Matlab - string containing a number and equal sign - matlab

I have a data file that contains parameter names and values with an equal sign in between them. It's like this:
A = 1234
B = 1353.335
C =
D = 1
There is always one space before and after the equal sign. The problem is some variables don't have values assigned to them like "C" above and I need to weed them out.
I want to read the data file (text) into a cell and just remove the lines with those invalid statements or just create a new data file without them.
Whichever is easier, but I will eventually read the file into a cell with textscan command.
The values (numbers) will be treated as double precision.
Please, help.
Thank you,

Try this:
fid = fopen('file.txt'); %// open file
x = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n'); %// or '\r'. Read each line into a cell
fclose(fid); %// close file
x = x{1}; %// each cell of x contains a line of the file
ind = ~cellfun(#isempty, regexp(x, '=\s[\d\.]+$')); %// desired lines: space, numbers, end
x = x(ind); %// keep only those lines

If you just want to get the variables, and reject lines that do not have any character, this might work (the data.txt is just a txt generated by the example of data you have given):
fid = fopen('data.txt');
tline = fgets(fid);
while ischar(tline)
tmp = cell2mat(regexp(tline,'\=(.*)','match'));
if ~isnan(b)
tline = fgets(fid);
I am reading the txt file line by line, and using general expressions to get rid of useless chars, and then converting to double the value read.


How to read in lines of unequal length CSV doubles

I have a file where each line is a list of CSV doubles, i.e:
I need to read in each line, temporarily store it as a 1 x n double array for some calculations, then move onto the next line.
The idea I had was:
fid = fopen('fileName.txt');
tline = fgets(fid);
while ischar(tline)
% Update with solution I came up with
values = cellfun(#str2double,regexp(tline,',', 'split'));
tline = fgets(fid);
You can search for the commas contained in each line and the either use the indexes of their location in the string or their amount to loop till the end of the line.

Can Matlab readtable work on a text file delimited with variable numbers of spaces?

I have several text files that are formatted something like this, each file with a different number of rows (but around 1000 rows in each).
Id X Y Curve
1 0.0000000000 -0.0000286102 Domain_BCs
2 0.0010000000 -202.5294952393 Domain_BCs
3 0.2028919513 -1098.9577636719 Domain_BCs
4 1.0000000000 -2286.1757812500 Domain_BCs
I want to bring this data into Matlab, break it into separate vectors according to the string in the Curve column, and plot Y as a function of X.
The data is space-delimited with a variable number of spaces, and there are also a variable number of spaces at the start of each row (before the Id column). I know that readtable would work if there were no spaces at the beginning of the rows and only one space between columns. Is there any way to make readtable work with data in this format?
I also considered using textscan, but my understanding is that I would need to know the number of rows in order to use textscan, which makes things trickier because the number of rows is different for each file I want to process.
Textscan is exactly meant for this purpose. You can just use textscan without knowing the number of lines :) Any amount of whitespace is interpreted as a single delimiter standard. So just use:
FID = fopen('test2.txt');
formatSpec = '%d %f %f %s';
C = textscan(FID,formatSpec);
In test2.txt I just pasted your example a few times (without headers).
Each column of your file is then read into a cell in C.
fgets - Read lines without concerning number of lines
strsplit - split a string with delimiters
fid = fopen('yourfile.txt');
tline = fgets(fid);
while ischar(tline)
trow = strsplit(tline, ' ', 'CollapseDelimiters',true);
tline = fgets(fid);
If you want to speed up a little bit,
fid = fopen('yourfile.txt');
counter = 0;
tline = fgets(fid);
trow = strsplit(tline, ' ', 'CollapseDelimiters',true);
while ischar(tline)
counter = counter + 1;
tline = fgets(fid);
T = zeros(counter, length(trow));
while ischar(tline)
trow = strsplit(tline, ' ', 'CollapseDelimiters',true);
tline = fgets(fid);

Textscan until end of line

I'm trying to textscan a file and read a single line until the end of it, undependently of the number of elements in that line.
My file is a .txt file formatted like this :
And so on. I have the number of the line, and all lines have the same number of elements, but it can vary from one file to another.
I wrote something like:
fid = fopen('somefile.txt');
C = textscan(fid, formatSpec,'HeaderLines',Row-1);
TheLine = C{1};
X = numel(TheLine);
I really don't know what to type in the formatSpec field. I've tried a few things in the way of %[^\n] but I didn't get much sucess.
Try this -
C = textscan(fid, '%d,','HeaderLines',Row-1);
Row will specify the row of data that you want to extract from the text file.

Text Scanning to read in unknown number of variables and unknown number of runs

I am trying to read in a csv file which will have the format
Var1 Val1A Val1B ... Val1Q
Var2 Val2A Val2B ... Val2Q
And I will not know ahead of time how many variables (rows) or how many runs (columns) will be in the file.
I have been trying to get text scan to work but no matter what I try I cannot get either all the variable names isolated or a rows by columns cell array. This is what I've been trying.
fID = fopen(strcat(pwd,'/',inputFile),'rt');
if fID == -1
disp('Could not find file')
vars = textscan(fID, '%s,%*s','delimiter','\n');
Does anyone have a suggestion?
If the file has the same number of columns in each row (you just don't know how many to begin with), try the following.
First, figure out how many columns by parsing just the first row and find the number of columns, then parse the full file:
% Open the file, get the first line
fid = fopen('myfile.txt');
line = fgetl(fid);
tmp = textscan(line, '%s');
% The length of tmp will tell you how many lines
n = length(tmp);
% Now scan the file
fid = fopen('myfile.txt');
tmp = textscan(fid, repmat('%s ', [1, n]));
For any given file, are all the lines equal length? If they are, you could start by reading in the first line and use that to count the number of fields and then use textscan to read in the file.
fID = fopen(strcat(pwd,'/',inputFile),'rt');
firstLine = fgetl(fID);
numFields = length(strfind(firstLine,' ')) + 1;
formatString = repmat('%s',1,numFields);
fID = fopen(strcat(pwd,'/',inputFile),'rt');
vars = textscan(fID, formatString,' ');
Now you will have a cell array where first entry are the var names and all the other entries are the observations.
In this case I assumed the delimiter was space even though you said it was a csv file. If it is really commas, you can change the code accordingly.

Reading a text file and plotting it in 3D

I want to read in a text file that contains some strings but mostly numbers. I want to be able to ignore the strings and only look at the numbers. I want to plot those values on a 3D plane. The data looks like this:
I believe to read in a file is just:
File = textread('testFile.txt');
How can I only look at those values and then plot it.
fid = fopen([pathname,filename]);
tline = fgetl(fid);
CX = [];
CY = [];
CZ = [];
while ischar(tline)
% skip < and >
tline = substr(tline, 1, length(tline)-2)
% extract numbers
temp = textscan(tline,'%n%n%n', 'delimiter',',');
CX(end+1,:) = [temp(1)];
CY(end+1,:) = [temp(2)];
CZ(end+1,:) = [temp(3)];
tline = fgetl(fid);
and then plot it using
plot3(CX, CY, CZ)
function call.
Add the check for "Tech4:" at the beginning however...
I think you can also directly use textscan in a one-liner:
fid = fopen('testFile.txt');
data = textscan(fid,'%*s%f,%f,%f');
this loads the values from all rows with the specified format into the variable data.
no matlab around to test it out though.
fscanf is an option to, the same kind of parameters as textscan.
EDIT: typo, you want to detect floats (%f) of course, and not integers (%d)
EDIT2: got matlab and tested it out, this works here for your sample input ^^
fid = fopen('testFile.txt');
data = textscan(fid,'%*s%f%f%f','Delimiter',',<>')