Play with scala - Injecting dependencies through an instance of Guice Injector - scala

My application makes use of Play-2.4.2/Scala-2.11.6 that comes with built-in Guice support for DI
All my DAOs bind an implementation to an interface as below , which is supposed to be the simplest way in Guice
trait PersonDAO {
class PersonDAOImpl #Inject()
(#NamedDatabase("mysql")protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider,
protected val cache : CacheApi) extends PersonDAO with SQLWrapper {
The above implementation does not need addition of any module to provide bindings.
Now for some reason, I do not want to inject the dependencies into the constructor of Books class using #Inject annotation . So , I tried injecting it as below
class Books {
val injector = Guice.createInjector()
val personDAO : PersonDAO = injector.getInstance(classOf[PersonDAOImpl])
But this throws me a guice configuration exception saying :
Caused by: Guice configuration errors:
1) No implementation for play.api.cache.CacheApi was bound.
while locating play.api.cache.CacheApi
for parameter 1 at schema.PersonDAOImpl.<init>
while locating PersonDAO
2) No implementation for play.api.db.slick.DatabaseConfigProvider annotated with #play.db.NamedDatabase(value=mysql) was bound.
while locating play.api.cache.CacheApi
for parameter 2 at schema.PersonDAOImpl.<init> while locating PersonDAO
What needs to be done now ? Is my approach right or wrong in this case ? Can someone help me out with this ? Thanks in advance.

You can use the Injector from the current Play Application.
import play.api.{ Application, Play }
import play.api.inject.Injector
val currentApp: Application = Play.current
val injector: Injector = currentApp.injector
// in short play.api.Play.current.injector
// Then use the injector
import play.api.inject.ApplicationLifecycle
addStopHook { () => ??? }
(See example using injector with the Play plugin for ReactiveMongo)


Error trying to inject a dependency in Lagom

I'm trying to create a simple service to send emails using Lagom framework and the Scaladsl. I'm trying to use the Play Mailer Plugin to handle emails but I'm struggling trying to inject it into the service implementation.
I created the service trait and implementation passing the mailerClient as a dependency in the constructor.
trait MailerService extends Service { ... }
class MailerServiceImpl(mailerClient: MailerClient, persistentEntityRegistry: PersistentEntityRegistry) extends MailerService {
I'm wiring the service in the ApplicationLoader, following the pattern explained in the Lagom documentation and in the hello world application using macwire.
abstract class MailerApplication(context: LagomApplicationContext)
extends LagomApplication(context)
with CassandraPersistenceComponents
with AhcWSComponents {
override lazy val lagomServer: LagomServer = serverFor[MailerService](wire[MailerServiceImpl])
override lazy val jsonSerializerRegistry = MailerSerializerRegistry
When I try to compile, I get the following error.
Cannot find a value of type: [play.api.libs.mailer.MailerClient]
I thought macwire would be able to sort out the dependencies from the constructor but it looks like it's not really. I've tried different options, like trying to wire it explicitly in the application loader without any success so far.
I'm pretty sure there's something I'm getting wrong about how DI works in Lagom but I cannot figure it out.
Any ideas?
For the MailerClient to be injectable, you need to mix in the MailerComponents trait along with the other traits you use in your service.
For example:
// ...
import play.api.libs.mailer._
abstract class MailerApplication(context: LagomApplicationContext)
extends LagomApplication(context)
with MailerComponents // add this here
with CassandraPersistenceComponents
with AhcWSComponents {
override lazy val lagomServer: LagomServer = serverFor[MailerService](wire[MailerServiceImpl])
override lazy val jsonSerializerRegistry = MailerSerializerRegistry
This is described in the Play Mailer documentation on compile-time injection

Play 2.5 Guice errors when compiling

I am currently in the process of migrating my app from Play 2.4 to Play 2.5 So far, it's been a massive pain.
Right now, I am trying to make my tests to pass.
I have one controller with some injected params
class UserLogin #Inject() (
loginService: UserLoginService,
authConfig: AuthConfig,
oAuthConfig: OAuthConfig,
env: PureEnvironment,
//stringResources: StringResources,
messagesApi: MessagesApi
) extends BaseController(messagesApi: MessagesApi) {
From the testing side, I have them defined to be injected with Guice
object IdentityManagerModuleMock extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule {
def configure: Unit = {
val conf = Configuration.reference
val messagesApi = new DefaultMessagesApi(Environment.simple(), conf, new DefaultLangs(conf))
val injector = Guice.createInjector(IdentityManagerModuleMock)
When I enable the routes in my routes file,
POST /login
POST /reset
1) No implementation for was bound.
[info] while locating
[info] for parameter 0 at<init>(UserLogin.scala:24)
2) No implementation for com.dummy.platform.PureEnvironment was bound.
[info] while locating com.dummy.platform.PureEnvironment
[info] for parameter 3 at<init>(UserLogin.scala:24)
3) No implementation for scala.collection.Seq<> was bound.
[info] while locating scala.collection.Seq<>
[info] for parameter 4 at<init>(AuthConfig.scala:13)
5) Could not find a suitable constructor in java.lang.Integer. Classes must have either one
(and only one) constructor annotated with #Inject or a zero-argument constructor that is not private.
[info] at java.lang.Integer.class(
[info] while locating java.lang.Integer
[info] for parameter 1 at<init>(AuthConfig.scala:13)
The weird thing is that I have a very similar config for actual running the app, without the MessagesAPI (injected by Play, as far as I know) and those config objects which are read from the .conf file.
object IdentityManagerModule extends AbstractModule with ScalaModule {
def configure: Unit = {
And it runs just fine.
The main thing that I changed was to add the dependency to MessagesAPI in the controller.
I don't understand why Guice fails to see the things that are binded in IdentityManagerModuleMock.
Any ideas are more than welcomed. I have read and tried all I could think of for the past several days.
We have a custom app loader
class CustomApplicationLoader extends GuiceApplicationLoader() {
//config validation
override def builder(context: ApplicationLoader.Context): GuiceApplicationBuilder = {
val conf = context.initialConfiguration
.overrides(overrides(context): _*)
In the .conf file, it's used as
play.application.loader = "com.dummy.guice.CustomApplicationLoader"
It doesn't look like you need a custom application loader for what you're doing. If you disable the out of the box MessagesApi and then add your own modules through application.conf, that should mean you don't have to override MessagesApi.
If you're running tests involving Guice, you can use WithApplication.
You shouldn't ever have to call Guice.createInjector directly, because WithApplication will call out to GuiceApplicationBuilder:
Check out the example projects: they all have "2.5.x" branches and most have tests integrated into them, and leverage them as a guide:

Manual Dependancy Injection App testing Play 2.5.x

I have project with manual dependency injection. Can I test my application with standard Play test suite?
class AppLoader extends ApplicationLoader {
override def load(context: Context): Application = {
new AppComponents(context).application
class AppComponents(context: Context) extends BuiltInComponentsFromContext(context) with EhCacheComponents with EvolutionsComponents with DBComponents with HikariCPComponents{
lazy val applicationController = new controllers.Application(defaultCacheApi, dbApi.database("default"))
lazy val usersController = new controllers.Users(defaultCacheApi)
lazy val assets = new controllers.Assets(httpErrorHandler)
// Routes is a generated class
override def router: Router = new Routes(httpErrorHandler, applicationController, usersController, assets)
For now test is very simple
class ApplicationTest extends PlaySpec with OneAppPerTest {
"Application" must {
"send 404 on a bad request" in {
route(FakeRequest(GET, "/boum")) mustBe None
Test ends up with error:
Could not find a suitable constructor in controllers.Application. Classes must have either one (and only one) constructor annotated with #Inject or a zero-argument
I presume I need somehow use my AppLoader instead of defualt Guice mechanisam inside ApplicationTest class, because Application controller has dependacy ( cacheApi, dbApi ...)
route method can take application as argument but how can I obtain context to manually instantiate AppLoader class ? Being newbie in Scala recommendations are most welcomed.
This example answered all of my questions:
Using term compile time dependency injection yield much more results then manual dependency injection.

Dependency injection with abstract class and object in Play Framework 2.5

I'm trying to migrate from Play 2.4 to 2.5 avoiding deprecated stuff.
I had an abstract class Microservice from which I created some objects. Some functions of the Microservice class used to make HTTP requests and also play.Play.application.configuration to read the configuration.
Previously, all I needed was some imports like:
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
But now you should use dependency injection to use WS and also to use access the current Play application.
I have something like this (shortened):
abstract class Microservice(serviceName: String) {
// ...
protected lazy val serviceURL: String = play.Play.application.configuration.getString(s"microservice.$serviceName.url")
// ...and functions using WS.url()...
An object looks something like this (shortened):
object HelloWorldService extends Microservice("helloWorld") {
// ...
Unfortunately I don't understand how I get all the stuff (WS, configuration, ExecutionContect) into the abstract class to make it work.
I tried to change it to:
abstract class Microservice #Inject() (serviceName: String, ws: WSClient, configuration: play.api.Configuration)(implicit context: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) {
// ...
But this doesn't solve the problem, because now I have to change the object too, and I can't figure out how.
I tried to turn the object into a #Singleton class, like:
class HelloWorldService #Inject() (implicit ec: scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) extends Microservice ("helloWorld", ws: WSClient, configuration: play.api.Configuration) { /* ... */ }
I tried all sorts of combinations, but I'm not getting anywhere and I feel I'm not really on the right track here.
Any ideas how I can use things like WS the proper way (not using deprecated methods) without making things so complicated?
This is more related to how Guice handles inheritance and you have to do exactly what you would do if you were not using Guice, which is declaring the parameters to the superclass and calling the super constructor at your child classes. Guice even suggest it at its docs:
Wherever possible, use constructor injection to create immutable objects. Immutable objects are simple, shareable, and can be composed.
Constructor injection has some limitations:
Subclasses must call super() with all dependencies. This makes constructor injection cumbersome, especially as the injected base class changes.
In pure Java, it will means doing something like this:
public abstract class Base {
private final Dependency dep;
public Base(Dependency dep) {
this.dep = dep;
public class Child extends Base {
private final AnotherDependency anotherDep;
public Child(Dependency dep, AnotherDependency anotherDep) {
super(dep); // guaranteeing that fields at superclass will be properly configured
this.anotherDep = anotherDep;
Dependency injection won't change that and you will just have to add the annotations to indicate how to inject the dependencies. In this case, since Base class is abstract, and then no instances of Base can be created, we may skip it and just annotate Child class:
public abstract class Base {
private final Dependency dep;
public Base(Dependency dep) {
this.dep = dep;
public class Child extends Base {
private final AnotherDependency anotherDep;
public Child(Dependency dep, AnotherDependency anotherDep) {
super(dep); // guaranteeing that fields at superclass will be properly configured
this.anotherDep = anotherDep;
Translating to Scala, we will have something like this:
abstract class Base(dep: Dependency) {
// something else
class Child #Inject() (anotherDep: AnotherDependency, dep: Dependency) extends Base(dep) {
// something else
Now, we can rewrite your code to use this knowledge and avoid deprecated APIs:
abstract class Microservice(serviceName: String, configuration: Configuration, ws: WSClient) {
protected lazy val serviceURL: String = configuration.getString(s"microservice.$serviceName.url")
// ...and functions using the injected WSClient...
// a class instead of an object
// annotated as a Singleton
class HelloWorldService(configuration: Configuration, ws: WSClient)
extends Microservice("helloWorld", configuration, ws) {
// ...
The last point is the implicit ExecutionContext and here we have two options:
Use the default execution context, which will be play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
Use other thread pools
This depends on you, but you can easily inject an ActorSystem to lookup the dispatcher. If you decide to go with a custom thread pool, you can do something like this:
abstract class Microservice(serviceName: String, configuration: Configuration, ws: WSClient, actorSystem: ActorSystem) {
// this will be available here and at the subclass too
implicit val executionContext = actorSystem.dispatchers.lookup("my-context")
protected lazy val serviceURL: String = configuration.getString(s"microservice.$serviceName.url")
// ...and functions using the injected WSClient...
// a class instead of an object
// annotated as a Singleton
class HelloWorldService(configuration: Configuration, ws: WSClient, actorSystem: ActorSystem)
extends Microservice("helloWorld", configuration, ws, actorSystem) {
// ...
How to use HelloWorldService?
Now, there are two things you need to understand in order to proper inject an instance of HelloWorldService where you need it.
From where HelloWorldService gets its dependencies?
Guice docs has a good explanation about it:
Dependency Injection
Like the factory, dependency injection is just a design pattern. The core principle is to separate behaviour from dependency resolution.
The dependency injection pattern leads to code that's modular and testable, and Guice makes it easy to write. To use Guice, we first need to tell it how to map our interfaces to their implementations. This configuration is done in a Guice module, which is any Java class that implements the Module interface.
And then, Playframework declare modules for WSClient and for Configuration. Both modules gives Guice enough information about how to build these dependencies, and there are modules to describe how to build the dependencies necessary for WSClient and Configuration. Again, Guice docs has a good explanation about it:
With dependency injection, objects accept dependencies in their constructors. To construct an object, you first build its dependencies. But to build each dependency, you need its dependencies, and so on. So when you build an object, you really need to build an object graph.
In our case, for HelloWorldService, we are using constructor injection to enable Guice to set/create our object graph.
How HelloWorldService is injected?
Just like WSClient has a module to describe how an implementation is binded to an interface/trait, we can do the same for HelloWorldService. Play docs has a clear explanation about how to create and configure modules, so I won't repeat it here.
But after creating an module, to inject a HelloWorldService to your controller, you just declare it as a dependency:
class MyController #Inject() (service: Microservice) extends Controller {
def index = Action {
// access "service" here and do whatever you want
In scala,
-> If you do not want to explicitly forward all the injected parameters to the base constructor, you can do it like that :
abstract class Base {
val depOne: DependencyOne
val depTwo: DependencyTwo
// ...
case class Child #Inject() (param1: Int,
depOne: DependencyOne,
depTwo: DependencyTwo) extends Base {
// ...

Circular Dependency Error for Google Guice with Play2.4 and scala

My application uses Play 2.4 with Scala 2.11 .I started transforming my existing code to make use of Google Guice that comes with Play 2.4 .
When I run my code after making the first set of changes , I found Some DAOs in my code are failing with circular dependency error.
For example I have two DAOs
class BookDAO #Inject()
(protected val personDAO : PersonDAO,
#NamedDatabase("mysql")protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile] {
val personId = //some id
class PersonDAO #Inject()
(protected val bookDAO : BookDAO,
#NamedDatabase("mysql")protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile] {
val bookName= //some id
I got the below error while trying to access either BookDAO or PersonDAO
Tried proxying schema.BookDAO to support a circular dependency, but it is not an interface.
at schema.BookDAO.class(Books.scala:52)
while locating schema.BookDAO
Can someone help me resolving this error .
Thanks in advance
Quick solution
Inject a Provider instead:
class BookDAO #Inject()(personDaoProvider: Provider[PersonDAO], ...)
extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile] {
val personDAO = personDaoProvider.get
def person = personDAO.get(personId)
And the same for BookDAO. This will work out of the box. Guice already "knows" how to inject Providers.
Better approach
Decouple the class definition from the implementation. See Mon Calamari's answer.
Define your dependencies as follows and pull up all needed methods from class to trait:
trait IBookDao {
// abstract defs
class BookDao #Inject()(protected val personDAO: IPersonDao, protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile] with IBookDao {
trait IPersonDao {
// abstract defs
class PersonDao #Inject()(protected val bookDAO: IBookDao, protected val dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile] with IPersonDao {
As you can see, each dao implements a trait and all dao dependencies are injected by trait. This gives Guice possibility to inject a proxy class and resolve a circular dependency issue.
More details on playframework scala dependency injection here.