Meteor subscription issue - mongodb

I have a collection of Messages on my mongodb.
I have created two publish functions:
Meteor.publish("messages", function (self, buddy) {
check(self, String);
check(buddy, String);
return Messages.find({participants: {$all : [self, buddy] }});
Meteor.publish("conversations", function(self){
check(self, String);
return Messages.find(
{ participants: { $in : [self] } },
{ participants: { $elemMatch: { $ne: self } }, messages: { $slice: -1 }}
And I subscribe to both of these on the client:
Meteor.subscribe("conversations", user);
return Messages.find();
Meteor.subscribe("messages", user, buddy);
return Messages.find();
The subscriptions are located in different templates.
The problem is that when I return the data from the conversation subscription the data is the same as from the messages subscription. I see the same results in both subscriptions even though they have different queries...
How can I solve this issue?

This is normal behavior, the same collection contains data for both subscriptions. You need to filter on the client as well.
This outlines a pattern for handling this.
The basic idea is to have the query part as common code for both the server and the client so it is self consistent.


Can MongoDB potentially return the same document to two async calls of findOneAndUpdate({ field: { exists: false }})

The goal is to never have two async calls of the function return the same document where the field sent doesn't exist.
I'm hoping that the document one call receives is then unable to be returned by another findOneAndUpdate call.
public getNextOpenDocument(data) {
return this.collection.findOneAndUpdate(
{ data: { $exists: false } },
$set: {
data: data
Inside a transaction with snapshot read concern, I expect no.
Otherwise, I expect yes.

Publish cursor with simplified array data

I need to publish a simplified version of posts to users. Each post includes a 'likes' array which includes all the users who liked/disliked that post, e.g:
_id: user_who_liked,
liked: 1 // or -1 for disliked
I'm trying to send a simplified version to the user who subscribes an array which just includes his/her like(s):
Meteor.publish('posts', function (cat) {
var _self = this;
return Songs.find({ category: cat, postedAt: { $gte: - 3600000 } }).forEach(function (post, index) {
if (_self.userId === post.likes[index]._id) {
} else
return post;
I know I could change the structure, including the 'likes' data within each user, but the posts are usually designed to be short-lived, to it's better to keep that data within each post.
You need to use this particular syntax to find posts having a likes field containing an array that contains at least one embedded document that contains the field by with the value this.userId.
Meteor.publish("posts", function (cat) {
return Songs.find({
category: cat,
postedAt: { $gte: - 3600000 },
EDIT : answer was previously using $elemMatch which is unnecessary because we only need to filter on one field.

Meteor Reactive Data Query for Comments with Usernames and Pictures

I am trying to implement a commenting system in a huge app and always run in the problem about cross reactiveness and publications.
The specific problem:
When a user writes a comment, I want to show the user's name and a profile picture. The comments are in one collection, the names and pictures in another.
When I make a subscription for every comment on this page and for every user whose id is in a comment of this page serversided, the app does not update the users available on the client when a new comment is added because "joins" are nonteactive on the server.
When I do that on the client, i have to unsubscribe and resubscribe all the time, a new comment is added and the load gets higher.
what is the best practise of implementing such a system in meteor? how can i get around that problem without a huge overpublishing?
As there is not official support for joins yet,among all the solutions out there in community
I found this package very helpful and I'm using it in my app.
This example perfectly suits your requirement
Meteor.publishComposite('topTenPosts', {
find: function() {
// Find top ten highest scoring posts
return Posts.find({}, { sort: { score: -1 }, limit: 10 });
children: [
find: function(post) {
// Find post author. Even though we only want to return
// one record here, we use "find" instead of "findOne"
// since this function should return a cursor.
return Meteor.users.find(
{ _id: post.authorId },
{ limit: 1, fields: { profile: 1 } });
find: function(post) {
// Find top two comments on post
return Comments.find(
{ postId: post._id },
{ sort: { score: -1 }, limit: 2 });
children: [
find: function(comment, post) {
// Find user that authored comment.
return Meteor.users.find(
{ _id: comment.authorId },
{ limit: 1, fields: { profile: 1 } });
and the main thing is it is reactive

Accessing services field of Meteor.users

When I query Meteor.users I do not receive the services field or any other custom fields I have created outside of profile. Why is it that I only receive _id and profile on the client and how can I receive the entire Meteor.users object?
From the DOcs
By default, the current user's username, emails and profile are published to the client. You can publish additional fields for the current user with:
As said above If you want other fields you need to publish them
// server
Meteor.publish("userData", function () {
if (this.userId) {
return Meteor.users.find({_id: this.userId},
{fields: {'services': 1, 'others': 1}});
} else {
// client
The above answer does work, but it means you have to subscribe to said data, which you should do if you are getting data from users other than the currently logged in one.
But if all you care about is the logged in user's data, then you can instead use a null publication to get the data without subscribing.
On the server do,
Meteor.publish(null, function () {
if (! this.userId) {
return null;
return Meteor.users.find(this.userId, {
fields: {
services: 1,
profile: 1,
roles: 1,
username: 1,
And this is actually what the accounts package does under the hood

Average Aggregation Queries in Meteor

Ok, still in my toy app, I want to find out the average mileage on a group of car owners' odometers. This is pretty easy on the client but doesn't scale. Right? But on the server, I don't exactly see how to accomplish it.
How do you implement something on the server then use it on the client?
How do you use the $avg aggregation function of mongo to leverage its optimized aggregation function?
Or alternatively to (2) how do you do a map/reduce on the server and make it available to the client?
The suggestion by #HubertOG was to use, which makes sense and I did this:
# Client side
Template.mileage.average_miles = ->
answer = null "average_mileage", (error, result) ->
console.log "got average mileage result #{result}"
answer = result
console.log "but wait, answer = #{answer}"
# Server side
Meteor.methods average_mileage: ->
console.log "server mileage called"
total = count = 0
r = Mileage.find({}).forEach (mileage) ->
total += mileage.mileage
count += 1
console.log "server about to return #{total / count}"
total / count
That would seem to work fine, but it doesn't because as near as I can tell is an asynchronous call and answer will always be a null return. Handling stuff on the server seems like a common enough use case that I must have just overlooked something. What would that be?
As of Meteor 0.6.5, the collection API doesn't support aggregation queries yet because there's no (straightforward) way to do live updates on them. However, you can still write them yourself, and make them available in a Meteor.publish, although the result will be static. In my opinion, doing it this way is still preferable because you can merge multiple aggregations and use the client-side collection API.
Meteor.publish("someAggregation", function (args) {
var sub = this;
// This works for Meteor 0.6.5
var db = MongoInternals.defaultRemoteCollectionDriver().mongo.db;
// Your arguments to Mongo's aggregation. Make these however you want.
var pipeline = [
{ $match: doSomethingWith(args) },
{ $group: {
_id: whatWeAreGroupingWith(args),
count: { $sum: 1 }
// Need to wrap the callback so it gets called in a Fiber.
function(err, result) {
// Add each of the results to the subscription.
_.each(result, function(e) {
// Generate a random disposable id for aggregated documents
sub.added("client_collection_name",, {
key: e._id.somethingOfInterest,
count: e.count
function(error) {
Meteor._debug( "Error doing aggregation: " + error);
The above is an example grouping/count aggregation. Some things of note:
When you do this, you'll naturally be doing an aggregation on server_collection_name and pushing the results to a different collection called client_collection_name.
This subscription isn't going to be live, and will probably be updated whenever the arguments change, so we use a really simple loop that just pushes all the results out.
The results of the aggregation don't have Mongo ObjectIDs, so we generate some arbitrary ones of our own.
The callback to the aggregation needs to be wrapped in a Fiber. I use Meteor.bindEnvironment here but one can also use a Future for more low-level control.
If you start combining the results of publications like these, you'll need to carefully consider how the randomly generated ids impact the merge box. However, a straightforward implementation of this is just a standard database query, except it is more convenient to use with Meteor APIs client-side.
TL;DR version: Almost anytime you are pushing data out from the server, a publish is preferable to a method.
For more information about different ways to do aggregation, check out this post.
I did this with the 'aggregate' method. (ver 0.7.x)
Future = Npm.require('fibers/future');
'aggregate' : function(param){
var fut = new Future();
MongoInternals.defaultRemoteCollectionDriver().mongo._getCollection(param.collection).aggregate(param.pipe,function(err, result){
return fut.wait();
var _param = {
pipe : [
{ $unwind:'$data' },
{ $match:{
{ $project : {
,'project_id' : "$project_id"
,'idx' : "$data.idx"
,'y' : '$data.y'
,'m' : '$data.m'
,'d' : '$data.d'
If you want reactivity, use Meteor.publish instead of There's an example in the docs where they publish the number of messages in a given room (just above the documentation for this.userId), you should be able to do something similar.
You can use Meteor.methods for that.
// server
average: function() {
return something;
// client
var _avg = { /* Create an object to store value and dependency */
dep: new Deps.Dependency();
Template.mileage.rendered = function() {
_avg.init = true;
Template.mileage.averageMiles = function() {
_avg.dep.depend(); /* Make the function rerun when _avg.dep is touched */
if(_avg.init) { /* Fetch the value from the server if not yet done */
_avg.init = false;'average', function(error, result) {
_avg.val = result;
_avg.dep.changed(); /* Rerun the helper */
return _avg.val;