Update a Map value document value using Mongo - mongodb

I have a document like myPortCollection
"_id" : ObjectId("55efce10f027b1ca77deffaa"),
"_class" : "myTest",
"deviceIp" : "",
"ports" : {
"1/1/x1" : {
"portId" : "1/1/x1",
I tried to update
{ deviceIp:""},
{ "chassis.ports.1/1/x10.rtId":"1/1/x10" },
{ $set: { "chassis.ports.1/1/x10.healthState" : "Red" }
But I am getting error that attribute names mentioned is wrong,.Please help in specifying the syntax properly for embedded map document update.

The "query" portion is wrong as you have split conditions into two documents. It should be this:
{ "$set": { "chassis.ports.1/1/x10.healthState" : "Red" } }
And as long as the query then matches ( valid data not shown in your question ) then the specified field will be set or added.


MongoDB - Updating the field type of all objects within an array from String to Int32/64

I'm fairly new to mongodb so please bear with me.
As per title, what I want to achieve is to convert a specific field in all documents within an array of a document from String to Int how do i do that?
Sample Doc :
And my objective is to convert all of the snid's from String to Int32
so far i understand that we can use something like db.collection.update() but this will update a specific field, not an array.
Another attempt is
//How do i push it back to the document
But as you can tell, I'm not entirely sure on how we should push the updated document back into the same array of sorts.
Any insights will be greatly appreciated!
1) If you're using MongoDB version >= 4.2, try below query :
db.collection.update({'reviews.snid' : {$exists : true}}, [
$set: {
reviews: {
$map: { input: "$reviews", in: { 'snid': { $toInt: "$$this.snid" } } }
],{multi :true})
Above query uses Aggregation-pipeline in .update() which was introduced in version 4.2, You can also use .updateMany() instead of .update().
It works on documents of below type :
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5e810f5ec16b5679b43a2f0e"),
"reviews" : [
"snid" : '1242'
"snid" : '8392'
/* 2 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5e810f6ac16b5679b43a310c"),
"reviews" : [
"snid" : '1242232'
"snid" : '8391232'
/* 3 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8110b1c16b5679b43a5148"),
"abc" : 1
/* 4 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5e8110c3c16b5679b43a52f9"),
"reviews" : []
/* 5 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5e811359c16b5679b43a9229"),
"reviews" : [
"abc" : "1"
But above update query will partially work if you've a doc like below :
"_id" : ObjectId("5e811359c16b5679b43a9230"),
"reviews" : [
"abc" : "1"
"snid" : "123"
In that case you need to use $cond to do a conditional check in $map to see if current object has key snid then convert value or else pass on the same object as is to 'reviews' array.
2) Just in Case if your MongoDB version is < 4.2/4.0 & > 3.2 - You can use .bulkWrite() :
Cause you can not use Aggregation Pipeline in update & also $toInt. So you need to do .find() to get entire docs & write code to convert these from strings to integers & use .bulkWrite() to update docs in one update DB call (You can take _id as key for each document).
3) You can also write an aggregation query on existing collection & use $out to update entire collection or write aggregation result to new collection by running just one query. I would prefer to temporarily write it to new collection to check data is correct & rename new collection to what ever is existing by naming existing with something ends with _backup used as backup.

Mongo DB , how select all documents in match query?

FOR getting all documents, what I write instead of XXXX.
I want to get all values without a criterion. I must use aggregate and match function.
payload.sla.customer.externalId variable is string.
db.collection.aggregate ( [
{ "$match" : {
"payload.sla.customer.externalId" : XXXX
collection sample example
"_id" : ObjectId("5b929a84aff3dc185627add1"),
"payload" : {
"sla" : {
"customer" : {
"externalId" : "140689900",

Retrieving value of an emedded object in mongo

Followup Question
Thanks #4J41 for your spot on resolution. Along the same lines, I'd also like to validate one other thing.
I have a mongo document that contains an array of Strings, and I need to convert this particular array of strings into an array of object containing a key-value pair. Below is my curent appraoch to it.
Mongo Record:
Same mongo record in my initial question below.
Current Query:
//instantiate a new array
var optionsArray = [];
for (var i=0;i< c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['values'].length; i++){
optionsArray[i] = {}; // creates a new object
optionsArray[i].label = c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['values'][i];
optionsArray[i].value = c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['values'][i];
return optionsArray;
[{label:"well-known", value:"well-known"},
{label:"simple", value:"simple"},
{label:"complex", value:"complex"}]
Is my approach efficient enough, or is there a way to optimize the above query to get the same desired result?
Initial Question
I have a mongo document like below:
"_id" : ObjectId("57e3720836e36f63695a2ef2"),
"platform" : "A1",
"available" : {
"Community" : {
"attributes" : {
"type" : {
"values" : [
"defaultValue" : "well-known"
I'm trying to query the DB and retrieve only the value of defaultValue field.
I tried:
{ platform: "A1" },
{ "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }
as well as
{ platform: "A1" },
{ "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }
But they both seem to retrieve the entire object hirarchy like below:
"_id" : ObjectId("57e3720836e36f63695a2ef2"),
"available" : {
"Community" : {
"attributes" : {
"type" : {
"defaultValue" : "well-known"
The only way I could get it to work was with find and map function, but it seems to be convoluted a bit.
Does anyone have a simpler way to get this result?
{ platform: "A1" },
{ "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }
return c['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['defaultValue']
You could try the following.
Using find:
db.templateAttributes.find({ platform: "A1" }, { "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 }).toArray()[0]['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['defaultValue']
Using findOne:
db.templateAttributes.findOne({ platform: "A1" }, { "available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue": 1 })['available']['Community']['attributes']['type']['defaultValue']
Using aggregation:
{"$project": {_id:0, default:"$available.Community.attributes.type.defaultValue"}}
Edit: Answering the updated question: Please use aggregation here.
{"$match":{platform:"A1"}}, {"$unwind": "$available.Community.attributes.type.values"},
{$group: {"_id": null, "val":{"$push":{label:"$available.Community.attributes.type.values",
"label" : "well-known",
"value" : "well-known"
"label" : "simple",
"value" : "simple"
"label" : "complex",
"value" : "complex"

Script to add one value to array in mongo collection

/* 0 */
"_id" : ObjectId("55addc2f8dab32aca87ce0bd"),
"partNum" : "part1",
"dest" : "First Part",
"sales" : [
"salesData" : {
"sale1" : {
"mcode" : "mc11",
"dtype" : [
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("55addc408dab32aca87ce0be"),
"partNum" : "part2",
"dest" : "Second Part",
"sales" : [
"salesData" : {
"sale1" : {
"mcode" : "mc22",
"dtype" : [
I am not that much efficient in writing mongo script. My requirement is to append one more value to "dtype" array wherever "mcode" is "mc11" in all of the documents inside the collection. Above is the two document output from my collection. I was using the below script to do it and its not working. Can anyone please help me
db.testingRD.find().forEach( function(myDocument)
db.testingRD.update({id: myDocument._id}, {$push : {"salesData.sale1.dtype" : "DDD"}});
To append one more value to "dtype" array wherever "mcode" is "mc11", use the following update where the query object is the selection criteria for the update and is the same query selector as in the find() method, the update object has the $push modifications to apply and then the options document which is optional. If that is set to true, it updates multiple documents that meet the query criteria:
var query = { "salesData.sale1.mcode": "mc11" },
update = {
"$push": { "salesData.sale1.dtype": "DDD" }
options = { "multi": true };
db.testingRD.update(query, update, options);
You had a typing mistake in the script (you forgot an underscore):
db.testingRD.find().forEach( function(myDocument)
db.testingRD.update({_id: myDocument._id}, {$push : {"salesData.sale1.dtype" : "DDD"}});
I always use a trick when an update seams to not working: I change the update with a printjson + find so that I can see if it is matching anything:
db.testingRD.find().forEach( function(myDocument) { printjson(db.testingRD.find({_id: myDocument._id})) } );

MongoDB returns all records even after specifying fields

> db.checklistDB.find({},{title:1, _id:0})
{ "title" : "Untitled Checklist" }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ }
{ }
> db.checklistDB.find({},{title:1})
{ "title" : "Untitled Checklist", "_id" : "4FaJcAkzAY3Geyggm" }
{ "_id" : "3imNYy8SPcRDjLcqz" }
{ "_id" : "977fPtvEn7hiStqzp" }
{ "_id" : "QcAEMnr6R7qfaWFR8" }
{ "_id" : "eEsmKMdQGYKqnhTNB" }
{ "_id" : "cL6R8qxwWhvTr2kmy" }
Hi Guys,
As you can see from the above, I rand 2 commands:
db.checklistDB.find( {} , { title : 1 } ) and
*db.checklistDB.find( {} , { title : 1 , _id : 0} )
Both queries returns 6 records which is all the records that exists in the database. I would imagine that it will only return records that have "title" as a field. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Second argument for find is projection. In your case it looks for title field inside document, and if it doesn’t exist returns none. If you want to filter documents you should use query like this:
db.checklistDB.find({title: {$exists: true}}, {title:1, _id:0})
If you take your query:
db.checklistDB.find({}, {title:1, _id:0})
It translates to: retrieve all documents ({} as query argument) and for every document give me title if exist or default value (none) if it doesn’t ({title:1, _id:0} as projection argument). Projection argument is used only to transform not to filter documents.