Generic settings class in Swift 2 - swift

I'm trying to implement a class in Swift 2 for a single setting of any type that uses NSUserDefaults under the covers.
Problem: How do I define a class for storing and retrieving any type of object, including Dictionary?
I have a solution that works with AnyObject which consists of a generic protocol (Settable) and a generic class (Setting). SettingsStore is a wrapper around NSUserDefaults.
// MARK: Settable Protocol
public protocol Settable {
typealias T
init(key: String, defaultValue: T, settingsStore: SettingsStore)
var value: T { get set }
func loadCurrentValue()
// MARK: Settings Class
public class Setting<T: AnyObject>: Settable {
private let key: String
private let defaultValue: T
private let settingsStore: SettingsStore
private var currentValue: T?
public required init(key: String, defaultValue: T, settingsStore: SettingsStore) {
self.key = key
self.defaultValue = defaultValue
self.settingsStore = settingsStore
public var value: T {
get {
if self.currentValue == nil {
return self.currentValue!
set {
self.currentValue = newValue
self.settingsStore.setObject(newValue.toAnyObject(), forKey: self.key)
public func loadCurrentValue() {
let optionalValue: T? = self.settingsStore.objectForKey(key) as? T
if let value = optionalValue {
self.currentValue = value
} else {
self.currentValue = self.defaultValue
This allows me to create a setting like this:
let specialId: Setting<String>
init() {
self.specialId = Setting<String>(
key: "specialId",
defaultValue: "<somevalue>",
settingsStore: self.settingsStore)
The problem with this is that it doesn't work with value types, such as String, Bool, Int, Double, Array, or Dictionary because they are all value types and value types don't conform to the AnyObject protocol.
I've solved the problem for some of these using a protocol and extensions based on NSString and NSNumber, but a solution Dictionary is proving to be elusive (I don't need a solution for Array at the moment so I haven't spent time trying to solve that one).
// Change definition of Setting class like this:
public class Setting<T: AnyObjectRepresentable>: Settable {
public protocol AnyObjectRepresentable {
func toAnyObject() -> AnyObject
static func fromAnyObject(value: AnyObject) -> Self?
extension AnyObjectRepresentable where Self: AnyObject {
public func toAnyObject() -> AnyObject {
return self
public static func fromAnyObject(value: AnyObject) -> AnyObject? {
return value
extension String: AnyObjectRepresentable {
public func toAnyObject() -> AnyObject {
return NSString(string: self)
public static func fromAnyObject(value: AnyObject) -> String? {
let convertedValue = value as? String
return convertedValue
extension Bool: AnyObjectRepresentable {
public func toAnyObject() -> AnyObject {
return NSNumber(bool: self)
public static func fromAnyObject(value: AnyObject) -> Bool? {
let convertedValue = value as? Bool
return convertedValue
// Add extensions for Int and Double that look like the above extension for Bool.
I tried two different approaches for Dictionary. The first one is similar to the String approach:
extension Dictionary: AnyObjectRepresentable {
public func toAnyObject() -> AnyObject {
let value = self as NSDictionary
return value
public static func fromAnyObject(value: AnyObject) -> Dictionary? {
let convertedValue = value as? Dictionary
return convertedValue
Xcode gives me the following error on the first line of the toAnyObject() method implementation:
'Dictionary' is not convertible to 'NSDictionary'
Next I tried extending NSDictionary directly:
extension NSDictionary: AnyObjectRepresentable {
public func toAnyObject() -> AnyObject {
return NSDictionary(dictionary: self)
public static func fromAnyObject(value: AnyObject) -> NSDictionary? {
let convertedValue = value as? NSDictionary
return convertedValue
Xcode gives me the following error on the declaration of fromAnyObject():
Method 'fromAnyObject' in non-final class 'NSDictionary' must return Self to conform to protocol 'AnyObjectRepresentable'
I'm at my wits. Is this solvable?
UPDATED 2015-09-15 16:30
For background, here is the definition and an implementation of SettingsStore:
public protocol SettingsStore {
func objectForKey(key: String) -> AnyObject?
func setObject(value: AnyObject?, forKey key: String)
func dictionaryForKey(key: String) -> [String:AnyObject]?
public class UserDefaultsSettingsStore {
private let userDefaults: NSUserDefaults
public init() {
self.userDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
public init(suiteName: String) {
self.userDefaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: suiteName)!
extension UserDefaultsSettingsStore: SettingsStore {
public func objectForKey(key: String) -> AnyObject? {
return self.userDefaults.objectForKey(key)
public func setObject(value: AnyObject?, forKey key: String) {
self.userDefaults.setObject(value, forKey: key)
public func dictionaryForKey(key: String) -> [String : AnyObject]? {
return self.userDefaults.dictionaryForKey(key)

If you substitute AnyObject with Any, I think you'll get the results you're looking for. Specifically, replace this line:
public class Setting<T: AnyObject>: Settable {
with this line
public class Setting<T: Any>: Settable {


I need to edit the generic class Swift

I need to change this generic class that accepts an array to something that is not an array
class GenericDataSource<T> : NSObject {
var data: DynamicValue<[T]> = DynamicValue([])
//var data: DynamicValue<T>?
When I remove the square brackets I get an error
typealias CompletionHandler = (() -> Void)
class DynamicValue<T> {
var value : T {
didSet {
private var observers = [String: CompletionHandler]()
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
public func addObserver(_ observer: NSObject, completionHandler: #escaping CompletionHandler) {
observers[observer.description] = completionHandler
public func addAndNotify(observer: NSObject, completionHandler: #escaping CompletionHandler) {
self.addObserver(observer, completionHandler: completionHandler)
private func notify() {
observers.forEach({ $0.value() })
deinit {
You need an init in GenericDataSource
class GenericDataSource<T> {
var data: DynamicValue<T>
init(_ value: T) {
data = DynamicValue(value)
or make data optional
class GenericDataSource<T> : NSObject {
var data: DynamicValue<T>?
And then use them like
let gds = GenericDataSource("Hello")
or for the optional variant
let gds = GenericDataSource<String>() = DynamicValue("Hello")

Swift - Can I make a protocol Hashable?

I have written a simple protocol Data :
public protocol Data {
var state: [String: Any] { get set }
var objectId: String? { get set }
public extension Data {
var objectId: String? {
get {
return self.state["objectId"] as? String
set {
self.state["objectId"] = newValue
This way, I have created several types conforming to it:
public struct Person: Data {
public var state: [String : Any]
public struct Car: Data {
public var state: [String : Any]
// ...
Now what I want to do is to make each of these types Hashable, the problem is that I need to write this code in every type:
extension Car Hashable {
public static func == (lhs: Car, rhs: Car) -> Bool {
return lhs.objectId == rhs.objectId
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
hasher.combine(self.objectId ?? "")
// ...
What I want to know is if it is possible to generically declare Data as Hashable from its objectId. As I am using a protocol, I couldn't find a way to do so.
Thank you for your help.
As #Leo Dabus mentioned in his comment, you should probably use another name for your protocol due to native Foundation.Data type existence.
Either way, using the following code you can implement Hashable protocol into your Data protocol:
public protocol Data: Hashable {
var state: [String: Any] { get set }
var objectId: String? { get set }
public extension Data {
var objectId: String? {
get {
return self.state["objectId"] as? String
set {
self.state["objectId"] = newValue
static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.objectId == rhs.objectId
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
hasher.combine(self.objectId ?? "")
Although this will have as a side effect that protocol Data can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements:
Meaning that you can now on use the Data protocol like this:
func myFunc<T: Data>(data: T) {

How to set the Pasteboard Property List for a custom type - NSPasteboard / Swift

I'm working on a Cocoa application to drag and drop files between two NSTableViews. Rather than using just the URL, I want to use a custom struct so I can have access to more data if needed and not make constant calls to the FileManager.
I believe that I need to implement conform my custom Pasteboard Utility to NSPasteboardReading so I can properly digest the data on the receiving table.
I'm unsure of exactly what's needed to set the init?(pasteboardPropertyList propertyList: Any, ofType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) function as required when dealing with the custom struct that I'm using in the Pasteboard.
Frankly, I'm unsure of how to use the property list in this situation as I've generally only used it in setting global application plists in the past.
Sadly, there's not a whole lot of resources here. Most examples I've seen generally reference JSON objects for the Property list. I'm unsure if I need to extract the data from the custom Type into an array of Data or String types.
Any guidance here on the implementation or even better guidance on what's possible with Property Lists would be most appreciated!
Custom Struct passed to the PasteBoard:
struct TidiFile {
var url : URL?
var createdDateAttribute : Date?
var modifiedDateAttribute : Date?
var fileSizeAttribute: Int?
//setting for a nil init so this can return nil values in case of failure to set attributes
init( url : URL? = nil,
createdDateAttribute : Date? = nil,
modifiedDateAttribute : Date? = nil,
fileSizeAttribute: Int? = nil) {
self.url = url
self.createdDateAttribute = createdDateAttribute
self.modifiedDateAttribute = modifiedDateAttribute
self.fileSizeAttribute = fileSizeAttribute
Table View Controller:
Where I write the item to the Pasteboard
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, pasteboardWriterForRow row: Int) -> NSPasteboardWriting? {
return PasteboardWriter(tidiFile: tableSourceTidiFileArray[row], at: row)
Table View Controller:
Where I want to accept the drop and move the file
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, acceptDrop info: NSDraggingInfo, row: Int, dropOperation: NSTableView.DropOperation) -> Bool {
let pasteboard = info.draggingPasteboard
let pasteboardItems = pasteboard.pasteboardItems
Custom Pasteboard Utility:
import Foundation
import Cocoa
class PasteboardWriter: NSObject, NSPasteboardWriting, NSPasteboardReading {
required init?(pasteboardPropertyList propertyList: Any, ofType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) {
// Need to implement
var tidiFile : TidiFile
var index: Int
init(tidiFile : TidiFile, at index: Int) {
self.tidiFile = tidiFile
self.index = index
func writableTypes(for pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [NSPasteboard.PasteboardType] {
return [.tableViewIndex, .tidiFile]
func pasteboardPropertyList(forType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) -> Any? {
switch type {
case .tidiFile:
return tidiFile
case .tableViewIndex:
return index
return nil
static func readableTypes(for pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [NSPasteboard.PasteboardType] {
return [.tableViewIndex, .tidiFile]
extension NSPasteboard.PasteboardType {
static let tableViewIndex = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType("com.bradzellman.tableViewIndex")
static let tidiFile = NSPasteboard.PasteboardType("com.bradzellman.tidiFile")
extension NSPasteboardItem {
open func integer(forType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) -> Int? {
guard let data = data(forType: type) else { return nil }
let plist = try? PropertyListSerialization.propertyList(
from: data,
options: .mutableContainers,
format: nil)
return plist as? Int
First of all to be able to drag&drop a custom object this object must be a subclass of NSObject.
This is a quick&dirty implementation with non-optional types. The data is serialized to and from Property List with Codable. The protocol methods init(from decoder and encode(to encoder are synthesized.
In init?(pasteboardPropertyList you have to decode an instance and create a new one with the standard initializer.
final class TidiFile : NSObject, Codable {
var url : URL
var createdDateAttribute : Date
var modifiedDateAttribute : Date
var fileSizeAttribute: Int
init(url: URL, createdDateAttribute: Date, modifiedDateAttribute: Date, fileSizeAttribute: Int) {
self.url = url
self.createdDateAttribute = createdDateAttribute
self.modifiedDateAttribute = modifiedDateAttribute
self.fileSizeAttribute = fileSizeAttribute
convenience init?(pasteboardPropertyList propertyList: Any, ofType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) {
guard let data = propertyList as? Data,
let tidi = try? PropertyListDecoder().decode(TidiFile.self, from: data) else { return nil }
self.init(url: tidi.url, createdDateAttribute: tidi.createdDateAttribute, modifiedDateAttribute: tidi.modifiedDateAttribute, fileSizeAttribute: tidi.fileSizeAttribute)
extension TidiFile : NSPasteboardWriting, NSPasteboardReading
public func writingOptions(forType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType, pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> NSPasteboard.WritingOptions {
return .promised
public func writableTypes(for pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [NSPasteboard.PasteboardType] {
return [.tidiFile]
public func pasteboardPropertyList(forType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType) -> Any? {
if type == .tidiFile {
return try? PropertyListEncoder().encode(self)
return nil
public static func readableTypes(for pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> [NSPasteboard.PasteboardType] {
return [.tidiFile]
public static func readingOptions(forType type: NSPasteboard.PasteboardType, pasteboard: NSPasteboard) -> NSPasteboard.ReadingOptions {
return .asData

How do I using Generic as parameter and return specific object without casting?

Does function can return specific object, when I input a specific class.
My problem:
I don't know how to return a object. take a look following code and thanks
class MyViewControler {
class MySplitViewController: NSSplitViewControler {
override func viewDidLoad() {
* get specific object
let vc = viewController(for: MyViewControler.self)
extension NSSplitViewController {
public func viewController<T>(for anClass: T) -> T.object {
guard let tClass = anClass as? AnyClass else { return nil }
var vc: NSViewController?
if let idx = self.splitViewItems.index(where: { $0.viewController.classForCoder == tClass} ) {
vc = self.splitViewItems[idx].viewController
* I don't know how to return a specific object
return vc
The signature of a method taking a type and returning an
(optional) instance of that type would be:
public func viewController<T>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T?
or, if you want to restrict it to subclasses of NSViewController:
public func viewController<T: NSViewController>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T?
The implementation can be simplified with optional binding:
extension NSSplitViewController {
public func viewController<T: NSViewController>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T? {
for item in self.splitViewItems {
if let vc = item.viewController as? T {
return vc
return nil
Or as a "one-liner":
extension NSSplitViewController {
public func viewController<T: NSViewController>(for aClass: T.Type) -> T? {
return self.splitViewItems.lazy.flatMap { $0.viewController as? T }.first

Swift - Cast Int64 to AnyObject for NSMutableArray

Hi I have a NSMutableArray and I try this:
var ma = NSMutableArray()
let number:Int64 = 8345834344
ma.addObject(number)// Error "Type Int64 does not conform to protocol AnyObject"
How to add Int64 variable to NSMutableArray() ?
You are using a Foundation array (NSMutableArray), so you should use a Foundation number object:
You could also use a native swift array:
var ma = [Int64]()
Like so much of Swift, this is implemented in Swift.
So you can do this (or the equivalent for the types you want) which will magically make it possible to use an Int64 where the language expects an AnyObject:
extension Int64 : _ObjectiveCBridgeable
public init(_ number: NSNumber)
public func _bridgeToObjectiveC() -> NSNumber
return NSNumber(longLong: self)
public static func _getObjectiveCType() -> Any.Type
return NSNumber.self
public static func _isBridgedToObjectiveC() -> Bool
return true
public static func _forceBridgeFromObjectiveC(source: NSNumber, inout result: Int64?)
result = source.longLongValue
public static func _conditionallyBridgeFromObjectiveC(source: NSNumber, inout result: Int64?) -> Bool
result = source.longLongValue
return true