How do I fix this error: "Undefined function or variable 'NaN'"? - matlab

I'm getting an error message in the yellow highlighted region that says "Undefined function or variable 'NaN'".
The purpose of this code is to determine the amount of change to give back to a customer. This is based on how much an item costs and how much was paid. Also, the code should return a flag saying if the transaction was completed.
This isn't all of my code, but I didn't want to make this longer than necessary.
Can anyone tell me what's wrong?
function [Change, flag] = makeChange(Cost, Paid)
extra = Paid-Cost;
if extra > 0
Change = extra;
flag = true;
elseif extra == 0
Change = 0;
flag = true;
flag = false;
Change = NaN;
warning('That''s not enough to buy that item.');

I couldn't confirm the problem with Octave 3.8.1.
octave:1> makeChange.m
error: 'Paid' undefined near line 4 column 9
error: called from:
error: /Path/to/makeChange.m at line 4, column 7
octave:1> Cost = 5
Cost = 5
octave:2> Paid = 10
Paid = 10
octave:3> [change, completed] = makeChange(Cost, Paid)
change = 5
completed = 1
octave:4> Cost = 10
Cost = 10
octave:5> Paid = 5
Paid = 5
octave:6> [change, completed] = makeChange(Cost, Paid)
warning: That's not enough to buy that item.
change = NaN
completed = 0
I would recommend reformatting your code to the following:
function [Change, flag] = makeChange(Cost, Paid)
Change = Paid-Cost;
flag = true;
if Change < 0
flag = false;
Change = NaN;
warning('That''s not enough to buy that item.');
By refactoring, you save yourself some needless comparisons, assignments, and logic.


Can someone help me with the update function in Matlab to move values to MySQL?

I'm dealing with a problem with the update function in Matlab.
selectquery_select = 'SELECT * FROM inputs WHERE i_read = 0';
data_select = select(conn,selectquery_select);
for j=1:size(data_select)
id_data = data_select(j,1);
id_data = string(id_data.(1));
time_data = data_select(j,4);
time_data = string(time_data.(1));
time_dataform = datetime(time_data,'InputFormat','yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
y0 = str2num(string(y0.(1)));
r0 = str2num(string(r0.(1)));
if id_data == "115"
update(conn,'inputs','i_read',1,'WHERE (ID_code = "115") AND WHERE (i_Time = time_data)');
Basically, I'm taking some value from the database when i_read is equal to 0 (i_read is a boolean variable in the database that should give 1 if the value is already processed and 0 if not). After a value is read, we want to change the i_read in the database from 0 to 1. We decide to use the update function, but this gave us the following error:
Error using database.odbc.connection/update
Too many input arguments.
Error in Patient_Identification (line 57)
update(conn,'inputs','i_read',1,'WHERE (ID_code = "112") AND WHERE (i_Time = ', time_data,')');
Someone is able to help us with this problem? Thank you.

Getting two outputs instead of one in Matlab

The question here was to find if the date provided is a valid one or not without using native Matlab date functions. I was hoping if someone can point out my mistake here. I'm also getting the "Output argument valid (and maybe others) not assigned during call to valid_date" error in Matlab learning tool when I submit it.
function valid = valid_date(year,month,day)
if nargin~=3
valid = false;
elseif ~isscalar(year)||year<1||year~=fix(year)
valid = false;
elseif ~isscalar(month)||month<1||month~=fix(month)
valid = false;
elseif ~isscalar(day)||day<1||day~=fix(day)
valid = false;
elseif month>12 || day > 31
valid = false;
if ((mod(year,4)==0 && mod(year,100)~=0) || mod(year,400)==0)
%the below if statements are used to define the months. Some months have
%31 days and others have 30 days, while February has only 28 days and 29 on
%leap years. this is checked in the below code.
% I feel the below code is where the error is.
if ismember (month, [1 3 5 7 8 10 12])
ismember (day, (1:31))
elseif ismember( month, [4 6 9 11])
ismember (day, (1:30))
if month == 2
if leapdata==1
ismember (day, (1:29))
elseif leapdata==0
ismember (day, (1:28))
valid = false;
When returning at the end of a Matlab function, the value of the variable valid is sent as an output. In the lines below the four comments, you need to assign the variable to true or false inside of the if statements. For example:
if ismember(month, [1 3 5 7 8 10 12])
valid = ismember(day, (1:31))
elseif ismember(month, [4 6 9 11])
valid = ismember(day, (1:30))
if month == 2
if leapdata == 1
valid = ismember(day, (1:29))
elseif leapdata == 0
valid = ismember(day, (1:28))
valid = false;

I got error message about simulink "Output argument is not assigned on some execution paths"

In simulink, I made some model using "MATLAB function"block
but I met error message here.
here is code and error message.
function [VTAS,postVTAS]=fcn(mode,initialVTAS,a,t,preVTAS)
if mode == 1
VTAS = initialVTAS + (a * t) ;
postVTAS = VTAS;
elseif mode == 2
datasize = length(preVTAS);
lastvalue = preVTAS(datasize);
VTAS = lastvalue + 0;
postVTAS = VTAS;
Output argument 'VTAS' is not assigned on some execution paths.
Function 'MATLAB Function' (#36.25.28), line 1, column 26:
Launch diagnostic report.
I think there is no problem about output "VTAS"
please teach me what is a problems.
As the compiler tells you, under some circumstances there is no output value assigned to VTAS. The reason is that you only assign values to that output if mode is 1 or 2. The compiler doesn't know what values are feasible for mode. To remedy this, you need to make sure that VTAS is assigned under any and all circumstances.
This could be accomplished by, e.g. adding an else construct, like so:
function [VTAS,postVTAS]=fcn(mode,initialVTAS,a,t,preVTAS)
if mode == 1
VTAS = initialVTAS + (a * t) ;
postVTAS = VTAS;
elseif mode == 2
datasize = length(preVTAS);
lastvalue = preVTAS(datasize);
VTAS = lastvalue + 0;
postVTAS = VTAS;
postVTAS = NaN;
Additionally, it would be good practice for the else case to throw an error. This would be helpful for debugging.
As a minor note, for every case, postVTAS is equal to VTAS, so essentially it is superfluous to return both from the function.

MATLAB Execution Time Increasing

Here is my code. The intent is I have a Wireshark capture saved to a particularly formatted text file. The MATLAB code is supposed to go through the Packets, dissect them for different protocols, and then make tables based on those protocols. I currently have this programmed for ETHERNET/IP/UDP/MODBUS. In this case, it creates a column in MBTable each time it encounters a new register value, and each time it comes across a change to that register value, it updates the value in that line of the table. The first column of MBTable is time, the registers start with the second column.
MBTable is preallocated to over 100,000 Rows (nol is very large), 10 columns before this code is executed. The actual data from a file I'm pulling into the table gets to about 10,000 rows and 4 columns and the code execution is so slow I have to stop it. The tic/toc value is calculated every 1000 rows and continues to increase exponentially with every iteration. It is a large loop, but I can't see where anything is growing in such a way that it would cause it to run slower with each iteration.
All variables get initialized up top (left out to lessen amount of code.
The variables eth, eth.ip, eth.ip.udp, and eth.ip.udp.modbus are all of type struct as is eth.header and eth.ip.header. WSID is a file ID from a .txt file opened earlier.
MBTable = zeros(nol,10);
tval = tic;
while not(feof(WSID))
packline = packline + 1;
fl = fl + 1;
%Get the next line from the file
MBLine = fgetl(WSID);
%Make sure line is not blank or short
if length(MBLine) >= 3
%Split the line into 1. Line no, 2. Data, 3. ASCII
%MBAll = strsplit(MBLine,' ');
%First line of new packet, if headers included
if strcmp(MBLine(1:3),'No.')
newpack = true;
newtime = false;
newdata = false;
stoppack = false;
packline = 1;
%If packet has headers, 2nd line contains timestamp
if newpack
Ordered = false;
if packline == 2;
newtime = true;
%MBstrs = strsplit(MBAll{2},' ');
packno = int32(str2double(MBLine(1:8)));
t = str2double(MBLine(9:20));
et = t - lastt;
if lastt > 0 && et > 0
L = L + 1;
MBTable(L,1) = t;
%newpack = false;
if packline > 3
dataline = int16(str2double(MBLine(1:4)));
packdata = strcat(packdata,MBLine(7:53));
%if t >= st
if packline > 3
stoppack = true;
newpack = false;
if stoppack
invalid = false;
%eth = struct;
eth.pack = packdata(~isspace(packdata));
eth.length = length(eth.pack);
%Dissect the packet data
eth.stbyte = 1;
eth.ebyte = eth.length;
eth.header.stbyte = 1;
eth.header.ebyte = 28;
%Ethernet Packet Data
eth.header.pack = eth.pack(eth.stbyte:eth.stbyte+27);
eth.header.dest = eth.header.pack(eth.header.stbyte:eth.header.stbyte + 11);
eth.header.src = eth.header.pack(eth.header.stbyte + 12:eth.header.stbyte + 23);
eth.typecode = eth.header.pack(eth.header.stbyte + 24:eth.header.ebyte);
if strcmp(eth.typecode,'0800')
eth.type = 'IP';
%eth.ip = struct;
%IP Packet Data
eth.ip.stbyte = eth.header.ebyte + 1;
eth.ip.ver = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte);
%IP Header length
eth.ip.header.length = 4*int8(str2double(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+1)));
eth.ip.header.ebyte = eth.ip.stbyte + eth.ip.header.length - 1;
%Differentiated Services Field
eth.ip.DSF = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte + 2:eth.ip.stbyte + 3);
%Total IP Packet Length
eth.ip.length = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+4:eth.ip.stbyte+7));
eth.ip.ebyte = eth.ip.stbyte + max(eth.ip.length,46) - 1;
eth.ip.pack = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte:eth.ip.ebyte);
eth.ip.ID = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+8:eth.ip.stbyte+11);
eth.ip.flags = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+12:eth.ip.stbyte+13);
eth.ip.fragoff = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+14:eth.ip.stbyte+15);
%Time to Live
eth.ip.ttl = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+16:eth.ip.stbyte+17));
eth.ip.typecode = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+18:eth.ip.stbyte+19);
eth.ip.checksum = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+20:eth.ip.stbyte+23);
%eth.ip.src = eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+24:eth.ip.stbyte+31);
eth.ip.src = ...
[num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+24:eth.ip.stbyte+25))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+26:eth.ip.stbyte+27))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+28:eth.ip.stbyte+29))),'.', ...
eth.ip.dest = ...
[num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+32:eth.ip.stbyte+33))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+34:eth.ip.stbyte+35))),'.', ...
num2str(hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.stbyte+36:eth.ip.stbyte+37))),'.', ...
if strcmp(eth.ip.typecode,'11')
eth.ip.type = 'UDP';
eth.ip.udp.stbyte = eth.ip.stbyte + 40;
eth.ip.udp.src = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte:eth.ip.udp.stbyte + 3));
eth.ip.udp.dest = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+4:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+7));
eth.ip.udp.length = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+8:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+11));
eth.ip.udp.checksum = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+12:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+15);
eth.ip.udp.protoID = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.stbyte+20:eth.ip.udp.stbyte+23);
if strcmp(eth.ip.udp.protoID,'0000')
eth.ip.udp.proto = 'MODBUS';
%eth.ip.udp.modbus = struct;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte = eth.ip.udp.stbyte+16;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.transID = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+3);
eth.ip.udp.modbus.protoID = eth.ip.udp.protoID;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.length = int16(str2double(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 8:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 11)));
eth.ip.udp.modbus.UID = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 12:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 13);
eth.ip.udp.modbus.func = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 14:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+15));
eth.ip.udp.modbus.register = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 16: eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+19);
%Number of words to a register, or the number of registers
eth.ip.udp.modbus.words = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+20:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+23));
eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes = hex2dec(eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+24:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte+25)); = eth.pack(eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 26:eth.ip.udp.modbus.stbyte + 26 + 2*eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes - 1);
%If func 16 or 23, loop through data/registers and add to table
if eth.ip.udp.modbus.func == 16 || eth.ip.udp.modbus.func == 23
stp = eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes*2/eth.ip.udp.modbus.words;
for n = 1:stp:eth.ip.udp.modbus.bytes*2;
%Check for existence of register as a key?
if ~isKey(MBMap,eth.ip.udp.modbus.register)
MBCol = MBCol + 1;
MBMap(eth.ip.udp.modbus.register) = MBCol;
MBTable(L,MBCol) = hex2dec(;
eth.ip.udp.modbus.register = dec2hex(hex2dec(eth.ip.udp.modbus.register)+1);
lastt = t;
%If func 4, make sure it is the response, then put
%data into table for register column
elseif false
%need code to handle serial to UDP conversion box
invalid = true;
invalid = true;
invalid = true;
if ~invalid
%Display Progress
if int64(fl/1000)*1000 == fl
for x = 1:length(mess);
%fprintf('Lines parsed: %i',fl);
mess = sprintf('Lines parsed: %i / %i',fl,nol);
%Check execution time - getting slower:
ext = toc(tval);
mess = sprintf('\nExecution Time: %f\n',ext);
ext = toc - exst;
Update: I updated my code above to remove the overloaded operators (disp and lt were replaced with mess and lastt)
Was asked to use the profiler, so I limited to 2000 lines in the table (added && L >=2000 to the while loop) to limit the execution time, and here are the top results from the profiler:
SGAS_Wireshark_Parser_v0p7_fulleth 1 57.110 s 9.714 s
Strcat 9187 29.271 s 13.598 s
Blanks 9187 15.673 s 15.673 s
Uigetfile 1 12.226 s 0.009 s
uitools\private\uigetputfile_helper 1 12.212 s 0.031 s
FileChooser.FileChooser> 1 12.085 s 0.006s>FileChooser.showPeerAndBlockMATLAB 1 12.056 s 0.001s
...nChooser>FileOpenChooser.doShowDialog 1 12.049 s 12.049 s
hex2dec 44924 2.944 s 2.702 s
num2str 16336 1.139 s 0.550 s
str2double 17356 1.025 s 1.025 s
int2str 16336 0.589 s 0.589 s
fgetl 17356 0.488 s 0.488 s
dec2hex 6126 0.304 s 0.304 s
fliplr 44924 0.242 s 0.242 s
It appears to be strcat calls that are doing it. I only explicitly call strcat on one line. Are some of the other string manipulations I'm doing calling strcat indirectly?
Each loop should be calling strcat the same number of times though, so I still don't understand why it takes longer and longer the more it runs...
also, hex2dec is called a lot, but is not really affecting the time.
But anyway, are there any other methods I can use the combine the strings?
Here is the issue:
The string (an char array in MATLAB) packdata was being resized and reallocated over and over again. That's what was slowing down this code. I did the following steps:
I eliminated the redundant variable packdata and now only use eth.pack.
I preallocated eth.pack and a couple "helper variables" of known lengths by running blanks ONCE for each before the loop ever starts
eth.pack = blanks(604);
thisline = blanks(47);
smline = blanks(32);
(Note: 604 is the maximum possible size of packdata based on headers + MODBUS protocol)
Then I created a pointer variable to point to the location of the last char written to packdata.
pptr = 1;
dataline = int16(str2double(MBLine(1:4)));
thisline = MBLine(7:53); %Always 47 characters
smline = [thisline(~isspace(thisline)),blanks(32-sum(~isspace(thisline)))]; %Always 32 Characters
eth.pack(pptr:pptr+31) = smline;
pptr = pptr + 32;
The above was inside the 'if packline > 3' block in place of the 'packdata =' statement, then at the end of the 'if stoppack' block was the reset statement:
pptr = 1; %Reset Pointer
FYI, not surprisingly this brought out other flaws in my code which I've mostly fixed but still need to finish. Not a big issue now as this loop executes lightning fast with these changes. Thanks to Yvon for helping point me in the right direction.
I kept thinking my huge table, MBTable was the issue... but it had nothing to do with it.

SystemVerilog array random seed of Shuffle function

I get the same output everytime I run the code below.
module array_shuffle;
integer data[10];
initial begin
foreach (data[x]) begin
data[x] = x;
$display("before shuffle, data contains:\n");
foreach (data[x]) begin
$display("data[%0d] = %0d", x, data[x]);
$display("after shuffle, data contains:\n");
foreach (data[x]) begin
$display("data[%0d] = %0d", x, data[x]);
before shuffle, data contains:
data[0] = 0
data[1] = 1
data[2] = 2
data[3] = 3
data[4] = 4
data[5] = 5
data[6] = 6
data[7] = 7
data[8] = 8
data[9] = 9
after shuffle, data contains:
data[0] = 8
data[1] = 6
data[2] = 7
data[3] = 9
data[4] = 5
data[5] = 0
data[6] = 1
data[7] = 4
data[8] = 2
data[9] = 3
Is there a way to seed the randomization of the shuffle function?
Shuffle returns the same result every time because you probably run the simulator with the same seed. This is the intended behavior, because when you run a simulation and find a bug, you want to be able to reproduce it, regardless of any design (and to some extent testbench) changes. To see a different output, try setting the seed on the simulator command line. For Incisive this is:
irun -svseed 1 // sets the seed to 1
irun -svseed random // will set a random seed
It's also possible to manipulate the seed of the random number generator using set_randstate, but I wouldn't mess with that.