Spark performance for Scala vs Python - scala

I prefer Python over Scala. But, as Spark is natively written in Scala, I was expecting my code to run faster in the Scala than the Python version for obvious reasons.
With that assumption, I thought to learn & write the Scala version of some very common preprocessing code for some 1 GB of data. Data is picked from the SpringLeaf competition on Kaggle. Just to give an overview of the data (it contains 1936 dimensions and 145232 rows). Data is composed of various types e.g. int, float, string, boolean. I am using 6 cores out of 8 for Spark processing; that's why I used minPartitions=6 so that every core has something to process.
Scala Code
val input = sc.textFile("train.csv", minPartitions=6)
val input2 = input.mapPartitionsWithIndex { (idx, iter) =>
if (idx == 0) iter.drop(1) else iter }
val delim1 = "\001"
def separateCols(line: String): Array[String] = {
val line2 = line.replaceAll("true", "1")
val line3 = line2.replaceAll("false", "0")
val vals: Array[String] = line3.split(",")
for((x,i) <- vals.view.zipWithIndex) {
vals(i) = "VAR_%04d".format(i) + delim1 + x
val input3 = input2.flatMap(separateCols)
def toKeyVal(line: String): (String, String) = {
val vals = line.split(delim1)
(vals(0), vals(1))
val input4 =
def valsConcat(val1: String, val2: String): String = {
val1 + "," + val2
val input5 = input4.reduceByKey(valsConcat)
Python Code
input = sc.textFile('train.csv', minPartitions=6)
DELIM_1 = '\001'
def drop_first_line(index, itr):
if index == 0:
return iter(list(itr)[1:])
return itr
input2 = input.mapPartitionsWithIndex(drop_first_line)
def separate_cols(line):
line = line.replace('true', '1').replace('false', '0')
vals = line.split(',')
vals2 = ['VAR_%04d%s%s' %(e, DELIM_1, val.strip('\"'))
for e, val in enumerate(vals)]
return vals2
input3 = input2.flatMap(separate_cols)
def to_key_val(kv):
key, val = kv.split(DELIM_1)
return (key, val)
input4 =
def vals_concat(v1, v2):
return v1 + ',' + v2
input5 = input4.reduceByKey(vals_concat)
Scala Performance
Stage 0 (38 mins), Stage 1 (18 sec)
Python Performance
Stage 0 (11 mins), Stage 1 (7 sec)
Both produces different DAG visualization graphs (due to which both pictures show different stage 0 functions for Scala (map) and Python (reduceByKey))
But, essentially both code tries to transform data into (dimension_id, string of list of values) RDD and save to disk. The output will be used to compute various statistics for each dimension.
Performance wise, Scala code for this real data like this seems to run 4 times slower than the Python version.
Good news for me is that it gave me good motivation to stay with Python. Bad news is I didn't quite understand why?

The original answer discussing the code can be found below.
First of all, you have to distinguish between different types of API, each with its own performance considerations.
(pure Python structures with JVM based orchestration)
This is the component which will be most affected by the performance of the Python code and the details of PySpark implementation. While Python performance is rather unlikely to be a problem, there at least few factors you have to consider:
Overhead of JVM communication. Practically all data that comes to and from Python executor has to be passed through a socket and a JVM worker. While this is a relatively efficient local communication it is still not free.
Process-based executors (Python) versus thread based (single JVM multiple threads) executors (Scala). Each Python executor runs in its own process. As a side effect, it provides stronger isolation than its JVM counterpart and some control over executor lifecycle but potentially significantly higher memory usage:
interpreter memory footprint
footprint of the loaded libraries
less efficient broadcasting (each process requires its own copy of a broadcast)
Performance of Python code itself. Generally speaking Scala is faster than Python but it will vary on task to task. Moreover you have multiple options including JITs like Numba, C extensions (Cython) or specialized libraries like Theano. Finally, if you don't use ML / MLlib (or simply NumPy stack), consider using PyPy as an alternative interpreter. See SPARK-3094.
PySpark configuration provides the spark.python.worker.reuse option which can be used to choose between forking Python process for each task and reusing existing process. The latter option seems to be useful to avoid expensive garbage collection (it is more an impression than a result of systematic tests), while the former one (default) is optimal for in case of expensive broadcasts and imports.
Reference counting, used as the first line garbage collection method in CPython, works pretty well with typical Spark workloads (stream-like processing, no reference cycles) and reduces the risk of long GC pauses.
(mixed Python and JVM execution)
Basic considerations are pretty much the same as before with a few additional issues. While basic structures used with MLlib are plain Python RDD objects, all algorithms are executed directly using Scala.
It means an additional cost of converting Python objects to Scala objects and the other way around, increased memory usage and some additional limitations we'll cover later.
As of now (Spark 2.x), the RDD-based API is in a maintenance mode and is scheduled to be removed in Spark 3.0.
DataFrame API and Spark ML
(JVM execution with Python code limited to the driver)
These are probably the best choice for standard data processing tasks. Since Python code is mostly limited to high-level logical operations on the driver, there should be no performance difference between Python and Scala.
A single exception is usage of row-wise Python UDFs which are significantly less efficient than their Scala equivalents. While there is some chance for improvements (there has been substantial development in Spark 2.0.0), the biggest limitation is full roundtrip between internal representation (JVM) and Python interpreter. If possible, you should favor a composition of built-in expressions (example. Python UDF behavior has been improved in Spark 2.0.0, but it is still suboptimal compared to native execution.
This may improved in the future has improved significantly with introduction of the vectorized UDFs (SPARK-21190 and further extensions), which uses Arrow Streaming for efficient data exchange with zero-copy deserialization. For most applications their secondary overheads can be just ignored.
Also be sure to avoid unnecessary passing data between DataFrames and RDDs. This requires expensive serialization and deserialization, not to mention data transfer to and from Python interpreter.
It is worth noting that Py4J calls have pretty high latency. This includes simple calls like:
from pyspark.sql.functions import col
Usually, it shouldn't matter (overhead is constant and doesn't depend on the amount of data) but in the case of soft real-time applications, you may consider caching/reusing Java wrappers.
GraphX and Spark DataSets
As for now (Spark 1.6 2.1) neither one provides PySpark API so you can say that PySpark is infinitely worse than Scala.
In practice, GraphX development stopped almost completely and the project is currently in the maintenance mode with related JIRA tickets closed as won't fix. GraphFrames library provides an alternative graph processing library with Python bindings.
Subjectively speaking there is not much place for statically typed Datasets in Python and even if there was the current Scala implementation is too simplistic and doesn't provide the same performance benefits as DataFrame.
From what I've seen so far, I would strongly recommend using Scala over Python. It may change in the future if PySpark gets support for structured streams but right now Scala API seems to be much more robust, comprehensive and efficient. My experience is quite limited.
Structured streaming in Spark 2.x seem to reduce the gap between languages but for now it is still in its early days. Nevertheless, RDD based API is already referenced as "legacy streaming" in the Databricks Documentation (date of access 2017-03-03)) so it reasonable to expect further unification efforts.
Non-performance considerations
Feature parity
Not all Spark features are exposed through PySpark API. Be sure to check if the parts you need are already implemented and try to understand possible limitations.
It is particularly important when you use MLlib and similar mixed contexts (see Calling Java/Scala function from a task). To be fair some parts of the PySpark API, like mllib.linalg, provides a more comprehensive set of methods than Scala.
API design
The PySpark API closely reflects its Scala counterpart and as such is not exactly Pythonic. It means that it is pretty easy to map between languages but at the same time, Python code can be significantly harder to understand.
Complex architecture
PySpark data flow is relatively complex compared to pure JVM execution. It is much harder to reason about PySpark programs or debug. Moreover at least basic understanding of Scala and JVM in general is pretty much a must have.
Spark 2.x and beyond
Ongoing shift towards Dataset API, with frozen RDD API brings both opportunities and challenges for Python users. While high level parts of the API are much easier to expose in Python, the more advanced features are pretty much impossible to be used directly.
Moreover native Python functions continue to be second class citizen in the SQL world. Hopefully this will improve in the future with Apache Arrow serialization (current efforts target data collection but UDF serde is a long term goal).
For projects strongly depending on the Python codebase, pure Python alternatives (like Dask or Ray) could be an interesting alternative.
It doesn't have to be one vs. the other
The Spark DataFrame (SQL, Dataset) API provides an elegant way to integrate Scala/Java code in PySpark application. You can use DataFrames to expose data to a native JVM code and read back the results. I've explained some options somewhere else and you can find a working example of Python-Scala roundtrip in How to use a Scala class inside Pyspark.
It can be further augmented by introducing User Defined Types (see How to define schema for custom type in Spark SQL?).
What is wrong with code provided in the question
(Disclaimer: Pythonista point of view. Most likely I've missed some Scala tricks)
First of all, there is one part in your code which doesn't make sense at all. If you already have (key, value) pairs created using zipWithIndex or enumerate what is the point in creating string just to split it right afterwards? flatMap doesn't work recursively so you can simply yield tuples and skip following map whatsoever.
Another part I find problematic is reduceByKey. Generally speaking, reduceByKey is useful if applying aggregate function can reduce the amount of data that has to be shuffled. Since you simply concatenate strings there is nothing to gain here. Ignoring low-level stuff, like the number of references, the amount of data you have to transfer is exactly the same as for groupByKey.
Normally I wouldn't dwell on that, but as far as I can tell it is a bottleneck in your Scala code. Joining strings on JVM is a rather expensive operation (see for example: Is string concatenation in scala as costly as it is in Java?). It means that something like this _.reduceByKey((v1: String, v2: String) => v1 + ',' + v2) which is equivalent to input4.reduceByKey(valsConcat) in your code is not a good idea.
If you want to avoid groupByKey you can try to use aggregateByKey with StringBuilder. Something similar to this should do the trick:
rdd.aggregateByKey(new StringBuilder)(
(acc, e) => {
if(!acc.isEmpty) acc.append(",").append(e)
else acc.append(e)
(acc1, acc2) => {
if(acc1.isEmpty | acc2.isEmpty) acc1.addString(acc2)
else acc1.append(",").addString(acc2)
but I doubt it is worth all the fuss.
Keeping the above in mind, I've rewritten your code as follows:
val input = sc.textFile("train.csv", 6).mapPartitionsWithIndex{
(idx, iter) => if (idx == 0) iter.drop(1) else iter
val pairs = input.flatMap(line => line.split(","){
case ("true", i) => (i, "1")
case ("false", i) => (i, "0")
case p => p.swap
val result ={
case (k, vals) => {
val valsString = vals.mkString(",")
def drop_first_line(index, itr):
if index == 0:
return iter(list(itr)[1:])
return itr
def separate_cols(line):
line = line.replace('true', '1').replace('false', '0')
vals = line.split(',')
for (i, x) in enumerate(vals):
yield (i, x)
input = (sc
.textFile('train.csv', minPartitions=6)
pairs = input.flatMap(separate_cols)
result = (pairs
.map(lambda kv: "{0},{1}".format(kv[0], ",".join(kv[1]))))
In local[6] mode (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1245 V2 # 3.40GHz) with 4GB memory per executor it takes (n = 3):
Scala - mean: 250.00s, stdev: 12.49
Python - mean: 246.66s, stdev: 1.15
I am pretty sure that most of that time is spent on shuffling, serializing, deserializing and other secondary tasks. Just for fun, here's naive single-threaded code in Python that performs the same task on this machine in less than a minute:
def go():
with open("train.csv") as fr:
lines = [
line.replace('true', '1').replace('false', '0').split(",")
for line in fr]
return zip(*lines[1:])


Lazy Evaluation and flatMap for Apache Spark

I have a Spark job written in Python that works well, but when porting it to Scala, ran into a memory pressure issue. I have a flatMap operation in my code
def make_combinations(x:(String, Iterable[String])) = {
.map({case Seq(a,b) => if (a<b) List(a,b,1) else List(b,a,1)})
In Python:
def make_combinations(x):
for a,b in itertools.combinations(x[1], 2):
yield ','.join(map(str, [a,b,1])) if a < b else ','.join(map(str, [b,a,1]))
I can do this exact function in Python using generators and it works with no problem. With Scala, however, I get memory issues since it can generate more data than the machine can hold in memory, but any thoughts why Spark can't spread the data around the nodes like it seems to in Python. Am I messing up laziness here in Scala? Thanks
I'm using spark 1.6 on ec2 with spark standalone. The iterable in question can be up to a hundred million in length.

How to use Reactive Streams for NIO binary processing?

Are there some code examples of using org.reactivestreams libraries to process large data streams using Java NIO (for high performance)? I'm aiming at distributed processing, so examples using Akka would be best, but I can figure that out.
It still seems to be the case that most (I hope not all) examples of reading files in scala resort to Source (non-binary) or direct Java NIO (and even things like Files.readAllBytes!)
Perhaps there is an activator template I've missed? (Akka Streams with Scala! is close addressing everything I need except the binary/NIO side)
Do not use scala.collection.immutable.Stream to consume files like this, the reason being that it performs memoization - that is, while yes it is lazy it will keep the entire stream buffered (memoized) in memory!
This is definitely not what you want when you think about "stream processing a file". The reason Scala's Stream works like this is because in a functional setting it makes complete sense - you can avoid calculating fibbonachi numbers again and again easily thanks to this for example, for more details see the ScalaDoc.
Akka Streams provides Reactive Streams implementations and provides a FileIO class that you could use here (it will properly back-pressure and pull the data out of the file only when needed and the rest of the stream is ready to consume it):
import{ Sink, Source }
object ExampleApp extends App {
implicit val sys = ActorSystem()
implicit val mat = FlowMaterializer()
.map(c ⇒ { print(c); c })
.runWith(Sink.onComplete(_ ⇒ { f.close(); sys.shutdown() } ))
Here are more docs about working with IO with Akka Streams
Note that this is for the current-as-of writing version of Akka, so the 2.5.x series.
Hope this helps!
We actually use akka streams to process binary files. It was a little tricky to get things going as there wasn't any documentation around this, but this is what we came up with:
val binFile = new File(filePath)
val inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(binFile))
val binStream = Stream.continually( != _).map(_.toByte)
val binSource = Source(binStream)
Once you have binSource, which is an akka Source[Byte] you can go ahead and start applying whatever stream transformations (map, flatMap, transform, etc...) you want to it. This functionality leverages the Source companion object's apply that takes an Iterable, passing in a scala Stream that should read in the data lazily and make it available to your transforms.
As Konrad pointed out in the comments section, a Stream can be an issue with large files due to the fact that it performs memoization of the elements it encounters as it's lazily building out the stream. This can lead to out of memory situations if you are not careful. However, if you look at the docs for Stream there is a tip for avoiding memoization building up in memory:
One must be cautious of memoization; you can very quickly eat up large
amounts of memory if you're not careful. The reason for this is that
the memoization of the Stream creates a structure much like
scala.collection.immutable.List. So long as something is holding on to
the head, the head holds on to the tail, and so it continues
recursively. If, on the other hand, there is nothing holding on to the
head (e.g. we used def to define the Stream) then once it is no longer
being used directly, it disappears.
So taking that into account, you could modify my original example as follows:
val binFile = new File(filePath)
val inputStream = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(binFile))
val binSource = Source(() => binStream(inputStream).iterator)
def binStream(in:BufferedInputStream) = Stream.continually( != _).map(_.toByte)
So the idea here is to build the Stream via a def and not assign to a valand then immediately get the iterator from it and use that to initialize the Akka Source. Setting things up this way should avoid the issues with momoization. I ran the old code against a big file and was able to produce an OutOfMemory situation by doing a foreach on the Source. When I switched it over to the new code I was able to avoid this issue.

Graphx: I've got NullPointerException inside mapVertices

I want to use graphx. For now I just launchs it locally.
I've got NullPointerException in these few lines. First println works well, and second one fails.
val graph: Graph[Int, Int] = Graph(users, relationships)
println("graph.inDegrees = " + graph.inDegrees.count) // this line works well
graph.mapVertices((id, v) => {
println("graph.inDegrees = " + graph.inDegrees.count) // but this one fails
42 // doesn't mean anything
And it does not matter which method of 'graph' object I call. But 'graph' is not null inside 'mapVertices'.
Exception failure in TID 2 on host localhost:
Reproduced using GraphX 2.10 on Spark 1.0.2. I'll give you a workaround and then explain what I think is happening. This works for me:
val c = graph.inDegrees.count
graph.mapVertices((id, v) => {
println("graph.inDegrees = " + c)
In general, Spark gets prickly when you try to access an entire RDD or other distributed object (like a Graph) in code that's intended to execute in parallel on a single partition, like the function you're passing into mapVertices. But it's also usually a bad idea even when you can get it to work. (As a separate matter, as you've seen, when it doesn't work it tends to result in really unhelpful behavior.)
The vertices of a Graph are represented as an RDD, and the function you pass into mapVertices runs locally in the appropriate partitions, where it is given access to local vertex data: id and v. You really don't want the entire graph to be copied to each partition. In this case you just need to broadcast a scalar to each partition, so pulling it out solved the problem and the broadcast is really cheap.
There are tricks in the Spark APIs for accessing more complex objects in such a situation, but if you use them carelessly they will destroy your performance because they'll tend to introduce lots of communication. Often people are tempted to use them because they don't understand the computation model, rather than because they really need to, although that does happen too.
Spark does not support nested RDDs or user-defined functions that refer to other RDDs, hence the NullPointerException; see this thread on the spark-users mailing list. In this case, you're attempting to call count() on a Graph (which performs an action on a Spark RDD) from inside of a mapVertices() transformation, leading to a NullPointerException when mapVertices() attempts to access data structures that are only callable by the Spark driver.
In a nutshell, only the Spark driver can launch new Spark jobs; you can't call actions on RDDs from inside of other RDD actions.
See for another example of this issue.

Efficiency/scalability of parallel collections in Scala (graphs)

So I've been working with parallel collections in Scala for a graph project I'm working on, I've got the basics of the graph class defined, it is currently using a scala.collection.mutable.HashMap where the key is Int and the value is ListBuffer[Int] (adjacency list). (EDIT: This has since been change to ArrayBuffer[Int]
I had done a similar thing a few months ago in C++, with a std::vector<int, std::vector<int> >.
What I'm trying to do now is run a metric between all pairs of vertices in the graph, so in C++ I did something like this:
// myVec = std::vector<int> of vertices
for (std::vector<int>::iterator iter = myVec.begin(); iter != myVec.end(); ++iter) {
for (std::vector<int>::iterator iter2 = myVec.begin();
iter2 != myVec.end(); ++iter2) {
/* Run algorithm between *iter and *iter2 */
I did the same thing in Scala, parallelized, (or tried to) by doing this:
// vertexList is a List[Int] (NOW CHANGED TO Array[Int] - see below)
vertexList.par.foreach(u =>
vertexList.foreach(v =>
/* Run algorithm between u and v */
The C++ version is clearly single-threaded, the Scala version has .par so it's using parallel collections and is multi-threaded on 8 cores (same machine). However, the C++ version processed 305,570 pairs in a span of roughly 3 days, whereas the Scala version so far has only processed 23,573 in 17 hours.
Assuming I did my math correctly, the single-threaded C++ version is roughly 3x faster than the Scala version. Is Scala really that much slower than C++, or am I completely mis-using Scala (I only recently started - I'm about 300 pages into Programming in Scala)?
EDIT To use a while loop, do I do something like..
// Where vertexList is an Array[Int]
vertexList.par.foreach(u =>
while (i <- 0 until vertexList.length) {
/* Run algorithm between u and vertexList(i) */
If you guys mean use a while loop for the entire thing, is there an equivalent of .par.foreach for whiles?
EDIT2 Wait a second, that code isn't even right - my bad. How would I parallelize this using while loops? If I have some var i that keeps track of the iteration, then wouldn't all threads be sharing that i?
From your comments, I see that your updating a shared mutable HashMap at the end of each algorithm run. And if you're randomizing your walks, a shared Random is also a contention point.
I recommend two changes:
Use .map and .flatMap to return an immutable collection instead of modifying a shared collection.
Use a ThreadLocalRandom (from either Akka or Java 7) to reduce contention on the random number generator
Check the rest of your algorithm for further possible contention points.
You may try running the inner loop in parallel, too. But without knowing your algorithm, it's hard to know if that will help or hurt. Fortunately, running all combinations of parallel and sequential collections is very simple; just switch out pVertexList and vertexList in the code below.
Something like this:
val pVertexList = vertexList.par
val allResult = for {
u <- pVertexList
v <- pVertexList
} yield {
/* Run algorithm between u and v */
((u -> v) -> result)
The value allResult will be a ParVector[((Int, Int), Int)]. You may call .toMap on it to convert that into a Map.
Why mutable? I don't think there's a good parallel mutable map on Scala 2.9.x -- particularly because just such a data structure was added to the upcoming Scala 2.10.
On the other hand... you have a List[Int]? Don't use that, use a Vector[Int]. Also, are you sure you aren't wasting time elsewhere, doing the conversions from your mutable maps and buffers into immutable lists? Scala data structures are different than C++'s so you might well be incurring in complexity problems elsewhere in the code.
Finally, I think dave might be onto something when he asks about contention. If you have contention, parallelism might well make things slower. How faster/slower does it run if you do not make it parallel? If making it not parallel makes it faster, then you most likely do have contention issues.
I'm not completely sure about it, but I think foreach loops in foreach loops are rather slow, because lots of objects get created. See:
Try rewriting it using a while loop.
Also Lists are only efficient for head access, Arrays are probably faster.

Is there an implementation of rapid concurrent syntactical sugar in scala? eg. map-reduce

Passing messages around with actors is great. But I would like to have even easier code.
Examples (Pseudo-code)
val splicedList:List[List[Int]]=biglist.partition(100)
val sum:Int=ActorPool.numberOfActors(5).getAllResults(splicedList,foldLeft(_+_))
where spliceIntoParts turns one big list into 100 small lists
the numberofactors part, creates a pool which uses 5 actors and receives new jobs after a job is finished
and getallresults uses a method on a list. all this done with messages passing in the background. where maybe getFirstResult, calculates the first result, and stops all other threads (like cracking a password)
With Scala Parallel collections that will be included in 2.8.1 you will be able to do things like this:
val spliced = myList.par // obtain a parallel version of your collection (all operations are parallel) _) // maps each entry into a corresponding entry using `process`
spliced.find(check _) // searches the collection until it finds an element for which
// `check` returns true, at which point the search stops, and the element is returned
and the code will automatically be done in parallel. Other methods found in the regular collections library are being parallelized as well.
Currently, 2.8.RC2 is very close (this or next week), and 2.8 final will come in a few weeks after, I guess. You will be able to try parallel collections if you use 2.8.1 nightlies.
You can use Scalaz's concurrency features to achieve what you want.
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
import concurrent.strategy.Executor
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
implicit val s = Executor.strategy[Unit](Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5))
val splicedList = biglist.grouped(100).toList
val sum = splicedList.parMap(_.sum).map(_.sum).get
It would be pretty easy to make this prettier (i.e. write a function mapReduce that does the splitting and folding all in one). Also, parMap over a List is unnecessarily strict. You will want to start folding before the whole list is ready. More like:
val splicedList = biglist.grouped(100).toList
val sum =
You can do this with less overhead than creating actors by using futures:
import scala.actors.Futures._
val nums = (1 to 1000).grouped(100).toList
val parts = => future { n.reduceLeft(_ + _) })
val whole = (0 /: parts)(_ + _())
You have to handle decomposing the problem and writing the "future" block and recomposing it in to a final answer, but it does make executing a bunch of small code blocks in parallel easy to do.
(Note that the _() in the fold left is the apply function of the future, which means, "Give me the answer you were computing in parallel!", and it blocks until the answer is available.)
A parallel collections library would automatically decompose the problem and recompose the answer for you (as with pmap in Clojure); that's not part of the main API yet.
I'm not waiting for Scala 2.8.1 or 2.9, it would rather be better to write my own library or use another, so I did more googling and found this: akka
which has an object futures with methods
awaitAll(futures: List[Future]): Unit
awaitOne(futures: List[Future]): Future
has no documentation at all. That's bad.
But the good part is that akka's actors are leaner than scala's native ones
With all of these libraries (including scalaz) around, it would be really great if scala itself could eventually merge them officially
At Scala Days 2010, there was a very interesting talk by Aleksandar Prokopec (who is working on Scala at EPFL) about Parallel Collections. This will probably be in 2.8.1, but you may have to wait a little longer. I'll lsee if I can get the presentation itself. to link here.
The idea is to have a collections framework which parallelizes the processing of the collections by doing exactly as you suggest, but transparently to the user. All you theoretically have to do is change the import from scala.collections to scala.parallel.collections. You obviously still have to do the work to see if what you're doing can actually be parallelized.