CKQuery with CloudKit Issue - swift

I'm very new to CloudKit and am simply trying to run the most basic query. I want to pull from RecordType "Users" and field type "Name" and have the name equal to my nameText label!
Please see my code below:
func getUserInformation() {
let Pred = NSPredicate(value: true)
let Query = CKQuery(recordType: "Namer", predicate: Pred)
let AgeOp = CKQueryOperation(query: Query)
AgeOp.database = self.Pub
AgeOp.recordFetchedBlock = {(record : CKRecord!) in
let Recorded : CKRecord = record!
self.nameText.text = Recorded.objectForKey("Name") as? String
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.Container = CKContainer.defaultContainer() as CKContainer
self.Pub = Container.publicCloudDatabase as CKDatabase
self.Container.accountStatusWithCompletionHandler {
accountStatus, error in
if error != nil {
print("Error: \(error?.localizedDescription)")
} else {

Users is a system table. You could add new fields to that, but it's advised not to do so. One of the main reasons is that you cannot query the Users recordType.
Besides that I see in your code that you query the recordType Namer and not Users. Is your question wrong or is your code wrong?
In the recordFetchedBlock you directly put the result in the .text. That block will be executed in a background thread. You should first go to the mainQueue. You could do that like this:
AgeOp.recordFetchedBlock = {(record : CKRecord!) in
NSOperationQueue.mainQueue().addOperationWithBlock {
let Recorded : CKRecord = record!
self.nameText.text = Recorded.objectForKey("Name") as? String
When there is no query match, then the .recordFetchedBlock will never be called. You should also set the .queryCompletionBlock
The query could return multiple records (if there are more people with the same name). In the recordFetchedBlock you should add records to an array. Then in the .queryCompletionBlock you could use that array.


Reading Firestore Document containing an array of references

Thanks in advance for the help. I'm teaching myself Swift and trying to figure out how to retrieve the following data from Firebase. Here's my Firebase Data Model...
Groups (Collection)
-> GroupName (String)
-> Owner (References to someone in the Players collection)
Players (Collection)
-> PlayerFirstName
-> PlayerLastName
The Swift I've written to retrieve this data is in a ViewModel. getAllGroups is called from onAppear in the View and looks like this...
class Group: Identifiable, ObservableObject {
var id: String = UUID().uuidString
var name: String?
var owner: Player?
class GroupViewModel: ObservableObject {
#Published var groups = [Group]()
private var db = Firestore.firestore()
func getAllGroups() {
db.collection("groups").addSnapshotListener { (querySnapshot, error) in
guard let documents = querySnapshot?.documents else {
print("No groups")
self.groups = { (queryDocumentSnapshot) -> Group in
var group = Group()
let data = = data["name"] as? String ?? ""
group.owner = self.getPlayer(playerRef: data["owner"] as! DocumentReference)
return group
func getPlayer(playerRef: DocumentReference) -> Player {
var player = Player()
playerRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
guard error == nil else {
print ("error", error ?? "")
if let document = document, document.exists {
let data =
if let data = data {
player.firstName = data["firstname"] as? String
player.lastName = data["lastname"] as? String
return player
The sorta obvious problem here is the closure for retrieving the parent Group executes and then goes and tries to retrieve the Owner. But by the time the closure inside getPlayer completes... the Group has already been established.
Groups will have...
-> GroupName = "Cool Name Here"
-> Owner = nil
-> GroupName = "Different Cool Name"
-> Owner = nil
even though each Group definitely has an Owner.
I get there's some stuff here about asynchronous calls in Swift and how best to handle that... I'm just not sure what the proper pattern is. Thanks again for the help and advice!
To restate the question:
How do you nest Firestore functions
There are 100 ways to do it and, a lot of it depends on the use case. Some people like DispatchGroups, others like escaping completion handlers but in a nutshell, they pretty much do the "same thing" as the following code, written out "long hand" for readability
func populateGroupArray() {
db.collection("groups").addSnapshotListener { (querySnapshot, error) in
guard let docs = querySnapshot?.documents else { return }
for doc in docs {
let groupName = doc.get("name") as! String
let ownerId = doc.get("owner_id") as! String
self.addToArray(groupName: groupName, andOwnerId: ownerId)
func addToArray(groupName: String, andOwnerId: String) {
db.collection("owners").document(andOwnerId).getDocument(completion: { snapshot, error in
let name = snapshot?.get("owner_name") as! String
let group = Group(groupName: groupName, ownerName: name)
In summary; calling populateGroupArray reads in all of the documents from the groups collection from Firestore (adding a listener too). We then iterate over the returned documents to get each group name and the owner id of the group.
Within that iteration, the group name and ownerId are passed to another function that reads in that specific owner via it's ownerId and retrieves the name
Finally, a Group object is instantiated with groupName and owner name being populated. That group is then added to a class var groups array.
Now, if you ask a Firebaser about this method, they will generally recommend not reading large amounts of Firebase data 'in a tight loop'. That being said, this will work very well for many use cases.
In the case you've got a HUGE dataset, you may want to consider denormalizing your data by including the owner name in the group. But again, that would be a rare situation.

Struggling To Query Using getDocuments() in Firestore Swift

This is the first time I am using a Firestore Query and I'm struggling to parse the data. I normally use the same setup when I get documents (which works), but when I attach it to a query it does not work.
I am trying to query the database for the shop most visited, so I can later set it as favourite.
My Code:
func findFavouriteShop(completed: #escaping ([String]) -> Void)
// Variables
let dispatch = DispatchGroup()
var dummyDetails = [String]()
// References
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid
let groupCollectionRef = String("visits-" + userID! )
// Query the database for the document with the most counts
db.collectionGroup(groupCollectionRef).order(by: "count", descending: true).limit(to: 1).getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
if let err = error {
debugPrint("Error fetching documents: \(err)")
else {
guard let snap = snapshot else {return}
for document in snap.documents {
let data =
// Start Assignments
let shopName = data["shopName"] as? String
let count = data["count"] as? String
// Append the dummy array
dispatch.notify(queue: .main, execute: {
print("USER number of documents appended: \(dummyDetails.count)")
Using Print statements it seems as if the guard statement kicks the function out. The processor does not reach the for-loop to do the assignments. When I print the snapshot it returns an empty array.
I am sure I have used the wrong notation, but I'm just not sure where.
There's a lot to comment on, such as your choice of collection groups over collections (maybe that's what you need), why you limit the results to one document but feel the need to query a collection, the naming of your collections (seems odd), the query to get multiple shops but creating a function that only returns a single shop, using a string for a count property that should probably be an integer, and using a string array to return multiple components of a single shop instead of using a custom type.
That said, I think this should get you in the right direction. I've created a custom type to show you how I'd start this process but there's a lot more work to be done to get this where you need it to be. But this is a good starting point. Also, there was no need for a dispatch group since you weren't doing any additional async work in the document parsing.
class Shop {
let name: String // constant
var count: Int // variable
init(name: String, count: Int) { = name
self.count = count
func findFavouriteShops(completion: #escaping (_ shops: [Shop]?) -> Void) {
guard let userID = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid else {
var temp = [Shop]()
Firestore.firestore().collection("visits-\(userID)").order(by: "count", descending: true).limit(to: 1).getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
guard let snapshot = snapshot else {
if let error = error {
for doc in snapshot.documents {
if let name = doc.get("shopName") as? String,
let count = doc.get("count") as? String {
let shop = Shop(name: name, count: count)
You can return a Result type in this completion handler but for this example I opted for an optional array of Shop types (just to demonstrate flexibility). If the method returns nil then there was an error, otherwise there are either shops in the array or there aren't. I also don't know if you're looking for a single shop or multiple shops because in some of your code it appeared you wanted one and in other parts of your code it appeared you wanted multiple.
findFavouriteShops { (shops) in
if let shops = shops {
if shops.isEmpty {
print("no error but no shops found")
} else {
print("shops found")
} else {

How can I add these Firestore fields to a Dictionary?

I am looking to add all my "usernames" into a dictionary. I am having some trouble doing this. I am sure it's very obvious, but I am very new to coding.
I am stuck at, right now and can't seem to find a clear answer anywhere:
func fetchUser() {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let usernameSearch = db.collection("users")
usernameSearch.getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
if error != nil {
print("Error obtaining usernames")
} else {
for field in snapshot!.documents {
let field = field.get("username")
I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out. I am sure it's very obvious, or I'm just doing it totally wrong.
First, get into the habit of safely unwrapping over force unwrapping. And choose more accurate names for your objects (i.e. usersCollection over usernameSearch). However, in this case, there's no need to instantiate individual properties for the database and the collection since they're not being used anywhere else but here (so be efficient and omit them).
var usersDictionary = [String: [String]]()
func fetchUser() {
Firestore.firestore().collection("users").getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
if let snapshot = snapshot { // unwrap the snapshot safely
var usernames = [String]()
for doc in snapshot.documents {
if let username = doc.get("username") as? String {
usersDictionary["usernames"] = usernames
} else {
if let error = error {
Or if you actually meant an array of users:
var usersArray = [String]()
func fetchUser() {
Firestore.firestore().collection("users").getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
if let snapshot = snapshot { // don't force unwrap with !
for doc in snapshot.documents {
if let username = doc.get("username") as? String {
} else {
if let error = error {
I'm assuming that what you're looking for is an Array, not a Dictionary. I'll also assume that you are indeed getting the correct value that you'd expect out of field.get("username"), e.g. a string such as "Bob." Therefore, what you are trying to do is map the list of document objects to a list of strings.
If you scroll to the Topics section of the Array documentation from Apple, you can find some of the operations they provide for arrays such as snapshot!.documents.
One of those operations is actually map, and its description is:
Returns an array containing the results of mapping the given closure over the sequence’s elements.
In other words, you provide a transformation to perform for each instance of a document belonging to the snapshot!.documents Array and get back a new Array containing the resultant values of that transformation.
In this case I will use a more specific operation; compactMap. We have to try and cast the returned value from Any to String. If that does not succeed, it will return nil, and we'll want to filter that out. I expect it to be an unlikely case due to the type requirements made by the Firebase Console, but it's good to be aware of it. Here is the example:
func fetchUsernames(from usernameCollection: String, completion: #escaping ([String]) -> Void) {
let db = Firestore.firestore()
let collection = db.collection(usernameCollection)
collection.getDocuments { snapshot, error in
guard error != nil,
let usernames = snapshot?.documents.compactMap { $0.get("username") as? String }
else { return print("Error obtaining usernames") }
The key line here being let usernames = snapshot?.documents.compactMap { $0.get("username") }. We are passing the map function a closure. This closure is passed an argument itself; each value from the snapshot?.documents array. You may refer to this passed in value with $0.

How to Save to a Custom Join Table Core Data (many-to-many) without unique predicate - ManagedObjectID (Swift)?

I will be super thankful for any help. How can I save instances to a join table without a unique identifier as a predicate? Can I use the managed object id to check if the item exists already?
I'm building an app with different exercise plans. Each plan holds many exercise, and an exercise can belong to many plans. I have structured my data model to include a custom join table so that I can query the completion status of an exercise from within one plan.
I'm sourcing my data from a json file and would like to save it to core data. I'm able to correctly save my CoreExercise, and CorePlan tables, however am having difficulty understanding how to save the instance of the object in the intermediate join table, since I'm unsure of what predicate to use.
I've written a class function to check if the instance exists, and to save it if it doesn't.
class CoreExercisePlan: NSManagedObject {
class func coreExercisesForExercisePlan(exerciseInfo: Exercise, planName: String, inManagedObjectContext context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> CoreExercisePlan? {
let request = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "CoreExercisePlan")
request.predicate = NSPredicate() // Search for ObjectID here? / How?
if let exercisePlan = (try? context.executeFetchRequest(request))?.first as? CoreExercisePlan {
print("we have this exercise plan already saved")
return exercisePlan
} else if let exercisePlan = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("CoreExercisePlan", inManagedObjectContext: context) as? CoreExercisePlan {
exercisePlan.status = 0
exercisePlan.progress = 0
print("we are creating new object")
return exercisePlan
return nil
private func updateDatabaseWithExercisePlans(){
managedObjectContext?.performBlock {
// Array of exercises for each plan:
let coffeePlanExercises = self.coffeeExercises
let subwayPlanExercises = self.subwayExercises
for exercise in coffeePlanExercises {
_ = CoreExercisePlan.coreExercisesForExercisePlan(exercise, planName: "coffee", inManagedObjectContext: self.managedObjectContext!)
for exercise in subwayPlanExercises {
_ = CoreExercisePlan.coreExercisesForExercisePlan(exercise, planName: "subway", inManagedObjectContext: self.managedObjectContext!)
do {
try self.managedObjectContext?.save()
} catch let error {
print("printing error here: \(error)")
Is there a way to get the objectID of the instance in the join table, and use that as a predicate? Thanks!

recordFetchedBlock on CKQueryOperation not being called

I need to query for CKRecords of the recordType "Event". When I call recordFetchedBlock, I will add those records to my array. However, recordFetchedBlock is never getting called. Please help! Thank you:
//TODO: Query for all Event records
var database: CKDatabase = CKContainer.defaultContainer().privateCloudDatabase
let truePredicate = NSPredicate(value: true)
let eventQuery = CKQuery(recordType: "Event", predicate: truePredicate)
let queryOperation = CKQueryOperation(query: eventQuery)
queryOperation.recordFetchedBlock = { (record : CKRecord!) in
println("recordFetchedBlock: \(self.eventsArray)")
queryOperation.queryCompletionBlock = { (cursor : CKQueryCursor!, error : NSError!) in
println("queryCompletionBlock: \(self.eventsArray)")
So I just realized my error. I was accidentally calling the query on the private database (as opposed to the public). Currently kicking myself..