Merging a game into WinRT app - unity3d

I'm wondering what options do I have to merge a 2D game into WinRT app that's already developed. I've developed couple of games in Unity3D but not sure if they can be played as a part of WinRT app (launch on button click).
I've heard Microsoft provide XNA framework for game development. Would that be of any help in my case? The requirement is to launch game on button click and get back to app on back button click.
Please let me know if there's better approach/tool available.

Firstly you say you want to merge a game with a WinRT app - Do you mean you want to put a game inside another application, so perhaps have an app as a launch pad for you game? If you want to target WinRT with Unity I just looked at the platforms that Unity targets and Universal Windows Platform is listed there. You could write the application part in Unity couldn't you ? So that the app is just the first scene that you see. That might seem strange, but if you had to use unity and the app was just a small application with not too many requirements you could do it that way.
Xna has been discontinued. You should use other frameworks.
If you want to write it from scratch I would suggest that you write it as WinRT application (Universal Windows Platform) so that you can define the application UI in Xaml and write the game with a dedicated graphics/game api such as SharpDX (which is a wrapper around DirectX) or perhaps even better, take a look at Win2D which is a very impressive 2d graphics api.
In practice, both SharpDX and Win2D would target one of the Xaml controls that give you access to a swap-chain (eg SwapChainPanel, SwapChainBackgroundPanel, CanvasControl etc). These Xaml controls are integrated into the Xaml UI and can simply pop up when you need them and viola, your game is running.

Since it was a 2D game that I wanted to integrate with my WinRT app, I decided to go with Scirra Contstruct 2, designed specifically for 2D games. It exported the project as website which I hosted on my server and used a WebView within my app to load the game. Not only the performance is good, but, as a bi-product, it made the game cross platform.


Running other Unity executables on runtime

I am trying to make CV/portfolio-ish game with WebGL build and I want to show people my previous games.
I wonder if there is anyway to run my previous games exes on WebGL at runtime. Like game inside game but I don't want to move all of the assets, codes etc. Opening extra web page with WebGL is an option but I want to try my question first.

How to create Augmented Reality Web app using Unity & Vuforia?

I am developing an Augmented Reality app to be integrated into a website using Unity.I need to take output in WebGL. I am using Vuforia to create AR experience. Since Vuforia is not supported with WebGL, i am not able to build. Please suggest an alternate method or how to do Augmented reality in Unity for Web. Is there any alternative to Vuforia?
The good news is yes, you definitely can build an AR experience on the web!
The bad news is that none of the current libraries built for doing so offer a Unity plugin.. Meaning you'll either have to create a wrapper, do some complicated RPC call to talk to the JS library via Unity, or completely scrap Unity altogether and use only the library. To my knowledge, the best browser-based AR library is AR.js. I know this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but I hope you're able to achieve your goals. Good luck!
This is probably a bit late in the thread. But I'd like to add an option which might help. You can definitely build your AR app in web using WebGL as output. There is easy way to integrate it with a webiste too. SLAM based AR like Google ARCore is a great example to do it.
There are two options:
You can build such an app from scratch which will obviously take more time. Because apart from development, setting up hosting infrastructure is a challenge.
Otherwise, if you want to scale such AR web app development with low or no code and cloud ready hosting, you can use a SaaS platform called Marvin XR.
You can login and try it out for FREE:
Hope this helps the other folks who stumble upon this thread.

Game development using Unity for iPhone

I have decided to use the game engine Unity to develop my game for iPhone. But I need to use some functions built into the iOS SDK.
If I choose to develop using Unity, can I still use functions from the standard iOS SDK? Like functions to access a url, etc...
When you compile a Unity project for iOS it takes your C# or JavaScript code and AOT compiles it to a native dll. It then creates an xcode project which loads that dll. You can add native objectiveC, or C/C++ functions to this project and expose them for calling from the Unity engine.
Unity also has built-in methods for accessing URLs.
I don't know how the Unity SDK is built, but if it's a static Objective-C library then you can access iOS SDK functions without any problems. If its a script engine where you develop your scripts outside the IDE then you may not access iOS function.
Have you checked other engines/sdk's for your game development? I know that Cocos2D is well documented and I know for sure that you can call iOS methods.
Good luck!
I used both unity3d and corona which are very good at their field, and yes you can use all standart SDK over them, sometimes you need to do tricks though (which is quite a pain). If you are developing a 3d game and familiar with NVIDIA PhysX engine go for unity, it gives you nice features. But if you are clueless about collasions/rigidbodies/ragdolls etc you would have a hard time for sure.
As for 2d application development since I don't like Objective-C I prefer corona which you code in lua (easy to learn and use). You can use most of the IOS SDK in it without any problem.
I really reccomend you starting with Unity, it is the best engine I have ever used (I have used a ton of bad engines).
Unity is the best place to start and to stay. Coding, graphics and everything is simple to manage in this engine.
Unity is specially 3d but you can also build 2d games, some examples are Zombieville and OMG Pirates (very succesfull games on the appstore).

Animated game for web and iPhone - how?

I would like to create arcade game (cartoon style). I need framework/technology to create one code and use it on website and iPhone in same way. Is it possible?
Two possibilities:
Unity 3D (needs a plugin on the web)
HTML5 + Canvas (via mobile Safari on the iPhone)
The very popular cocos2d framework is now available in a JavaScript/HTML flavor. The press release has more specific information:
The first joint release of the cocos2d family
cocos2d is free and heavily used. There are numerous tutorials on the iPhone variant that are somewhat adaptable to the -x variant. One, very popular iOS tutorial site Ray Wenderlich, has lots of great information to get started.
There is active discussion and work being done with cocos2d to make one codebase work across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and HTML.

Can you run a blender game on an iphone or droid?

I have an iPhone and am getting the Droid and was wondering if blender games can run on either of them. I have already made a game and want to be able to use it on my phone.
I was wrong, just recently android support has been added but it's brand spanking new so just know that android support would be considered beta quality if that, perhaps even alpha.
I can't believe no one has given this answer:
Supports the logic bricks/python scripts etc so basically you can just load up your packaged blend file and you're good to go.
there is actually a book on how to integrate blender into a iphone game development workflow. it uses sio2 for the game engine on the iphone. it might be worth to give it a shot.