How can I override a double tap onto a LeafletJS map?
I do not want to zoom into the map, I want a custom procedure to start instead.
It's a angular-leaflet-directive within ionic.
I was pointed to the doubleClickZoom property (I must have been blind :) ). However, when I set doubleClickZoom = false , the two finger zoom is disabled as well... ? I want to keep two finger zoom, but disable doubleClickZoom. As an alternative, I could go with trippleClickZoom, which is obviously not implemented.
Please consult the documentation and the appropriately-named option doubleClickZoom.
I have a map that has a search box. A user types an address, and presses enter. The map then zooms out, pans to wherever the target is, then zooms in again. I understand from documentation that this is default behavior and that it's commonly referred to as "Fly To".
The question is... How do you disable this? I don't need fancy animation, I just want it to quickly draw a new map at the Lat/Long chosen and set the zoom level I specify.
Can this be done?
I assume you're using Mapbox-GL-Geocoder.
Just use setFlyTo:
I am trying to implement the Google Map SDK, and so far I have implemented a marker. I made the marker in a way that it follows as it is located in the center when I move the camera position.
The problem is that I can't zoom in and out while the marker's location is not changing. I would like to make the zooming experience like Uber in which the location does not change.. Thank you for your help.
You can use this line allowScrollGesturesDuringRotateOrZoom to your GMSMapview. It controls whether rotate and zoom gestures can be performed off-center and scrolled around. The default value of this is YES.
mapView.settings.allowScrollGesturesDuringRotateOrZoom = false // NO for obj-c and false for swift
So by setting it by NO/false, you can now perform zooming while the marker location is not moving. For more information, check this thread.
I am using Leaflet in a mobile app and want to get rid of the two zooming buttons in the top corner, but I need the exact same effect (zooming without the possibility of panning around with it) but using a pinching gesture. Alas, the default pinching gesture does not keep the view centred!
I don't know why, but keeping the zoom centred when using the mousewheel or doubleclick are available options for the map object:
If passed 'center', double-click zoom will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the mouse was.
If passed 'center', it will zoom to the center of the view regardless of where the mouse was.
But not for touchZoom, I tried. maybe the nice people at Leaflet thought the effect doesn't "feel" nice, but I really wish I could try it nonetheless and judge it by myself.
Anyone knows how to get a similar effect? I don't really want to end up calling setView() at every "zoom" event call, if that even was an option...
Found out that I could use the maxBounds option. If you set both corners on a single point (the one you'd use for setView, for example), the map won't be able to pan away from it.
I am interested in adding an option to my GIS Map application, the ability to draw Polygon, circle, polyroutes overlays for the user to search data within.The problem is that I've read and tested codes of how to draw an overlay, but they are always static.I want it to be dynamic, with dynamic center and points (or radius) set by the user on click.A mystery for me.(I'm a beginner in iPhone programming, this is my first app.)And I'm not using and don't want to use things like ArcGIS API for iPhone.I would appreciate any help.
To let the user "draw" an arbitrary polygon on the map, one approach is to use draggable annotations that represent the corners of the polygon. Provide an "Add Corner" button and some kind of Remove Corner button on each annotation.
See my answer to User creating a box on MKMapView for some more details. On that question though, the OP actually ended up using another solution described in the comments which would work well if the polygons are always rectangles.
For implementing a button in an annotation view (if you want a "Remove Corner" button on the annotations), see my answer to How to get click event from a button added over MKAnnotationView.
Once you a have a polygon or other overlay on the map, dragging it by direct touches may only be possible by adding a gesture recognizer to the map (with its own scrolling turned off) and using a custom MKOverlay and MKOverlayView that allow coordinate changes. Adding a gesture recognizer directly to an MKOverlayView doesn't seem to work and the built-in overlay classes don't allow changes to coordinates.
An alternative to moving by direct touches is putting some controls on the side (Up/Down/Left/Right/etc buttons) that modify the custom overlay.
The Apple sample app Breadcrumb gives an example of a custom overlay/view for a path. In WWDC 2010, the sample app LocationReminders gives an example of a custom overlay/view for a circle that can move and resize.
Finally, when you do a search for businesses, you could use the overlay's boundingMapRect (which is always a rectangle regardless of the overlay's shape) as the bounding box for the initial search and then check if the coordinate of each business found is in the overlay's actual shape using the answer to How to determine if an annotation is inside of MKPolygonView (iOS).
I am trying to create an app where the user can mark an area on a map. I want him to be able to move the area he marked.
I found that there is an api for adding overlays on a map, but I cannot get to move those overlays once I put them on the map. I tried to subclass the MKCircleView with my own view and implement the touchesBegan:withEvent: method but it never seems to get called.
Any ideas how this can be implemented and why it doesn't work this way?
Try looking through the apple developer code for sample called Regions.
It has circles which can be dragged and moved around.