Is it possible to allow partial payments using the PayPal Invoicing SDK? - paypal

Is it possible to allow partial payments using the PayPal Invoicing SDK?
I have tried setting the allowPartialPayments attribute to true on the InvoiceType object(see below) although once the invoice has been received there is no option to change the amount being paid.
InvoiceItemListType itemList = new InvoiceItemListType(invoiceItemList);
InvoiceType invoice = new InvoiceType(_MerchantEmailAddress, payerEmailAddress, itemList, "GBP");
invoice.number = brightStartInvoiceId.ToString();
invoice.merchantMemo = brightStartChildId.ToString();
invoice.allowPartialPayments = true;
CreateAndSendInvoiceRequest requestCreateAndSendInvoice = new CreateAndSendInvoiceRequest(envelopeRequest, invoice);


how to calculate tax using paypal api

i installed the .net sdk of paypal and created an app in sandbox environment
next i picked up the clientId and secret and used the following sample code to make a payment.
static void Main(string[] args)
// Get a reference to the config
var config = ConfigManager.Instance.GetProperties();
// Use OAuthTokenCredential to request an access token from PayPal
var accessToken = new OAuthTokenCredential(config["clientId"], config["clientSecret"]);
var apiContext = new APIContext(accessToken.GetAccessToken());
var payment = Payment.Create(apiContext, new Payment
intent = "sale",
payer = new Payer
payment_method = "paypal"
transactions = new List<Transaction>
new Transaction
description = "Test",
invoice_number = "009",
amount = new Amount
currency = "EUR",
total = "41.00",
details = new Details
tax = "0",
shipping = "0",
subtotal = "40",
handling_fee = "1"
item_list = new ItemList
items = new List<Item>
new Item
name = "Room 12",
currency = "EUR",
price = "10",
quantity = "4",
redirect_urls = new RedirectUrls
return_url = "",
cancel_url = ""
in the transaction i have to pass Tax information.
Is there was that i let paypal calculate the tax and i just pass amount information along with address and some other information if required ?
No, you must calculate the tax yourself.
By default the user will be able to select their shipping address at PayPal, which is recommended as this saves them from having to type it manually. Given that their address can change during the PayPal checkout, you may wish to calculate a new tax amount and/or shipping amount based on the selected address. You can do this using the JS SDK's onShippingChange callback.
Firstly, though, it appears you may be using a deprecated SDK and deprecated v1/payments API, and also a redirect away from your site to PayPal, all of which is old. Don't do any of this.
Instead: follow the PayPal Checkout integration guide and make 2 routes on your server, one for 'Create Order' and one for 'Capture Order' (see the optional step 5 in 'Add and modify the code'). Both of these routes should return only JSON data (no HTML or text). There is a Checkout-Java-SDK you can use, or integrate with your own direct HTTPS API calls (obtain an access_token first, it can be cached but expires in 9 hours).
Inside the 2nd capture route on your server, when the capture API call is successful you should store its resulting payment details in your database (particularly purchase_units[0].payments.captures[0].id, which is the PayPal transaction ID) and perform any necessary business logic (such as sending confirmation emails or reserving product) immediately before forwarding your return JSON to the frontend caller.
Pair those 2 routes with the frontend approval flow:

Paypal - Recurring payments with checkout.js

Is it possible to trigger recurring payments (subscriptions / billing agreements) using checkout.js?
If so, can you please provide a working example?
Yes its possible. I just created a POC for this.
Create a BillingPlan and activate it
plan =
patch =
patch.op = "replace"
patch.path = "/";
patch.value = { :state => "ACTIVE" }
plan.update( patch )
inside the payment function of paypal.Button call your server to create a BillingAgreement. The user will then authorize the payment.
agreement =
agreement.plan = :id => "<the_plan_id>" )
inside the onAuthorize function of paypal.Button call your server to execute the BillingAgreement
Following the example in

What are valid payment-method-tokens?

I'm trying to create a credit card and therefore I need to call paymentMethodNone(). According to the documentation I can
Use PaymentMethod.create() to create a payment method for an existing customer:
// It's not clear what A_PAYMENT_METHOD_TOKEN has to be
Result<PaymentMethodNonce> result = bt.paymentMethodNonce()
String nonceFromTheClient = result.getTarget().getNonce();
Customer customer = customerResult.getTarget();
PaymentMethodRequest paymentMethodRequest = new PaymentMethodRequest()
Result<? extends PaymentMethod> paymentMethodResult = bt.paymentMethod()
PaymentMethod paymentMethod = paymentMethodResult.getTarget();
However, no word about what valid tokens are in the documentation. Neither here nor here - or am I just blind?
Full disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact support.
You do not need a payment_method_token to create a PaymentMethod.
To create a credit card, you will need to create a PaymentMethod. First, retrieve the payment_method_nonce from the incoming request. Next, create the PaymentMethod using PaymentMethodRequest.
//payment_method_nonce will be a post parameter in the request
//set nonceFromTheClient to equal payment_method_nonce
PaymentMethodRequest paymentMethodRequest = new PaymentMethodRequest()
Result<? extends PaymentMethod> result = gateway.paymentMethod().create(request);

PayPal Merchant SDK GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails not returning buyer's email or phone number

I'm using the PayPal Merchant SDK for .NET (v 2.15.117) and am trying to retrieve the shipping address info, customer's email address, and phone number from the GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequestType.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails call. The shipping address is populated as expected but for the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the buyer's email or phone number. At a minimum we have to have the email to communicate about the order (ie tracking emails).
I see a BuyerMarketingEmail property but it is null and I am under the impression that is an optional email the buyer can choose to provide. For phone, I see a PayerInfo.ContactPhone property but that is also null (and I'm less concerned about having that but it would be nice for customer service issues or to give to ground shippers like FedEx).
I am using the PayPal sandbox if that matters.
What am I missing?
var getExpressCheckoutDetails = new GetExpressCheckoutDetailsReq();
var getExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest = new GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequestType(token);
getExpressCheckoutDetails.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest = getExpressCheckoutDetailsRequest;
var service = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService();
paypalResponse = service.GetExpressCheckoutDetails(getExpressCheckoutDetails);
if (paypalResponse != null)
//Success values check for a matching PayerID to validate the token response
if (paypalResponse.Ack.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS") &&
PayerID == paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.PayerID)
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingName = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Name;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingAddress1 = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Street1;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingAddress2 = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Street2;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingCity = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.CityName;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingState = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.StateOrProvince;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingZip = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.PostalCode;
checkout.ShippingInfo.ShippingCountry = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.Address.Country.ToString();
//these next two are always null
checkout.BillingInfo.Email = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.BuyerMarketingEmail;
checkout.ShippingInfo.PhoneNumber = paypalResponse.GetExpressCheckoutDetailsResponseDetails.PayerInfo.ContactPhone;
Thought I'd post an answer to wrap this up -
As stated above in my comment to the original question, the email address of the buyer is PayerInfo.Payer.
Also, suddenly/magically, PayerInfo.ContactPhone began returning the phone number instead of null. I can only chalk that up to something in the Sandbox environment or my sandbox user account.

delayed chained payment

Can anyone tell me how to automatically execute a delayed payment (let's say it's 5 days after the primary receiver receive the payment) in a chained payment manner? The key is automatic execution, not having to manually approve and pay the secondary receiver. Please illuminate with some sample code.
I have used "actionType" => "PAY_PRIMARY" so that primary receiver get money.
But how can I code so that secondary receiver get money?
Check this answer for the solution. Basically you just need to execute an ExecutePayment operation with the payKey within 90 days to send the payment to the secondary party.
actionType is PAY_PPRIMARY
you then trigger this payment within 90 days.
Its delayed but not time-elapsed.
well may be its too late but it will help someone in future for sure.
As we integrated paypal delayed chained payment, you can set a primary account in which all the amount will go and you can also set secondary account in which account will be transfered once they approved by primary account holder.
string endpoint = Constants_Common.endpoint + "Pay";
NVPHelper NVPRequest = new NVPHelper();
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.requestEnvelopeerrorLanguage] = "en_US";
//NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.actionType] = "PAY";
//the above one is for simple adoptive payment payment
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.actionType] = "PAY_PRIMARY";
//the above one for deleayed chained payment
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.currencyCode] = "USD";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.feesPayer] = "EACHRECEIVER";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.memo] = "XXXXXXXX";
Now we have to set primary and secondary receivers:
//primary account
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_0] = TotalAmount;
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_0] = "";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_0] = "true";
//secondary accounts
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_1] = (somemoney out of total amount);
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_1] = "";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_1] = "false";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveramount_2] = (somemoney out of total amount);
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiveremail_2] =;
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.Pay2.receiverListreceiverprimary_2] = "false";
Don't forget that you have to give a valid paypal account while using delayed chained payment.
Now you get your pay_key which you have to use to execute your payment whithin 90 days so that other secondary receivers get money.
Here is the working code:
String endpoint = Constants_Common.endpoint + "ExecutePayment";
NVPHelper NVPRequest = new NVPHelper();
//requestEnvelope.errorLanguage is common for all the request
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.requestEnvelopeerrorLanguage] = "en_US";
NVPRequest[SampleNVPConstant.ExecutePayment.payKey] = "your pay key";
string strrequestforNvp = NVPRequest.Encode();
//calling Call method where actuall API call is made, NVP string, header value adne end point are passed as the input.
CallerServices_NVP CallerServices = new CallerServices_NVP();
string stresponsenvp = CallerServices.Call(strrequestforNvp, Constants_Common.headers(), endpoint);
//Response is send to Decoder method where it is decoded to readable hash table
NVPHelper decoder = new NVPHelper();
if (decoder != null && decoder["responseEnvelope.ack"].Equals("Success") && decoder["paymentExecStatus"].Equals("COMPLETED"))
//do something
Hope it will help someone.