Why can't I assign value on didSet? - swift

I have two view. On my first view i create some data and send to other view lets name view2. So my view1 has code:
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "showUserDetail" {
(segue.destinationViewController as! UserDetailTableViewController).detailContact = detailCoversationContact
In my detailCoversationContact i have detail about this one user, this detail like number, nick etc. Now as i expect this data are put to variable detailContact in my view2
And this is my cod in view2 this code is work:
class UserDetailTableViewController: UITableViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var nickNameLabel: UILabel!
var nickMy: String = ""
var detailContact: AnyObject? {
didSet {
// Update the user interface for the detail item.
if let detail = self.detailContact {
self.nickMy = (detail.valueForKey("nickName") as? String)!
override func viewDidLoad() {
nickNameLabel.text = nickMy
When i send data to detailContact' i check is didSet if yes i set my nickMy and this is work. But what is first ? setting my var or viewDidLoad?
this is my code and not working and can someone explain why ?
class UserDetailTableViewController: UITableViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var nickNameLabel: UILabel!
var detailContact: AnyObject? {
didSet {
// Update the user interface for the detail item.
if let detail = self.detailContact {
self.title = detail.valueForKey("nickName") as? String
self.nickNameLabel?.text = (detail.valueForKey("nickName") as? String)!
override func viewDidLoad() {
Ok this is self.title and work i see the name of user but title is from tableView. But my nickNameLabel is not change ? why ?

At the time of prepareForSegue, the IBOutlets have not been set up yet. So, self.nickNameLabel is still nil, and optional chaining makes self.nickNameLabel?.text = ... safely do nothing.
Set the value in viewDidLoad() when the IBOutlets have been set up:
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.nickNameLabel?.text = (detail.valueForKey("nickName") as? String)!
Alternatively, you can trigger didSet by setting the detailContact to itself in viewDidLoad(). You have to trick Swift in order to do this because it thinks assigning detailContact to itself does nothing:
override func viewDidLoad() {
detailContact = (detailContact) // trigger didSet to set up the label


Swift: my destinationVC segue is showing nil

I'm having users fill out some profile information via texts fields (name, email, etc.), which is used to set my ProfileContoller.shared.profile values. When I get to my navigation segue to pass the data over, my destinationVC.profile will not set its value to the sending profile object and I get nil instead.
My sendingVC is embedded in a navigation controller, while my destinationVC is embedded in Tab Bar Controller.
Segue SendingVC
Attributes Inspector SendingVC
// Sending View Controller:
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
guard let profile = ProfileController.shared.profile else { return }
if segue.identifier == "signUpMemicTBC" {
let destinationVC = segue.destination as? ProfileViewController
destinationVC?.profile = profile
// Receiving ProfileViewController:
class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
// MARK: - IBOutlets
#IBOutlet weak var fullNameLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var usernameLabel: UILabel!
#IBOutlet weak var emailLabel: UILabel!
// MARK: - Landing Pad
var profile : Profile? {
didSet {
override func viewDidLoad() {
func updateViews () {
guard let profile = profile else { return }
fullNameLabel.text = profile.firstName + " " + profile.lastName
usernameLabel.text = profile.username
emailLabel.text = profile.email
// ProfileController:
class ProfileController {
// MARK: - Properties
var profile : Profile?
// MARK: - Singleton
static let shared = ProfileController()
My sending object has data:
(lldb) po profile
Profile: 0x600000c873c0
The destination object is unexpectedly nil:
(lldb) po destinationVC?.profile
didSet triggers while your vc in segue isn't loaded yet so all outlets are nil
you need to put updateViews() inside viewDidLoad
Plus your destination is a tabBar
let tab = segue.destination as! UITabBarController
let destinationVC = tab.viewControllers![2] as! ProfileViewController
I think all you have to do is call the updateViews() in the main thread.
didSet {
print("did set profile called")
DispatchQueue.main.async{[weak self] in
guard let self = self else {
Another option would be to update the views in viewDidLoad()
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let prof = self.profile {
You can use below code to safely pass data to the ProfileViewController.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
guard let profile = ProfileController.shared.profile else { return }
if segue.identifier == "signUpMemicTBC" {
guard let tabBarController = segue.destination as? UITabBarController else { return }
guard let profileController = tabBarController.viewControllers?.index(at: 2) as? ProfileViewController else {
profileController.profile = profile

Error while assigning self to tableview datasource

This is the error Xcode outputs
Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
I have a viewcontroller that has a tableview and a few buttons; the buttons allow me to insert or remove data. It seems that when I click on Add (which brings up a new viewcontroller via segue as a sheet) the app crashes with the error above. Clicking on remove doesn't have this affect. So it has to do with something regarding the new viewcontroller as a guess. The console doesn't go further into the error other than printing out (lldb)
Here's my code
override func viewDidLoad() {
alarmTableView.dataSource = self //error occurs here
alarmTableView.delegate = self //if i remove the above line if will occur here too.
My Viewcontroller which the above viewDidLoad func is embedded lists the protocols I need
class ViewController: NSViewController, NSTableViewDelegate, NSTableViewDataSource {
#IBOutlet weak var addAlarm: NSButton!
#IBOutlet weak var resetDataButton: NSButton!
#IBOutlet var alarmArrayController: NSArrayController!
#IBOutlet weak var alarmTableView: NSTableView!
#IBOutlet weak var deleteAll: NSButton!
#objc let moc: NSManagedObjectContext
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
self.moc = CoreDataHandler.getContext()
super.init(coder: coder)
override func prepare(for segue: NSStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
let destinationController = segue.destinationController as! AddAlarmViewController
//pass data to next controller here
#IBAction func deleteAllAction(_ sender: Any) {
if (alarmTableView.selectedRow >= 0) {
if (CoreDataHandler.deleteAllObjectsInEntity(entityName: "Alarm")) {
//remove from nsarray controller
for object in alarmArrayController.arrangedObjects as! [Alarm] {
else {
printInfo(str: "There are no alarms to delete")
/* Response to the remove alarm button - It removes a selected alarm object from the table */
#IBAction func resetDataAction(_ sender: Any) {
if (alarmTableView.selectedRow >= 0) {
let selectedAlarm = self.alarmArrayController.selectedObjects.first as! Alarm
alarmArrayController.remove(atArrangedObjectIndex: alarmTableView.selectedRow)
CoreDataHandler.deleteObjectInEntity(entityName: "Alarm", obj: selectedAlarm)
else {
//will need a warning or play a sound.
printInfo(str: "Please select an alarm")
override func viewDidLoad() {
printInfo(str: "viewdidload")
if (alarmTableView != nil) {
printInfo(str: "AlarmTableView Is initialised")
alarmTableView.dataSource = self
alarmTableView.delegate = self
else {
printInfo(str: "AlarmTableView is not initialised")
override var representedObject: Any? {
didSet {
// Update the view, if already loaded.
func printInfo(str: String) {
print("ViewController: \(str)")
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, heightOfRow row: Int) -> CGFloat {
return 100.0
class AddAlarmViewController: ViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var closeButton: NSButton!
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
printClassInfo(str: "viewDidLoad")
#IBAction func closeButtonAction(_ sender: Any) {
func printClassInfo(str: String) {
print("AddAlarmViewController \(str)")
If I remove the lines where the error occurs the app run fine. But I want to override the delegate and datasource and use the functions to further customise the table. I'm also using Cocoa Bindings.
Why am I getting this error?
I haven't solved it yet, but i placed a couple of print statements in my viewDidLoad function. It seems that when the app is first loaded, the table view is initialised. But after when I clicked on the Add button, the table view is then set to nil for some odd reason, as if another table view has been initialised. However the data is still visible
class AddAlarmViewController: ViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
Your AddAlarmViewController is a subclass of ViewController instead of NSViewController.
In AddAlarmViewController's viewDidLoad you call super.viewDidLoad() which basically calls ViewController's viewDidLoad.
But... in this case ViewController is a new instance as the super class of AddAlarmViewController and none of it's properties are initialized.
Whatever it be, it's probably not what you want.
class AddAlarmViewController: NSViewController {
//... rest as it is

How can I pass data from a parent view controller to an embedded view controller in Swift?

I have a view controller embedded in another VC.
I would like to get the value of a variable from the main VC inside the embedded one. Specifically, I would like to change the text of label2 based on the value of label1.
I tried with "prepareForSegue", but it seems it's not triggered for embedded view controllers. I tried to isolate the problem in a test project:
Code for main VC:
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var label1: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
label1.text = "Hello"
Code for embedded VC:
class EmbeddedVC: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var label2: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
Thanks for your help :)
A way to achiŠµve this is to get the child view controller instance in the parent's viewDidLoad. It appears that the parent's viewDidLoad: gets called after the child's viewDidLoad:, which means the label is already created in the child's view.
override func viewDidLoad() {
if let childVC = self.childViewControllers.first as? ChildVC {
childVC.someLabel.text = "I'm here. Aye-aye."
First of all you can't set directly EmbeddedVC's lable2.text In prepareForSegue
because call sequence following below
MainVC's prepareForSeque this time EmbeddedVC's label2 is nil
EmbeddedVC's viewDidLoad called then label2 loaded
MainVC's viewDidLoad called then label1 loaded
so if you assign MainVC's label1.text to EmbeddedVC's label2.text in prepareForSeque
both label1 and label2 are nil so did not work
There are two way to solve this question
First Solution
MainViewController has EmbeddedVC and when MainVC's viewDidLoad called, assign label1.text to embeddedVC.label2.text
class MyViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var label1: UILabel!
var embeddedVC: EmbeddedViewController? = nil
override func viewDidLoad() {
label1.text = "Hello"
embeddedVC?.label2.text = label1.text
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let embeddedVC = segue.destination as? EmbeddedViewController {
self.embeddedVC = embeddedVC
class EmbeddedViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var label2: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
Second Solution, use protocol and get MainVC's label text when viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear (later viewDidLoad called)
protocol EmbeddedVCDelegate: class {
func labelText() -> String?
class MyViewController: UIViewController, EmbeddedVCDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var label1: UILabel!
// MARK: EmbeddedVCDelegate
func labelText() -> String? {
return label1.text
override func viewDidLoad() {
label1.text = "Hello"
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let embeddedVC = segue.destination as? EmbeddedViewController {
embeddedVC.delegate = self
class EmbeddedViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var label2: UILabel!
weak var delegate: EmbeddedVCDelegate? = nil
override func viewDidLoad() {
override viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
label2.text = delegate?.labelText()
You should try to use prepareForSegue like this:
if segue.identifier == "identifier" {
guard let destinationViewController = segue.destination as? VC2 else { return }
destinationViewController.label2.text = mytext
Where the segue identifier you assign in storyboard

unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value prepareForSegue

I am beginner in swift and working on one project where I am using collectionView. From collectionView, I want to transfer some values to details view but I am getting the above mentioned error. Values are not nil but somehow, it is giving this error while performing segue. Anybody help me, I am badly stuck here.
//In my CollectionView Controller.
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if(segue.identifier == "DetailsView")
if let vc:DetailsViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? DetailsViewController
vc.details.text = self.description
vc.line.text = self.subText
vc.startTime.text = self.formatted_time
import UIKit
class DetailsViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var startTime: UILabel!
#IBOutlet var line: UILabel!
#IBOutlet var details: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
This basically means your IBOutlets are not yet initialised.
You should set strings and then in the viewDidLoad set you labels.
So to sum up:
Add string properties in your DetailsViewController
Set these string properties in your preparForsegue function
in the viewDidLoad of your DetailsViewController, set your labels
Your code should look like something like this :
//In my CollectionView Controller.
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if(segue.identifier == "DetailsView")
if let vc:DetailsViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? DetailsViewController
vc.detailsString = self.description
vc.lineString = self.subText
vc.startTimeString = self.formatted_time
import UIKit
class DetailsViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var startTime: UILabel!
#IBOutlet var line: UILabel!
#IBOutlet var details: UILabel!
var startTimeString: String?
var lineString: String?
var detailsString: String?
override func viewDidLoad() {
startTime.text = tmpStartTimeString
line.text = tmpLineString
details.text = tmpDetailsString
override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
Double check my code, I've wrote it very quickly ;)
The IBOutlets in a destination view controller aren't set until some time after prepareForSegue finishes
In DetailsViewController, add three instance variables:
var startTime: String?
var line: String?
var details: String?
Then in prepareForSegue, set those three values:
vc.details = self.description
vc.line = self.subText
vc.startTime = self.formatted_time
Then in viewDidLoad of DetailsViewController
detailsLabel.text = self.details
lineLabel.text = self.line
startTimeLabel.text = self.startTime
As the two answer above are point out when you create an instance of a UIViewController like for example in the prepareForSegue when you call segue.destinationViewController as? DetailsViewController this not mean that the #IBOutlet's are injected or initialized yet. The #IBOutlet's are initialized when the view is fully loaded, so you can do two of the following options:
Create variables in your UIViewController in which you can save the values after the init of the UIViewController in the prepareForSegue and then in the viewDidLoad() of the another UIViewController you set the values for the #IBOutlet's.
Another option is call the view (e.g let _ = vc.view) property when you create the instance of the UIViewController, in this way you can force the view to load load fully and you can set your #IBOutlet's from the prepareForSegue.
I hope this help you.

Pass data between ViewController and ContainerViewController

I'm working on an app, and need to pass data between view and containerView. I need to send data and receive data from both Views.
Let me explain better:
I can change the Label Master (Touch the Container Button) by protocol, but I can not change the Label Container (Touch the Master button). What happens is the Master connects with the container by a following. But do not have a follow Container linking to the Master.
I tried to add but segue to, but it worked.
The Master View Controller:
import UIKit
protocol MasterToContainer {
func changeLabel(text:String)
class Master: UIViewController, ContainerToMaster {
#IBOutlet var containerView: UIView!
var masterToContainer:MasterToContainer?
#IBOutlet var labelMaster: UILabel!
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "containerViewSegue" {
let view = segue.destinationViewController as? Container
view!.containerToMaster = self
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func button_Container(sender: AnyObject) {
masterToContainer?.changeLabel("Nice! It's work!")
func changeLabel(text: String) {
labelMaster.text = text
The Container View Controller:
import UIKit
protocol ContainerToMaster {
func changeLabel(text:String)
class Container: UIViewController, MasterToContainer {
var containerToMaster:ContainerToMaster?
#IBOutlet var labelContainer: UILabel!
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func button_Master(sender: AnyObject) {
containerToMaster?.changeLabel("Amazing! It's work!")
func changeLabel(text: String) {
labelContainer.text = text
Can someone help me?
All you need to do is keep a reference to Container in your master view controller.
That is, you should add an instance variable to Master that will hold a reference to the view controller, not just the view. You'll need to set it in prepareForSegue.
So the beginning of Master View Controller would look something like this:
class Master: UIViewController, ContainerToMaster {
#IBOutlet var containerView: UIView!
var containerViewController: Container?
#IBOutlet var labelMaster: UILabel!
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "containerViewSegue" {
containerViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? Container
containerViewController!.containerToMaster = self
And then in your button function, simply change the label using the variable you just added.
#IBAction func button_Container(sender: AnyObject) {
containerViewController?.changeLabel("Nice! It's work!")
This means you can get rid of your MasterToContainer protocol too.
I tested this code, so I know it works, but unfortunately I am an Objective-C dev, and know nothing about best practices in Swift. So I don't know if this is the best way to go about it, but it certainly works.
Here's the exact code I've tested:
import UIKit
class Master: UIViewController, ContainerToMaster {
#IBOutlet var containerView: UIView!
#IBOutlet var labelMaster: UILabel!
var containerViewController: Container?
override func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "containerViewSegue" {
containerViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? Container
containerViewController!.containerToMaster = self
#IBAction func button_Container(sender: AnyObject) {
containerViewController?.changeLabel("Nice! It's work!")
func changeLabel(text: String) {
labelMaster.text = text
import UIKit
protocol ContainerToMaster {
func changeLabel(text:String)
class Container: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet var labelContainer: UILabel!
var containerToMaster:ContainerToMaster?
#IBAction func button_Master(sender: AnyObject) {
containerToMaster?.changeLabel("Amazing! It's work!")
func changeLabel(text: String) {
labelContainer.text = text
I solved it with this code
To send data from ViewController -> ContainerViewController
Class ViewController : UIViewController {
func sendData(MyStringToSend : String) {
let CVC = childViewControllers.last as! ContainerViewController
CVC.ChangeLabel( MyStringToSend)
in your ContainerViewController
Class ContainerViewController : UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var myLabel: UILabel!
func ChangeLabel(labelToChange : String){
myLabel.text = labelToChange
To send data from ContainerViewController -> ViewController
Class ContainerViewController : UIViewController {
func sendDataToVc(myString : String) {
let Vc = parentViewController as! ViewController
and in ViewController
Class ViewController : UIViewController {
func dataFromContainer(containerData : String){
I hope this will help someone.
you can use this extension to access the container child
extension UIViewController {
func getContainerChild<vc:UIViewController>(_ viewController : vc,_ hasNavigation : Bool = true) -> (vc) {
guard let vc = self.children[0] as? UINavigationController else {return viewController}
if hasNavigation {
guard let childVC = vc.children[0] as? PurchasedHistoryListVC else {
return viewController}
return childVC as! vc
} else {
return vc as! vc
so you can do some thing like this in your view Controller
let vc = self.getContainerChild(yourChildViewControllerClass())