Scrolling in "RepeatBox" control is not smooth -

I have two pages, first page I have a ScrollView control and the other page I used RepeatBox control.
My problem is the ScrollView page scroll is smooth, But the RepeatBox page scrolling is not smooth (i.e. flickering while scrolling).
Could any one help on this? Thanks in advance.

Performance of repeatbox can change according to the objects you used in it. Because it is drawn with rowRender event, it can take more time with different objects. Also, in some old devices, especially for Android, you can see these kind of performance differences in applications.
Maybe you can test with other devices, or you can test with more simple project in order to see if it is always flickering or not.

The problem comes with all images on the visible screen are opening again from the local storage by rowRender method. In the native RepeatBox after image comes on visible area are stored and not again opening from local storage and creates performance problem.


Canvas not scaling properly regardless to the set scalability

I'm trying to make my Canvas scalable regardless of screen size. I made it to be scalable across the screen but when it is hidden and called it is not scaled for some reason. I actually call it in code and it shows up when needed but it is not scalable but when I display it right away it is scalable.
Expected position (is displayed normally when I do not hide the display):
Actual position (when my display is hidden and is displayed at the button pressing):
How to make it scalable? I've searched for all possible solutions but I could not find an answer.
These are the settings and hierarchy:
These are parent settings (main canvas):
I am not sure why CanvasScaller is not enough for you. I've never faced a case where I had to implement my own scalling, you should probably check CanvasScaller and use that, but anyway if your layout is not getting recalculated instantly you can force that by using

SapUI5 UI Controls Size Issue

I would like to make responsive (combobox,input etc.) ui controls in sapui5. But on the web environment some of components such as combobox and input are looking so large. I've uploaded an image regarding to this problem. How can I change view sizes of these ui controls ? Is there a simple way to do this like using sap.m.size ? I hope I made make myself clear.
Here is the link of image;
It's event simplier than resizing each control to a given size...
SAPUI5 has a feature called 'content density' mode. Which stablishes the controls/paddings/margins sizes depending on the selected mode.
There are 2 main modes. 'Cozy' which is the large one, and it is meant for touchable devices (your finger is a thick pointer) and 'compact' for desktop devices (with a mouse you can point accurately).
So all you need to do is setting one of this modes based on the device.
Here the tutorial to know how to do it.
And here the documentation about the 'content density'

Creating a tableview in the form of a 'film strip'

I am developing an RSS-reader-type application. I am toying with the possibility of using a normal TableView application but showing the articles as a film-strip. I am mainly thinking for an iPad application (but possible it works on the smaller iPhone as well).
The idea is to have the cells passing/scrolling across the screen using swipe touches (but horizontal, and not vertical as with the normal TableView). They will be some-kind of miniatures of the full article, and when tapped (or with multi-touch zoom to have better control) can be enlarged to read. Then can then just be be moved on as soon as the user has seen enough of it.
Does anybody know if there is an easy way of accomplishing something like that?
The most obvious solution that springs to mind would be to use a UIScrollView, as this will provide the inertial effects, etc. for free - all you'd have to do it populate it with the relevant sub-views. (UITableView's actually use a UIScrollView.)
For more information and sample code, see Apple's UIScrollView docs.
If you want horizontal scrolling, take a look at Jeremy Tregunna’s JScrollingRow. It’s open source under a public domain licence.

iPhone: Reading many images quickly

I've got an app I'm working on where we handle a LOT of images at once in a scrollview. (Here's how it looks, each blue block being in image on a scrollview expanding to the right: So to be able to handle the large strain doing this puts on memory. So I've implemented a bunch of techniques such as reusing imageviews etc which have all worked quite successfully in keeping my memory usage down. Another thing I do is instead of keeping the actual image in memory (which I of course couldn't do for all of them because that would run out of memory very quickly) I only keep the image's filepath in memory and then read the image when the user scrolls to an area of the scroll view near that image. However, although this is memory efficient, it's causing a LOT of lag in the scrollview because of the fact that it has to constantly read images from the disk. I can't think of a good solution on how to fix this. Basically right now the app draws to the screen only the visible uiimageviews and while the user scrolls the app will look to see if it can dequeue another imageview so it doesn't have to allocate another one and at that point it reads the image into memory, but as I said it's causing the scrolling action to be very slow. Any ideas on a strategy to use to fix this? Does anyone know what the native photos app does to handle this kind of thing? Thanks so much!
I can suggest you a simple solution to balance both the memory and the computer processing. You only keep small images like thumbnails in memory and only keep about 20 of them. One project that I am doing, I keep 20 thumbnail images (100 x 100) recently accessed, which doesn't cost a lot of memory. I believe that it costs about 200 kb all the time but comparing to a general available memory. I think it is good enough.
It also depends on your use case : if user scroll really fast and you don't know when will they go. You can have even smaller images than the thumnail and when you show it on the UIImageView, you resize it to fit. When user stops scrolling for a while. You can start loading bigger images and then you have a nicer images. User may not even notice about the process
I don't think there is a solution that can be fast and using as less memory as possible. Because we have memory, maybe not big but have enough if we use it smartly.
Slow scrolling performance might mean that you're blocking the main thread while loading images. In that case, the scrolling animation won't continue until the images are loaded, which would indeed cause pretty choppy scrolling performance.
It would be better to lazily load requested images in the background, while the main thread continues to handle the scrolling animation. A library that provides this functionality (among other things) is the 'three20' library. See the Tidbits document, and scroll down to the bottom where the 'TTImageView' class is described.
I had a similar issue with a PDF viewer, The recommended way to do this is to have as low a res image as you can get away with and if you are allowing the user to blow the image up/zoom, then have two versions or three versions of that image increasing the res as you go.
Put as much code as you can get away with in the didDecelerate method (like loading in higher res images like vodkhang talks about), rather than processing loads in didScroll. Recycle Views out of scope as you have said. and beware of autoreleased Context based Image Creation functions.
Load images in on background threads intelligently (based on the scrollView Offset position and zoom level), and think about using CALayer/Tiled Layer drawing for larger images.
Three20 (an open source iOs lib) has a great Photo Viewer that can be subclassed, it has thumbnail navigation, large image paging, caching and gestures right out of the box.

App like default photo browser in iphone?

i am developing a app which contains feature like default photo browser in iphone. I done some what similar to that. but after loading some(near about 10-15) images from remote server,i am receiving memory warning.My requirement is loading image one by one. For this, on scroll view i am putting an images and increasing the contentSize of scroll view. it will work fine. but due to memory warning app quite.
Guys, any have any idea to approach for this feature which work similar to photo app without problem?
thanks in advance .
You're running out of memory because you're keeping the data for 10 or more images in memory at one time. You need to have more logic in your code that not only preloads and increases the scroll view's content size, but also removes UIImageViews from the scrollview (and thus from memory) as the user scrolls to newer stuff. (You can also save "evicted" images to the cache area on disk so if the users scrolls back you don't have to go to the server again.)
If you use a UITableView, it will request the images only when needed, and will automatically purge off-screen cells to save memory. It may not fit into the aesthetic for your application, though.