What's the purpose of Kubernetes ServiceAccount - kubernetes

I've read documentation, I've seen exemples, but I don't know why would I add a serviceAccount in my pods ?
The 'elasticsearch' exemple from Kubernetes (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/tree/master/examples/elasticsearch) has a service account 'elasticsearch', what does it grant ?
Thank you.

The service accounts inject authentication credentials into the pod to talk to the Kubernetes service (e.g. the apiserver).
This is important if you are building an application that needs to inspect the pods/services/controllers that are running in the cluster to have correct behavior. For example, the kube2sky container watches services and endpoints to provide DNS within the cluster by connecting to the Kubernetes service.


Kubernetes, deploy from within a pod

We have an AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster with two factor authentication for all the kubectl commands.
Is there a way of deploying an app into this cluster using a pod deployed inside the cluster?
Can I deploy using helm charts or by specifying service account instead of kubeconfig file?
Can I specify a service account(use the one that is assigned to the pod with kubectl) for all actions of kubectl?
All this is meant to bypass two-factor authentication for the continuous deployment via Jenkins, by deploying jenkins agent into the cluster and using it for deployments. Thanks.
You can use a supported Kubernetes client library or Kubectl or directly use curl to call rest api exposed by Kubernetes API Server from within a pod.
You can use helm as well as long as you install it in the pod.
When you call Kubernetes API from within a pod by default service account is used.Service account mounted in the pod need to have role and rolebinding associated to be able to call Kubernetes API.

How to talk to Kubernetes CRD service within a pod in the same k8s cluster?

I installed a Spark on K8s operator in my K8s cluster and I have an app running within the k8s cluster. I'd like to enable this app to talk to the sparkapplication CRD service. Can I know what would be the endpoint I should use? (or what's the K8s endpoint within a K8s cluster)
It's clearly documented here. So basically, it creates a NodePort type of service. It also specifies that it could create an Ingress to access the UI. For example:
sparkApplicationId: spark-5f4ba921c85ff3f1cb04bef324f9154c9
completionTime: 2018-02-20T23:33:55Z
podName: spark-pi-83ba921c85ff3f1cb04bef324f9154c9-driver
webUIPort: 31064
webUIServiceName: spark-pi-2402118027-ui-svc
webUIIngressName: spark-pi-ui-ingress
webUIIngressAddress: spark-pi.ingress.cluster.com
In this case, you could use to access your UI. Internally within the K8s cluster, you could use spark-pi-2402118027-ui-svc.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local or simply spark-pi-2402118027-ui-svc if you are within the same namespace.

How to access pods without services in Kubernetes

I was wondering how pods are accessed when no service is defined for that specific pod. If it's through the environment variables, how does the cluster retrieve these?
Also, when services are defined, where on the master node is it stored?
Kind regards,
If you define a service for your app , you can access it outside the cluster using that service
Services are of several types , including nodePort , where you can access that port on any cluster node and you will have access to the service regardless of the actual location of the pod
you can access the endpoints or actual pod ports inside the cluster as well , but not outside
all of the above uses the kubernetes service discovery
There are two type of service dicovery though
Internal Service discovery
External Service Discovery.
You cannot "access" a pods container port(s) without a service. Services are objects that define the desired state of an ultimate set of iptable rule(s).
Also, services, like all other objects, are stored in etcd and maintained through your master(s).
You could however manually create an iptable rule forwarding traffic to the local container port that docker has exposed.
Hope this helps! If you still have any questions drop them here.
Just for debugging purposes, you can forward a port from your machine to one in the pod:
kubectl port-forward POD_NAME HOST_PORT:POD_PORT
If you have to access it from anywhere, you should use services, but you got to have a deployment created
Create deployment
kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/website/master/content/en/examples/service/networking/run-my-nginx.yaml
Expose the deployment with a NodePort service
kubectl expose deployment deployment/my-nginx --type=NodePort --name=nginx-service
Then list the services and get the port of the service
kubectl get services | grep nginx-service
All cluster data is stored in etcd which is a distributed key-value store. If etcd goes down, cluster becomes unstable and no new pods can come up.
Kubernetes has a way to access any pod within the cluster. Service is a logical way to access a set of pods bound by a selector. An individual pod can still be accessed irrespective of the service. Further service can be created to access the pods from outside the cluster (NodePort service)

Accessing Kubernetes API via Kubernetes Dashboard Host

So the idea is Kubernetes dashboard accesses Kubernetes API to give us beautiful visualizations of different 'kinds' running in the Kubernetes cluster and the method by which we access the Kubernetes dashboard is by the proxy mechanism of the Kubernetes API which can then be exposed to a public host for public access.
My question would be is there any possibility that we can access Kubernetes API proxy mechanism for some other service inside a Kubernetes cluster via that publically exposed address of Kubernetes Dashboard?
Sure you can. So after you set up your proxy with kubectl proxy, you can access the services with this format:
For example for http-svc and port name http:
Note: it's not necessarily for public access, but rather a proxy for you to connect from your public machine (say your laptop) to a private Kubernetes cluster.
You can do it by changing your service to NodePort:
$ kubectl -n kube-system edit service kubernetes-dashboard
You should see yaml representation of the service. Change type: ClusterIP to type: NodePort and save file.
Note: This way of accessing Dashboard is only possible if you choose to install your user certificates in the browser. Certificates used by kubeconfig file to contact API Server can be used.
Please check the following articles and URLs for better understanding:
Stackoverflow thread
Accessing Dashboard 1.7.X and above
Deploying a publicly accessible Kubernetes Dashboard
How to access kubernetes dashboard from outside cluster
Hope it will help you!
Exposing Kubernetes Dashboard not secure at all , but your answer is about K8s API Server that need to be accessible by external services.
The right answer differs according your platform and infrastructure , but as general points
[Network Security] Limit IP public reachability to K8s API Servers(s) / Load balancer if exist as a white list mechanism
[Network Security] Private-to-Private reachability is better like vpn or AWS PrivateLink
[ API Security ] Limit Privileges by clusterrole/role to enforce RBAC , better to keep it ReadOnly verbs { Get , List }
[ API Security ] enable audit logging for k8s components to keep track of events and actions

How to make a service can access via the service proxy running at the master in kubernetes

How to make a service can access via the service proxy running at the master in kubernetes ?
like service of kube-ui or fluentd-elasticsearch in example. can access the url: http://[masterIP:post]/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/kube-system/services/kube-ui/
I can not access http://[masterIP:post]/api/v1/proxy/namespaces/test/services/myweb, when I create a service in the test namespace named myweb.
So how to do ?
If you're trying to access it from a pod running in the cluster, you're best off just accessing the service directly. Services are made available using DNS within the cluster. If your pod is in the same namespace as the service, you should be able to access it simply using its name, e.g. at myweb in this case. If your pod is in a different namespace, you can hit it at pod-name.namespace, e.g. myweb.test in this case.
If you're trying to access it from outside the cluster, then you shouldn't need to do anything different than you do for the default services. If you're unable to access it in the same way, it's likely that your service doesn't have any pods backing it, or that those pods aren't working. You can check which pods are backing your service using kubectl get endpoints myweb --namespace=test. If that's empty, then you should make sure you've scheduled the pods that are meant to implement the service, and if so, that their labels are correct.
You might find the documentation on services useful.