Is screen capturing/recording in NativeClient possible? - google-chrome-app

I am looking into creating a screen sharing application and would like to leverage native client to do so, but is that possible.
I know that chrome has the desktop sharing api, but this does not work for full screen applications such as video games so that is not an option.
So is it feasible for me to leverage native client for screen capturing/recording/sharing.


Control Windows 8 Camera app with Powershell?

I am wanting to use a webcam to record video and have two options. First is using Flash/AS3 with Flash Media Server - I have this one done really and it works fine but I can't quite get the quality I'd like. Well, the Win8 camera app will record 1920x1080 video at 30fps with the same webcam. So, I was thinking I could use powershell to control the app - I'd need to send space to start/stop the recording, and be able to swap the camera application back and forth with another, gallery application, that shows the recordings.
I also need to be able to send the start/stop recording command on input from a tcp socket - which from reading seems to be doable.
So, is this something for powershell? I've been experimenting and can't reliably access the camera app. Maybe because it's a metro app? Thanks for any tips.
You can't really access or interact with Metro apps from PowerShell. There are a limited number of WinRT APIs that can be accessed from the desktop. The Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCapture type is accessible from the desktop. However using WinRT in PowerShell is really challenging given that there are a lot of async APIs in WinRT. Take a look at this blog post I wrote on what it takes to use WinRT APIs in PowerShell.

Looking for a way to record video from an iphone embedded within a web browser and saved to a server

Ok, so I'm working on a project that will allow users to record themselves within a browser and have the video save to the server for later watching.
Right now I have an implementation where I'm using Red5 server with Red5 Recorder and that is working fine, but I'm wondering how exactly you could go about this on an iphone as that is expected to be a large user base.
As far as my research has shown there is no universal way to gather this video within the browser as there is no HTML5 solution and Flash seems to be by far the best way to record webcam to a server.
So what I'm wondering is has anybody encountered this issue and found a solution, whether it be for Iphone only, or a universal solution that would work across all platforms.
At the moment, the only way to accomplish this on the iPhone would be to write a native application. The web browser doesn't give access to the camera, and it doesn't support Flash, Java etc.

What 3rd party platform support custom camera application?

I'm making an app with CoronaSDK for custom camera button, frame and layout like "Leme Camera" in app store.
However, they don't support camera buffer so we can't use custom layout to control capturing camera which is not acceptable.
What I found out is PhoneGap also lack that feature. They show native camera window when I tap
Can anyone recommend other cross platform framework for that feature?
With the PhoneGap platform you are able to use a combination of objective C and the PhoneGap standard javascript library.
From what you have described, it sounds like you would want to go native for something like this! Most of all of these third party SDKs do not get very good performance but if you were to write the small computationally intensive camera part in objective C you get all the resources you need and are able to cut back on the amount of code you will need to port when you try to support additional platforms.

Is there a way to capture a picture by the iPhone via Browser?

Can i capture Pictures via Browser with the iPhone?
Or what is the easyest way? which API?
Thanks for answers!
Sorry, but this isn't currently possible (as of iOS v4.2) - the only way to currently interact with the camera, etc. is via a full-blown iOS app.
The only additional capabilities that are provided beyond a "normal" browser are JavaScript events to capture touch related actions.

music website: how to make it work on android/blackberry/iphone/symbian?

How can I make my simple site, on which the user can choose to play a number of music clips by clicking on little "play" buttons on the page (think of Amazon's "preview" on their product pages for CDs), work on mobile devices?
[I originally created the page thinking only of desktop browsers, so currently it works by using Flash. I know that won't work at least on the iphone.]
Will I have to build a platform-specific app for all major mobile platforms to provide this kind of simple interface? If so, can you recommend a framework that will let me do this in "write once, run everywhere" fashion?
Many thanks for any insight!
You can try: jPlayer