contain a next_href property if there are additional results. To fetch the next page of results, simply follow that URI. If the response does not contain a next_href property, you have reached the end of the results.

What should be the response of GET for multiple requested resources with some invalid ids?

what should be the response to a request to
http://localhost:8080/users/1,2,3 when the system doesn't have a user with id 3?
When all users are present I return a 200 response code with all user objects in the response body. When the user requests a single missing user I return a 404 with an error message in the body.
However, what should be the body and status code for a mix between valid and missing ids?
I assume that you want to follow REST API principles. In order to keep clear api design you should rather use query string for filtering
Then you won't have such dilemmas - you can return just only users with id contained in provided value list and 200 status code (even if list is empty). This endpoint in general
should be reserved for requesting single resource (user) by providing primary key.
What you are requesting there is a collection. The request essentially reads: "give me all users whose ID is in {1, 2, 3}." A subset of those users (let's say there is no user yet with the ID 3) would still be a successful operation, which is asking for a 200 (OK).
If you are overly concerned by this, there's still the possibility to redirect the client via 303 (See Other) to a resource representation without the offending elements.
If all of the IDs are invalid, things get a bit tricky. One may be tempted to simply return a 404 (Not Found), but strictly speaking that were not correct:
The 404 status code indicates that the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource
Indeed, there is one: The empty set. From a programmatic standpoint, it may indeed be easier to just return that instead of throwing an error. This relies on clients being able to process empty sets/documents.
The RFC grants you the freedom to go either way:
[…] the origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.
So if you wish to hide the existence of an empty set, it's okay. It bears mentioning that a set containing nothing is not nothing itself ;)
I would recommend not to offer the method in the first place, but rather force the user of your APIto make three separate requests and return unambiguous responses (two 200s for users 1 and 2 and 404 for user 3). Additionally, the API could offer a get method that responds with all available user ids or such (depends on your system).
Alternatively, if that's not an option, I guess, you have two options:
Return 404 as soon as one user is not found, which technically is more accurate in my opinion. I mean, the request was for 1, 2 AND 3, which was not found.
Return 200 with users 1 and 2, and null, which probably is the most useful for your scenario.

Rest service returns 404

What is the best practice in return codes if a call to a rest service executes a database query, no results are found and it returns.
Should this be a 404 or a 200 with a message stating no records?
The URL has resolved correctly and no server error has occurred just that there are no records returned.
Example url is:
Used to retrieve a list of xyz that belong to the existing user 1234. The user id 1234 has already been retrieved and is known to exist in the database. This URL (pr_xyz) is just to retrieve a list of xyz that belong to that user.
The relationship is 1 user to 0 or many xyz.
In this case the existing user has no xyz. Should this be a 404 or 200 with meaningful message.
Also I have no control over the URL.
Agree with #Satya, it should be a 200, but we can arrive at the answer by working backwards.
So, we start with the full list of HTTP status codes.. Start from the bottom.
Is it a server error? No? Then it's not a 5xx
Is it a client error? Maybe? Perhaps it's not a 4xx
It's obviously not a redirect, so it's not a 3xx.
Is it a successful call? Perhaps.
Are you returning a provisional response? No, it's not a 1xx either.
So by process of elimination, which are looking at the 2xx codes. Exactly which would be a good fit depends on the semantics of your application.
Since, this is not a DELETE call, then I probably wouldn't use 204 No Content, which is probably the only good alternative. It's not that there's no content.
There is content: "0 results found". Google doesn't show you a blank page when there are no search results.
So we arrive at 200, as well as returning a meaningful body. If you were returning raw results, then you might want to consider wrapping them in a search-results object to provide some meta-data.
Ah! So wait, what if instead of search results, you are indicating a collection of RESTful resources?
GET /items
In this case, I would still return a 200 with a body that says there are no items.
What if, you were trying to retrieve a particular resource?
GET /items/1234
In this case, yes, you want to imply that item 1234 does not exist, and you should return a 404.