Ocamlbuild plugin: build dynamic dependencies only if the target has changed - plugins

I'm trying to write an ocamlbuild plugin. The goal is to build Qt apps (without OCaml code for the time being). To handle the final linking phase, I have written the list of objs, mocs, uis and rcs in a .qtobjs file (like a .itarget), and the list of Qt libs in a .qtpackages file. The rule that applies to these files parses these lists and dynamically builds the objects, mocs and so on before linking everything.
The problem is that I would like not to dynamically build the targets that have not changed. See the rule below:
rule "Link a c++ executable that uses Qt."
~deps:["%.qtobjs"; "%.qtpackages"]
(fun env build ->
let dir = Pathname.dirname (env "%.qtobjs") in
let output = env "%.cxxnative" in
let objlist = pwd / (env "%.qtobjs") in
let liblist = pwd / (env "%.qtpackages") in
let packages = read_lines liblist in
let lflags = List.map (fun p -> "-l"^p) packages
# find_all "lflags" in
let objs = List.map (fun o -> dir / o) (read_lines objlist) in
(* Here, I would like to forget the targets that have not changed *)
let objs_to_build = List.filter
(fun target ->
(* something to tell if "target" has to be rebuilt *))
objs in
(* This is where I build the dependencies : *)
let success_builds = build
(List.map (fun o -> [o])
objs_to_build) in
let objects = filter_map
| Outcome.Good x when get_extension x = "opp" ->
Some (pwd / "_build" / (update_extension "o" x))
| Outcome.Good _ -> None
(* Because I don't want to link the ui.h file generated by uic *)
| Outcome.Bad exn -> raise exn)
success_builds in
let tags_objs = tags_of_pathname (env "%.qtobjs") ++ "link" in
let tags_packs = tags_of_pathname (env "%.qtpackages") in
Cmd (S [A (find_one "cxx"); T tags_objs; T tags_packs; Command.atomize lflags;
A "-o"; P output; Command.atomize objects]));
I would like not to call "build" when it's not necessary.
NB: a function
newer_than: Pathname.t -> Pathname.t -> bool
could solve my problem.

Problem solved.
For those who are interested, the problem was in the COMPILING rule : because the ".o" rule was already used by ocamlbuild, I registered it to officially produce ".opp" files but the command actually wrote .o files. So when recompiling, ocamlbuild had no clue that the object file was already present.
Three options:
replace the default ".o" rule (I don't even know if it is possible ?),
produce ".opp" files (but it's less standard),
or alter the compiling rule to do Nop if the .o file exists:
if Pathname.exists (env "%.o") then Nop
else Cmd (S [A ("c++");
A "-c";
A "-o"; P (env "%.o"); P (env "%.cpp")]));


Getting access to Coq's rich XML-like AST output

In older versions of Coq (< 8.5), the main coqtop process would interchange data with IDEs using strings.
This was supposedly recently changed - how does one query the richer XML-like structure representing ASTs?
Use case: I would like to interpret whatever Coq computes in a different way - that is, I need its results after performing operations (such as invoking tactics) in a form that's not string that I need to parse.
Note: this answer has been edited to make it up to date
The only reasonable option as of end of 2018 is SerAPI, a Coq language server that supports full serialization of Coq documents. Using SerAPI you can get a full representation of any Coq document or internal structure:
$ rlwrap sertop --printer=human
(Add () "Lemma u n : n + 0 = n.")
> (Answer 0 (StmAdded 2 (...) NewTip))
(Query ((sid 2)) Ast)
> (Answer 1(ObjList
> ((CoqAst
> (VernacStartTheoremProof Lemma
> ((((((Id u)) ()))
> (((LocalRawAssum
> (((Name (Id n))))
> (Default Explicit)
> (CHole () IntroAnonymous ())))
> (CNotation
> "_ = _"
> (((CNotation
> "_ + _"
> (((CRef
> (Ident
> (Id n)))
> ())
> (CPrim
> (Numeral (Ser_Bigint 0))))
> () ()))
> (CRef
> (Ident
> (Id n)))
> ()))
> () ()))
> ())))
> false)))))
Note that SerAPI is experimental software and I am the main author.

LWT simple interaction with a subprocess

Here is a simple program that uses the Unix module to interact with a subprocess. I just launch a cat shell command, send it a string and read it back:
#load "unix.cma";; (* Needed if you are in the toplevel *)
let () =
let sin, sout, serr = Unix.open_process_full "cat" [||] in
output_string sout "test\n";
flush sout;
input_line sin |> print_string;
flush stdout;
Unix.close_process_full (sin, sout, serr) |> ignore;;
Recently I started studying the Lwt library, and I wanted to reproduce the same functionality with it. I though that the following should have exactly the same result:
#use "topfind";; (* *)
#thread;; (* Also only for the toplevel *)
#require "lwt.simple-top";; (* *)
let () =
let open Lwt in
let process = Lwt_process.open_process_full ( "cat" , [||] ) in
Lwt_io.write_line process#stdin "test\n"
>>= ( fun () -> Lwt_io.flush process#stdin )
>>= ( fun () -> Lwt_io.read process#stdout )
>>= ( fun str -> Lwt_io.print str )
>>= ( fun () -> Lwt_io.flush Lwt_io.stdout )
|> Lwt_main.run
But it doesn't work as I expect it to -- apparently it reads and then prints an empty string.
I guess I have some fundamental confusion on how Lwt should work, but I cannot figure it out. Can someone show me how one can communicate with a subprocess using Lwt?
Use Lwt_process.shell to make a proper command, in your case, the proper command is the following:
Lwt_process.shell "cat";;
- : Lwt_process.command = ("", [|"/bin/sh"; "-c"; "cat"|])
Also, I suspect, that after you will run your program in a proper way, you will be wondering, why is your program blocking. This reason is because cat process will not finish until you write an EOF to it's input channel. That's why the Lwt_io.read call will not ever finish. A solution would be to close the stdin channel.

How to use FFI:def-call-in in clisp

I have figured out how to make use of shared objects created from C code into Clisp using FFI:def-call-out but I am not able to figure out how to use FFI:Def-call-in.
I don't know the process and actually I am confused if clisp will also create some .so file that some C function can use or something else.
Can someone please explain a minimal working example for writing such callback functions ?
Example 32.7. Calling Lisp from C:
To sort an array of double-floats using the Lisp function SORT instead of the C library function qsort, one can use the following interface code sort1.c. The main problem is to pass a variable-sized array.
extern void lispsort_begin (int);
void* lispsort_function;
void lispsort_double (int n, double * array) {
double * sorted_array;
int i;
lispsort_begin(n); /* store #'sort2 in lispsort_function */
sorted_array = ((double * (*) (double *)) lispsort_function) (array);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) array[i] = sorted_array[i];
This is accompanied by sort2.lisp:
(EVAL-WHEN (compile) (setq FFI:*OUTPUT-C-FUNCTIONS* t))
(FFI:DEF-CALL-IN lispsort_begin (:ARGUMENTS (n int))
(:LANGUAGE :stdc))
(FFI:DEF-C-VAR lispsort_function (:type c-pointer))
(defun lispsort_begin (n)
(setf (cast lispsort_function
(:ARGUMENTS (v (c-ptr (c-array double-float ,n))))
(:RETURN-TYPE (c-ptr (c-array double-float ,n))
(defun sort2 (v)
(declare (type vector v))
(sort v #'<))
To test this, use the following test file sorttest.lisp:
(EVAL-WHEN (compile) (setq FFI:*OUTPUT-C-FUNCTIONS* t))
(:name "lispsort_double")
(:LANGUAGE :stdc)
(:ARGUMENTS (n int)
(array (c-ptr (c-array double-float 10)) :in-out)))
Now try
$ clisp-link create sort sort2.c sorttest.c
$ cc -O -c sort1.c
$ cd sort
$ ln -s ../sort1.o sort1.o
Add sort1.o to NEW_LIBS and NEW_FILES in link.sh. Create a file package.lisp containing the form
and add package.lisp to TO_PRELOAD in link.sh. Proceed:
$ cd ..
$ base/lisp.run -M base/lispinit.mem -c sort2.lisp sorttest.lisp
$ clisp-link add base base+sort sort
$ base+sort/lisp.run -M base+sort/lispinit.mem -i sort2 sorttest
> (sort10 10 '#(0.501d0 0.528d0 0.615d0 0.550d0 0.711d0
0.523d0 0.585d0 0.670d0 0.271d0 0.063d0))
#(0.063d0 0.271d0 0.501d0 0.523d0 0.528d0 0.55d0 0.585d0 0.615d0 0.67d0 0.711d0)
$ rm -r base+sort

Verified software toolchain: if-then-else proof

I'm learning using the Verified Software Toolchain (VST). I get stuck at proving a simple "if-then-else" block.
Here is the .c file:
int iftest(int a){
int r=0;
return r;
I write a specification about the iftest() as follow:
Definition if_spec :=`
DECLARE _iftest`
WITH a0:int
PRE [_a OF tint]
LOCAL (`(eq (Vint a0)) (eval_id _a))
SEP ()
POST [tint]
LOCAL ((`(eq (Vint (Int.repr 0))) retval))
SEP ().`
the proof steps are:
Lemma body_iftest : semax_body Vprog Gtot f_iftest if_spec.Proof.
name a _a.
name r _r.
forward. (*r=0*)
forward. (*if(E)*). go_lower. subst. normalize.
it generates a hypothesis:Post := EX x : ?214, ?215 x : environ -> mpred and the "then" clause can't go on by "go_lower" and "normalize".
In the current version of VST there is a forward_if PRED tactic. Here is how you can use it to solve your goal:
Require Import floyd.proofauto.
Require Import iftest.
Local Open Scope logic.
Local Open Scope Z.
Definition if_spec :=
DECLARE _iftest
WITH a0:int
PRE [_a OF tint]
LOCAL (`(eq (Vint a0)) (eval_id _a))
SEP ()
POST [tint]
LOCAL ((`(eq (Vint (Int.repr 0))) retval))
SEP ().
Definition Vprog : varspecs := nil.
Definition Gtot : funspecs := if_spec :: nil.
Lemma body_iftest : semax_body Vprog Gtot f_iftest if_spec.
name a _a.
name r _r.
forward_if (PROP ()
LOCAL (`(eq (Vint (Int.repr 0))) (eval_id _r)) SEP()).
+ forward.
+ forward.
+ forward.
P.S. #bazza is right about a missing } before else. I assume it is fixed.
Potentially a non-helpful answer, but I can't help noticing that your .c code has 3 {'s and only 2 }'s, suggesting that it doesn't compile. Could the error message you're receiving have something to do with that?

g++ unicode variable name

I am trying to use unicode variable names in g++.
It does not appear to work.
Does g++ not support unicode variable names, ... or is there some subset of unicode (from which I'm not testing in).
You have to specify the -fextended-identifiers flag when compiling, you also have to use \uXXXX or \uXXXXXXXX for unicode(atleast in gcc it's unicode)
Identifiers (variable/class names etc) in g++ can't be of utf-8/utf-16 or whatever encoding,
they have to be:
identifier nondigit
identifier digit
a nondigit is
nondigit: one of
_ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
and a universalcharactername is
Thus, if you save your source file as UTF-8, you cannot have a variable like e.g.:
int høyde = 10;
it had to be written like:
int h\u00F8yde = 10;
(which imo would beat the whole purpose - so just stick with a-z)
A one-line patch to the cpp preprocessor allows UTF-8 input. Details for gcc are given at
however, since the preprocessor is shared, the same patch should work for g++ as well. In particular, the patch needed, as of gcc-5.2 is
diff -cNr gcc-5.2.0/libcpp/charset.c gcc-5.2.0-ejo/libcpp/charset.c
*** gcc-5.2.0/libcpp/charset.c Mon Jan 5 04:33:28 2015
--- gcc-5.2.0-ejo/libcpp/charset.c Wed Aug 12 14:34:23 2015
*** 1711,1717 ****
struct _cpp_strbuf to;
unsigned char *buffer;
! input_cset = init_iconv_desc (pfile, SOURCE_CHARSET, input_charset);
if (input_cset.func == convert_no_conversion)
to.text = input;
--- 1711,1717 ----
struct _cpp_strbuf to;
unsigned char *buffer;
! input_cset = init_iconv_desc (pfile, "C99", input_charset);
if (input_cset.func == convert_no_conversion)
to.text = input;
Note that for the above patch to work, a recent version of iconv needs to be installed that supports C99 conversions. Type iconv --list to verify this, otherwise, you can install a new version of iconv along with gcc as described in the link above. Change the configure command to
$ ../gcc-5.2.0/configure -v --disable-multilib \
--with-libiconv-prefix=/usr/local/gcc-5.2 \
--prefix=/usr/local/gcc-5.2 \
if you are building for x86 and want to include the c++ compiler as well.