Counting Null values in JPQL - jpa

i want to count null values in JPQL but count (case when "column" is null then.. end) doesn't work it work only on MYSQL ,i don't want to use count(*) what is the solution ??
String jpql ="select c.commande.user.login ,count(CASE WHEN c.commande.commandeTms is Null THEN 1 else 0 END) AS count1 from Designation c GROUP BY c.commande.user.login";
here my database

Here you go : I have used CriteriaBuilder to count them ... as a result, you get a List of Tuple containing the user login and count elements ... you may want to change names and "count cases" according to your needs :
public List<Tuple> test() {
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> cq = cb.createQuery(Tuple.class);
Root<Designation> designation = cq.from(Designation.class);
Join<Designation, Commande> commande = designation.join("commande");
Join<Commande, User> user = commande.join("user");
Expression expr = commande.get("commandeTms");
cb.sum(cb.<Long>selectCase().when(expr.isNotNull(), 1L).otherwise(0L)).alias("NotNull"),
cb.sum(cb.<Long>selectCase().when(expr.isNull(), 1L).otherwise(0L)).alias("Null"));
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(cq);
return query.getResultList();

You can use SUM aggregate function for this case
String jpql ="SELECT c.commande.user.login, SUM(CASE WHEN c.commande.commandeTms IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS count1 FROM Designation c GROUP BY c.commande.user.login";


Is there an equivalent in Entity Framework for CASE WHEN SomeCol IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

The T-SQL statement is below, essentially I want to return a boolean computed field xmlHasValue
, etc= "etc..."
, xmlHasValue = CASE WHEN hdr.someVeryLongXml IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END
FROM MyLeftTable hdr
inner JOIN MyRightTable lines ON hdr.pkID = lines.fkID
WHERE hdr.SomeField == 123
How can I write this in EntityFramework (Full Fx, not dotnet-core), such that EF produces the Case statement as above?
My attempt:
var query = from hdr in dbCtx.MyLeftTable
join lines in dbCtx.MyRightTable on hdr.pkID equals lines.fkID
where hdr.SomeField == 123
orderby hdr.pkID descending
select new //select into anon C# obj
pkID = hdr.pkID,
etc = "etc...",
xmlHasValue = hdr.someVeryLongXml //<== ??? stuck here ???
var anonObjList = query.AsNoTracking()
.ToList(); //exec qry on the SERVER, and fill the anon object.

Linq order by using query expression

Is it possible to do orderby expression using linq query expression based on dynamic string parameter? because the query i have is producing weird SQL query
my linq:
var product = from prod in _context.Products
join cat in _context.Categories on prod.CategoryId equals cat.CategoryId
join sup in _context.Suppliers on prod.SupplierId equals sup.SupplierId
orderby sortParam
select new ProductViewModel
ProductName = prod.ProductName,
ProductId = prod.ProductId,
QuantityPerUnit = prod.QuantityPerUnit,
ReorderLevel = prod.ReorderLevel,
UnitsOnOrder = prod.UnitsOnOrder,
UnitPrice = prod.UnitPrice,
UnitsInStock = prod.UnitsInStock,
Discontinued = prod.Discontinued,
Category = cat.CategoryName,
Supplier = sup.CompanyName,
CategoryId = cat.CategoryId,
SupplierId = sup.SupplierId
where var sortParam = "prod.ProductName"
The code above produces weird sql where order by sortParam is being converted to (SELECT 1). Full query catched by sql profiler below:
exec sp_executesql N'SELECT [prod].[ProductName], [prod].[ProductID], [prod].[QuantityPerUnit], [prod].[ReorderLevel], [prod].[UnitsOnOrder], [prod].[UnitPrice], [prod].[UnitsInStock], [prod].[Discontinued], [cat].[CategoryName] AS [Category], [sup].[CompanyName] AS [Supplier], [cat].[CategoryID], [sup].[SupplierID]
FROM [Products] AS [prod]
INNER JOIN [Categories] AS [cat] ON [prod].[CategoryID] = [cat].[CategoryID]
INNER JOIN [Suppliers] AS [sup] ON [prod].[SupplierID] = [sup].[SupplierID]
OFFSET #__p_1 ROWS FETCH NEXT #__p_2 ROWS ONLY',N'#__p_1 int,#__p_2 int',#__p_1=0,#__p_2=10
I'm seeing a lot of people doing linq order by using dynamic parameter but all of them use lambda not query expression, please enlighten me
As was already mentioned, you are passing a string value instead of an expression that reflects the column name. There are options for what you want however, see for example here.

Select JSON value from a EAV structure result set

Given a result set which is in the EAV structure such as :
id | attributeName | stringValue | intValue | BooleanValue
1 stringFoo v1
1 stringFooList v2
1 stringFooList v3
1 intFoo 10
1 intFooList 10
1 intFooList 20
1 booleanFoo true
1 booleanFooList true
1 booleanFooList true
How can I select all the attributes and value pair as a single value in a JSON/JSONB format , which are something likes:
"stringFoo" : "v1" ,
"stringFooList" : ["v2","v3"] ,
"intFoo" : 10 ,
"intFooList" : [10,20],
"booleanFoo" : true,
"booleanFooList" : [true,true]
If there are multiple attribute value for an attribute such as stringFooList , it will format it as JSON array.
I am using PostgreSQL 9.6
You can do something like this:
select id, jsonb_object_agg(att, value)
from (
select id,
attributename as att,
when count(*) > 1 then
end as value
from eav
group by id, attributename
) t
group by id;
The inner select aggregates multiple values into an JSON array, single values into JSON scalar values. And the outer query then builds a single JSON value of all rows.
Online example:
#a_horse_with_no_name 's answer gives me a good start. I extend his/her answer and come up the following query such that the elements in the JSON array have the same data type of what defined in PostgreSQL.
select id, jsonb_object_agg(att,
when strval is not null then strval
when intvalue is not null then intvalue
else boolVal
from (
select id,
attributename as att,
case when count(*) > 1 then
jsonb_agg(stringvalue) filter (where stringvalue is not null)
to_jsonb(min(stringvalue) filter (where stringvalue is not null))
end as strVal,
case when count(*) > 1 then
jsonb_agg(intvalue) filter (where intvalue is not null)
to_jsonb(min(intvalue) filter (where intvalue is not null))
end as intvalue,
case when count(*) > 1 then
jsonb_agg(booleanvalue) filter (where booleanvalue is not null)
to_jsonb(bool_and(booleanvalue) filter (where booleanvalue is not null))
end as boolVal
from eav
group by id, attributename
) t
group by id;

JPA Criteria orderBy: unexpected AST node

I have the following criteria query, which retrieves some fields from Anfrage and Sparte entities and also the translated string for the sparte.i18nKey.
This works as expected if I dont use orderBy.
Now I have the requirement to sort by the translated string for sparte.i18nKey and using the orderBy as shown below, results in QuerySyntaxException: unexpected AST node
So the problem must be the subselect in the orderBy clause!
select distinct new
-- retrieve translated string for sparte.i18nKey
(select rb0.value from at.luxbau.mis2.domain.model.ResourceBundleEntity as rb0
where (anfrage0.sparte.i18nKey = rb0.key) and (rb0.language = 'de'))
from my.domain.model.impl.Anfrage as anfrage0
left join anfrage0.sparte as sparte
order by (
-- sort by translated string for sparte.i18nKey
select rb1.value
from my.domain.model.ResourceBundleEntity as rb1
where (anfrage0.sparte.i18nKey = rb1.key) and (rb1.language = 'de')
) asc
My Java code looks like this:
private List<AnfrageDTO> getAnfragen() {
CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<AnfrageDTO> query = cb.createQuery(AnfrageDTO.class);
Root<Anfrage> anfrage = query.from(Anfrage.class);
anfrage.join(Anfrage_.sparte, JoinType.LEFT);,
// create subquery for translated sparte.i18nKey
createResourceBundleSubQuery(cb, query, anfrage.get(Anfrage_.sparte).get(Sparte_.i18nKey)).getSelection()));
TypedQuery<AnfrageDTO> tq = entityManager
// use subquery to sort by translated sparte.i18nKey
.orderBy(cb.asc(createResourceBundleSubQuery(cb, query, anfrage.get(Anfrage_.sparte).get(Sparte_.i18nKey))));
List<AnfrageDTO> anfragen = tq.getResultList();
return anfragen;
public Subquery<String> createResourceBundleSubQuery(CriteriaBuilder cb, CriteriaQuery<?> query, <String> expr) {
Subquery<String> subquery = query.subquery(String.class);
Root<ResourceBundleEntity> rb = subquery.from(ResourceBundleEntity.class);
cb.equal(expr, rb.get(ResourceBundleEntity_.key)),
cb.equal(rb.get(ResourceBundleEntity_.language), "de")));
return subquery;
Using a native SQL query with subselect in orderBy works also as expected.
select distinct,,
(select rb3.i18n_value from resource_bundle rb3 where rb3.language_code = 'de' and rb3.i18n_key = sparte4_.i18n_key) as sparte_i18n_value
mis2.anfrage anfrage0_
left outer join mis2.sparte sparte4_ on anfrage0_.sparte_id =
order by (
select rb.i18n_value
from mis2.resource_bundle rb
where sparte4_.i18n_key = rb.i18n_key and rb.language_code = 'de'
) asc
Also using an alias in the native SQL query works also as expected.
select distinct,,
(select rb3.i18n_value from resource_bundle rb3 where rb3.language_code = 'de' and rb3.i18n_key = sparte4_.i18n_key) as sparte_i18n_value
mis2.anfrage anfrage0_
left outer join mis2.sparte sparte4_ on anfrage0_.sparte_id =
order by sparte_i18n_value
It would be great if JPA Criteria API would support using an alias in orderBy clause!
Any hints welcome - Thank you!
My environment is WildFly 11 and PostgreSQL 9.6.
JPA doesn't support passing parameter in order by clause, your problem has been asked before: Hibernate Named Query Order By parameter

How to join the tables in linq to sql?

Table1 :
userid name address
1 venkat srinagr
2 venkatesh sainagar
id userid lat lon
1 1 14.000 15.000
2 2 14.3526 15.3698
by passing "venkat" as parameter then need to pull all matching records and his userid,name,lat,lon.
in above table1 "venkat" contains in both rows then need to pull 2 to get userid,name,lat,lon for all matching rows..
for sigle record i am able to get.but there are multiple rows how to get please tell me....
var result = from p in cxt.Table2
where p.Table1.Name.Contains(name)
select new
Im sure someone will say this is not the most effective way but this is how i would do it.
string InputString = "venkat";
var tab =(from a in db.tablea
from b in db.tableb
where a.userid == b.userid && == InputString
select new
UserID = a.userid,
Username =,
Latitude =,
Longditude = b.lon
FirstOrDefault() is only if you want to force only one output or null,
if you want a collection of some sort, then just remove it.