Multitenancy in MongoDb - mongodb

I am building a Multitenant MongoDb system. How to switch between Db's depending upon request. I am using MongoDb with Node js using MongoDb native Driver.

Your MongoClient object has a method .db(dbname) which returns a reference to a different database object using the same connection.
But you might want to consider to just store the data of all tennants in the same collections of a single database and add a field tennant to every document which you then include in every query. When you have individual collections or even an individual databases per tenant, the maintenance effort for your database administrator increases linearly with the number of tenants you have, because many maintenance and configuration tasks (like configuring sharding, for example) need to be performed on every collection of every database separately.


MongoDB is not scaling

I am building out some tools that require <1s response times and using Mongo (or SQL for that matter) will resolve that. I am pretty sure that I'll need to either use Redis or some in-memory data structure. Right now my Mongo aggregate takes almost 5 seconds to load 30 rows. All the collections are indexed but there are lookups within lookups which I think is where the issue lies (i.e. having a reference to the user and having multiple users, need to get their personal info). I also have pagination enabled and on Mongo 5.0 (which uses indexes for sub lookups) Few questions:
Should I just switch to a SQL database?
Should I add change streams to the collection I need to query and update a redis instance and read from there?
Should I just embed the information I'm extracting from the lookups into the parent document
Do 2 and 3?

MongoDB multiple collections or multiple databases

We are using .net Core and node.js micro services some of them with mongoDB.
Currently we got the following DB structure :
Every customer gets his own Database.
So if we got a micro service for Invoices, every new customer adds 1 new DB for that micro service.
While the collections in each such DB remain the same (usually we got 1-3 collections in each DB)
In terms of logic - We choose the right DB by request input in runtime.
I am thinking now about changing it a bit, to start making separation on the collections instead:
So if we take the same example from before this time around this Invoice Service will only have 1 DB,
and there will be 1 new collection for each customer in it ( or more if there were more collections for this service).
What I am trying to understand is if there is any difference performance wise?
Or is it mostly a "cosmetic" change?
Or maybe there are some other considerations?
If the change is mostly cosmetic I am thinking that the new solution is better for us since we usually got only 1-2 collections per each micro service.
And it will be easier to navigate when there are significantly less Databases.
As far as I know in microservices,each service should have its own database. If it is not a different service than you can use one database with different collections in it. It is more of cosmetic changes but I should also warn you that mongodb still has it limits which you can find here. It really depends on the amount of data that will be stored and retrieved.

Should I use different databases or just different collections in MongoDB to store user information and rest of the database?

I am pretty new to MongoDB. I am creating an application where I will have users and a lot of other data.I have already created a database where I am storing user information using MongoDB. Now I have to create a new database or collection to store rest of the data. What are the pros and cons of creating different or different collection ?
I use MongoDB in a very similar way and have already thought a lot about dividing my database. Here are some of the things we considered:
Using 2 databases is harder to maintain, your application will have to know which database to update, also it can increase the costs (even more if you intend to monitor the databases and host on different infrastructure).
Mongo 2 used to lock the entire database when updating, so I think it would be better to separate then, but Mongo 3 with WiredTiger locks only the document, so you won't have the problems we used to have in the past.
One good thing about splitting the database in two is that even if your data explodes one database, the other will still work
IMHO, if you use a decent machine to store your databases and monitor it the right way, you won't have any troubles keeping just one until your system is giant with millions of active users. You can also use Replica Sets and Sharding to increase efficiency.

In MongoDB, does a lock apply to a collection, a database, or a server?

In a MongoDB server, there may be multiple databases, and each database can have multiple collections, and a collection can have multiple documents.
Does a lock apply to a collection, a database, or a server?
I asked this question because when designing MongoDB database, I want to determine what is stored in a database and what is in a collection. My data can be partitioned into different parts, and I hope to be able to move a part from a MongoDB server to a filesystem, without being hindered by the lock that applies to another part, so I wish to store the parts of data in a way that different parts have different locks.
From the official documentation :
Basically, it's global / database / collection.
But with some specific storage engines, it can lock at document level too, for instance with WiredTiger (only with Mongo 3.0+)

creating a different database for each collection in MongoDB 2.2

MongoDB 2.2 has a write lock per database as opposed to a global write lock on the server in previous versions. So would it be ok if i store each collection in a separate database to effectively have a write lock per collection.(This will make it look like MyISAM's table level locking). Is this approach faulty?
There's a key limitation to the locking and that is the local database. That database includes a the oplog collection which is used for replication.
If you're running in production, you should be running with Replica Sets. If you're running with Replica Sets, you need to be aware of the write lock effect on that database.
Breaking out your 10 collections into 10 DBs is useless if they all block waiting for the oplog.
Before taking a large step to re-write, please ensure that the oplog will not cause issues.
Also, be aware that MongoDB implements DB-level security. If you're using any security features, you are now creating more DBs to secure.
Yes that will work, 10gen actually offers this as an option in their talks on locking.
I probably isolate every collection, though. Most databases seem to have 2-5 high activity collections. For the sake of simplicity it's probably better to keep the low activity collections grouped in one DB and put high activity collections in their own databases.