how to make player change color when hit by object...all in 2D game using Csharp. Object is falling from Y axis - unity3d

Ok i know im so new to code its insane but i have made some progress in my books with my little game..yes it took me a month to figure out to move a character back and forth using arrow key but i did it nonetheless..So now im really stuck
how do i make my player change color (for 3 seconds) when hit from an object from above.
its 2D Csharp unity...object is falling from Y axis and my player is X axis...cause if i can do that ...then over time i can apply animation on the player when an object hits it.

Here's a script i quickly cooked up for you.
You should do more research, read tutorials, and watch more tutorials.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class changeColorOnHit : MonoBehaviour {
SpriteRenderer sr;
void Start(){
sr = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision){//whenever we hit something
sr.color = new Color(2,0,0);//set this object's red color to 200 percent
void Update(){
//linear interpolation brings two values closer together proportional to a given third value(time)
sr.color = Color.Lerp (sr.color,Color.white,Time.deltaTime/1.5f);//slowly linear interpolate. takes about 3 seconds to return to white


how to fix my enemy turning invisible in play mode UNITY

So, here's my error! im designing a FPS game in unity and im scripting an AI enemy (for now it just moves around randomly) im also using NeoFPS that should be all the background info out of the way as for whats happening:
i can see the enemy in scene view and i can see it in the game view before i press play, when i do press play the enemy disappears in game view but i can still see it trying to move around the little box i put it in and stuff of the sorts via navmesh etc. the collider for the enemy is still there when i go into the box however i cant see it and i shoot through it and do no damage to it whatsoever i will include screenshots and my AI code below (the white capsule is the enemy w AI script inside a little box, the camera is the FPS player
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AI;
public class AICharacterController : MonoBehaviour
private NavMeshAgent m_Agent;
private void Awake()
m_Agent = GetComponent<NavMeshAgent>();
Vector3 movePosition;
void Update()
if (movePosition ==
|| Vector3.Distance(transform.position, m_Agent.destination) < 1)
void SelectNewDestination()
Vector2 pos = Random.insideUnitCircle * 50;
movePosition.x = pos.x;
movePosition.y = pos.y;
NavMeshHit hit = default;
if (NavMesh.SamplePosition(movePosition, out hit, 4, NavMesh.AllAreas))
public void Die()
Destroy(gameObject, 0.25f);
(if you dont see an image below then stackoverflow replaced it with a link and its not working)
If things are invisible in a camera, but not in the scene view then that means that the "Culling Mask" property on the camera is set to ignore the layers the object is on. NeoFPS uses a spawning system, so its quite possible that the camera in the character that's spawned has a different culling mask setup to the camera in the scene that you're looking through outside of play mode. To fix that you would have to find the camera in the character prefab's hierarchy (usually called PlayerCameraSpring) and add your AI's layer to its culling mask.

Converting mouse coordinates for ui in world space

Im having problems with position convertions. The way im trying to solve it may be very wrong but thats due to inexperience in that case and im up for any suggestion on how to do it differently.
What im trying to do is a gui with a dot graph envelope that the user can change by draging the dots with the mouse.
This is what i would wan it to look like.
First i did the UI like normal in overlay but i couldnt get the line renderer to work so i took the whole ui into world space. This makes the line renderer visible. With the UI in world space ive tried both to put the envelope line renderer in the canvas with the rest of the ui and outside the canvas UI.
Here is the code that renders the lines where the dots are and moves the dots when the mouse drags them :
public class Envelope : MonoBehaviour
LineRenderer lineRenderer;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
lineRenderer = GetComponentInChildren<LineRenderer>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
var points = GetComponentsInChildren<EnvelopePoint>().Select(ep => ep.transform.localPosition).ToArray();
lineRenderer.positionCount = points.Length;
public class EnvelopePoint : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] bool isHeld = false;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (isHeld)
// Vector3 mousePos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
Vector3 mousePos = Input.mousePosition;
transform.position = mousePos;
private void OnMouseDown()
isHeld = true;
private void OnMouseUp()
isHeld = false;
The best result is to put the envelope outside of the canvas.
The lines render well to where the points are but im not able to convert the mouse position to correct coordinates for the dots. When i click on a dot to drag it the dot snaps to a position a bit lower and a bit to the left of the mouse. Like this:
But then i can drag the dots and the lines adjust perfectly.
I guess i have two questions:
How should i get the mouse position conversion correctly?
Is this a strange or over complicated way of doing this? Is there a more reasonable way?
Id love some tip as well on what i should read up on to better understand the different screen types and how to convert between them.
RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle: Transform a screen space point to a position in world space that is on the plane of the given RectTransform.
There is also ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle but since you are modifying Line Renderer's points (which are in world space), I think ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle best suits your needs.

Smooth Camera Follow with Voxel Based Sphere

I am very new to Unity and just got done yesterday following the Roller Ball example on the learn page here at Unity3d.
To practice what I have learned I wanted to try and recreate something similar using my own art and making the game different. I have been playing around with Voxel Art and I am using MagicaVoxel to create my assests. I created the walls, the ground etc.. and all is well.
Then came the player object, the sphere. I created one as close to a sphere as possible with magicaVoxel and it rolls fine. However, when using a script to have the camera follow the object it runs into issues.
If I don't constrain the Y axis then I will get bouncing and as far as the x and z axis I get kind of a Flat Tire effect. Basically the camera doesn't follow smoothly it bounces around, stop go etc...
I have tried making the collider larger then the sphere and even using the position of the collider vs the object itself. I have also tried putting the code in Update / FixedUpdate / LateUpdate. What is the proper way to fix or address something like this? Here is my scripts below:
Camera Controller:
public class CamController : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject player;
private Vector3 offset;
void Start ()
// Get the distance between the player ball and camera.
offset = this.transform.position - player.transform.position;
void LateUpdate ()
this.transform.position = player.transform.position + offset;
Player Controller:
public class PlayerController : MonoBehaviour {
public float _speed;
void FixedUpdate()
// Get input from keyboard.
float _hoz = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float _ver = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
// Create a vector3 based on input from keyboard.
Vector3 _move = new Vector3(_hoz, 0.0f, _ver);
// Apply force to the voxel ball
this.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(_move * _speed);
Thanks for any help in advance.
You can use the SmoothFollow Script of Unity it self for getting smooth follow of camera.
Here are the steps how you can get the script:
1) Assets->Import Package->Scripts.
2) At the dialog that appears select all the scripts, or just the smooth follow one and hit Import button.
3) Now this script is in your project, and you can attach it to the camera.
Hope this will help you...

How can i turn the camera to left and right in unity for a sphere?

updated CODE .. the problem is that i cant move the ball only if i hold the E button than i use WASD or arrows to move the ball...and when i hold Q the camera 2 activates and i can move the ball with WASD or arrows...but with the right axis for that like ballance that game... i want to not hold the E or Q just to change the camera and move the ball corecctly for that angle with the right axis for the ball but not holding the cameras button
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class controlPlayer : MonoBehaviour {
public float viteza ; // this is speed
void Start(){
void Update()
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q) ) // if i hold Q the camera 2 activates and with WASD i can move the ball
float miscaOrizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float miscaVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 miscare = new Vector3(miscaVertical,0.0f,(-miscaOrizontal)); //also here i chande the axis for the camera 2
rigidbody.AddForce(miscare * viteza * Time.deltaTime);
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E) ) // here when i press E the camera 1 activates and alos i can move the ball if i keep pressing E
{ float miscaOrizontal2 = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float miscaVertical2 = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 miscare2 = new Vector3(miscaOrizontal2,0.0f,miscaVertical2); // here are the controls for the ball for the camera ..i had to change the axis here..
rigidbody.AddForce(miscare2 * viteza * Time.deltaTime);
Alright, so if I'm understanding you correctly, you want the ball to move in relation to which direction the camera is currently facing. As well as you don't want to have to hold down "Q" or "E" while you move your ball with WASD controls.
So there are a few things that I'd like to mention here, so we'll take them one at a time. First off, you shouldn't have "AddForce" inside of an Update call. Update is called every frame whenever it can. It's great for input, but generally you want to call it in "FixedUpdate" instead. It provides a better response across many devices. If you leave it in update, you can get inaccurate physics results, and missed collisions. There's a lot out there on this subject, so if you want to know more about it, then just google for a little while.
As for the code side, you want to store a reference to what camera you're using to avoid having to hold these buttons down.
What I mean is:
private Camera referencedCamera = null;
private void Start()
referencedCamera = camera1;
private void Update()
if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q)) referencedCamera = camera2;
else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E)) refrencedCamera = camera1;
This way you can reference which camera is being used, rather than a key input. Something else to look into is the "State Design Pattern". Below is a video over the "State Design Pattern." That is a great video tutorial series that Derek Banas put up on design patterns, extremely recommend watching them, but the state pattern could potentially solve this problem for you as well. So that should take care of not having to hold the button down in order to make the move. More or less, the buttons will now allow you to just switch which camera is currently being used.
So now that that is solved, you want to transform the input that you currently have, and you want to put it in terms of hte camera that is currently being used. So to avoid rewriting a lot of the code over and over again, just know that these two code snippets should be pieced together into one. So "referencedCamera" should be already defined in the code I'm about to write:
private void FixedUpdate()
if(referencedCamera != null)
float miscaOrizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
float miscaVertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
Vector3 miscare = referencedCamera.transform.TransformDirection(
new Vector3(miscaVertical, 0.0f, -miscaOrizontal));
rigidbody.AddForce(miscare * viteza * Time.deltaTime);
So now with this, is it's the same code, but there is a call to the referenced cameras transform to take the vector 3 from the input and put it in relation to the camera instead, and add the new relational vector to the object.
I also want to recommend you looking into events rather than if checks in the update function, but that is beyond the scope of the question. Hope this helps and any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
After further discussion, we came across something that should also be mentioned. If your camera that you are referencing is angled, the force will be applied in that angle, so keep that in mind. If it is pointed towards an object downward, then forward relative to the camera will apply a force downward, and not entirely in what you may consider the forward direction. Thought it was worth mentioning.

Unity - Walk around a cube

I have an issue with trying to get an 'object(character)' to walk around a cube (all sides) within Unity. Ive attached an image and video showing what i am trying to achieve. Im trying to show you visually rather than trying to explain. As the character drops over the edge it rotates 90 degrees and then the stands up like gravity has switched. Then the character can jump walk etc.
This is an example of someone else that posted a video showing exactly what im trying to achieve
I have looked through the forums and cant find what im after. i have tried to attach a diagram but the site wont let me. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
You have a couple of options that I can think of.
One is to trigger the gravity change when the character exits one face of the cube to go to another. To achieve this you would have trigger zones on each edge and face and use a [Bob went from Face A to Edge ANorth -> Switch Gravity to go in X direction].
This would work for situations where the gravity switch must affect other objects too but be advantageous to your player (walking off the side makes an enemy fall off and die - for example.)
However, if you want all entities to stick to their relative sides then we need to make custom gravity! To do this is easier than you might think as gravity is simply a downward accelleration of 9.8. So turn off the engines native gravity and create a "personal gravity" component:
private Vector3 surfaceNormal;
private Vector3 personalNormal;
private float personalGravity = 9.8f;
private float normalSwitchRange = 5.0f;
public void Start()
personalNormal = transform.up; // Start with "normal" normal
rigidbody.freezeRotation = true; // turn off physics rotation
public void FixedUpdate()
// Apply force taking into account character normal as personal gravity:
rigidbody.AddForce(-personalGravity * rigidbody.mass * personalNormal);
Rotating your character and changing his normal is then up to you to suit your situation or game mechanic, whether you do that by raycasting if you're standing on a surface to detect when to change it or only want gravity to change when you hit a powerup or similar - experiment and see what works. Comment more if you have questions!
As an addition to the video you linked. You can keep a state variable on the jump state and raycast in each axis direction to check which face is nearest in the case of just rolling off.
public void Update()
// we don't update personal normals in the case of jumping
public void UpdatePersonalNormal()
RaycastHit hit; //hit register
// list of valid normals to check (all 6 axis)
Ray[] rays =
Vector3.up, Vector3.down,
Vector3.left, Vector3.right,
Vector3.forward, Vector3.backward
//for each valid normal...
foreach(Ray rayDirection in rays)
//check if we are near a cube face...
if(Physics.Raycast(rayDirection , hit, normalSwitchRange)
personalNormal = hit.Normal; //set personal normal ...
return; // and return as we are done
Please keep in mind that the above is completely hand written and not tested but play with it and this pseudo start should give you a good idea of what to do.