Developing chrome app for displaying webpage - google-chrome-app

I am trying to develop a chrome app and I am new to this. How do I create a chrome app to display webpage and update when ever the information on webpage is updated (without reloading the chrome app explicitly) or how do I reload the page every few seconds in the background?

You could use the webview tag: to display a website in your chrome app.
To refresh the content in de webview you can use the alarm API


Flutter : Crhome view is not clear

I have an app with flutter using facebook auth, when I click facebook login chrome app display with facebook page to login, but the page is not clear like this paic, when I try to use it the emulator not response:
Any one have an Idea tosolve this, I have chnged High Dpi settings and nothing change.

Android webview link not working in React Native

I have implemented a WebView in React Native. The web page will have input fields and based on the data we entered it redirects to another page.
It is working fine in iOS but not in Android.
After clicking on a component in WebView I am able to see the url change and params of the url in iOS but in Android the url is not getting changed.
Any help please.

Facebook App calling after QR - Code Scanning

I am facing an issue when calling my Facebook App after scanning QR - Code.
Problem: When I scan my QR - Code its open correct Facebook App URL but asking for login twice one is normal Desktop browser view & second time in Facebook Mobile view & when I insert login details second time it navigate me on Facebook Mobile version home page not on my app page.
Please have look below url,it will help you

How to open app from Puffin browser

I wish to play flash content in iPad app so i searched lot then finally i came to know Puffin browser will play flash content.
In my app when user tapping a button the app redirected to puffin browser then it will play the flash content. then again if try to re-open my app from puffin browser i could not re-open it.
I created URL Scheme for my app. after completion of flash video, i tried to open my app by using myApp:// in puffin browser but it does not re-open my app. if try same way in safari its working.
Please help me
External URL opening will be supported in the next version. Do you mean you want to manually type "MyApp://SomeUrl" in Puffin and then open MyApp with SomeUrl? Is your app free to download? I'd like to give it a trial.
ps: I work in CloudMosa which sells Puffin.
Maybe a bit late, but there a several documentated URL Schemes on the Puffin Developer Page:
Puffin Browser for iOS handles the following URL Schemes.
puffin for http
puffins for https
puffin-x-callback for callbacks back to calling app (iOS after version 3.5)
i.E. use instead of the Url puffins:// to open in the Puffin Browser.
Unfortunately currently workin only for the not longer maintained iOS Versions Puffin and Puffin Pro. The new browser Puffin Lite has afaik no documentated URL Schemes or does it?

How to Link to a Website or Safari within my iOS app

I am using Xcode to develop an iOS app and I need to know how to link a website to a button to open with in the app. I want o have a drop down bar that has buttons to return to a separate screen and a button to save the link to another place. Is there a way to open a website or a link to safari with my app?
You can open a website directly by using a UIWebView object in your app.
You can get Safari to open a web site by invoking something like [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:myURL].