dompdf form not working properly in secure server (ssl) - forms

I created a form using dompdf and when I uploaded it to the regular server the website belongs to, it worked fine. However, when I moved it to a secure server (ssl) it didn't work and didn't send the form. The server runs Linux. The webserver is Nginx with FastCGI. Any ideas about what could be going on? I just get an error message from the form saying that not all the mandatory fields have been filled, but there's only two and I filled them.
2015/09/10 22:07:35 [error] 14522#0: *1509 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP
message: PHP Warning: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be string,
array given in
/var/www/ on line 13
PHP message: PHP Warning: strip_tags() expects parameter 1 to be
string, array given in
/var/www/ on line 13
PHP message: PHP Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$prim_phone in
/var/www/ on line
180" while reading response header from upstream, client:,
server:, request: "POST
/patient_registration_form/form.php HTTP/1.1", upstream:
"fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: "",
referrer: ""
This is the code for the php file. If I need more validation, how can I add it? what would be the code for that?
if (!empty($_POST)) {
// Used for later to determine result
$success = $error = false;
// Object syntax looks better and is easier to use than arrays to me
$post = new stdClass;
// Usually there would be much more validation and filtering, but this
// will work for now.
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val)
$post->$key = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$key]));
// Check for blank fields
if (empty($post->first_name) OR empty($post->last_name))
$error = true;
else {
// Get this directory, to include other files from
$dir = dirname(__FILE__);
// Get the contents of the pdf into a variable for later
$pdf_html = ob_get_contents();
// Load the dompdf files
$dompdf = new DOMPDF(); // Create new instance of dompdf
$dompdf->load_html($pdf_html); // Load the html
$dompdf->render(); // Parse the html, convert to PDF
$pdf_content = $dompdf->output(); // Put contents of pdf into variable for later
// Get the contents of the HTML email into a variable for later
$html_message = ob_get_contents();
// Load the SwiftMailer files
$mailer = new Swift_Mailer(new Swift_MailTransport()); // Create new instance of SwiftMailer
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance()
->setSubject('Patient Registration Form') // Message subject
->setTo(array('' => 'Sam')) // Array of people to send to
->setFrom(array('' => 'PRF')) // From:
->setBody($html_message, 'text/html') // Attach that HTML message from earlier
->attach(Swift_Attachment::newInstance($pdf_content, 'reg_form.pdf', 'application/pdf')); // Attach the generated PDF from earlier
// Send the email, and show user message
if ($mailer->send($message))
$success = true;
$error = true;

Your secure server is separate from your non-secure one, correct? It looks like maybe display_errors (in the PHP configuration) is set to "on" for the secure server. Because of this you're seeing messages from PHP related to code notices and errors. Unless you're on a dev server you should pretty much always disable that setting to avoid information disclosure.
Before you worry about what dompdf is doing you should address the configuration issues and add some exception handling and/or validation to your code.
Some thoughts on what you've posted.
You're generally validating without regard to the data type in your foreach loop. You should at least check whether the variable is parseable by strip_slashes(), e.g.:
foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($_POST[$key])) {
// assuming this is an array of values
$post->$key = array_map('trim', array_map('strip_slashes', $_POST[$key]));
$post->$key = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$key]));
2 - You're trying to validate properties that may or may not exist on your object. Since you're not making any definite assignments you need to check that these properties even exist before you validate against them:
if (!property_exists($post, 'first_name') || !property_exists($post, 'last_name') || empty($post->first_name) || empty($post->last_name))
$error = true;
3 - Why are you assigning properties to a generic object in the first place? If you want to use an object you should probably go ahead and define the class so that you can populate and validate the values during instantiation. If you don't want to do that assign them to variables so you know, really know, what data you have. If you want to short-cut it you could do something like this (or write your own):
$first_name = filter_var($_POST['first_name'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE);
To simplify this for a large number of you could even set up an array of expected params and parse that array to set your values:
$post = array();
foreach (array('first_name','last_name') as $key)
$post[$key] = filter_var($_POST[$key], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE);
4 - Use curly braces for clarity ... always
You might want to take this over to to get a more thorough critique.


Displaying a flash message in the Backend using a hook doesn't work somehow

Basically: I want to display a flash message in the BE whenever the user enters a value that is not a valid IPv4. I want to do this in a hook, but just using the code from the Typo3 documentation for flash messages doesn't work there seems to be a major missunderstanding on my side maybe. Here is my code so far:
namespace Cjk\Icingaconfgen\Hook;
class EvalHook {
function processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray($status, $table, $id, &$fieldArray, &$pObj) {
if (!filter_var($fieldArray[IPv4], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)){
//here i want to put the flash message code
Using the code from the documentation here:
$message = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage::class,
'My message text',
'Message Header', // [optional] the header
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage::WARNING, // [optional] the severity defaults to \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessage::OK
true // [optional] whether the message should be stored in the session or only in the \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessageQueue object (default is false)
with the addition of the line:
doesn't work. What am i missing?
Have you tried adding the FlashMessage to the message queue?
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Messaging\FlashMessageService;
// ... omitted some use statements
$objectManager = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ObjectManager::class);
$flashMessageService = $this->objectManager->get(lashMessageService::class);
$messageQueue = $flashMessageService->getMessageQueueByIdentifier();
You wouldn't need that part, if you used the flash messages in the Controller.

Perl catalyst controller redirect not working

I have looked over this code and I can not understand the weirdness it exhibits. For a lack of understanding all I know
is being ignored, in favor of the redirect in the following if else condition. In other words, I always end up at the OAuthentication website.
If I block comment out the else condition I end up where I want to go qbo/home
sub index :Path :Args(0) {
my ($self, $c) = #_;
# Check to see if we have QBO::OAuth object in our user's session
# Create new object in session if we don't already have one
if(!($c->session->{qbo})) {
$c->log->info('Creating QBO::OAuth, save in user session');
$c->session->{qbo} = QBO::OAuth->new(
consumer_key => 'qyprddKpLkOclitN3cJCJno1fV5NzcT',
consumer_secret => 'ahwpSghVOzA142qOepNHoujyuHQFDbEzeGbZjEs3sPIc',
# Now we set our object variable to the session old or new
my $qbo = $c->session->{qbo};
######### GOTO 'qbo/home' ##########
if($c->req->params->{oauth_token}) {
$c->log->info('Now Redirect to access_endpoint');
# Get realmId and save it to our QBO::OAuth object in user session
# Call QBO::OAuth->request_access_token
my $r = $qbo->request_access_token($c->req->params->{oauth_verifier});
} else {
my $callback = '';
# Request a token
my $r = $qbo->request_token($callback);
if($qbo->has_token) {
#Continue on down, Redirect to auth_user_endpoint
$c->res->redirect($qbo->auth_user_endpoint . '?oauth_token=' . $qbo->token);
Seems I am missing some basic fundamental about how this works. Any clues appreciated
From the fine manual...
This is a convenience method that sets the Location header to the redirect destination, and then sets the response status. You will want to return or $c->detach() to interrupt the normal processing flow if you want the redirect to occur straight away.
Note also the warning on that manual page about redirecting to a relative URL - you shouldn't do it. For your use-case, I'd recommend getting into the habit of using:
return $c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('qbo/home'));
$c->res->redirect($c->uri_for('qbo/home')) && $c->detach();
depending on your preference.

Using variable for HTTP request headers with Perl

I am trying to write a function to create HTTP requests (POST and GET mostly) in Perl. I am keeping everything generic by using variables so that I don't have to worry about the type of request, the payload, headers, etc, however HTTP::Request->header() doesn't seem to like my variable:
my($req_type, $headers, $endpoint, $args, $request, $jsonfile) = #_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new($req_type => $endpoint);
foreach (#$headers) {
print "request : ".$req->as_string;
I tried a few different approches, and using push_header got me the closest, but I realize it may not be the best solution. I think it might have something to do with single quotes getting passed in:
#headers = "'x-auth-token' => '$_token'";
I can post more of the code if it is helpful. I'm hoping some Perl guru will know exactly what I'm doing wrong. I'm sure it's something to do with the format of the string I'm passing in.
#headers = "'x-auth-token' => '$_token'";
The header function expects to be passed two arguments. The header name and the header value.
You are passing it one argument: a string containing a fragment of Perl code.
You need to format your data more sensibly.
my %headers = (
"x-auth-token" => $_token;
foreach my $header_name (keys %headers) {
$req->push_header($header_name => $headers{$header_name});

How to match a result to a request when sending multiple requests?

A. Summary
As its title, Guzzle allows to send multiple requests at once to save time, as in documentation.
$responses = $client->send(array(
(given that each request object is an instance of
When responses come back, to identify which response is for which request, we can loop through each request and get the response (only available after executing the above command):
$response1 = $requestObj1->getResponse();
$response2 = $requestObj2->getResponse();
B. Problem
If the request object contains the same data. It's impossible to identify the original request.
Assume we have the following scenario where we need to create 2 articles: A and B on a distance server:
Each request has same POST data:
subject: This is a test article
After created, the Guzzle responses with 2 location come back:
Using the above method to link response-to-its-request, we still don't know which response is for which article, because the request object is exactly the same.
Hence in my database I cannot write down the result:
article A -> Location: 245.json
article B -> Location: 223.json
because it can be the other way arround:
article A -> Location: 223.json
article B -> Location: 245.json
A solution is to put some extra parameter in the POST request, e.g.
subject: This is a test article
record: A
However, the distance server will return error and does not create article because it does not understand the key "record". The distance server is a third party server and I cannot change the way it works.
Another proper solution for this is to set some specific id/tag on the request object, so we can identify it afterwards. However, I've looked through the documentation but there is no method to uniquely identity the request like
This has been bugging me for months and still cannot resolve this issue.
If you have solution, please let me know.
Many many thanks and you've saved me!!!!
Thanks for reading this long post.
I've found a proper way to do it, Guzzle allow to add callback once a request is completed. So we can achieve this by setting it on each request in the batch
Each request by default can be created like this
$request = $client->createRequest('GET', '', [
'headers' => ['X-Foo' => 'Bar']
So, to achieve what we want:
$allRequests = [];
$allResults = [];
for($k=0; $k<=10; $k++){
$allRequests['key_'.$k] = $client->createRequest('GET', ''.$k, [
'headers' => ['X-Foo' => 'Bar'],
'events' => [
'complete' => function ($e) use (&$allResults, $k){
$response = $e->getResponse();
$allResults['key_'.$k] = $response->getBody().'';
So now the $allResults has result for each corresponding request.
e.g. $allResults['key_1'] is the result of $allRequests['key_1']
I was having the same problem with this.
I solved it by adding a custom query parameter with a unique id generated for each request and add it to the request url (you will need to remember this ids for each one of them to address it after).
After $responses = $client->send($requests) you could iterate through the responses and retrieve the effective url $response->getEffectiveUrl() and parse it (see parse_url and parse_str) to get the custom parameter (with the unique id) and search in your array of requests which one has it.
I found a much better answer.
I was sending batches of 20 requests at a time, 4 concurrently, and used the pooling technique where I got fulfilled, and rejected back, as in the documentation.
I found that I could add this code to the end of my requestAsync() function calls, when yielding / building the array (I do both in different places).
$request = $request->then(function (\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response $response) use ($source_db_object) {
$response->_source_object = $source_db_object;
return $response;
And then in the clousures on the pool, I can just access the _source_object on the response normally, and it works great.
I find it a little hacky, but if you are just sure to use a name that NEVER clashes with anything in Guzzle, this should be fine.
Here is a full example:
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use GuzzleHttp\Pool;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response as GuzzleResponse;
$client = new Client();
$requests = [];
// Simple set-up here, generate some random async requests
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
$request = $client->requestAsync('GET', '');
// Here we can attach any identifiable data
$request->_source_object = $i;
array_push($requests, $request);
$generator = function () use($requests) {
while ($request = array_pop($requests)) {
yield function() use ($request) {
return $request->then(function (GuzzleResponse $response) use ($request) {
// Attach _source_object from request to the response
$response->_source_object = $request->_source_object ?? [];
return $response;
$requestPool = new Pool($client, $generator(), [
'concurrency' => 5,
'fulfilled' => function ($response) {
// Then we can properly access the _source_object data once response has arrived here!
echo $response->_source_object . "\n";
I do it this way :
// create your requests
$requests[] = $client->createRequest('GET', '/endpoint', ['config' => ['order_id' => 123]]);
// in your success callback get
$id = $event->getRequest()->getConfig()['order_id']
An update related to the new GuzzleHttp guzzlehttp/guzzle
Concurrent/parallel calls are now run through a few different methods including Promises.. Concurrent Requests
The old way of passing a array of RequestInterfaces will not work anymore.
See example here
$newClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => $base]);
foreach($documents->documents as $doc){
$params = [
'language' =>'eng',
'text' => $doc->summary,
'apikey' => $key
$requestArr[$doc->reference] = $newClient->getAsync( '/1/api/sync/analyze/v1?' . http_build_query( $params) );
$time_start = microtime(true);
$responses = \GuzzleHttp\Promise\unwrap($requestArr); //$newClient->send( $requestArr );
$time_end = microtime(true);
$this->get('logger')->error(' NewsPerf Dev: took ' . ($time_end - $time_start) );
In this example you will be able to refer to each of the Responses using $requestArr[$doc->reference] . In short give an index to your array and run the Promise::unwrap call.
I also had come across this issue. This was the first thread coming up. I know this is a resolved thread, but I have eventually come up with a better solution. This is for all those who might encounter the issue.
One of the options is to use Guzzle Pool::batch.
What batch does is, it pushed the results of pooled requests into an array and returns the array. This ensures that the response and requests are in the same order.
$client = new Client();
// Create the requests
$requests = function ($total) use($client) {
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) {
yield new Request('GET', '' . $i);
// Use the Pool::batch()
$pool_batch = Pool::batch($client, $requests(5));
foreach ($pool_batch as $pool => $res) {
if ($res instanceof RequestException) {
// Do sth
// Do sth

Twitter RSS feed, [domdocument.load]: failed to open stream:

i'm using the following:
$doc = new DOMDocument();
$arrFeeds = array();
foreach ($doc->getElementsByTagName('item') as $node) {
$itemRSS = array (
'title' => $node->getElementsByTagName('title')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'desc' => $node->getElementsByTagName('description')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'link' => $node->getElementsByTagName('link')->item(0)->nodeValue,
'date' => $node->getElementsByTagName('pubDate')->item(0)->nodeValue
array_push($arrFeeds, $itemRSS);
for($i=0;$i<=3;$i++) {
$newDate=date('G:ia l F Y ',$tweetDate);
if($i==0) { $b='style="border:none;"'; }
$tweetsBox.='<div class="tweetbox" ' . $b . '>
<div class="tweet"><p>' . $tweet . '</p>
<div class="tweetdate">#' . $newDate .'</div>
return $tweetsBox;
to return the 4 most recent tweets from a given timeline (XXXXX is the relevant feed)
It seems to work fine but i've recently been getting the following error sporadically:
PHP error debug
Error: DOMDocument::load( [domdocument.load]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway
I've read that the above code is dependant on Twitter beign available and I know it gets rather busy sometimes. Is there either a better way of receiving twits, or is there any kind of error trapping i could do to just to display "tweets are currently unavailable..." ind of message rather than causing an error. I'm usnig ModX CMS so any parse error kills the site rather than just ouputs a warning.
I know this is old, but I was just searching for the same solution for a nearly identical script for grabbing a twitter timeline. I ended up doing this, though I haven't been able to thoroughly test it.
I defined the twitter url as a variable ($feedURL), which I also used in $doc_load. Then, I wrapped everything except for the $feedURL into this conditional statement:
$feedURL = ""
$headers = #get_headers($feedURL);
if (preg_match("/200/", $headers[0])){
//the rest of you original code in here
else echo "Can't connect user-friendly message (or a fake tweet)";
So, it's just checking the headers of the the feed's page, and if its status is 200 (OK), then the rest of the script will execute. Otherwise, it'll echo a message of your choice.
(reference: )
ETA: Or even better, save a cached version of the feed (which will also ensure you don't go over your API limit of loads):
$cache_file = dirname(__FILE__).'/cache/twitter_cache.rss';
// Start with the cache
$mtime = (strtotime("now") - filemtime($cache_file));
if($mtime > 600) {
$cache_rss = file_get_contents('');
$cache_static = fopen($cache_file, 'wb');
fwrite($cache_static, $cache_rss);
echo "<!-- twitter cache generated ".date('Y-m-d h:i:s', filemtime($cache_file))." -->";
else {
$cache_rss = file_get_contents('');
$cache_static = fopen($cache_file, 'wb');
fwrite($cache_static, $cache_rss);
//End of caching
Then use $cache_file in your $doc->load($cache_file) statement instead of the actual feed url.
(Adapted from here: