"Reference to undefined setting" error with custom task using a custom configuration in SBT? - scala

I'm trying to create a task in sbt that will output the full classpath of a custom Configuration, but I get an undefined setting error when sbt tries to load the project definition. I can't figure out which setting has to be defined:
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
object FoobarBuild extends Build {
lazy val ZK = config("zk")
lazy val fcp = TaskKey[String]("fcp", "create formatted classpath")
lazy val fcpTask = fcp <<= (fullClasspath in ZK) map { cp =>
lazy val project = Project("foobar", file(".")).
name := "foobar",
version := "1.0",
scalaVersion := "2.11.7"
[info] Loading project definition from foobar/project
Reference to undefined setting:
zk:fullClasspath from *:fcp (/Users/gaston/mesosphere/foobar/project/Build.scala:7)

zk:fullClasspath on the 7th line of this file is, of course, fullClasspath in ZK. It's undefined because it isn't set or inherited from any other config, I believe.


How can I specify a mainClass in build.sbt that resides in another module?

For some reason, our project got reorganized with the main class thrown in another module
I've specified the mainClass as below in the build.sbt but I still get a class not found error:
mainClass in Compile := Some("com.so.questions.sbt.Main")
However, this is bound to fail since it's going to look for the Main class in the src folder. However, this module lives outside of (sibling of) src:
| +-com.so.questions.sbt
| +-Main
|+-build.sbt <-- build.sbt specific to this module, currently blank
| +-<other folders>
+-build.sbt <-- build.sbt currently housing all config
How can I change the project scope in build.sbt to find and correctly load the main class?
That is, is it possible to do sbt run at the top level and have the main class be found with this structure?
It should work.
The FQCN specification for mainClass should be location independent to my understanding.
The real question that comes to mind is how you are loading your sub-module.
Here are some sbt definitions that should help point you in the right direction ( replace the <> tags with your own project Ids) :
// Define a submodule ref to be able to include it as a dependency
lazy val subModuleRef = ProjectRef(file("MyModule"),<MyModule SBT NAME>)
// Define a submodule project to be able to orchestrate it's build
lazy val subModule = Project(
id = <MyModule SBT NAME>,
base = file("MyModule"),
// Define the top-level project, depending and subModule Ref for code
// inclusion and aggregating the subModule for build orchestration
lazy val scalaProject = Project(
id = <MyScalaProject NAME>,
base = file("."),
aggregate = Seq(subModule),
settings = commonSettings
Let's say that you have the MyModule module/folder containing the main class and some other module called MyCoreModule (just to illustrate the whole build.sbt):
// any stuff that you want to share between modules
lazy val commonSettings = Seq(
scalaVersion := "2.12.8",
version := "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
lazy val root = (project in file("."))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "parent-module"
.aggregate(core, app)
.dependsOn(app) // <-- here is the config that will allow you to run "sbt run" from the root project
lazy val core = project.in(file("MyCoreModule"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "core"
lazy val app = project.in(file("MyModule"))
.settings(commonSettings: _*)
name := "app"
// define your mainClass from the "app" module
mainClass in Compile := (mainClass in Compile in app).value
Btw, sbt.version=1.2.7

sbt - Adding a task key defined outside of build.sbt

If I define a SBT task key outside of my build.sbt file as a Scala class in the project folder, how can I import that task
So in ./project/MyTask.scala I have;
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._
object MyTask {
lazy val uname = settingKey[String]("Your name")
lazy val printHi = taskKey[Unit]("print Hi")
printHi := { println(s"hi ${name.value}") }
Then in ./build.sbt I have;
import MyTask._
uname := "Joe"
Then when I run sbt printHi I get an error that the task cannot be found. Running show uname also works. When I define printHi in build.sbt directly without the object import everything works as expected.
I need so somehow add this task to the build.sbt file. How can I do this?
The issue is that your expression printHi := { println(s"hi ${name.value}") } isn't associated to anything.
First off, everything in sbt is a transformation, in this case (:=) overrides any previous setting of printHi to the definition you give (println(s"hi ${name.value}")). But by not associating that expression (which is a Setting[Task[Unit]]) to anything (for instance to a project, or as a value that then gets attached to a project) it just gets evaluated in the construction of the MyTask object and then thrown away.
One way to do this is to put that setting (printHi := println(s"hi ${name.value}")), in a Seq[Setting[_]] that you then pull into build.sbt:
import sbt._, Keys._
object MyTask {
val printHi = taskKey[Unit]("prints Hi")
val myTaskSettings = Seq[Setting[_]](
printHi := println(s"hi ${name.value}")
import MyTask._
Another way is to define MyTask to be a mini plugin that lives in project/. You can see an example of this in PgpCommonSettings.

Why does sbt report "not found: value PlayScala" with Build.scala while build.sbt works?

I am creating a multi-module sbt project, with following structure:
LoggingModule is a Play Framework project, while common is a simple Scala project.
In plugins.sbt:
resolvers += "Typesafe repo" at "http://repo.typesafe.com/typesafe/releases/"
addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.play" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.3.3")
While I have this in build.sbt, all works fine and it recognises PlayScala:
name := "Multi-Build"
lazy val root = project.in(file(".")).aggregate(common, LoggingModule).dependsOn(common, LoggingModule)
lazy val common = project in file("common")
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
However as soon I put this in project/Build.scala instead of `build.sbt' as follows:
object RootBuild extends Build {
lazy val root = project.in(file("."))
.aggregate(common, LoggingModule)
.dependsOn(common, LoggingModule)
lazy val common = project in file("common")
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
...//other settings
it generates error as:
not found: value PlayScala
lazy val LoggingModule = (project in file("LoggingModule")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)
How to solve the issue?
It's just a missing import.
In .sbt files, some things are automatically imported by default: contents of objects extending Plugin, and (>= 0.13.5) autoImport fields in AutoPlugins. This is the case of PlayScala.
In a Build.scala file, normal Scala import rules apply. So you have to import things a bit more explicitly. In this case, you need to import play.PlayScala (or use .enabledPlugins(play.PlayScala) directly).

SBT 0.13 Build.scala References to undefined settings

I am new to SBT and I have been trying to build a custom task for this build.
I have a simple build project:
import sbt._
import Keys._
object JsonBuild extends Build{
lazy val barTask = taskKey[Unit]("some simple task")
val afterTestTask1 = barTask := { println("tests ran!") }
val afterTestTask2 = barTask <<= barTask.dependsOn(test in Test)
lazy val myBarTask = taskKey[Unit]("some simple task")
//val afterMyBarTask1 = myBarTask := { println("tests ran!") }
lazy val afterMyBarTask2 = myBarTask <<= (myBarTask).dependsOn(test in Test) map { _ => println("tests ran!") }
//settings ++ Seq(afterMyBarTask2)
override lazy val settings = super.settings ++ Seq(afterMyBarTask2)
I keep getting the error:
References to undefined settings:
{.}/*:myBarTask from {.}/*:myBarTask (C:\Users\haques\Documents\workspace\SBT\jsonParser\project\Build.scala:13)
{.}/test:test from {.}/*:myBarTask (C:\Users\haques\Documents\workspace\SBT\jsonParser\project\Build.scala:13)
Did you mean test:test ?
I have googled around and I cannot find a solution.
Can you explain why it is not working?
lazy val myBarTask = taskKey[Unit]("some simple task")
override lazy val settings = super.settings ++ Seq(myBarTask := { (test in Test).value; println("tests ran!") } )
myBarTask is undefined when you call dependsOn. you should define it before using dependsOn. also value call on key (task/setting) is now preferred way to depend on other keys. you can still use your version, but define myBarTask
This has been bothering.
I did a bit more reading.
I think I know why the above code does not work.
lazy val afterMyBarTask2 = myBarTask <<= (myBarTask).dependsOn(test in Test) map { _ => println("tests ran!") }
When I write (myBarTask).dependsOn(test in Test), the project scope for test is chosen by SBT as ThisBuild.
{.}/test:test from {.}/*:myBarTask (C:\Users\haques\Documents\workspace\SBT\jsonParser\project\Build.scala:13)
ThisBuild project scope does not have the setting test in configuration Test.
Only projects have the setting test.
The key I think that setting is added by some default SBT plugin to the projects settings.
You check what scopes settings exist in SBT by using the inspect command.
If you type in the SBT REPL:
The output is:
inspect {.}/test:test
[info] No entry for key.
SBT correctly suggests:
test:test which is:
If the project is not specified in the project scope axis, SBT chooses the current project by default.
Every SBT project if not specified has its own project settings.

Why does sbt console not see packages from subproject in multi-module project?

This is my project/Build.scala:
package sutils
import sbt._
import Keys._
object SutilsBuild extends Build {
scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.10.0"
val scalazVersion = "7.0.6"
lazy val sutils = Project(
id = "sutils",
base = file(".")
test := { },
publish := { }, // skip publishing for this root project.
publishLocal := { }
lazy val core = Project(
id = "sutils-core",
base = file("sutils-core")
libraryDependencies += "org.scalaz" % "scalaz-core_2.10" % scalazVersion
This seems to be compiling my project just fine, but when I go into the console, I can't import any of the code that just got compiled?!
$ sbt console
scala> import com.github.dcapwell.sutils.validate.Validation._
<console>:7: error: object github is not a member of package com
import com.github.dcapwell.sutils.validate.Validation._
What am I doing wrong here? Trying to look at the usage, I don't see a way to say which subproject to load while in the console
$ sbt about
[info] Loading project definition from /src/sutils/project
[info] Set current project to sutils (in build file:/src/sutils/)
[info] This is sbt 0.13.1
[info] The current project is {file:/src/sutils/}sutils 0.1-SNAPSHOT
[info] The current project is built against Scala 2.10.3
[info] Available Plugins: org.sbtidea.SbtIdeaPlugin
[info] sbt, sbt plugins, and build definitions are using Scala 2.10.3
There's the solution from #Alexey-Romanov to start the console task in the project the classes to import are in.
sbt sutils/console
There's however another solution that makes the root sutils project depend on the other core. Use the following snippet to set up the project - note dependsOn core that will bring the classes from the core project to sutils's namespace.
lazy val sutils = Project(
id = "sutils",
base = file(".")
test := { },
publish := { }, // skip publishing for this root project.
publishLocal := { }
).dependsOn core
BTW, you should really use a simpler build.sbt for your use case as follows:
scalaVersion in ThisBuild := "2.10.0"
val scalazVersion = "7.0.6"
lazy val sutils = project.in(file(".")).settings(
test := {},
publish := {}, // skip publishing for this root project.
publishLocal := {}
lazy val core = Project(
id = "sutils-core",
base = file("sutils-core")
libraryDependencies += "org.scalaz" %% "scalaz-core" % scalazVersion
You could make it even easier when you'd split the build to two build.sbts, each for the projects.