JPA Stored procedure dynamic schema - jpa

I'm using JPA 2.1 eclipselink to call Stored Procedures from the database and i don't want to hardcoded the schema name. Is there a way to switch between schemas dynamically?
I'm using JPA 2.1, EclispseLink 2.5.2, weblogic 12.1.3
EDITED: Schema name is unknown, so i cannot create mapping file for each schema. Plus I might have 5-10 schemas in the database. What I want is a way to go to the database, select a schema name and switch them at runtime


JPA, Postgresql: Is there any performance difference between oid and TEXT?

I'm using JPA with a postgresql database and also using Hibernates hbm2ddl to generate the initial DB schema.
I have a Java String field in my entity object that will need to be large. When I annotate it with #Lob hbm2ddl generates an oid db column, however I can also use #Column(columnDefinition = "TEXT") to get a TEXT db column.
I've tried searching the internet but I can't find any comparison between the performance or other benefits of oid's vs TEXT columns. Is there any reason to prefer one over the other?

EF does not generate every model from database using SQLite

I am trying to change the service based database in my project to SQLite. I am using EF database first approach but the EF does not generate every model from database. Eventhough foreign keys are set it does not generate the connections and also returns an error:
> Error 6005: The data type '' is currently not supported for the target Entity Framework version; the column 'Id' in the table 'main.Comments' was excluded.
It does so with every table that has an Id column (integer, primary key).
How can I fix this?

Default schema for native SQL queries (spring-boot + hibernate + postgresql + postgis)

I am introducing spring to the existing application (hibernate has already been there) and encountered a problem with native SQL queries.
A sample query:
SELECT ST_MAKEPOINT(cast(longitude as float), cast(latitude as float)) FROM
When we connect to the db to OUR_SCHEMA:
spring.datasource.url: jdbc:postgresql://host:port/db_name?currentSchema=OUR_SCHEMA
the query fails because function ST_MAKEPOINT is not found - the function is located in schema: PUBLIC.
When we connect to the db without specifying the schema, ST_MAKEPOINT is found and runs correctly, though schema name needs to be added to the table name in the query.
As we are talking about thousands of such queries and all the tables are located in OUR_SCHEMA, is there a chance to anyhow specify the default schema, so still functions from PUBLIC schema were visible?
So far, I have tried the following springboot properties - with no success: OUR_SCHEMA
Also, it worked before switching to springboot config - specifying hibernate.default-schema = OUR_SCHEMA in persistence.xml was enough.
spring-boot: 2.0.6
hibernate: 5.3.1.Final
postgresql: 42.2.5
postgis: 2.2.1
You're probably looking for the PostgreSQL search_path variable, which controls which schemas are checked when trying to resolve database object names. The path accepts several schema names, which are checked in order. So you can use the following
SET search_path=our_schema,public;
This will make PostgreSQL look for your tables (and functions!) first in our_schema, and then in public. Your JDBC driver may or may not support multiple schemas in its current_schema parameter.
Another option is to install the PostGIS extension (which provides the make_point() function) in the our_schema schema:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis SCHEMA our_schema;
This way you only have to have one schema in your search path.
JDBC param currentSchema explicitly allows specifying several schemas separating them by commas:
currentSchema = String
Specify the schema (or several schema separated by commas) to be set in the search-path. This schema will be used to resolve unqualified object names used in statements over this connection.
Note you probably need Postgres 9.6 or better for currentSchema support.
PS Probably better solution is to set search_path per user:
ALTER USER myuser SET search_path TO mydb,pg_catalog;
if you use hibernate.default_schema, then for native queries, you need to provide the {h-schema} placeholder, something like that
SELECT ST_MAKEPOINT(cast(longitude as float), cast(latitude as float)) FROM {h-schema}OUR_TABLE;

Ebean doesn't update my postgreSQL database

I downloaded play-authenticate with its "play-authenticate-usage" example and changed from the h2 database implementation to the postgreSQL database.
When I pick a specific User out of the table called "users", I can edit the values but after executing the method:
EbeanServer server = Ebean.getDefaultServer();
the changed values are not written into the postgreSQL database.
I can Insert new Users and I can delete them, just updating doesn't work with the Ebean ORM.
(With the h2 database everything worked well, but I have to integrate the postgreSQL database.)

Entity Framework Generate Database Schema (SQL) with Default Table Values

I am using EF 5 and SQL Server 2005, Model First (sort of).
By sort of, I mean that I typically build my schema in the SQL Server designer, but import the schema into EF so I have a visual view. There is often round-tripping.
However, I noticed that when I try to generate the DB schema based on the EF model, it skips all of the NEWID() default values that I have assigned as default values to my Guid IDs, but it doesn't skip the identity fields of type int.
I found this post explaining the reasoning for this:
Entity Framework 4 and Default Values
However, it doesn't answer my question: How do I get Entity Framework to generate a SQL DDL database schema with default values of NEWID() for my uniqueidentifier types?
I don't care about how to set them from the POCO entities and so forth (there are plenty of posts describing that) - my concern is getting the SQL DDL generated right so I can seed the database without worrying about these values going missing.
Using Entity Framework Migrations, you can use the GUID column builder and its DefaultValueSql parameter. The value of that parameter can be the string "NEWID()". This should take care of proper DDL generation.
Next you should declare these properties as database-generated using attributes or the fluent model builder, so that EF ignores the values set in your POCOs (which will be null for new objects).