Emacs 21 C/C++ auto-complete mode - emacs

I am working on a server which uses a really old emacs. The only way to install plugins is by downloading the .el files and adding them to the ~/.emacs/ folder and then sourcing it from the main .emacs file. Would someone know of a C/C++ autocomplete plugin which works with Emacs 21? I tried auto-complete-mode but I get an error.
An error has occurred while loading `/home/sbhalla/.emacs':
Symbol's function definition is void: defvaralias
The same auto-complete-mode works fine on emacs 22.

You might be able to run Emacs 24 without root access:
Download and untar Emacs 24: http://gnu.mirror.iweb.com/emacs/emacs-24.5.tar.gz
./configure && make. It may tell you to disable some options, e.g. I had to compile ./configure --without-jpg --without-png
You should be able to run ./src/emacs
I've done this to get the latest version of Emacs on university machines without sudo access, so it could probably work for you too.


Spacemacs Deletes Packages After Installation. How do i midigate this

I am using spacemacs and I am attempting to install packages with M-x "package install $package-name". The particular package I am trying to install is SLY, A newer implementation of The SLIME REPL for Common Lisp. When I Install the package when I start up spacemacs it works fine. However when exiting spacemacs it somehow gets deleted. After googling this issue I found this page https://develop.spacemacs.org/doc/FAQ.html. I followed the instructions and changed my .spacemacs config. I added the line dotspacemacs-install-packages 'used-but-keep-unused. What am I doing wrong.
You should add your personal packages to dotspacemacs-additional-packages

Emacs OSX 10.13 configuration issue

Recently I pass to Emacs org because is really convenient to me to write note there.
So I installed all packages I needed (principally ORG and EVIL) but I didn't understand how to setup everything.
I installed emacs from brew without using cask, I linked it, and I'm sure that I'm using the version that I installed (26.1).
So in my ~/ folder I have a .emacs file in which I set up evil mode, and I have a /.emacs.d/ in which I have a lot of file. The problem is: whatever I wrote in a ~/.emacs.d/init.el seems doesn't effect emacs.
So I said "whatever, I'm going on github and I installed some complete configurations and then I customized them myself". I tried to install these two configurations.
But for some reason, after doing exactly what they say on README.org
nothing happens.
In particular the second link, after install and open emacs said I need to have ~/.cask/.cask.el but I don't have it.

Emacs: where is better have the executable file?

After many changes on my Debian Jessie, when I launch the command emacs I receive an error libgnutls.so.26 : cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
If I launch instead the command emacs24 everything is allright.
I have emacs in /usr/local/bin
I have emacs24 in /usr/bin.
So, for now I created an alias to launch emacs24 as emacs, but i don't like and, for example, i have to change the git setting to open the default ide cause emacs is not availlable yet.
The question is where is the correct position of the command ? I have to change my PATH ?
Consider that libgnutls.so.26 is not installable from apt.
Thanks for any suggest or advice.
This is very strange, because a simple sudo dnf install emacs should suffice (I use fedora, so you probably use apt-get instead of dnf). Maybe it is best to just reinstall emacs (backup your .emacs to be safe) using apt-get? Anyhow, in fedora the emacs executable is located at /usr/bin/emacs (which is also the one used in the terminal when you use the emacs command).

Trouble installing simple emacs tool

Using the latest emacs 24.3 I want rainbow parenthesis for my lisp editing. I'm following the instructions on this page.
Here is what I get after I setup everything:
File error: Cannot open load file, rainbow-delimiters
To ensure normal operation, you should investigate and remove the
cause of the error in your initialization file. Start Emacs with the
`--debug-init' option to view a complete error backtrace.
The byte compile proceded fine and created a .elc file. Is there a missing step in the instructions? How would emacs know where this compiled is located if there is no path mentioned anywhere in the .emacs file?
Not a direct answer I'm afraid but I would recommend watching this as rainbow-delimiters is available in MELPA and this will make managing Emacs extensions MUCH easier.

Emacs + GDB + SCons + Step through Debugging

When compiling a project via a makefile using the Emacs compile command, when gdb is run on the resultant binary the application can be stepped through. However, when building using a large project with SCons, attempting to step through does not work in that Emacs doesn't seem to know which files to load or how they're related to the binary.
What does one have to do to do step through in Emacs? If Emacs can't support SCons natively then how can this be done manually; make must be using some mechanism to alert Emacs to a file's presence.
Are you sure your make and scons compile options are the same? It sounds like your scons build is lacking debug symbols (in gcc, use the -g option).
I don't use Scons. I can't help but ask if you have done the Scons IDEIntegration as given in the Working within Emacs and XEmacs section. It says Scons builds in a different directory that Emacs does not look at by default, so you have to move the files to make Emacs look at them. But that is for navigating through build error messages. I hope it works for gdb too.