Simple NSPageController example throws an unknown subview warning and stops working - swift

I'm trying to get a very basic NSPageController to work (in book mode, not history mode). It will successfully transition once, and then stop working.
I suspect I'm creating the NSImageViews I'm loading into it wrong, but I can't figure out how.
The storyboard has a the SamplePageController which holds in initial hard-coded NSImageView.
I suspect I'm missing something really obvious here, since all of the tutorial's I've found for NSPageController are in Objective C not swift, and tend to focus on the history view mode.
The code is:
import Cocoa
class SamplePageController: NSPageController, NSPageControllerDelegate {
private var images = [NSImage]()
#IBOutlet weak var Image: NSImageView!
//Gets an object from arranged objects
func pageController(pageController: NSPageController, identifierForObject object: AnyObject) -> String {
let image = object as! NSImage
let image_name =!
let temp = arrangedObjects.indexOf({$ == image_name})
return "\(temp!)"
func pageController(pageController: NSPageController, viewControllerForIdentifier identifier: String) -> NSViewController {
let controller = NSViewController()
let imageView = NSImageView(frame: Image.frame)
let intid = Int(identifier)
let intid_u = intid!
imageView.image = images[intid_u]
controller.view = imageView
return controller
// Does this eventually lose the frame since we're returning the new view and then not storing it and the original ImageView is long gone by then?
// Alternatively, are we not sizing the imageView appropriately?
override func viewDidLoad() {
arrangedObjects = images
delegate = self

In this case your pageController.view is set to your window.contentView and that triggers the warning. What you need to do is add a subview in the window.contentView and have your pageController.view point to that instead.
The reason for the warning is that since NSPageController creates snapshots (views) of your content history, it will add them at the same level as your pageController.view to transition between them: that means it will try to add them to pageController.view.superview.
And if your pageController.view is set to window.contentView, you are adding subviews to the window.contentView.superview, which is not supported:
New since WWDC seed: NSWindow has never supported clients adding subviews to anything other than the contentView.
Some applications would add subviews to the contentView.superview (also known as the border view of the window). NSWindow will now log when it detects this scenario: "NSWindow warning: adding an unknown subview:".
Applications doing this will need to fix this problem, as it prevents new features on 10.10 from working properly. See titlebarAccessoryViewControllers for official API.


ScrollView not reloading upon dismissing ViewController and calling viewDidLoad

I have a scrollView that contains a dynamic amount of WeatherViewControllers each displaying the weather data of a different city the user has saved. The user can segue from the WeatherViewControllers to a CityListViewController. Where they can add and remove cities from their list which in turn should add and remove WeatherViewControllers from the scrollView upon dismissing the CityListViewController, this is where I am running into a problem.
Currently I am using a protocol to call viewDidLoad in the scrollViewController upon dismissing the CityListViewController which works as I follow the code with the debugger all of the code that should be getting called is and the variable which tracks how many viewControllers to create is accurate after the change, however the scrollView is not changing. If I add/remove a city from the list the scrollView still displays the same amount as before.
The func createAndAddWeatherScreen is called the accurate amount of times after the change and everything and if I close the app and reopen it the scrollView then displays the right amount of viewControllers. It seems like everything is working except the scrollView is not reloading upon dismissing the cityListController.
Side Note: Upon initially opening the app the scrollView loads properly with all the correct WeatherViewControllers in the UIScrollView and the correct cities in the list.
class ScrollViewController: UIViewController, ScrollReloadProtocol {
func reloadScrollView() {
//#IBOutlet var totalScrollView: UIScrollView!
var pages = [ViewController]()
var x = 0
var weatherScreensArray = [SavedCityEntity]()
var weatherScreenStringArray = [String]()
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
var horizString = "H:|[page1(==view)]"
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let scrollView: UIScrollView = {
let scrollView = UIScrollView()
scrollView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
scrollView.isPagingEnabled = true
return scrollView
override func viewDidLoad() {
scrollView.delegate = self
view = scrollView
//userDefaults used to keep track of which screen is which to put different cities on different viewControllers
defaults.set(0, forKey: "screenNumber")
//load cities to get number of cities saved
var views : [String: UIView] = ["view": view]
//create all weatherWeatherControllers
while x <= weatherScreensArray.count {
pages.append(createAndAddWeatherScreen(number: x))
views["\(weatherScreenStringArray[x])"] = pages[x].view
let addToHoriz = "[\(weatherScreenStringArray[x])(==view)]"
let verticalConstraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|[page1(==view)]|", options: [], metrics: nil, views: views)
let horizontalConstraints = NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: horizString, options: [.alignAllTop, .alignAllBottom], metrics: nil, views: views)
NSLayoutConstraint.activate(verticalConstraints + horizontalConstraints)
//Function to create and add weatherViewController
func createAndAddWeatherScreen(number: Int) -> ViewController {
defaults.set(number, forKey: "screenNumber")
let story = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let weatherScreen = story.instantiateViewController(identifier: "View Controller") as! ViewController
weatherScreen.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
weatherScreen.didMove(toParent: self)
return weatherScreen
There are several architectural issues with your code:
You should not be calling the viewDidLoad method manually, it's very easy to extract the necessary code for fetching and reloading into a method of its own which doesn't break the lifecycle of a viewController.
It looks like you're attempting to use the scrollView as a tableView which offers reloading as a free function, as well as far better memory management.
You could use .map() instead of using while to iterate and create new arrays manually, higher order functions are very useful.
Despite all that, you can't actually reload a scrollView in the way you can a tableView. It already contains the views you added there previously, and it looks to me like you're stacking extra views over and over again, you could debug if this is the case with the visual debugger.
Lastly, in order to update a view after updating constraints you need to call:
to let the system know you want to update the subviews and their layout.

Gesture Recognizer and UIImageView With Custom Property

My app uses images which can have various statuses so I am using custom properties as tags. This works ok, but my tap gesture recognizer can't seem to access these properties. When the image is tapped, I need the action to depend on the state of these properties. Is there a way the gesture recognizer can read these custom properties from the tapped subclassed UIImageView or should I take a different approach? Thanks!
public class advancedTagUIImageView: UIImageView {
var photoViewedStatus: Bool?
var photoLikedStatus: Bool?
viewDidLoad() {
let imageView = advancedTagUIImageView(frame:CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x:50, y:50), size: CGSize(width:100,height:100)))
imageView.image = UIImage(named: dog.png)
imageView.photoViewedStatus = false
imageView.photoLikeStatus = false
imageView.tag = 7
imageView.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(soundTapped)))
#objc func soundTapped(gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {
let photoTag = gesture.view!.tag // this works great
let isPhotoLiked = gesture.view!.photoLikeStatus // this doesn't work
// do whatever
Swift is strongly typed. The type of the gesture.view property is UIView which doesn't have the properties defined in your advancedTagUIImageView class. This is because you could theoretically also attach your UITapGestureRecognizer to any other type of view. In which case the program would crash on your soundTapped method, because you're just assuming that gesture.view is an advancedTagUIImageView which might not always be the case.
For the compiler to let you access these properties you need first check if gesture.view is really your sublcass like this:
if let photoView = (gesture.view? as? advancedTagUIImageView) {
// you can access your tags here
let isPhotoLiked = photoView.photoLikeStatus
} else {
// you might want to handle the case that the gesture was invoked from another view. If you're certain this should not happen, maybe just throw an assertion error to get notified in case it still does.
PS: According to the Swift API Design Guidelines type names should be capitalized, so in your case it should be AdvancedTagUIImageView. Not following these guidelines might not crash your program, but doing so might make your life a lot easier should you ever need to write code together with other people.

How can I use NSVisualEffectView to blend window with background

There seem to be a bunch of questions on this for old versions of Swift/Xcode, but for some reason it hasn't been working with the latest update. I created a NSVisualEffectView, blurryView, and added the subview to my main view:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var blurryView: NSVisualEffectView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
//background styling
blurryView.wantsLayer = true
blurryView.blendingMode = NSVisualEffectBlendingMode.behindWindow
blurryView.material = NSVisualEffectMaterial.dark
blurryView.state =
self.view.addSubview(blurryView, positioned: NSWindowOrderingMode.above, relativeTo: nil)
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
But when I run it, there is no effect on the window. (when I set it to within window, and layer it on top of my other view, the blur works correctly, but I only want the window to blur.) I also tried doing the same thing in my App Delegate class, but I can't connect my window as an outlet, and therefore can't add the blurry view to the window. Here's what the code would look like:
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Insert code here to initialize your application
blurryView.wantsLayer = true
blurryView.blendingMode = NSVisualEffectBlendingMode.withinWindow
blurryView.material = NSVisualEffectMaterial.dark
blurryView.state =
To get an idea if what I'm looking for: NSVisualEffectView Vibrancy
It works quite easy:
In Interface Builder drag a NSVisualEffectView directly as a subview of the main view of your scene.
In the Properties Inspector set Blending Mode to Behind Window
Add the rest of the views you need as subviews of the NSVisualEffectView
That's it, you're done
Here's an example:
Panel 1 View Controller is my blurred view, Background View is the first (non-blurred) view in my "real"view hierarchy.
Swift 5:
Simply add this to your viewWillAppear and it should work:
override func viewWillAppear() {
//Adds transparency to the app
view.window?.isOpaque = false
view.window?.alphaValue = 0.98 //you can remove this line but it adds a nice effect to it
let blurView = NSVisualEffectView(frame: view.bounds)
blurView.blendingMode = .behindWindow
blurView.material = .fullScreenUI
blurView.state = .active

OSX Application: how to make window maximized?

I am working on a mac application, and I like to make initial window be in maximized state, like when you are pressing green button with plus sign.
I don't want it to be full screen.
An app in its zoomed state is not the same thing as "maximized." The green plus icon indicates zoom, which means "the appropriate size for this content." In some applications that's the visible frame (as Eric D. discusses), but it can be almost anything. Try zooming a Safari window for instance.
Assuming you really want "maximized" and not "zoom", then Eric is on the right track, but it can be done better. First, you should use the window's screen if it has one. Also, you should not animate the window resize during launch (since that can look awkward on launch).
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
if let screen = window.screen ?? NSScreen.mainScreen() {
window.setFrame(screen.visibleFrame, display: true)
You may want to consider using a NSWindowController to manage this rather than putting it in the application delegate. In that case, you can put this in windowDidLoad. Window controllers are a pretty common tool in AppKit (as opposed to view controllers, which are not historically as common).
If you actually want zoom behavior, familiarize yourself with the the NSWindowDelegate method windowWillUseStandardFrame(_:defaultFrame:). You shouldn't generally call zoom(_:) directly on launch because that will animate, but whatever logic you do in the delegate should be used to compute your frame. Again, make sure to adjust your frame to live on the window's screen if it has one, rather than the main screen.
Ideally, you really should be honoring the last frame that the user used rather than forcing it to the visible frame. That's called frameAutosave in Cocoa if you want to research that more. A window controller will help you manage that somewhat automatically if you just set a autosave name in Interface Builder. (Though it's slightly complicated by needing to compute the frame on first launch to get the visible frame, so it won't be completely automatic.)
Do give some careful thought before making your default frame be the visible frame in any case. That can be really enormous on large monitors (there are still a lot of 30" Cinema displays out there, but even on a 27" it can be pretty overwhelming). Sometimes that's fine depending on your app, but I often find that it's worth defining a maximum initial size (while allowing the user to make it larger).
You can "zoom" a window to the max available space by using NSScreen's visibleFrame as the target frame. Let's say window is your NSWindow IBOutlet:
if let screen = NSScreen.mainScreen() {
window.setFrame(screen.visibleFrame, display: true, animate: true)
For example, in the AppDelegate.swift:
import Cocoa
class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow!
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification: NSNotification) {
if let screen = NSScreen.mainScreen() {
window.setFrame(screen.visibleFrame, display: true, animate: true)
in Swift 4.2:
class ViewController: NSViewController {
override func viewDidAppear() {
view.window?.zoom(self) //bespread the screen
//view.window?.toggleFullScreen(self) //fullscreen
2020 | SWIFT 5.1:
use extension:
extension NSWindowController {
func maximize() { self.window?.zoom(self) }
just call maximize() of NSWindowController instance :)
Swift 5
If anyone's still having issues, trying calling the zoom function the main thread. Worked for me.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
Hi Guys I really appreciate your help.
I am working on a document based mac application. I put the code you provided in the makeWindowControllers() of Document class and it works like a charm.
Thank you very much. Here is the code I use.
override func makeWindowControllers() {
// Returns the Storyboard that contains your Document window.
let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let windowController = storyboard.instantiateControllerWithIdentifier("Document Window Controller") as! NSWindowController
if let screen = NSScreen.mainScreen() {
windowController.window?.setFrame(screen.visibleFrame, display: true, animate: true)
this code works well only on single-windowed application, but it's really easy to edit to work with multy-windowed application
usage to maximize and unmaximize window:
Source code
public class TheApp {
static var maximized: Bool {
get {
guard let visibleFrame = NSScreen.main?.visibleFrame,
let window = NSApp.mainWindow
else { return false }
return window.frame == visibleFrame
set { NSApp.mainWindow?.zoom(newValue) }
static var fullscreen: Bool {
get {
guard let screenFrame = NSScreen.main?.frame,
let window = NSApp.mainWindow
else { return false }
return window.frame == screenFrame
} set {
static var mimimized: Bool {
get { NSApp.mainWindow?.isMiniaturized ?? false }
set { NSApp?.mainWindow?.miniaturize(newValue) }

Trouble setting the frame for a custom camera overlay using Swift

As the question states, I'm having trouble setting the view frame for my custom camera overlay using the Swift language. I keep getting an error that states "value of optional type "CGRect" not unwrapped" that I don't quite understand. The problem line is this one:
cameraOverlay.frame = camera.cameraOverlayView?.frame
Xcode attempts to auto-correct the issue by adding a bang (!) at the end of frame, but that does not work either, and creates another error.
Here is my entire nib initialization code for my custom camera overlay:
#IBOutlet var cameraOverlay: UIView!
override func viewDidLoad()
var camera = UIImagePickerController()
camera.delegate = self
camera.allowsEditing = false
camera.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceType.Camera
camera.showsCameraControls = false
NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("CameraOverlay", owner: self, options: nil)
cameraOverlay.frame = camera.cameraOverlayView?.frame
camera.cameraOverlayView = cameraOverlay
cameraOverlay = nil
self.presentViewController(camera, animated: false, completion: nil)
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
Make sure your nib view does not have a white background, or else the camera will not appear. Set the view background color to clearColor, and make sure opaque is unchecked to be safe. I had this problem for a little while until I realized what was happening.
Use this
cameraOverlay.frame = camera.cameraOverlayView!.frame
Actually you are using ? optional chaining which returns frame as wrapped in optional.! is used for optional unwrapping
or you can also do
//it will not crash but you should handle nil case using unwrap by `!` as shown above using `if` condition
cameraOverlay.frame = (camera.cameraOverlayView?.frame)!