Class type properties should not have static keyword? - swift

This is an image from Apple's documentation example, Why do the first 2 properties have the 'static' keyword?? I thought static should be only used for structures and enums?
Secondly, why does this class have a stored type property? I thought classes could only have computed type properties???

Effective Swift 1.2, static properties are now permitted in classes.
Classes have always been permitted to have stored properties.

From the Xcode 6.3 (Swift 1.2) release notes, under Swift Language Enhancements:
static methods and properties are now allowed in classes (as an
alias for class final).
You are now allowed to declare static stored properties in classes, which have global storage and are lazily
initialized on first access (like global variables).


Swift: Constant's internal implementation

In swift, how is constants implemented?
I read this article, which says
In Swift, constants are generally implemented as (inlined) function calls.
I am not clear of this statement.
Does Swift use a special approach to make constants?
Could anyone explain?
Are you familiar with "getter" and "setter" methods from other languages, such as Java? If a variable is made public in a language like Java, it's exposed to other classes to access directly. In the future, if this variable has to be changed, there's no way to do so without changing all of the other classes dependent upon. With getter/setter methods, dummy implementations can be made that don't do anything besides read/write the value. In the case that a change needs to be made, the implementation of these methods can be changed without effecting the public API of the class.
Swift implements variables with "properties", which are like a backing private variable with public getter/setter methods that are automatically generated. In the future, you can replace a property with a computer property with a special getter/setter implementation, without effecting the public API of the class, just like before. The difference here is that you don't need to write all of the default getters/setters yourself.

What are struct “wrapper types”?

In the migration guide under the SDK section reference is made to struct “wrapper types”, I have a number of questions related to them.
In Swift 3, many of Foundation’s “stringly-typed” APIs have been
changed to use struct “wrapper types”, such as the new
Notification.Name type. Since, it’s common for notification names and
other string constants to be declared globally or as static members,
the best way to take advantage of these new types is usually to
construct the wrapper at the point of declaration:
What are these, are they a wrapper function? As described by wikipedia or are they an implementation of the Adapter Pattern
What are the benefits of using a struct “wrapper type”?

Swift - what should the default values of properties be in the parent class?

Not sure if I worded this question correctly, but here's my issue: I have a base class and a subclass, and my base class should never be instantiated on its own (in other languages it would be abstract). I know abstract classes aren't a thing in Swift. I have some computed read-only properties that change what they return in each subclass; they are more or less customized constants. Firstly, are overridden computed properties the best way to handle this kind of thing? Secondly, if these variables need to get initialized, i.e. can't be nil, what should they be initialized to in the parent class? Is there a way to otherwise indicate that the parent class shouldn't be initialized on its own?
You probably should use protocol instead of base class in your case. All common implementation can be done in protocol extensions and you won't need to provide default values for constants - just specify required get methods in the protocol.

Realm: Swift `let` property cannot be marked as dynamic

I am using Xcode 7.2, Swift 2.1.1. I have a Realm model object below
class B: Object {
dynamic let lists = List<A>()
But the Swift compiler gives me an error saying:
Property cannot be marked as dynamic because its type cannot be represented in Objective-C
I saw Realm's documentation that says:
Realm model properties need the dynamic var attribute in order for these properties to become accessors for the underlying database data.
There are two exceptions to this: List and RealmOptional properties
cannot be declared as dynamic because generic properties cannot be
represented in the Objective-C runtime, which is used for dynamic
dispatch of dynamic properties, and should always be declared with let
But declaring let doesn't seem to solve this case now. What am I missing?
The documentation you quoted includes the following (emphasis mine):
List and RealmOptional properties cannot be declared as dynamic because generic properties cannot be represented in the Objective-C runtime, […], and should always be declared with let.
This means your property should be declared like so:
let lists = List<A>()
The Realm Swift documentation recently gained a property declaration cheatsheet which hopefully clarifies the requirements for the different types of declarations.

Why does adding 'dynamic' fix my bad access issues?

I'm having a strange issue that appeared with iOS 8 Beta 5 (this issue did not occur with previous versions).
I tried to create an empty project and try to replicate the issue, but I'm unable to do so, so I'm not quite sure where the issue lies.
What I'm seeing is that attempting to access methods of a custom NSManagedObject subclass results in a strange EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
For example:
var titleWithComma: String {
return "\(self.title),"
This method, out of many others, causes this issue when called. However, adding a dynamic keyword before it makes the issue go away:
dynamic var titleWithComma: String {
return "\(self.title),"
I know I'm not giving enough info, because I honestly don't know how to pinpoint the actual issue, but can anyone explain what is possibly happening, and why adding dynamic might resolve this issue?
From Swift Language Reference (Language Reference > Declarations > Declaration Modifier)
Apply this modifier to any member of a class that can be represented
by Objective-C. When you mark a member declaration with the dynamic
modifier, access to that member is always dynamically dispatched using
the Objective-C runtime. Access to that member is never inlined or
devirtualized by the compiler.
Because declarations marked with the dynamic modifier are dispatched
using the Objective-C runtime, they’re implicitly marked with the objc
It means that your property/method can be accessed by Objective-C code or class. Normally it happens when you sub-classing a Swift class of Objective-C base class.
This is from the prerelease Swift / Objective-C interoperability documentation:
Implementing Core Data Managed Object Subclasses
Core Data provides the underlying storage and implementation of properties in subclasses of the NSManagedObject class. Add the #NSManaged attribute before each property definition in your managed object subclass that corresponds to an attribute or relationship in your Core Data model. Like the #dynamic attribute in Objective-C, the #NSManaged attribute informs the Swift compiler that the storage and implementation of a property will be provided at runtime. However, unlike #dynamic, the #NSManaged attribute is available only for Core Data support.
So, because of some of the Objective-C runtime features that Core Data uses under the covers, Swift properties need to be specially annotated.