How to easily set the app main page in Intel XDK? - intel-xdk

The App Designer in Intel XDK allows us to easily add and remove pages to our apps. In this case, I use the Intel's App Framework. I haven't tried another frameworks.
The page hierarchy is something like this:
--- page #p-1
------ sub-page #sp-1-1
------ sub-page #sp-1-2
--- page #p-2
------ sub-page #sp-2-1
While adding and removing pages is easy, it is quite difficult to set the "main page", i.e. first page to be displayed when app starts. If I don't want to delete some of my pages using App Designer, then the only thing I can do is to edit the HTML.
This is the typical form of nested tags:
<div id="p-1" class="upage">
<div id="sp-1-1" class="upage-content hidden"></div>
<div id="sp-1-2" class="upage-content"></div>
By placing hidden next to upage-content, the sub-page will be inactive. So we don't have to reorder the lines of codes.
But the rule for upage is different. We have to reorder the lines of codes. For example:
<div id="p-2" class="upage">
<div id="p-1" class="upage">
This is surely inconvenient if we have many lines. With the editor, perhaps we can collapse the nested tags before moving our codes to avoid mistakes.
Is it really the best way to set the app main page or I just don't know that there are options somewhere in Intel XDK?

The editor is somewhat limited, and is constantly evolving. To my knowledge, this is the only way to set the App's main page. If you find this process clunky, it may be in your best interest to propose an enhancement or a new feature on their product's forums. (They have a pretty active community)
Their support forum is here:


Wagtail. Ability to edit html within editor

My editors want to have an ability to edit raw html within editor.
For example, we can have simple list markup:
<li>Some text<li>
Or with custom classes and event tags:
<li class="my_class">Some text
<span class="special">Some additional info</span>
And so on.
I know that built-in Draftail doesnt support html editing.
But using third-party editor comes with problem:
Losing integration with system. For example, i cant just put image like with draftail. Or, preview mode cant handle all functionality of third-party editor.
So, maybe someone has working solution for this situation.
I thought about using special StreamField panels, but it seems to be overhead of blocks. Dont like this idea of having lots of blocks with little differences
Wagtail does not support raw HTML editing within the page editor out of the box intentionally. The philosophy (zen) of Wagtail is to help editors and developers 'wear the right hat' when working in Wagtail.
HTML editing is usually best provided to developers, where there is an expected knowledge of what is required for things like accessibility, security and the benefit of tooling (like git).
However, if HTML editing is a must, you will probably need to build your own editor field for that purpose or find a suitable package that works with HTML markup such as django-markupfield. Adding image/snippet/page chooser functionality however will have to be built for whatever you end up using. You may also want to look at the Wagtail markdown package either as an alternative to HTML or a starting point, it allows for a syntax of linking to pages/images.
Wagtail lets you use any kind of Django field or widget with the FieldPanel.
Please ensure you consider all the risks when implementing this feature, such as accessible HTML (e.g. heading levels), security (disallow some tags such as script tags), malformed HTML leaking into the rendered template and of course the end user experience.
At the end i made my own solution
Simple rewrite some methods in wagtail`s Html DbWhiteLister and HtmlConverter.
This gives me an opportunity to allow any tags with any attributes.

How to change the website look and feel by changing the design location under page properties

I have a requirement where I have 2 clientlibs having different CSS files for my website. The business author should be capable of switching the website look and feel by just changing the path of the design under page properties. While I am able to achieve that requirement by changing the clientlib categories name referred in my JSP of base template of my site, can the same thing be achieved by the business author without actually performing a code level change? Basically, he should be able to select the design path present under the page properties section, and selecting a different design should change the look and feel of the website. Please let me know how this can be achieved.
Note: I have placed my clientlibs under /etc/design/proj-name/ path
The foundation page component is designed to include css link in the head if a file called static.css is present under the design. It's done through the design object.
If you have different css in the static.css file under different designs then the look and feel will change with the design. However you will be stuck with one file and cannot leverage the utility of client libs.
This adobe doc suggest's doing something like this for css and related images
<%= currentDesign.getPath() + "/static/img/icon.gif %>
Data from design dialogs is stored under the design , swapping designs to change look and feel will cause data inconsistencies too.
Why not add a selection widget to the page and use it's value to selectively include different client lib categories instead of relying on the design.

Integrate Htmls into GWT

We have a web application that its UI is based on GWT.
We are pretty satisfied from the technology, but we have one major problem: We get html files from our designer, and it takes a lot of time to integrate them into our GWT code.
Is there a quick way or rules to do that?
For instance, I would like to take the html, put it almost "as is" in a ui.xml file, and then start binding the components to UiBinder fields.
What is the quickest way to do that? What should I do with the CSS and JS files that I get?
I need some guidelines to make this conversion, so it will be quick & easy.
We have the same problem. It might be hard for a designer to get used to GWT widgets. But he'll have to forget about making HTML proof-of-concepts and using GWT directly.
We didn't overcame the difficulty. As a result, many GWT features are under-used (like CSSResources, or GWT-Bootstrap layout capabilities).
I would advise to have him learn the xml of GWT widget libraries.
You can also start by using GWT Designer. This way he can still do the design, learn the XML bit by bit, and you can still work on wiring the components.
Of course it is a slow process. People don't change old habits instantly.
Errai seems to fit your requirements.
Basically is uses regular HTML5 templates, binded to GWT logic.
"Create standard conform HTML5 templates or use existing HTML and CSS files to design your web and mobile applications."
Here is an example of a sign-in page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel=stylesheet href="css/TodoList.css">
<div data-field="main">
<h1>Get it done with Errai.</h1>
<div class=form>
<p class=error data-field=loginError>
Login failed. Please check that your email address and password were entered correctly.
<input type=text data-field=username placeholder="Email">
<input type=password data-field=password placeholder="Password">
<button data-field=loginButton>Sign In</button>
<p>New here? Sign up in seconds!</p>
(p.s. I've never used it, yet)

Trigger a click on a page in the pagetree in Backend

How could I trigger in JS a click on the pageitem of TYPO3 BE pagetree by an ID of the page ?
Looking for solutions for versions 4.5 and 6.1.
The basics are described in this document (might be slightly deprecated):
For example, to open the submodule "task center" in the "user tools" module, enter this
or, to change to the pagetree, this
inside the firebug console. According to the author,
The pagetree resides in top.TYPO3.Backend.NavigationContainer, the
content resides in top.TYPO3.Backend.ContentContainer.
I haven't really understood what you'd like to click on exactly. But it might get you started.
I think in real life (or in an html fragment in a page in the backend) you can set <a javascript:...> urls</a>
I am still trying to figure out the fine points of this javascript myself. I for one want to also click on a select-box in the content Iframe after clicking in the Admintools/Report submodule. The first part is this:

gwt; mixing html pages with java code

I really like the approach in GWT where you can define "divs", "spans" etc in a regular html page, then in the GWT entry point simply push a button or some other component inside the div.
So small example, here is a snippet of a gwt html page:
<body class='page'>
<iframe src="javascript:''" id="__gwt_historyFrame" tabIndex='-1' style="position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; border: 0"></iframe>
Query Terms: <span id="txtQuery"></span>
<span id="btnQuery"></span><br>
And here is a small java snippet contained in the gwt entry point:
ClickHandler clickHandler = ...
TextBox txtQuery = new TextBox();
Button btnQuery = new Button("Query", clickHandler);
One of the reasons I like this approach is that it allows non java coders to design / write the html stuff, and I also like the separation between GWT / java code and the html code.
However... this may work well for a simple web page, but how do you scale this approach up into many webpages? From what I understand, the "GWT way" of doing things is to have one webpage and use history to hide and show various GWT components. I have built 2 projects in GWT using this standard technique, but recently discovered that you can do the sort of thing I showed above.
Is there any way of scaling the above 2 snippets into multiple html pages, where GWT injects its components into standard html pages?
here is no GWT way. At least not in GWT mission statement. If you want to pursue your aproach there are multiple ways how you can do it.
GWT app per page. (e.g. on each page a gwt app specific for this page is included). You simply compile a new GWT module for each page where you need some GWT functionality. You can use few of them together on one page, or none. This approach is good if you GWT apps are going to be really simple, and you don't need to use stuff like GXT Grid on every single page with different settings, otherwise you will waste user browser will have to download large chunks of JS code over and over, and this will be a big problem if you have a lot of pages.
One big GWT app for all pages. Just put everything into single GWT app, create some kind of switch (some js variable) so the app knows what it has to create. Some code splitting might be used, so on each page only things which are really required will be downloaded. Since the same JS will be used on each page, caching should solve the problem with downloading application code over and over (but you still have the problem with actually parsing/running the code very time user changes the page)
There is also a third approach, the most effective of all, but the hardest as well. As soon as the user loads one of the pages, there is no more navigation, gwt module simply takes template for page to which user wants to navigate, and replaces current html code with newly generated template. This is quite easy to achieve, if you will use TextResource from ClientBundle and HTMLPanel. The problem is with navigation in address field (GWT app will have to be responsible for changing the address, so the users can create bookmarks or send the link to their friends). You will use one single GWT script for this and some code splitting is recommended.
All three approaches are totally valid, depending on your requirements you can pick any of them. Also if all you want is to provide people ability to use HTML to layout GWT screens, you might want consider using combination of HtmlPanel and ClientBundle's TextResource.
If the goal is to have designers work on HTML rather than Java, then how about UiBinder? It'd give you what you want (separate HTML –or rather, XHTML-like– code from Java code) inside a GWT project.