How to return a function result into query? - postgresql

I have a function called ClientStatus that returns a record with two fields Status_Description and Status_Date. This function receives a parameter Client_Id.
I'm trying to get the calculated client status for all the clients in the table Clients, something like:
| Client_Name | Status_Description | Status_Date |
| Abc | Active | 12-12-2010 |
| Def | Inactive | 13-12-2011 |
Where Client_Name comes from the table Clients, Status_Description and Status_Date from the function result.
My first (wrong) approach was to join the table and the function like so:
SELECT c.Client_Name, cs.Status_Description, cs.Status_Date FROM Clients c
SELECT * FROM ClientStatus(c.ClientId) as (Status_Description text, Status_Date date)) cs
This obviously didn't work because c.ClientId could not be referenced.
Could someone explain me how can I obtain the result I am looking for?
Thanks in advance.

I think the following can give the result you expect :
SELECT c.Client_Name, d.Status_Description, d.Status_Date
FROM Clients c, ClientStatus(c.ClientId) d

I have solved my problem writing the query like this:
SELECT c.Client_Name, cs.status[1] as Description, cs.stautus[2]::date as Date
SELECT string_to_array(translate(
(SELECT ClientStatus(ClientId))::Text, '()', ''), ',') status
FROM Clients
) cs
It is not the most elegant solution but it was the only one I could find to make this work.


How to use dynamic table name for sub query where the dynamic value coming from its own main query in PostgreSQL?

I have formed this query to get the desired output mentioned below:
select, tbl.label, tbl.input_type, tbl.table_name
case when tbl.input_type = 'dropdown' or tbl.input_type = 'searchable-dropdown'
then (select json_agg(opt) from tbl.table_name) as opt) end as options
from mst_config as tbl;
I want output like below:
id | label | input_type | table_name | options
1 | Gender | dropdown | mst_gender | [{"id":1,"label":"MALE"},
| | | | {"id":2,"label":"FEMALE"}]
2 | SS | dropdown | mst_ss | [{"id":1,"label":"something"},
| | | | {"id":2,"label_en":"something"}]
But, I'm facing a problem while using,
select json_agg(opt) from tbl.table_name) as opt
In the above part "tbl.table_name", I wanted to use it as dynamic table name but it's not working.
Then, I have searched a lot and found something like Execute format('select * from %s', table_name), where tablename is the dynamic table name. I have even tried the same with postgres function.
But I faced an issue again while using the format method. The reason is I want to use the variable for which the value needs to come from its own main query value instead of already having it in a variable. so this one was also not working.
I would really appreciate if anyone can help me out on this. Also if there are any other possibilities available to achieve this output, help me on that as well.

T-sql: Highlight invoice numbers if they occur in a payment description field

I have two sql-server tables: bills and payments. I am trying to create a VIEW to highlight the bill numbers if they occur in the payment description field. For example:
|bllID | bllNum |
| -------- | -------- |
| 1 | qwerty123|
| 2 | qwerty345|
| 3 | 1234 |
TABLE payments
|paymentID | description |
| -------- | ---------------------------------- |
| 1 | payment of qwerty123 and qwerty345 |
I want to highlight both the 'qwerty123' and 'qwerty345' strings by adding html code to it. The code I have is this:
SELECT REPLACE(payments.description,
FROM bll
WHERE COALESCE(bll.bllNum, '') <> '' AND
PATINDEX('%' + bll.bllNum + '%', payments.description) > 0), ''),
'<font color=red>' +
FROM bll
WHERE COALESCE(bll.bllNum, '') <> '' AND
PATINDEX('%' + bll.bllNum + '%', payments.description) > 0), '') +
FROM payments
This works but only for the first occurrence of a bill number. If the description field has more than one bill number, the consecutive bill numbers are not highlighted. So in my example 'qwerty123' gets highlighted, but not 'qwerty345'
I need to highlight all occurrences. How can I accomplish this?
With the caveat that this is not a task best done in the database, one possible approach you could try is to use string_split to break your description into words and then join this to your Bills, doing your string manipulation on matching rows.
Note, according to the documentation, string_split is not 100% guaranteed to retain its correct ordering but always has in my usage. It could always be substituted for an alternative function to work on the same principle.
select string_agg (w.word,' ') [Description]
from (
case when exists (select * from bill b where b.billnum=s.value)
then Concat('<font colour="red">',s.value,'</font>') else s.value end word
from payments p
cross apply String_Split(description,' ')s
Example DB Fiddle
Okay, I understand, I can put code in the front-end application by looping through the bill numbers and replacing them as they are found in the description. Just thought/ hoped there was a simple solution to this using t-sql. But I understand the difficulty.

String Include some other strings

How do I check in postgres that a varchar contains 'aaa' or 'bbb'?
I tried myVarchar IN ('aaa', 'bbb') but, obviously, it's true when myvarchar is exactly equal to 'aaa' or 'bbb'.
for multiple similarity check the best fit in terms of speed and laconic syntax would be
SIMILAR TO '%(aaa|bbb|ccc)%'
you can use ANY & LIKE operators together.
SELECT * FROM "myTable" WHERE "myColumn" LIKE ANY( ARRAY[ '%aaa%', '%bbb%' ] );
Assuming this is your table:
myVarchar varchar
) ;
INSERT INTO t (myVarchar)
('something aaa else'),
('also some bbb'),
('maybe ccc') ;
-- (some random data, this query is PostgreSQL specific)
INSERT INTO t (myVarchar)
generate_series(1, 10000) ;
SQL Standard approach:
You can do (in all SQL standard databases):
myVarchar LIKE '%aaa%' or myVarchar LIKE '%bbb%' ;
and you'll get:
| myvarchar |
| :----------------- |
| something aaa else |
| also some bbb |
PostgreSQL specific approaches
Specifically for PostgreSQL, you can use a (single) regex with multiple values to look for:
myVarchar ~ 'aaa|bbb' ;
| myvarchar |
| :----------------- |
| something aaa else |
| also some bbb |
dbfiddle here
If you need quick finds, you can use trigram indexes, like this:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm; -- Only needed if extension not already installed
CREATE INDEX myVarchar_like_idx
ON t
USING GIST (myVarchar gist_trgm_ops);
... the query using LIKE will be much faster.

Split a string and populate a table for all records in table in SQL Server 2008 R2

I have a table EmployeeMoves:
| EmployeeID | CityIDs
| 24 | 23,21,22
| 25 | 25,12,14
| 29 | 1,2,5
| 31 | 7
| 55 | 11,34
| 60 | 7,9,21,23,30
I'm trying to figure out how to expand the comma-delimited values from the EmployeeMoves.CityIDs column to populate an EmployeeCities table, which should look like this:
| EmployeeID | CityID
| 24 | 23
| 24 | 21
| 24 | 22
| 25 | 25
| 25 | 12
| 25 | 14
| ... and so on
I already have a function called SplitADelimitedList that splits a comma-delimited list of integers into a rowset. It takes the delimited list as a parameter. The SQL below will give me a table with split values under the column Value:
select value from dbo.SplitADelimitedList ('23,21,1,4');
| Value
| 23
| 21
| 1
| 4
The question is: How do I populate EmployeeCities from EmployeeMoves with a single (even if complex) SQL statement using the comma-delimited list of CityIDs from each row in the EmployeeMoves table, but without any cursors or looping in T-SQL? I could have 100 records in the EmployeeMoves table for 100 different employees.
This is how I tried to solve this problem. It seems to work and is very quick in performance.
INSERT INTO EmployeeCities
FROM EmployeeMoves em
CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitADelimitedList(em.CityIDs) c;
This update provides the definition of the user-defined function dbo.SplitADelimitedList. This function is used in above query to split a comma-delimited list to table of integer values.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fn_SplitADelimitedList1
RETURNS #SplittedValues TABLE(
Value INT
DECLARE #SplitLength INT
DECLARE #Delimiter VARCHAR(10)
SET #Delimiter = ',' --set this to the delimiter you are using
WHILE len(#String) > 0
SELECT #SplitLength = (CASE charindex(#Delimiter, #String)
datalength(#String) / 2
charindex(#Delimiter, #String) - 1
INSERT INTO #SplittedValues
SELECT cast(substring(#String, 1, #SplitLength) AS INTEGER)
ltrim(rtrim(isnull(substring(#String, 1, #SplitLength), ''))) <> '';
SELECT #String = (CASE ((datalength(#String) / 2) - #SplitLength)
right(#String, (datalength(#String) / 2) - #SplitLength - 1)
This is not the right way to do it. You shouldn't create comma-delimited lists in SQL Server. This violates first normal form, which should sound like an unbelievably vile expletive to you.
It is trivial for a client-side application to select rows of employees and related cities and display this as a comma-separated list. It shouldn't be done in the database. Please do everything you can to avoid this kind of construction in the future. If at all possible, you should refactor your database.
The Right Answer
To get the list of cities, properly expanded, from a table containing lists of cities, you can do this:
INSERT dbo.EmployeeCities
EmployeeMoves M
CROSS APPLY dbo.SplitADelimitedList(M.CityIDs) C
The Wrong Answer
I wrote this answer due to a misunderstanding of what you wanted: I thought you were trying to query against properly-stored data to produce a list of comma-separated CityIDs. But I realize now you wanted the reverse: to query the list of cities using existing comma-separated values already stored in a column.
WITH EmployeeData AS (
dbo.SplitADelimitedList ('23,21,1,4') C
INNER JOIN dbo.EmployeeMoves M
ON Convert(int, C.Value) = M.CityID
CityIDs = Substring((
SELECT ',' + Convert(varchar(max), CityID)
FROM EmployeeData C
WHERE E.EmployeeID = C.EmployeeID
).value('.[1]', 'varchar(max)'), 2, 2147483647)
(SELECT DISTINCT EmployeeID FROM EmployeeData) E
Part of my difficulty in understanding is that your question is a bit disorganized. Next time, please clearly label your example data and show what you have, and what you're trying to work toward. Since you put the data for EmployeeCities last, it looked like it was what you were trying to achieve. It's not a good use of people's time when questions are not laid out well.

Filter an ID Column against a range of values

I have the following SQL:
SELECT ',' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CAST(vessel_is_id as CHAR(2)))) + ',' AS 'Id'
FROM Vessels
WHERE ',' + LTRIM(RTRIM(CAST(vessel_is_id as varCHAR(2)))) + ',' IN (',1,2,3,4,5,6,')
Basically, I want to filter the vessel_is_id against a variable list of integer values (which is passed in as a varchar into the stored proc). Now, the above SQL does not work. I do have rows in the table with a `vessel__is_id' of 1, but they are not returned.
Can someone suggest a better approach to this for me? Or, if the above is OK
Sample data
| vessel_is_id |
| ------------ |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 5 |
| 3 |
| 1 |
| 1 |
So I want to returned all of the above where vessel_is_id is in a variable filter i.e. '1,3' - which should return 4 records.
IF OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.fn_ArrayToTable',N'FN') IS NOT NULL
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_ArrayToTable]
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].fn_ArrayToTable (#array VARCHAR(MAX))
-- =============================================
-- Author: Dan Andrews
-- Create date: 04/11/11
-- Description: String to Tabled-Valued Function
-- =============================================
RETURNS #output TABLE (data VARCHAR(256))
DECLARE #pointer INT
SET #pointer = CHARINDEX(',', #array)
WHILE #pointer != 0
SELECT RTRIM(LTRIM(LEFT(#array,#pointer-1)))
SELECT #array = RIGHT(#array, LEN(#array)-#pointer),
#pointer = CHARINDEX(',', #array)
Which you may apply like:
SELECT * FROM dbo.fn_ArrayToTable('2,3,4,5,2,2')
and in your case:
SELECT LTRIM(RTRIM(CAST(vessel_is_id AS CHAR(2)))) AS 'Id'
FROM Vessels
WHERE LTRIM(RTRIM(CAST(vessel_is_id AS VARCHAR(2)))) IN (SELECT data FROM dbo.fn_ArrayToTable('1,2,3,4,5,6')
Since Sql server doesn't have an Array you may want to consider passing in a set of values as an XML type. You can then turn the XML type into a relation and join on it. Drawing on the time-tested pubs database for example. Of course you're client may or may not have an easy time generating the XML for the parameter value, but this approach is safe from sql-injection which most "comma seperated" value approaches are not.
declare #stateSelector xml
set #stateSelector = '<values>
select * from authors
where state in ( select c.value('.', 'varchar(2)') from #stateSelector.nodes('//value') as t(c))