Aggregation with meteorhacks:aggregate (why would I ever use $out)? - mongodb

This is a significant edit to this question, as I have changed the publication to a method and narrowed the scope of the question.
I am using meteorhacks:aggregate to calculate and publish the average and median of company valuation data for a user-selected series of companies. The selections are saved in a Valuations collection for reference and the data for aggregation comes from the Companies collection.
The code below works fine for one-time use (although it's not reactive). However, users will rerun this aggregation for thousands of valuationIds. Since $out will first clear out the new collection before inserting the new results, I can't use that here, I need to retain the results of each instance. I don't understand why $out would ever be used.
Is there any way to just add update the existing Valuation document with the aggregation results and then subscribe to that document?
valuationAggregate: function(valuationId, valuationSelections) {
//Aggregate and publish average of company valuation data for a user-selected series of companies./
//Selections are saved in Valuations collection for reference and data for aggregation comes from Companies collection.//
check(valuationId, String);
check(valuationSelections, Array);
var pipelineSelections = [
//Match documents in Companies collection where the 'ticker' value was selected by the user.//
{$match: {ticker: {$in: valuationSelections}}},
$group: {
_id: null,
avgEvRevenueLtm: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.ltm.revenue"]}},
avgEvRevenueFy1: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.fy1.revenue"]}},
avgEvRevenueFy2: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.fy2.revenue"]}},
avgEvEbitdaLtm: {$avg: {$divide: ["$capTable.enterpriseValue", "$financial.ltm.ebitda"]}},
$project: {
_id: 0,
valuationId: {$literal: valuationId},
avgEvRevenueLtm: 1,
avgEvRevenueFy1: 1,
avgEvRevenueFy2: 1,
avgEvEbitdaLtm: 1,
var results = Companies.aggregate(pipelineSelections);
The code above works, as far as viewing the results on the server. In my terminal, I see:
I20150926-23:50:27.766(-4)? [ { avgEvRevenueLtm: 3.988137239679733,
I20150926-23:50:27.767(-4)? avgEvRevenueFy1: 3.8159564713187155,
I20150926-23:50:27.768(-4)? avgEvRevenueFy2: 3.50111769838031,
I20150926-23:50:27.768(-4)? avgEvEbitdaLtm: 11.176476895728268,
I20150926-23:50:27.772(-4)? valuationId: 'Qg4EwpfJ5uPXyxe62' } ]

I was able to resolve this with the following. Needed to add the forEach to unwind the array in the same way as $out.
ValuationResults = new Mongo.Collection('valuationResults');
var results = Companies.aggregate(pipelineSelections);
results.forEach(function(valuationResults) {
ValuationResults.update({'result.valuationId': valuationId}, {result:valuationResults}, {upsert: true});
console.log(ValuationResults.find({'result.valuationId': valuationId}).fetch());


performance issue for updating mongo documents

I have a mongo collections with about 4M records, 2 of my document fields of this collection are date as string, and I need to change them to ISODate, so arote this small script to do that:
el.lastEdited = new Date(el.lastEdited);
el.creationDate = new Date(el.creationDate)
but it takes foreverrrr...and I added indexes to those fields, can't I do this in some other way which will be reasonable time to complete?
Currently you do a find against whole collection which could take a while, also for each save call it has to do a network roundtrip from the client (shell) to the server.
EDIT: Removed suggestion to use $match and do this in batches, because $out in fact replaces the collection on each run as noted in #Stennie's comment.
(Needless to say, test it in a sample dataset first in a test environment. I haven't tested behavior of new Date() as I don't know your data format)
$project: {
_id: 1,
lastEdited: { $add : [new Date('$lastEdited')]},
creationDate: { $add : [new Date('$creationDate')]},
field1: 1,
field2: 1,
//.. (important to repeat all necessary fields)
$out: 'vendors',

Compute Simple Moving Average in Mongo Shell

I am developing a financial application with Nodejs. I wonder would it be possible to compute simple moving average which is the average last N days of price directly in Mongo Shell than reading it and computing it in Node js.
Document Sample.
If you have more than a trivial number of documents you should use the DB server to do the work rather than JS.
You don't say if you are using mongoose or the node driver directly. I'll assume you are using mongoose as that is the way most people are headed.
So your model would be:
// models/stocks.js
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const conn = mongoose.createConnection('mongodb://localhost/stocksdb');
const StockSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
price: Number,
code: String,
date: Date,
{ timestamps: true }
module.exports = conn.model("Stock", StockSchema, "stocks");
You rightly suggested that aggregation frameworks would be a good way to go here. First though if we are dealing with returning values between date ranges, the records in your database need to be date objects. From your example documents you may have put strings. An example of inserting objects with dates would be:
db.stocks.insertMany([{code:'0001',price:0.10,date:ISODate('2014-07-04T00:00:00.000Z')}, {code:'0001',price:0.12,date:ISODate('2014-07-05T00:00:00.000Z')},{code:'0001',price:0.13,date:ISODate('2014-07-06T00:00:00.000Z')}, {code:'0001',price:0.12,date:ISODate('2014-07-07T00:00:00.000Z')}])
The aggregation pipeline function accepts an array with one or more pipeline stages.
The first pipeline stage we should use is $match, $match docs, this filters the documents down to only the records we are interested in which is important for performance
{ $match: {
date: {
$gte: new Date('2014-07-03'),
$lte: new Date('2014-07-07')
This stage will send only the documents that are on the 3rd to 7th July 2014 inclusive to the next stage (in this case all the example docs)
Next stage is the stage where you can get an average. We need to group the values together based on one field, multiple fields or all fields.
As you don't specify a field you want to average over I'll give an example for all fields. For this we use the $group object, $group docs
$group: {
_id: null,
average: {
$avg: '$price'
This will take all the documents and display an average of all the prices.
In the case of your example documents this results in
{ _id: null, avg: 0.1175 }
Check the answer:
(0.10 + 0.12 + 0.12 + 0.13) / 4 = 0.1175
FYI: I wouldn't rely on calculations done with javascript for anything critical as Numbers using floating points. See for more details if you are worried about that.
For completeness here is the full aggregation query
const Stock = require("./models/stocks");
Stock.aggregate([{ $match: {
date: {
$gte: new Date('2014-07-03'),
$lte: new Date('2014-07-07')
$group: {
_id: null,
avg: {
$avg: '$price'
.catch(error => console.error(error))
Not sure about your moving average formula, but here is how I would do it:
var moving_average = null
db.test.find().forEach(function(doc) {
if (moving_average==null) {
moving_average = doc.price;
else {
moving_average = (moving_average+doc.price)/2;
> moving_average
And if you wan to define the N days to do the average for, just modify the argument for find:
db.test.find({ "date": { $lt: "2014-07-10T00:00:00.000Z" }, "date": { $gt: "2014-07-07T00:00:00.000Z" } })
And if you want to do the above shell code in one-line, you can assume that moving_average is undefined and just check for that before assigning the first value.

Meteor collection get last document of each selection

Currently I use the following find query to get the latest document of a certain ID
caveId: caveId
sort: {diveDate:-1},
limit: 1,
fields: {caveId: 1, "visibility.visibility":1, diveDate: 1}
How can I use the same using multiple ids with $in for example
I tried it with the following query. The problem is that it will limit the documents to 1 for all the found caveIds. But it should set the limit for each different caveId.
caveId: {$in: caveIds}
sort: {diveDate:-1},
limit: 1,
fields: {caveId: 1, "visibility.visibility":1, diveDate: 1}
One solution I came up with is using the aggregate functionality.
var conditionIds = Conditions.aggregate(
{"$match": { caveId: {"$in": caveIds}}},
_id: "$caveId",
conditionId: {$last: "$_id"},
diveDate: { $last: "$diveDate" }
).map(function(child) { return child.conditionId});
var conditions = Conditions.find({
_id: {$in: conditionIds}
fields: {caveId: 1, "visibility.visibility":1, diveDate: 1}
You don't want to use $in here as noted. You could solve this problem by looping through the caveIds and running the query on each caveId individually.
you're basically looking at a join query here: you need all caveIds and then lookup last for each.
This is a problem of database schema/denormalization in my opinion: (but this is only an opinion!):
You could as mentioned here, lookup all caveIds and then run the single query for each, every single time you need to look up last dives.
However I think you are much better off recording/updating the last dive inside your cave document, and then lookup all caveIds of interest pulling only the lastDive field.
That will give you immediately what you need, rather than going through expensive search/sort queries. This is at the expense of maintaining that field in the document, but it sounds like it should be fairly trivial as you only need to update the one field when a new event occurs.

Publish all fields in document but just part of an array in the document

I have a mongo collection in which the documents have a field that is an array. I want to be able to publish everything in the documents except for the elements in the array that were created more than a day ago. I suspect the answer will be somewhat similar to this question.
Meteor publication: Hiding certain fields in an array document field?
Instead of limiting fields in the array, I just want to limit the elements in the array being published.
Thanks in advance for any responses!
Here is an example document:
_id: 123456,
name: "Unit 1",
createdAt: (datetime object),
settings: *some stuff*,
packets: [
_id: 32412312,
temperature: 70,
createdAt: *datetime object from today*
_id: 32412312,
temperature: 70,
createdAt: *datetime from yesterday*
I want to get everything in this document except for the part of the array that was created more than 24 hours ago. I know I can accomplish this by moving the packets into their own collection and tying them together with keys as in a relational database but if what I am asking were possible, this would be simpler with less code.
You could do something like this in your publish method:
Meteor.publish("pubName", function() {
var collection = Collection.find().fetch(); //change this to return your data
_.each(collection, function(collectionItem) {
_.each(collectionItem.packets, function(packet, index) {
var deadline = - 86400000 //should equal 24 hrs ago
if (packet.createdAt < deadline) {
collectionItem.packets.splice(index, 1);
return collection;
Though you might be better off storing the last 24 hours worth of packets as a separate array in your document. Would probably be less taxing on the server, not sure.
Also, code above is untested. Good luck.
you can use the $elemMatch projection
So in your case, it would be
var today = new Date();
var yesterday = new Date(today);
yesterday.setDate(today.getDate() - 1);
collection.find({}, //find anything or specifc
fields: {
'packets': {
$elemMatch: {$gt : {'createdAt' : yesterday /* or some new Date() */}}
However, $elemMatch only returns the FIRST element matching your condition. To return more than 1 element, you need to use the aggregation framework, which will be more efficient than _.each or forEach, particularly if you have a large array to loop through.
$match: {}
$redact: {
$cond: {
if : {$or: [{$gt: ["$createdAt",yesterday]},"$packets"]},
then: "$$DESCEND",
else: "$$PRUNE"
}], function (error, result ){
You specify the $match in a way similar to find({}). Then all the documents that match your conditions get pipped into the $redact which is specified by the $cond.
$redact scans the document from top level to bottom. At the top level, you have _id, name, createdAt, settings, packets; hence {$or: [***,"$packets"]}
The presence of $packets in the $or allows the $redact to scan the second level which contain the _id, temperature and createdAt; hence {$gt: ["$createdAt",yesterday]}
This is async, you can use Meteor.wrapAsync to wrap around the function.
Hope this help

documents with tags in mongodb: getting tag counts

I have a collection1 of documents with tags in MongoDB. The tags are an embedded array of strings:
name: 'someObj',
tags: ['tag1', 'tag2', ...]
I want to know the count of each tag in the collection. Therefore I have another collection2 with tag counts:
tag: 'tag1',
score: 2
tag: 'tag2',
score: 10
Now I have to keep both in sync. It is rather trivial when inserting to or removing from collection1. However when I update collection1 I do the following:
1.) get the old document
var oldObj = collection1.find({ _id: id });
2.) calculate the difference between old and new tag arrays
var removedTags = $(oldObj.tags).not(obj.tags).get();
var insertedTags = $(obj.tags).not(oldObj.tags).get();
3.) update the old document
{ _id: id },
{ $set: obj }
4.) update the scores of inserted & removed tags
// increment score of each inserted tag
insertedTags.forEach(function(val, idx) {
// $inc will set score = 1 on insert
{ tag: val },
{ $inc: { score: 1 } },
{ upsert: true }
// decrement score of each removed tag
removedTags.forEach(function(val, idx) {
// $inc will set score = -1 on insert
{ tag: val },
{ $inc: { score: -1 } },
{ upsert: true }
My questions:
A) Is this approach of keeping book of scores separately efficient? Or is there a more efficient one-time query to get the scores from collection1?
B) Even if keeping book separately is the better choice: can that be done in less steps, e.g. letting mongoDB calculate what tags are new / removed?
The solution, as nickmilion correctly states, would be an aggregation. Though I would do it with a nack: we'll save its results in a collection. What will do is to trade real time results for an extreme speed boost.
How I would do it
More often than not, the need for real time results is overestimated. Hence, I'd go with precalculated stats for the tags and renew it every 5 minutes or so. That should be well enough, since most of such calls are requested async by the client and hence some delay in case the calculation has to be made on a specific request is negligible.
{$group: { _id:"$tags", score:{"$sum":1} } },
{'lastRun':new Date()},
db.tagStats.ensureIndex({lastRun:1}, {sparse:true})
Ok, here is the deal. First, we unwind the tags array, group it by the individual tags and increment the score for each occurrence of the respective tag. Next, we upsert lastRun in the tagStats collection, which we can do since MongoDB is schemaless. Next, we create a sparse index, which only holds values for documents in which the indexed field exists. In case the index already exists, ensureIndex is an extremely cheap query; however, since we are going to use that query in our code, we don't need to create the index manually. With this procedure, the following query
{lastRun:{ $lte: new Date( ISODate().getTime() - 300000 ) } },
{_id:0, lastRun:1}
becomes a covered query: A query which is answered from the index, which tends to reside in RAM, making this query lightning fast (slightly less than 0.5 msecs median in my tests). So what does this query do? It will return a record when the last run of the aggregation was run more than 5 minutes ( 5*60*1000 = 300000 msecs) ago. Of course, you can adjust this to your needs.
Now, we can wrap it up:
var hasToRun = db.tagStats.find(
{lastRun:{ $lte: new Date( ISODate().getTime() - 300000 ) } },
{_id:0, lastRun:1}
{$group: {_id:"$tags", score:{"$sum":1} } },
{'lastRun':new Date()},
// For all stats
var tagsStats = db.tagStats.find({score:{$exists:true}});
// score for a specific tag
var scoreForTag = db.tagStats.find({score:{$exists:true},_id:"tag1"});
Alternative approach
If real time results really matter and you need the stats for all the tags, simply use the aggregation without saving it to another collection:
{$group: { _id:"$tags", score:{"$sum":1} } },
If you only need the results for one specific tag at a time, a real time approach could be to use a special index, create a covered query and simply count the results:
var numberOfOccurences = db.tags.find({tags:"tag1"},{_id:0,tags:1}).count();
answering your questions:
B): you don't have to calculate the dif yourself use $addToSet
A): you can get the counts via aggregation framework with a combination of $unwind and $count