I have a simple database consisting of 2 tables - movie and comment, where comments are related to movies, and then I have following piece of scala anorm code:
case class Comment(commentId: Long, comment: String)
case class Movie(movieId: Long, name: String, movieType: String)
object MovieDao {
val movieParser: RowParser[Movie] = {
long("movieId") ~
str("name") ~
str("movieType") map {
case movieId ~ name ~ movieType => Movie(movieId, name, movieType)
val commentParser: RowParser[Comment] = {
long("commentId") ~
str("comment") map {
case commentId ~ comment => Comment(commentId, comment)
def getAll(movieType: String) = DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
|FROM movie
|LEFT JOIN comment USING(movieId)
|WHERE movieType = {movieType}
.on("movieType" -> movieType)
.as(((movieParser ~ (commentParser ?)) map (flatten)) *)
.groupBy(_._1) map {(mc: (Movie, List[(Movie, Option[Comment])])) =>
mc match {
case (a, b) => (a, b filter { //filter rows with no comments
case (c, Some(d)) => true
case _ => false
} map(_._2))
} toList
My goal is to return List[(Movie, Option[List[Comment]])] from getAll method, so I can iterate over movies and check if there are any comments as simple as possible, e.i. match None or Some on comments List. I'm currently returning List[(Movie, Option[List[Option[Comment]])] and I'm only able to check size of comments List (thanks to using filter method), which I don't consider as the right way to do it in scala.
My second question is about parsing query itself, I think it's just to complicated the way I did it. Is there any simpler and nicer solution to parse 0..N relation using anorm?
Peter, it's possibly more style than anything dramatically different, but with a MovieComments case class, you could write something like:
case class MovieComments(movie: Movie, comments: List[Comment])
val movieCommentsP =
movieParser ~ (commentParser ?) map {
case movie ~ comment =>
MovieComments(movie,if (comment.isEmpty) List() else List(comment.get))
val movieSqlSelector = "m.movieId, m.name, m.movieType"
val commentSqlSelector = "c.commentId, c.comment"
def getAll(movieType: String) :List[MovieComments]= DB.withConnection {
implicit connection =>
|FROM movie
|LEFT JOIN comment USING(movieId)
|WHERE movieType = {movieType}
.on('movieType -> movieType)
.as(movieCommentsP *)
.groupBy(_.movie.movieId) map {
case (movieId,movieComments) =>
You may really need an Option[List[Comment]], but wouldn't a List[Comment] do? List() is the "no comment" case after all. (P.S. I find the use of sqlSelector variables helps with refactoring.)
I'm trying to model the following with Slick 3.1.0;
case class Review(txt: String, userId: Long, id: Long)
case class User(name: String, id: Long)
case class ReviewEvent(event: String, reviewId: Long)
I need to populate a class called a FullReview, which looks like;
case class FullReview(r: Review, user: User, evts: Seq[ReviewEvent])
Assuming I have the right tables for each of the models, I'm trying to fetch a FullReview using a combination of join and group by, like so:
val withUser = for {
(r, u) <- RTable join UTable on (_.userId === _.id)
val withUAndEvts = (for {
((r, user), evts) <- withUser joinLeft ETable on {
case ((r, _), ev) => r.id === ev.reviewId
} yield (r, user, events)).groupBy(_._1._id)
This seems to yield, when a nested Query type, from what I can see. What am I doing wrong here?
If I understand you correctly, you can use following example:
val users = TableQuery[Users]
val reviews = TableQuery[Reviews]
val events = TableQuery[ReviewEvents]
override def findAllReviews(): Future[Seq[FullReview]] = {
val query = reviews
.join(users).on(_.userId === _.id)
.joinLeft(events).on(_._1.id === _.reviewId)
db.run(query.result).map { a =>
a.groupBy(_._1._1.id).map { case (_, tuples) =>
val ((review, user), _) = tuples.head
val reviewEvents = tuples.flatMap(_._2)
FullReview(review, user, reviewEvents)
If you want to add pagination to this request, I've already answered here and here is full example.
From some tinkering around, I figured it would just be better to do the aggregation on the client. What that would mean, indirectly, is that if 100 rows on the table ETable would match a single row on the RTable, you would get multiple rows on the client. The client then has to implement its own aggregation to group all the ReviewEvent by Review.
As far as pagination is concerned, you may do something like;
def withUser(page: Int, pageSize: Int) = for {
(r, u) <- RTable.drop(page * pageSize).take(pageSize) join UTable on (_.userId === _.id)
I guess this is elegant enough for now. If someone has a better answer, I'd be happy to hear it.
The scenario is similar to the question at How to better parse the same table twice with Anorm? however the described solutions on that question can no longer be used.
On the scenario where a Message has 2 users I need to parse the from_user and to_user with SQL joins.
case class User(id: Long, name: String)
case class Message(id: Long, body: String, to: User, from: User)
def userParser(alias: String): RowParser[User] = {
get[Long](alias + "_id") ~ get[String](alias + "_name") map {
case id~name => User(id, name)
val parser: RowParser[Message] = {
userParser("from_user") ~
userParser("to_user") ~
get[Long]("messages.id") ~
get[String]("messages.name") map {
case from~to~id~body => Message(id, body, to, from)
// More alias here possible ?
val aliaser: ColumnAliaser = ColumnAliaser.withPattern((0 to 2).toSet, "from_user.")
SELECT from_user.* , to_user.*, message.* FROM MESSAGE
JOIN USER from_user on from_user.id = message_from_user_id
JOIN USER to_user on to_user.id = message.to_user
.asTry(parser, aliaser)
If I'm right thinking you want to apply multiple ColumnAliaser with different aliasing policies to the same query, it's important to understand that ColumnAliaser is "just" a specific implementation of Function[(Int, ColumnName), Option[String]], so it can be defined/composed as any Function, and is simplified by the factory functions in its companion object.
import anorm.{ ColumnAliaser, ColumnName }
val aliaser = new ColumnAliaser {
def as1 = ColumnAliaser.withPattern((0 to 2).toSet, "from_user.")
def as2 = ColumnAliaser.withPattern((2 to 4).toSet, "to_user.")
def apply(column: (Int, ColumnName)): Option[String] =
I have a collection of type Future[Option[String]] and I map it to a function that returns Future[Option[Profile]], but this create a return type of Future[Option[Future[Option[Profile]]]] because queryProfile return type is `Future[Option[Profile]]'
val users: Future[Option[User]] = someQuery
val email: Future[Option[String]] = users map(opSL => opSL map(_.email) )
val userProfile = email map {opE => opE map {E => queryProfile(E)}}
I need to use the Profile object contained deep inside val userProfile without unpacking all these levels, what would be the right way to use flatMap or `flatten', or is there a better approach all together ?
You can get a "partial Future" with something like this:
val maybeProfile: Future[Profile] = users
.collect { case Some(u) => u.email }
.flatMap { email => queryProfile(email) }
.collect { case Some(p) => p }
Now maybeProfile contains the (completely "naked"/unwrapped) Profile instance, but only if it was able to find it. You can .map it as usual to do something else with it, that'll work in the usual ways.
If you want to ever block and wait for completion, you will have to handle the missing case at some point. For example:
val optionalProfile: Option[Profile] = Await.result(
.map { p => Some(p) } // Or just skip the last `collect` above
.recover { case _:NoSuchElementException => None },
1 seconds
If you are happy with just having Future[Option[Profile]], and would prefer to have the "unwrapping" magic, and handling the missing case localized in one place, you can put the two fragments from above together like this:
val maybeProfile: Future[Option[Profile]] = users
.collect { case Some(u) => u.email }
.flatMap { email => queryProfile(email) }
.recover { case _:NoSuchElementException => None }
Or use Option.fold like the other answer suggested:
val maybeProfile: Future[Option[Profile]] = users
.map { _.map(_.email) }
.flatMap { _.fold[Future[Option[Profile]]](Future.successful(None))(queryProfile) }
Personally, I find the last option less readable though.
Personally I think a monad transformer such as OptionT provided by scalaz/cats would be the cleanest approach:
val users = OptionT[Future,User](someQuery)
def queryProfile(email:String) : OptionT[Future,Profile] = ...
for {
u <- users
p <- queryProfile(u.email)
} yield p
I'd just create a helper method like this:
private def resolveProfile(optEmail: Option[String]): Future[Option[Profile] =
optEmail.fold(Future.successful(None)) { email =>
which then allows you to just flatMap your original email future like so:
val userProfile = email.flatMap(resolveProfile)
My list looks like the following: List(Person,Invite,Invite,Person,Invite,Person...). I am trying to match based on a inviteCountRequired, meaning that the Invite objects following the Person object in the list is variable. What is the best way of doing this? My match code so far looks like this:
aList match {
case List(Person(_,_,_),Invitee(_,_,_),_*) => ...
case _ => ...
First stack question, please go easy on me.
val aList = List(Person(1), Invite(2), Invite(3), Person(2), Invite(4), Person(3), Invite(6), Invite(7))
Then index each location in the list and select Person instances,
val persons = (aList zip Stream.from(0)).filter {_._1.isInstanceOf[Person]}
namely, List((Person(1),0), (Person(2),3), (Person(3),5)) . Define then sublists where the lower bound corresponds to a Person instance,
val intervals = persons.map{_._2}.sliding(2,1).toArray
res31: Array[List[Int]] = Array(List(0, 3), List(3, 5))
Construct sublists,
val latest = aList.drop(intervals.last.last) // last Person and Invitees not paired
val associations = intervals.map { case List(pa,pb,_*) => b.slice(pa,pb) } ++ latest
Hence the result looks like
Array(List(Person(1), Invite(2), Invite(3)), List(Person(2), Invite(4)), List(Person(3), Invite(6), Invite(7)))
associations.map { a =>
val person = a.take(1)
val invitees = a.drop(1)
// ...
This approach may be seen as a variable size sliding.
Thanks for your tips. I ended up creating another case class:
case class BallotInvites(person:Person,invites:List[Any])
Then, I populated it from the original list:
def constructBallotList(ballots:List[Any]):List[BallotInvites] ={
ballots.zipWithIndex.collect {
case (iv:Ballot,i) =>{
case y:Invitee => true
case y:Person =>true
case y:Ballot => false})
val l = Ballot.constructBallotList(ballots)
Then to count based on inviteCountRequired, I did the following:
val count = l.count(b=>if ((b.invites.count(x => x.isInstanceOf[Person]) / contest.inviteCountRequired)>0) true else false )
I am not sure I understand the domain but you should only need to iterate once to construct a list of person + invites tuple.
sealed trait PorI
case class P(i: Int) extends PorI
case class I(i: Int) extends PorI
val l: List[PorI] = List(P(1), I(1), I(1), P(2), I(2), P(3), P(4), I(4))
val res = l.foldLeft(List.empty[(P, List[I])])({ case (res, t) =>
t match {
case p # P(_) => (p, List.empty[I]) :: res
case i # I(_) => {
val head :: tail = res
(head._1, i :: head._2) :: tail
res // List((P(4),List(I(4))), (P(3),List()), (P(2),List(I(2))), (P(1),List(I(1), I(1))))
Does anyone know how to parse DBObject to case class object using subset2 ? Super concise documentation doesn't help me :(
Consider following case class
case class MenuItem(id : Int, name: String, desc: Option[String], prices: Option[Array[String]], subitems: Option[Array[MenuItem]])
object MenuItem {
implicit val asBson = BsonWritable[MenuItem](item =>
val buf: DBObjectBuffer = DBO("id" -> item.id, "name" -> item.name)
item.desc match { case Some(value) => buf.append("desc" -> value) case None => }
item.prices match { case Some(value) => buf.append("prices" -> value) case None => }
item.subitems match { case Some(value) => buf.append("subitems" -> value) case None => }
and I wrote this parser
val menuItemParser: DocParser[MenuItem] = int("id") ~ str("name") ~ str("desc").opt ~ get[Array[String]]("prices").opt ~ get[Array[MenuItem]]("subitems").opt map {
case id ~ name ~ desc_opt ~ prices_opt ~ subitems => {
MenuItem(id, name, desc_opt, prices_opt, subitems)
It works if I remove last field subitems. But version shown above doesn't compile because MenuItem has field that references itself. It gives me following error
Cannot find Field for Array[com.borsch.model.MenuItem]
val menuItemParser: DocParser[MenuItem] = int("id") ~ str("name") ~ str("desc").opt ~ get[Array[String]]("prices").opt ~ get[Array[MenuItem]]("subitems").opt map {
It obviously doesn't compile because last get wants Field[MenuItem] implicit. But if I define it for MenuItem wouldn't it be pretty much copy-paste of DocParser[MenuItem] ?
How would you do it elegantly ?
I am an author of Subset (both 1.x and 2).
The README states that you need to have Field[T] per every T you would like to read (it's under "deserialization" section)
Just a side note. Frankly I don't find very logical to name a deserializer for MenuItem to be jodaDateTime.
Anyway Field[T] must translate from vanilla BSON types to your T. BSON cannot store MenuItem natively, see native BSON types here
But certainly the main problem is that you have a recursive data structure, so your "serializer" (BsonWritable) and "deserializer" (Field) must be recursive as well. Subset has implicit serializer/deserializer for List[T], but they require you to provide those for MenuItem : recursion.
To keep things short, I shall demonstrate you how you would write something like that for simpler "case class".
Suppose we have
case class Rec(id: Int, children: Option[List[Rec]])
Then the writer may look like
object Rec {
implicit object asBson extends BsonWritable[Rec] {
override def apply(rec: Rec) =
Some( DBO("id" -> rec.id, "children" -> rec.children)() )
Here, when you are writing rec.children into "DBObject", BsonWriteable[Rec] is being used and it requires "implicit" Field[Rec] in turn. So, this serializer is recursive.
As of the deserializer, the following will do
import DocParser._
implicit lazy val recField = Field({ case Doc(rec) => rec })
lazy val Doc: DocParser[Rec] =
get[Int]("id") ~ get[List[Rec]]("children").opt map {
case id ~ children => new Rec(id, children)
These are mutually recursive (remember to use lazy val!)
You would use them like so:
val dbo = DBO("y" -> Rec(123, Some(Rec(234, None) :: Nil))) ()
val Y = DocParser.get[Rec]("y")
dbo match {
case Y(doc) => doc