How To Manage Meteor App Running On AWS AMAZON EC2 - mongodb

I've deployed my Meteor App to AWS AMAZON EC2 in order to test my app in that environment including the newly configured domain name redirection etc...
Things did not work out perfectly when I tried to register a new user and when I tried to verify the email of the new user.
Given this scenario, I would like to reset the project or reset the users Collections in the mongodb of that Meteor App. Since I would like to be abel to reuse that email I use for testing.....
In my computer, when I encounter this problem I conveniently enter this command in my project's folder and I get the mongoldb reset:
meteor reset
How do I find where the app is in the EC2 instance the Meteor app is contained in???
After I ssh to the IP address with the paired key, I am allowed access to the instance, but when I do a ls I get nothing and don't know where to start....I was hoping I could just do a meteor reset or find where the mongodb is within that instance and delete the fields or collections I would like to delete.....
How do I achieve this?
How does one manage a Meteor app within this kind of environment such as AWS AMAZON EC2??
Thank you...

You need to refer to the "Accessing the database" section in mup docs.
When logged to your EC2 instance, simply type mongo appName to access the mongo admin prompt.
Then you can use this command to clear the database in a similar way meteor reset would do :


Change the Database Address of an existing Meteor App running on a Ubuntu Cloud Server

I have a Meteor App running on a Ubuntu Droplet on Digital Ocean (your basic virtual machine). This app was written by a company that went out of business and left us with nothing.
The database is a MongoDB currently running on IBM Compose. Compose is shutting down in a month and the Database needs to be moved and our App needs to connect to the new database.
I had no issues exporting and creating a MongoDB with all the data on a different server.
I cannot for the life of me figure out where on the live Meteor App server I would change the address of the database connection. There is no simple top level config file where I can change this?? Does anyone out there know where I would do this?
I realize that in the long term I will need to either rewrite or deprecate this aging app, but in the short term the company relies on it and IBM decided to just shut down their Compose service so please help!!
There is mostly the MONGO_URL and MONGO_OPLOG_URL that are configured as environment variable:
Now you don't set these within the code but during deployment. If you are running on localhost and want to connect to the external MongoDb you can simply use:
$ MONGO_URL="mongodb://" meteor
If you want to deploy the app, you should stick with the docs:
If you use MUP then configure the mongo appropriately:
Edit: If your app was previously deployed using MUP you can try to restore the environment variables from /opt/app-name/config (where app-name is the name of your app) which contains env.list (including all environment variables; thus your MONGO_URL) and which you can use to recreate the mup.js config.

How can we access Bluemix hosted "Compose for MongoDB" service from "outside"?

Have created today a new Compose for MongoDB Service instance in Bluemix
I have to access this MongoDB DIRECTLY with tools (eg. Mongo Managemant Studio Pro, mongo.exe, etc.) for bulkloading, testing, ad-hoc data fix, etc.
I have not found any docs, samples nor a CLEAR statement that
a) gives me some confirmation that THIS is possible
b) gives me COMPLETE information (not just some technical fragments that might have worked year ago) how to do it.
Maybe I am looking to the wrong places or do not know the right people. However I am stuck on this, and before quitting Bluemix MongoDB maybe somebody has a copy/past solution or handson step by step manual.
Any help welcome. Thanks!
Connecting to MongoDB service in Bluemix from an application is possible. For this answer I have used the application "Robo3T" and here are the steps:
Access your MongoDB Service on you Bluemix account. Usually under
"Cloud Foundry Services"
Open section "Manage", from "Connection Settings" copy from "HTTPS" the connection address and port. In this example "" and "20651"
In Robo3T create a new connection with the connection address from previous step
In tab Authentication configure database name, username and password
. The credentials are found as in step 1
From "Connection Settings" copy the SSL Certificate into a text file and save locally.
In Robo3T Add the certificate to the connection in the "SSL" tab
Test the connection and save the settings
YES, Bluemix hosted Compose for MongoDB instances can be connected from the mongo Shell and some updated DB Managment tools.
However, you have to make sure, that in case you are running the newest DB versions, that your tools (shell and DB management GUIs) comply with the newest DB features such as encryption etc.
Origin of the Problem
My problem was due to older and therefore incompatible versions of the mongo shell and DB-managment tools running against the newest MongoDB versions with their specialities on encription and multiple servers to be handled in the URI.
At least two DB managment tools are not compatible with the newest DB version and will take their time to get fixed. The problem is, that both will not tell you about this. They just do not not connect. No logs on either side. Period.
So my advise here: look for tool providers who express dedicated compliance with the specific version of your DB.
Advise to the Bluemix Team
It might not take much time to provide some sample connection strings for the most common tools like the mongo shell, MongoBooster, etc. to take the hassle and guesswork out of interpreting the Environment variables and figuring out what is needed for specific connection strings and what is not.
For instance MongoDB Atlas hosting provides for every cluster readymade connection strings for many tools you can just copy/past and done!
Connecting to Atlas took me 5 Minutes. For Bluemix I have lost hours! Not because it is complex, but because the documentation and the generated Info is somehow incomplete and messy - at least for the ones who do not connection strings for their living!

Restricting access via meteor mongo

I'm asking this out of concern for my database's security. Meteor encourages developers to remove the insecure package and move all database-altering operations to methods executed safely on the server, which one can happily do.
However, it strikes me after deploying to with meteor deploy that the command meteor mongo seems to be accessible and connective for anyone who cares to run it? How would one mitigate this direct access, or is it not actually as open as I believe?
I was worried for no reason - the credentials that you set up when deploying an application for the first time are required for access to the production database from an unfamiliar machine. You will be interactively prompted when accessing via meteor mongo.

(OpenShift) Sharing MongoDB between Apps not possible anymore?

There are articles both here and over at OpenShift itself that suggest I can configure an app with a MongoDB and then set envvars within other apps to access that DB
How do you access a MongoDB database from two Openshift apps?
Problem is that the envvars/hostname for the app DB is either "localhost" or a dotted-quad ( which clearly won't (and actually doesn't - I tried it) work if used in a connection-string from another app (in the same OpenShift 'domain'
Is this something OpenShift have done to discourage this sort of usage? at least on the 'free' tier?? - or am I missing something/has anyone got this working atm???
p.s. using the actual connection string for the app (e.g. doesn't work (even from an 'internally hosted' app)
You need to create the application as scalable, then add MongoDB for it to work correctly. MongoDB will then go onto it's own gear, with it's own ip address and port number (remember to use this port number, or nothing will work).
You will never be able to access your mongodb gear from outside of openshift without using the rhc port-forward command ( because of firewall & other security issues.
However, if you use the scaled application approach, you will be able to connect to your mongodb instance from other openshift online hosted applications.

Accessing Appfog MongoDB service

How can I acces MongoDB service running on Appfog from my local? I want to use it with gui application. Is it possible?
I am assuming that you are using an AppFog MongoDB add-on and that the GUI tool you want to use is running locally on your machine, is that correct?
It's not clear to me what GUI application you're trying to use, but chances are it accepts a MongoDB URI of the form "mongodb://[user]:[pass]#[host]:[port]/[dbname]" You can use this info to connect through the db shell, too. Or if your tool doesn't take a URI, you can cut&paste specific values from the URI according to the format.
If you are using an AppFog MongoDB addon, then you can get the value for your URI from the Env Variables section of your app page at the AppFog portal. You can also get that value in your code, per something like
You should also keep in mind that MongoDB services often have their own management UI that you can use. If you go to the Addons section of your application page on AppFog, scroll to your provider and click "Manage" you can access their tools as well.
Good luck, and let me know if I have misunderstood your question.